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All:*In the living room*
Dad and Grey:*Doing some work on the computer*
Volta:*Loading one of her guns*
Dick:*Fixing his crossbow*
Johnson:*Wrestling with Ryder*
SF and Me:*Reading a book*
Mom:Honey?! Where are the kids?!
Dad:Aren't they in the play room?
Mom:No,I just checked!
Ryder:If they're not in the play room then they have to be in their hiding places....
Mom:They're not in their hiding places!
Grey:That would explain why it has been quiet for the last five minutes....
SF:That's because none them are in the house....
Me:How do you know?
SF:I can sense where the kids are.....and right now I can't feel any of the kids in the house....
Ryder:Do you sense them at all?
SF:I do but it's fuzzy....they're.... outside?
Mom:Outside? But that's impossible! I went to check the backyard and they're not there either!
SF:No,I mean they're outside but not in the back of the front,on the road...
SF:They're moving and they're not alone!! Come on!!!*Runs out*

Dick:*Sees the kids being sorrounded by men in black clothes*There!!
Dad:Hey!!! Get away from them!!
Men:*Pushes the kids into a van and drives off*
Grey and Johnson:*Turns into a bat and flies off*
Dick:*Turns into a hawk and flies off after them*
Rest:*Turns into wolves and runs off*
Van:*Drives faster and onto the road*
All:*On their tail*
Dick:*Lands on a car nearby and turns human**Shoots an arrow at the Van's tires but misses* F###!
Volta:*Lands near him and shoots one of the tires and nails it*That's how it's done,boy...
Volta:*Sticks tounge out*
Van:*Swirls and tries to drives faster*
Dad:*Jumps onto the roof of the car and Grey*Kids!
Kids:Daddy!!/Uncle Tino!!/Grandpa!!/Mr. Martinez!!
Grey:Hold on! We'll get you out of here!!*Starts breaking the ropes of the cages*
Carina:Be careful,Uncle Grey....
One of the man:*Sees dad and Grey tries to free the kids**Loans his gun at aims at them*
SF:Grey!! Papa!! Look out!!!
Dad and Grey:*Looks*
Man:*Shoots them*
Both:*Falls out of the van and lands on the floor*
Me and Ryder:Dad!!!/Daddy!!!
SF:*Rushes to them*
Me:*Rushes to them as well*
Mom:*Stands besides them*

Johnson:*Growls*Ain't no one shooting my big bro and my uncle and gets away with it!!!*Flies off*
Volta:*Follows along with Dick*
Ryder:You three stay here with them!! I'll help to others get the kids!!
Mom:Be careful,Ryder...
Ryder:I will,mama...*Kisses her forehead and runs off*
Dick:Prepare to deal with us, suckas!!*Shoots another tire*
Men:*Gets out and grabs the kids*
Volta:*Growls and tackles one of the guys*
Man:*Fights her and stabs a knife into her arm*
Dick:*Growls and turns into a wolf**Bites the guy and tosses him to the side and rushes to Volta*V! ARE YOU OKAY?!!
Volta:I'm fine,you idiot....
Dick:*Takes the knife out*
Dick:Sorry!!!*Starts wrapping her wound*

Ryder and Johnson:*Starts fighting and attacking the men*
Ryder:*Earns a scar on his left eye*
Johnson:*Has bruises but keeping fighting*
Men:*Punches them and kicks them to the ground*
Both:*Tries to get up*
Dick:*Takes one of Volta's guns and shoots one of the men's legs*
Other man:Forget about him!! Let's just get out of here!!
Men:*Grabs the kids*
Ryder:NOOOOO!!!*Tries to get up*
Man:*Knocks him out*
Volta: RYDER!!!
Ryder:*Lays motionless on the ground*
Volta:YOU SON OF----
Man:*Points gun at her forehead*Listen here, little missy. Either you guys give up and let us go...or
Other two men:*Points guns at the kids*
Dick, Johnson, Volta:NO!!!
Man:We kill the kids on the spot and we kill those other five back,what's it gonna be?
Man:*Smirks*Thought so...*Puts gun away and starts to walk away*
Another man:Oh,and if you think about following us....then all you'll find is nine little dead bodies laying on the ground...
Man:Oh....and one more thing *Shoots Dick's leg*
Man:Just in case....

*Back at home*
SF:*Wrapping up John's and Grey's wound*
Me and Mom:*Wrapping up Ryder's and dad's wounds*
Mom:*Shedding tears*
Volta:*Sitting on the couch with her arm wrapped up*
Dick:*Wraps up his leg*
Dad:We have to get the kids without getting them killed....all nine of them....
Grey:But we will need help,Uncle...
SF:We should let Clara's father know about this....even though I was supposed to be watching her....
Me:It's not your fault,Snow.... we're all to blame...
Dad:I will call the rest of the of our you girls are going to stay here with your mother....
Me,Volta and SF:What?! Why?!
Grey:It's too dangerous and Volta is already injured....
Volta:So?!!! That never stopped me before?!!
Me:And I'm not letting my little sister and baby brother killed killed nor my cousins!!!
SF:And I was responsible for taking care of Carina and Clara!!
Dad:I forbid you three to take any part of this!! You could get killed as well!!
Volta:If we die,we die for the ones we love!!!
Dad:*Sighs*I do not want to lose anyone else today....please....
Us three:*Sighs*Fine....
Dad:Come along boys....we must call your uncles....*Walks away*
Mom:Don't worry, we'll fine the kids and bring them back...*Hugs all of us*
Us threw:*Looks at one another*

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