Silentcrown Presents: Revium Interview

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Silentcrown Presents: Revium Interview

Hey there! I'm Ana, though most of you here probably know me as silentcrown. Before I begin — thank you to KellyAnneBlount for organizing this entire event, and for giving me the opportunity to be a part of it. I hope you all enjoy reading this interview, featuring five of the characters in Revium!

ME *clears throat* Time to pretend I'm not sick. Come out and greet the audience, guys!

ANNIKA Hey. *grins* Though I'm not one of the two POVs in this book, I'm welcoming you all first because those two, *points to Lukas and Kaliena*, are socially awkward.

LUKAS I'm not awkward. You wouldn't enjoy socialization either if all others did was try to murder you.

SOREN *raises eyebrow* Yes, because each one of us has made an attempt on your life.

LUKAS Ana, how many of them will try to kill me in the near future?

ME ...No comment.

LUKAS Reassuring. Anyway, I'm one of the POVs in the book. Welcome to the interview.

KALIENA *nervous smile* I'm one of the POVs as well. Thank you for being here!

ANDRIAN *polite nod* I think Ana wished for me to mention that I'm crown prince of the nation. Pleased to meet you.

SOREN And I'm Andrian's younger brother. Ignore him if he turns his intense stare on you — it's the way he observes people, apparently. *chuckles as Andrian rolls his eyes*

ME Alright, let's begin! The first question goes to Lukas.

L *sarcastic* I feel like jumping for joy.

ME Hush, you know you're glad to be here. What is the most memorable nightmare you've ever had? Why?

L Oh... We have to be truthful in this interview, don't we? *long sigh* It was the night I was thrown into the Revium. At nine, I sat in another man's blood, his disfigured corpse before me. I grinned. I howled with laughter through the stinging tears, because I'd finally gained my revenge. In the nightmare, eight words rang through my mind, words I'd said to the man only minutes ago to remind him of his crime. "You killed her," the words snarled. "This is what you deserve."

K *entwines her fingers with his for comfort*

ANNI That's a disturbing nightmare, Steele.

L I'm well aware. And you, *motions to audience*, aren't hearing any more about it, because Ana would be furious if I spoiled anything.

ME That's right. *shrugs* Okie, time to continue. The second question is for Andrian. Do you want to be king?

ANDR Excuse me?

ME Nope, don't blame me! The readers are asking.

ANDR *pause* It's not as if I have a choice. As the crown prince, I am to be king when my father dies. Do I want to rule? That isn't the question. Do I want to save my nation, my people? Yes. Do I want to defeat Kertemah and end the war? Yes. If becoming king is the only way I can achieve these things, then becoming king is what I must do. Then, perhaps, I'll be able to rule better than my father ever has.

S Though it might seem as if it is, it isn't always a privilege to have royal blood. Andrian and I learned that long ago.

ANNI *turns to me* You messed us all up a bit, didn't you?

ME Um. Oops? Anyway, the next question is directed to Kaliena. How did you first discover your power as a Wraith? For those of you who don't know, Wraith mages have the power to control shadows, as well as anything connected to them.

K Let me think back on this... One of my earliest memories is playing with shadows as a child. I'd always known I had the power, since I'd been born with it just as everyone else, but I hadn't always been able to control it well. I remember weaving strands of darkness through my hair, wrapping wisps of them over my fingers, and watching the magic burst into tiny swirls of shadows before it vanished again. When I got older, I created roses and quick illusions. When I was old enough to understand the war, my creations became weapons and soldiers.

S Do you remember how we used to play with our magic? You'd send shadows over the walls and turn them into hiding spots, Veya would mock whichever nobles we thought were rude by shifting to wear their faces, and I'd manipulate gravity until we floated in the air, laughing for hours before we were called to our lessons.

K I do remember. I think that's one of my few joyful memories. *all characters look at me with accusation*

ME *winces* Sorry, sorry, I know I'm evil to you all. Next question is for Annika. What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

ANNI Knowing that I would be sent to the Revium if I revealed my Familiar on a mission, I used it to save a young girl's life. *points to Andrian* I'd been sent to assassinate the crown prince of Volsha. Although I'd love to elaborate on why, that would mean spoiling. But the reason he's still alive is because of that girl, because the drunk coachman of a carriage was about to run her over. She was from the slums, and so no one bothered to warn her, just as no one would have felt guilty if she'd died. Except me — my crows got her out of the way in time and blocked the carriage from moving. When soldiers noticed what'd happened, my magic marked me as a spy. So into the Revium I went.

L With all due respect, Andrian, I'll make it my mission to assassinate you if you make no move to right the crown's wrongs when you're king.

ANDR *exasperated* I'm working on it. And you won't kill me. Because how do I fix the crown if I'm dead?

ME He has a point, Lukas. The final question is for Soren, though, so it's his turn to speak. If you could wish for one thing and have it come true, what would you wish for?

S Well, that's a simple question. I'd wish to travel the world. To study it, gain knowledge on it, and spend my life as a scholar. I would learn cartography, history, culture, politics — and I'd teach it to those who wanted to understand the world.

ANNI Poetic. *thumbs up*

K I could always lend you some of the novels I have, if you'd like! I'm sure Ana has many of them as well. *her mood brightens*

ME Actually — *Annika snags the notes from me* Hey! Give that back, you thief!

ANNI *calmly* Assassin, thief, and more. *reads through notes as her eyes widen* Wait a minute. What are the ships? Will there be any major character deaths? Who are the Madman and the Mechanic? Ana, you better tell us this!

ME Oh, would you look at the time and the word count, I should be leaving —

ANDR *suspicious* Why haven't you told us yet?

ME Thanks for joining us all on this interview!

K Ana, you can't leave us without these answers!

ME I hope you had fun reading this! *hugs audience* Bye!

ANNI Don't you dare — aaand she's gone, isn't she?

S Yep.

K Should we tell the readers what we know?

L Nah, they'll find out eventually.

ANDR Fair enough. So, is it time to say goodbye?

K Mhm. *turns to you all* Once again, thank you for being here. We hope you enjoy the rest of the Block Party! As for us? We'll await you in Revium.


To celebrate the #WattpadBlockParty, I'm giving away the chance to help name two new Revium characters to two lucky winners! This giveaway is open internationally. The link will be posted at the bottom of this chapter, as well as on my profile.

Free hugs are here for those who vote and comment,

Anastasia Ledyaeva <3

★ ★ ★


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