Ann Takamiki vs Sailor Mars: 150 Balls of Fire

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Junko: If there's anything I've learned from fire-type Pokemon, it's that all they need is a little spark before becoming a blazing inferno!

Kasumi: Ann Takamiki, the burning Panther of Persona!

Junko: And Sailor Mars, the fire princess of Sailor Moon!

Kokonoe: The stage is set and the combatants are ready.

Junko: It's time for the 150th Death Battle!

Rei Hino was walking around her shrine as she went to feed her crows. As she did, she suddenly felt a suspicious aura and looked around before seeing Ann Takamiki approach the shrine. Quickly, Rei hid behind a tree.

Rei: (Who is that girl? A demon? No... I made the same mistake with Usagi. Still... I should be cautious...)

As she said that, Ann went on her phone before looking around.

Ann: It seems like there's nobody here. Alright, into the Metaverse...

She clicked on an app and reality started to warp around them, bringing them into Mementos. Rei looked around in shock.

Rei: What the?!

Ann: Hm?

Ann heard Rei's voice as she was in her Panther suit. Rei's two crows quickly went to attack Ann and she quickly tried to shoo them away.

Ann: Ack! H-Hey!

Rei: Mars Star Power, Make Up!

Rei immediately turned to Sailor Mars and went to face her.

Sailor Mars: So I was right about you after all!

Ann: Huh?! Who are you?!

Sailor Mars: I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion. I am Sailor Mars! In the Name of Mars, I'll chastise you!

Ann pulled out her whip and swung it, knocking the crows back.

Ann: Fine then, get ready because I won't hold back!

Ann: Persona!

Right away, Ann summoned her Persona, Carmen, and fired several fireballs at Sailor Mars, who was quick to dodge them before running after Ann and going for a kick. Ann quickly dodged that and took out her whip, swinging it and knocking Sailor Mars back. Mars quickly recovered and put her hands together.

Sailor Mars: Fire... Soul!

She shot a huge fireball that Ann quickly dodged before Sailor Mars dashed at her again and kicked her in the chest, sending Ann flying into the city through several buildings before crashing into a skyscraper. 

Sailor Mars teleported in front of her with a fireball in her hand and threw it.

Sailor Mars: Take this!

As soon as it made contact, it blew up the entire building and once again sent Ann flying. However, this time Ann quickly pulled herself together and landed feet-first on the ground. As she did, Carmen appeared behind her and swung her vine at Mars, who quickly dodged it while flying around the city.

Sailor Mars: That's all you got?!

Ann then swung her whip and caught Mars by the wrist.

Sailor Mars: Hm?

Ann: Get...

She pulled Sailor Mars in...

Ann: Over here!

And smashed her into the ground hard enough to make a giant crater.

Ann: It's showtime! Dance Carmen!

Carmen unleashed a pillar of fire and Sailor Mars quickly teleported away from it before it could strike.

Sailor Mars: Flame Serpent!

She then summoned a massive flaming snake that quickly engulfed Ann. As it did, Carmen flew past the flames as her vine grabbed Sailor Mars by the neck. She flew up with the Sailor Guardian and swung her through several buildings. Sailor Mars then slowly started burning through the vines and breaking out of their grip. As soon as Carmen noticed, she flew down towards Sailor Mars who flew up towards the Persona. Carmen went for a kick, but Mars quickly teleported above her and kicked Carmen into the ground hard.

Sailor Mars: That should take care of you.

As she said that, a bullet suddenly grazed her cheek. She looked up at a nearby building to see Ann with a gun firing multiple bullets at her. Agitated, Sailor Mars went flying at her but suddenly was caught by a vine. She looked back to see Carmen had recovered. The vine pulled her down and slammed her into the ground.

Sailor Mars: Geh! You're in my way!

She pulled out an Ofuda and threw it in Carmen's face.

Sailor Moon: Evil Spirit be gone! 

It immediately blew up on impact and the Persona disappeared. Mars looked up to see that Ann had jumped off the building and started shooting at her. She jumped out of the way to dodge the bullets as Ann landed on her feet. She aimed the gun at Mars and pulled the trigger but was already out of ammo.

Ann: Huh? Oh not now!

Sailor Mars: Now you're all out of tricks! Fire Soul Bird!

Sailor Mars unleashed a giant phoenix that flew straight toward Ann.

Ann: I won't give up... not yet! Let's go Hecate!

She held out her hand as the flaming bird blew up upon impact and the flames were absorbed. Behind Ann was a new Persona, Hecate.

Sailor Mars: Another one?!

Ann: I won't back down! And you can't beat Carmen so easily!

Ann extended her hand and Hecta's chains wrapped around Mars, holding her in place. One of the dogheads on the chains bit her in the neck. The other bit her leg. As Sailor Mars screamed in pain, Ann infused her whip with fire and started striking at Mars rapidly with it.

Sailor Mars: (Geh... what is this feeling? Fear? Despair? Why can't I beat this girl? I... I can't take it!)

Suddenly a rose came and knocked the whip out of Ann's hand.

Ann: Ow! What the?

Both Ann and Mars looked up to see who threw the rose as it was a man in a tuxedo wearing a mask standing on top of a building underneath the big, bright Full Moon.

Sailor Mars: Tuxedo Mask!

Tuxedo Mask: That's right! Sailor Mars, you can't give up just yet! 

Sailor Mars: Tuxedo Mask...

Ann: Um... what's going on? How did you even get in here?

Tuxedo Mask: Don't let Sailor Moon down! Now my job here is done! Farewell!

Tuxedo Mask jumped off the building and ran off.

Ann: But you didn't do anything! ... So um... was that guy just here for exposition or...?

Sailor Mars: (He's right... I can't give up here! Not here... not ever!)

Sailor Mars suddenly broke out of the chains.

Sailor Mars: Mars Crystal Power... Make Up!

A huge burst of power was unleashed by Sailor Mars, enough to knock Ann back as the Sailor Guardian had turned into Super Sailor Mars.

Ann: Uh oh...

Sailor Mars had already appeared in front of Ann and went for a punch, but luckily Hecate blocked it with her chains and Mars jumped back.

Sailor Mars: Burning Mandala!

She fired eight fireballs at her and Ann went to quickly do the same. All of their projectiles clashed and created massive explosions across the entire city. Both Ann and Sailor Mars jumped out of the debris of the explosions and ran up two opposing buildings before jumping above them and facing each other.

Ann: It's over!

Sailor Mars: Yeah, over for you!

Mars threw four fire-infused Ofuda and Ann shot a massive fireball. They clashed and created another massive explosion that brightened the sky. As the two of them landed on top of their opposing buildings, Sailor Mars then summoned a bow and arrow of flames.

Sailor Mars: Flame... Sniper!

She shot a massive flaming arrow that Ann quickly went to try and block. She was struggling but managed to hold in there. But as soon as she was close, Sailor Mars tapped her foot and the arrow blew up in Ann's face, destroying the entire building with one massive explosion.

Sailor Mars: Rest in pieces...

Ann: You first!

Sailor Moon's eyes widened as she looked to see Ann swinging from another building. She quickly summoned another arrow as Ann went for a dropkick. Sailor Mars managed to block it but was still sent through several city blocks. Ann then landed on the building but fell to one knee. As she did, Hecate went to heal her.

Ann: Thanks Hecate... this girl... she's stronger than I thought...

As she was saying this, Sailor Mars was coming up from a large pile of rubble as she breathed a bit heavily.

Sailor Mars: She's tougher than she looks. And her little friend sure isn't helping... but now that I think about it... those flames... I shouldn't be able to feel them and yet... 

Mars took a deep breath and stopped to think.

Sailor Mars: Regardless... she needs to be stopped. One more time... Mars Crystal Power... Make Up!

Another burst of power was unleashed from her body. So much so that it caught the attention of Ann from the building she was standing on.

Ann: Don't tell me... she grew in power again?! ... I see now. I need to stop her before she grows anymore!

She raised her hands summoning both Carmen and Hecate. The two Persona fused, forming the even more powerful Persona, Célestine.

Ann: I won't back down...

Sailor Mars: I won't give up...

Ann/Sailor Mars: I will beat you!

Sailor Mars flew towards Ann as Célestine flew at her in return and went for a punch. Sailor Mars dodged it and kicked Célestine into a nearby building, but the Persona jumped off that building and right back at her. This time she went for a punch and Sailor Mars caught her by the arm, She threw her into the ground hard enough to make a massive crater. As soon as she landed, Célestine's hair suddenly came up and grabbed Sailor Mars by the arms. 

Sailor Mars: Hey!

Ann then jumped above Sailor Mars with her whip, wrapping it around Mars' neck and pulling it down, slamming the Sailor Guardian into the ground. Sailor Mars quickly recovered and dashed at Ann, who started swinging her whip at her. Sailor Mars summoned an arrow the size of a spear. She started dodging her strikes and swung the arrow. Ann dodged it quickly and jumped back as Célestine dashed at Sailor Mars and went for a flaming punch. Mars swung her arrow again and the two clashed, creating a massive explosion that set the entire city ablaze. Ann jumped back again as she saw this.

Ann: And the entire Metaverse is on fire... that can't be good.

Sailor Mars: Fire Soul!

Ann looked up to see a fireball coming at her. The massive ball of fire hit the ground and created a pillar of flames right under Ann's feet. Ann quickly jumped out of the fire and swung her whip but Sailor Mars quickly dodged it and threw two Ofuda at her. Célestine quickly appeared in front of Ann and blocked them as they blew up in her face. Unfazed by this, the Persona kept chewing her gum and touched the ground, unleashing a huge burst of magma that erupted toward Sailor Mars, who flew in the air to avoid it. She then took control of two huge blasts of flames around them.

Sailor Mars: Flame Serpent!

Those two flames turned into massive flaming snakes that Ann and Célestine quickly dodged. Ann swung her whip again and Sailor Mars went to block it with her arrow. The whip wrapped around the arrow as Ann tried to smash her into the ground again. This time, Sailor Mars landed on her feet and pulled Ann in, kneeing her in the gut. Ann took the hit and pulled out her gun, firing at her. Sailor Mars dodged the bullet and then swung her arrow, forcing Ann to quickly jump back and dodge.

Sailor Mars: Burning Mandala!

Ann: Maragion!

The two of them fired several fireballs at each other causing more massive explosions before Ann unleashed a bunch of flaming pillars from under Mars' feet. Sailor Mars dodged them and unleashed flaming pillars of her own that Ann dodged as well. The two girls ran at each other and Ann went for a kick. Sailor Mars dicked under it and tried o stab her with her arrow but Ann dodged it. Célestine then jumped down and tried to stomp on Sailor Mars, forcing the two of them to jump away from each other.

Sailor Mars: Fire Soul Bird!

She unleashed a flaming bird at Ann that destroyed everything in its path but Ann managed to quickly extend her hands and start absorbing it.

Ann: Giv up! You can't beat me with fire!

Sailor Mars: Yeah I know... but this can! Flame... SNIPER!!!!

As soon as Ann absorbed the flaming bird, Sailor Mars shot the flaming arrow. Célestine quickly appeared in front of Ann to block the arrow as Ann went to help. As she did, Sailor Mars appeared behind Ann and flew at her, kicking her in the back of the head. This caused her to lose her balance as the arrow went straight through her Persona and into Ann's chest, sending her straight through several buildings, one of which crumbled on top of her. An exhausted Sailor Mars approached the crumbled building, stumbling just a bit as Ann was lying on a rock, bleeding heavily with an arrow in her chest. Sailor Mars summoned another arrow and aimed it at Ann's head.

Sailor Mars: I'm sorry... 

She shot the arrow into Ann's skull. As soon as it went through, the arrow blew up taking Ann's head with it. Her lifeless body fell to the ground and Sailor Mars turned her back to her.

Sailor Mars: Now then... how do I get out of here?

Junko: Well we didn't start the fire, but we defiantly ignited it.

Kokonoe: This match was extremely close. As both of these two are known for their immense fire abilities, they pretty much canceled each other out in almost every way possible.

Kasumi: Even though Ann could bypass Sailor Mars' resistance to fire and even had other options besides fire, those weren't enough to take Sailor Mars down for good. And while Sailor Mars has all this power, Ann had faced Shadows known to have similar feats of power in the past, so it wasn't like Sailor Mars had anything up her sleeves that Ann hasn't seen before.

Junko: In the end, we had to focus on their physical abilities... which was also very close once you scale Ann to similarly fast and strong opponents. But luckily Sailor Mars was still slightly faster and stronger than Ann was. Reminder that Ann is better with magic than her other options of combat so it makes sense Sailor Mars, who trains in the mountains, will be better at physical combat.

Kokonoe: All of this plus Sailor Mars' intelligence and experience are what helped Sailor Mars pull off this victory.

Junko: Still, I gotta hand it to Ann. She really put up a fight... but Rei proved there was only room for one Sailor in her Persona boat.

Kokonoe: The winner... is Sailor Mars.

Winner: Rei Hino (Sailor Mars)

+Slightly faster

+Slightly stronger

+ Smarter

+ More experience

+ Resist hax (As Super and Eternal Mars)

= Firepower

= Abilities

- Less Weaponry

- Less Hax

- Can't resist hax in base or original forms

- Outnumbered by Persona

- Can't exploit elemental weakness to ice

Loser: Ann Takamiki (Panther)

+More hax

+More weapons

+Outnumber with Persona

+ Can negate resistance and immunity

+ Unexplotable weakness

= Firepower

= Abilities

-Not as smart

- Not as fast

- Not as strong

- Lest experience

- Hax are useless against last two transformations

Junko: Next time on Death battle!

Weiss Schnee vs Amity Blight

(RWBY vs Owl House)

Neptune's Trivia (Battle 150):

-Connections: Both are the third members of their respective groups (The Phantom Thieves and Sailor Guardians) put together by a cat (Morgana and Luna). Both are also the third founding members of the group and just so happened to use the element of fire. They both can transform in order to use their powers and take up a secret identity to keep their true selves a secret (Panther and Sailor Mars). Both of them were looked down on by society for their good looks and unique talents before the main character of their shows helped them on their feet (Joker and Sailor Moon). And both of them liked to pick on the blonde idiot of the group from time to time as well despite acknowledging them as friends regardless (Ryuji and again Sailor Moon)

       *They are also both highly shipped and dating the main characters of their shows (Joker and Sailor Moon). But that's just my headcanon

-This fight was changed three times. 

   *It was originally going to be Ann Takamiki vs Cat Noir. Before that, it was going to be either Goku vs Sailor Moon or Goku vs Sonic. 

        *After realizing Ann Takamiki was going to be forced to fight in the 150th Death Battle (Due to it being at the beginning of the week), we spun a wheel to determine who should fight Ann. The options were Natsu Dragneel, Yamamoto, Cat Noir, Catwoman, Black Cat, Blake Belladonna, or all of the above

-Sailor Mars is the first Sailor Moon character to fight in Wattpad Death Battle and is the first to win

-While Ann Takamiki isn't the first Persona user to appear in Death Battle, she is the first host to lose their first battle

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