Ann Takamiki awakens to Death Battle

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Name: Ann Takamaki, "Panther"

Origin: Persona 5

Height: 5'6"

Weight: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 16-17

Classification: Human, Founding Member of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Persona User, Lovers Arcana



-One of the founding members of the Phantom Thieves

-Defeated countless Shadows

-Infiltrated the palaces of and stole the hearts of many people, including Suguru Kamoshida, Ichiryusai Madarame, Junya Kaneshiro, Futaba Sakura, Kunikazu Okumura, Sae Niijima, and Masayoshi Shido.

-Infiltrated the jails of and stole the hearts of many people, including Alice Hiiragi, Ango Natsume, Mariko Hyodo, Shuzo Ubukata, Akane Hasegawa, Akira Konoe, and EMMA

-Helped fight against Akechi, Shadow Shido, Maruki, EMMA, and Yaldabaoth

-Defeated the Reaper of Mementos

-Defeated Caroline and Justine, the twin wardens of the Velvet Room.

-Defeated Jose.

-Defeated Takuto Maruki and ruined his plans of granting humanity's wishes in an alternate reality.

-Changed the hearts of countless criminals.

-Helped prove Joker's innocence

Dizzy: It's easy to judge Ann Takamiki by her looks. She's a half-American, half-Japanese high school model, so it's only natural that she must be some sort of spoiled brat right? Well um wrong...

Monika: In reality, Ann's life was actually pretty lonely as she had very few friends and was considered an outcast among her fellow students. Her only true friend was a girl named Shiho.

Dizzy: Shiho was a part of the Volleyball team and was normally a bright and cheerful person... at least that's how she used to be until the Olympic gold medalist pervert, Suguru Kamoshida, became the Volleyball coach. 

Monika: Yeah, Kamoshida was a bit rough to the other members. He would physically abuse the male members while sexually harassing the female members. He would even threaten to take Shiho off the team if Ann didn't have a relationship with him... talk about gross...

Dizzy: This would cause Ann's situation to get even worse as rumors would spread that the two of them were sleeping together. All the while Shiho was falling deeper and deeper into depression. One day, Ann rejected one of Kamoshido's advances. So he called Shiho over and forced her into some... questionable altercations. This would be Shiho's breaking point and attempt to... unalive herself by jumping off the roof of her school. Luckily she survived.

Monika: This would still put Ann in a hopeless situation though. That is until she began eavesdropping on two delinquents who also had a problem with Kamoshida. That being Ryuji and the new transfer student, Ren Amamiya.... oh, and their talking cat, Morgana. As she eavesdropped she ended up stumbling upon Kamoshida's Palace, which is basically the way Kamoshida views the school.

Dizzy: After gaining some newfound power, she would help stop Kamoshida, steal his cognitive heart, and force him to confess his sins. Ann would then join the trio as one of the founding members of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts

Monika: Of the seven main members of the Phantom Thieves, not only have we already covered Ren himself, but we've also covered all the main female members minus Haru Okumura... that will change eventually. We even went through Kasumi on her last battle and just like Kasumi, Ann will be allowed to utilize Futaba but only for support.

Akame: Not that she needs it. She's already proven herself to be incredibly powerful going wonder the codename, Panther.

Monika: She can easily take out multiple Shadows with a single swing of her whip, create massive craters, and break out of steal restraints. She's fought the God of Control known as Yaldaboath, the reality-warping Dr.Maruki, and the even more powerful AI, EMMA.

Akame: Ann is easily faster than the eye can track, dodging lightning and laser beams. She can keep up with the other Phantom Thieves including Joker himself. She's also fast enough to react to and endure Execurobo's Big Bang Challenge attack, which is not only fast enough to travel galaxies in seconds but is powerful enough to destroy a cognitive galaxy. 

Dizzy: She's also helped block Azazoth's Tyrant Fury, which is implied to destroy several cognitive galaxies. She's been hit with winds powerful enough to destroy a pyramid and even survived being erased from existence. She has also taken ice attacks with barely any damage... which she is directly weak to.

Monika: Ann may not be the smartest of the bunch, but she's brave and stubborn enough to push through. She's not afraid to speak her mind since it's much more bearable than her terrible acting skills.

Dizzy: Right. While less impulsive than Ryuji, she is noted to be only slightly more book-smart than her teammate. However, she is extremely perceptive when it comes to reading people's emotions and true natures.

Akame: As a Phantom Thief, she's incredibly stealthy, capable of sneaking past Shadows that have enhanced senses. What's even more helpful is that in Persona 5 Strikers, she is able to use the 3rd eye.

Akame: An ability given to Joker by the fake Igor. Eventually, all the Phantom Thieves playable in Strikers are able to use it. This ability allows Ann to see hidden items and enemies, even if they're invisible. She also uses this to determine how strong her opponent is as well as differentiate an enemy from an ally.

Dizzy: She also has her weapons like her whip.

Akame: Right, Ann has 47 different whips, some of which inflict different ailments onto her opponent. She has whips that make you feel fear, whips that make you feel dizzy, whips that make you lose your memory, and whips that fill you with so much despair that you will eventually die if it is not treated soon.

Monika: Right... Ann can not only use a whip that stuns you with electricity, but she can also use a whip that severs bones and skin or even freeze enemy targets. Her strongest whip is the Sea of Stars whip and she can always burn foes to the ground by engulfing her whip with flames.

Akame: She also has her guns.

Akame: Ann has up to 29 different types of guns. Each can fire 12 rounds and are strong enough to destroy a car. Just like her whips, she has certain guns with different effects. Specifically, ones that make you dizzy, ones that make you fall asleep, ones that shock you, and ones that can even brainwash you. 

Dizzy: Her strongest gun is Gungnir, which has a medium chance of causing you to fall into despair.

Monika: ... What is with these blonde girls and wanting their foes to fall to despair?

Dizzy: Of course, since she is a Phantom Thief, she obviously has a Persona in Carmen.

Monika: A gypsy thief from the novel by Merimee, which became famous through the opera by Bizet. She is a femme fatale who is beautiful but very capricious. Carmen resists electricity, is immune to fire, and is weak to ice.

Dizzy: She has vines that she wraps around the necks of her... um... dummies. These guys can carry bombs toward enemy opponents. Though this Persona barely has any physical attacks, mostly using fire and support skills. She can create pillars of fire, magma, giant explosions, beams of fire, and fireballs. She can also heal herself and others, make her opponent fall asleep, remove all buffs towards her opponents, brainwash her enemies, make them confused, decrease their magical power, increase her own magic power, or even absorb their magical power for herself.

Monika: She can upgrade this Persona to Hecate.

Monika: A Greek goddess of crossroads, ghosts, and witchcraft, she is commonly attended to by dogs. She is also known to be the chief of the witches that appears in the play "Macbeth". She absorbs fire, resists electricity, and is weak to ice.

Akame: Hecate can do everything Carmen can do but to a greater extent. Her vines are also replaced with chains carrying dog heads that could probably tear a normal man's head off. This Persona also increases Ann's chances of dodging ice attacks. And if that's not enough, she has her third and final Persona, Célestine.

Monika: A beautiful actress who performed as Carmen in the opera named for the role. So tempestuous and outspoken was she that it's said the main role was rewritten to better suit her. She's immune to fire, resists electricity, and is weak to ice but now her chances of dodging ice attacks have been tripled.

Dizzy: Instead of veins or chains, she has long hair that she can control at will. She can do everything the other Persona can do but better. 

Monika: Oh yeah, let's not forget she has techniques that perfectly represent her charm. With Marin Karin, she can hypnotize her foes with love magic. And by doing a sexy pose, she can stun enemies with her Sexy Technique♥. These work on both men and women because who wouldn't want a piece of that- Oh! My bad. She um just looks like a certain someone so I couldn't help myself. Too bad she's not perfect.

Monika: Ann is the best at using Magic, second only to Ren and Akechi of course. But she's not all that great when it comes to physical stats. And while she is resistant to certain ailments she's not immune to them. 

Akame: On top of that, she might be able to dodge ice attacks, but she is still weak to it. If she were to get hit by it, she would take a lot of damage.

Dizzy: But she's still tough enough to pull through. As a member of the Phantom Thieves, she has made it her life's mission to help those who cannot help themselves.

Ann: I hear you... Carmen. You're right. No more holding back!

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