-peachyskies Presents : WE ARE STARS and New Book Announcement

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Hello, loves! My name is -peachyskies but you can call me Keera! I would like to start off by welcoming everyone to the Wattpad Block Party - Winter Edition IV hosted by none other than the amazing @KellyAnneBlount . I am so honored to be participating in this event, and I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to check out my post!

My full name is Keera Mackenzie, and I have been apart of the Wattpad community for two years. My hobbies include writing, reading, drawing, and painting in watercolors. I began my first book, We Are Stars, a little around a year ago and will finish it within the duration of the next few months. I tend to focus my writing on Young Adult Romance and Teen Fiction but have recently taken a liking to the fantasy genre. Furthermore, I have a manuscript in the works for a new fantasy novel that I believe takes a step into a different direction as far as fantasy goes.

My most popular book is currently We Are Stars. For those of you that are not familiar with this YA installment, you are in luck! For this post, I will be showcasing the book's synopsis, as well as a portion of the first chapter. Additionally, I will also be featuring an exclusive book trailer and synopsis for my newest work, Dark Bounty, coming soon to Wattpad.

I am also hosting a special giveaway, which will be addressed at the end of the post!

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy!

We Are Stars | Synopsis

Ever since the tragic death of her mother, Rowen has only seen the world through the eyes of loss, and never has she felt more alone. With her father's obsessive drinking, secrets to keep, and her dreams of becoming a professional astronomer on the line, she has dug herself a deep enough whole remembering to take a ladder with her.

After making a desperate yet stupid decision, Rowen falls into the world of Silas Wells; a boy at her school who also seems to have something to hide, and the one person that can help her find love again.

But when relationships are tested, pasts intertwine, and old flames return, Rowen fears that she may not be able to keep her secrets from Silas for much longer, especially one, dark secret that could very well alter the future she desperately wants, and the love that she intends to keep.

We Are Stars | Chapter One - Days Move Easy

It's been two years since it happened. Two years after my dad got the phone call saying that my mom and I were in an accident; an accident in which took only one life when it should have taken more. To this day, I will never forget the shattering of glass as it scattered like embers across my face. The taste of blood as it filled my mouth with a sickening feeling. The last expression my mother had before colliding into the windshield.

A single tear runs down my nearly colorless cheek, followed by a few more until they were a steady stream of guilt and sorrow. Today, being the anniversary of her death, has brought nothing but depression and anger around my household. Dylan has been an asshole all afternoon and Caleb locked himself in his bedroom and only came out to use the bathroom. Dad, on the other hand, has been doing what he's been doing since his wife's death. After coming home from work, he comes back home to grab something to eat and then heads back out to his weekly rehab center for drinking. A few months ago, I was able to convince him to go, and after many weeks of fighting over the topic, he finally caved.

My thoughts are whisked away by a faint breeze. The evening air softly kisses my skin, enwrapping me in its comfort. I've always loved this time of night, especially when I'm seated upon the roof of my house. It's always so tranquil and quiet up here. There are no cars speeding down roads, no noisy neighbors to interrupt my thinking, and no one to judge me when I cry or talk to myself.

Tonight is truly beautiful, as it is every other night. Silver stars disperse in the sky, some more vibrant and some faded. Each one illuminates the darkness and creates a surreal blanket of blacks and blues. Every intricate pattern up there looks like stardust. I find it calming. This is the one thing that I enjoy about Indianapolis - the skies are never polluted by light. Mom liked that too.

My mom and I used to do this all the time. She would lead me onto the roof and we would spend hours just looking at the stars and identifying different constellations. My brothers would occasionally join us, but it was mostly just her and I. It was our time together. But now those moments are gone, and there's no way to recreate them.

"What the hell are you doing up here?" I jump and almost fall off the roof when I hear Caleb's voice behind me.

"Damn you, Caleb! God, you gave me a heart attack!" I silently yell at my brother. "I almost fell!"

"Please," he scoffs. "Considering how many times you've disobeyed Dad by coming up here, I'm pretty sure the chances of you falling is pretty slim."

I chuckle a bit as he attempts to climb up, but is obviously failing. Miserably. "You're gonna break your neck if you fall," I comment.

"Shut up," he mumbles under his frustrated voice.

Once he successfully climbs up, Caleb releases a dozen sharp breaths. Sweat is gathered at his brow and is already dripping down his face.

Caleb continues panting, wiping his hands across his face to clear away any droplets of sweat. My older brother takes a seat beside me, his white shirt fortunately visible in the darkness. For a moment, the two of us sit in utter silence. Conversations with my second oldest brother usually begin like this. "So how are you?" Caleb questions.

"Now that you mention it, I am a bit chilly, but I can manage."

"No. I mean how are you?"

I know what he means. It's just too painful to talk about that I feel like I have to immediately change the subject. Forgetting my mother would be like losing a piece of myself. But I would give anything just to dispose of any unwanted or remorseful memories, to rid my mind of guilt and to let my aura glow with compassion and honesty.

I blink a few of the additional tears away, though the pearl-like droplets left a faded residue upon my cheeks for everyone to notice. "I'm how I am every year; hanging in there."

"Same here," Caleb mutters. "God. I can't believe it's already been two years."

"Yeah. It's pretty crazy. It's almost like she never left."

He nods. "Can I tell you something?" I turn my attention back to Caleb, the manifest pain still lingering in his eyes. "Sometimes, I wake up and it's like she was never gone. That she's downstairs, cooking blueberry pancakes and bacon. Or getting ready to drive me to practice or something. It's like... all my senses are rebelling against me to make me think things that aren't and never will be real."

For the first time in a long time, I actually understand my brother. It's as if Mom never left us and the accident never happened. And for those first few moments, everything seems perfect and joyful. But then reality kicks in and everything becomes clear. Nothing will ever be the same again.

I place my hand on Caleb's leg while giving him a reassuring smile. "I know how you feel. All of this just... doesn't seem real yet." He takes my hand is his and gives it a friendly and brotherly squeeze that sends me comfort. "If Mom could see us now, actually getting along for once in our lives," I giggle.

"Huh, I guess these days are just filled with miracles," he replies happily. It's good to see him smile, considering I barely ever see him anymore, let alone talk to him. We both turn our eyes to the sky and I close my eyes, feelings the peace around me. Caleb, on the other hand, can't seem to find one bit of it. "I still don't get why the two of you liked it so much up here."

"That's because you inherited the wrong genes," I say, keeping my face to the sky.

"No, what you inherited was an abnormality, because no person in their right mind would risk their life for the sake of staring at a bunch of little dots." I look over at him with a temptation to push him. I'd say it was an accident and no one would ever know. But I keep him around for the sake of comic relief, not to mention the mess there would be on the front lawn.

I suck in a breath of cool air and refuse to let my arrogant brother cloud my sense of newly found relief. "So did you come up here to antagonize me or tell me to come back inside?" I ask.

"Both," he says. "But mostly the first option." His dim-witted grin begins to fade as his bites down on his lower lip. I know that look, sadly all too well. "I also wanted to apologize for today."

I blink once and begin to toy with my fingers. "Don't. It's fine," I say. That's a lie.

"No, really it's not. As your brother, I should've been here for you today, especially today-"

"Okay, can we drop the subject please?" My voice raises, creating an echo in the night. Caleb backs away from the topic, not physically but mentally. I can see his brain beginning to reexamine the situation, all the twists and turns and wheels and gears. His thoughts are like a machine that match my own, seeing as though we're related. And once I see the sadness in his eyes, I know that machine of his has stopped. "Sorry. Shouldn't have snapped."

He smirks. "I think I'll get over it," he says.

He carefully gets to his feet, taking care not to lose his footing on the weary panels of the roof. "What, am I boring you?" I question.

When he figures out his footing and gains full control over his balance, he looks down at me, his eyes shining in the light of the stars. "Some of us still need to sleep. Unlike you, who practically runs on Starbucks and mosquito bites." Caleb slaps his forearm to emphasize his point, and I giggle. "Seriously though, you're coming in soon, right?"

"Yeah, I'll be in in a bit." My brother leaves without another word. I watch as he struggles to climb down the beaten, wooden ladder that's posted on an even older balcony just outside the kitchen. When I finally hear the sound of the sliding door, I know I'm now alone.

Dark Bounty | Trailer


Dark Bounty | Sneak Peak and Summary

He is the Hunter, and she is the Bounty.

Centuries ago, the town of Blackmont was a battlefield. Overrun by two treacherous adversaries, these hills became a graveyard for the lives lost. These enemies were known as the lycans and the hellhounds. One, a bloodline of mindless killers enslaved to the full moon. The other, cursed souls forced to work for the devil himself. Thousands on each side were lost, though in the end, it was the hellhounds that prevailed.

For one hundred years, Sonya Heyden has served under the vicious claws of Lucifer, the ruler of Perdition and master to the monstrous pack of hellhounds. After making a deal for her life, Sonya is forced to live out her promised years as one of Lucifer's loyal hounds, collecting on his deals and hunting those that have paid with their blood, and with only fifty years of her sentence remaining, she is determined to abide by his every wish.

However, her plans of escape are complicated when word is released that a lycan still lives, and Sonya is given the task to exterminate the species once and for all. Her suspicion is directed towards Adam Bartelot, a mysterious stranger to the town of Blackmont and experienced bounty hunter whose attention is immediately drawn to Sonya.

When intrigue soon becomes a heated affaire of passion a betrayal, Adam is faced with a terrible truth, one that defies all that he has once believed, and one that could cost Sonya her chance at escaping Lucifer and living out a normal life. In the end, she is forced to make a deadly choice that could either blur the line that separates lycan from hellhound, or sentence Blackmont and the rest of the world to a much darker fate.


Now that this post is coming to an end, what are your thoughts on We Are Stars and Dark Bounty? Do they seem like the types of books you would read?

If you enjoy a heartfelt, emotional story filled with romance, secrets, betrayal, and loss, check out We Are Stars on my profile to get the full story, and don't forget to leave your feedback! If dark twists, riveting affairs, and supernatural creatures are more your thing, keep an eye out for Dark Bounty when it becomes available to read of Wattpad. Dates for releasement are still in the works and will be announced in time.

Now, it's time to get on to the giveaway!

As some of you may know, We Are Stars is soon coming to an end. With only a few chapters left to write and publish, I am very excited for the ending of this book. That being said, in the light of the Wattpad Block Party and the much-anticipated ending of We Are Stars, I will be giving shoutouts to ten lucky winners on the last chapter of the book. How to enter? Simply follow me at @-peachyskies and leave a friendly message on my message board. This giveaway is hosted internationally.

Your entry will NOT count if both actions are not completed. That means you must follow and message :)

Well, that's all, my loves! I hope you enjoyed my installment in the Wattpad Block Party, and don't forget to check out We Are Stars and Dark Bounty is you enjoyed these sneak peaks! Maybe leave a vote for the chapters you most enjoy? This is NOT required in any way, shape, or form, though it would be greatly appreciated.

Again, a huge thanks to the amazing KellyAnneBlount for this wonderful opportunity. I hope to talk to some of you soon, and stay tuned for more amazing posts from some of your favorite Wattpad authors!

XOXO - Keera

★ ★ ★


Shortened Link to Blog: https://goo.gl/oCHaqH


Regular Link to Blog: http://kellyanneblountauthor.blogspot.com/2018/01/wattpad-block-party-winter-edition-iv.html

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