Dizzy brings her own hope to Death Battle

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Name: Dizzy, Maiden of the Grove

Origin: Guilty Gear

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 123 Ibs

Gender: Female

Age: 3 (past), 8 (currently), Late Teens-Adult mentally

Classification: Gear-Human Hybrid (Commander-Type)




-Is considered enough of a threat that the Post-War Administration Bureau placed her with a threat rank of S++, which is higher than even Sol Badguy's ranking

Guilty Gear X Drama CD Vol 2

-After living with her adopted family for 3 years, isolated herself to a forest called the Grove to prevent her nature as a Gear from hurting them

-While living in the Grove, befriended Testament, a humanoid Gear who swore to protect her from harm

-Befriended Josephine, a blind girl who mistook her for an angel due to her wings

-Helped Testament prevent Venom from kidnapping Josephine

Guilty Gear X


-Defeated Ky Kiske, who had been assigned to kill her
Her nature as a Commander-Type Gear made her enough of a potential threat that the government issued a bounty of 500,000 World-Dollars for her death
-Defeated numerous bounty hunters who were attempting to either kill or capture her
-Fought Sol, who defeated and ultimately spared her due to feeling that she wasn't a threat to the world
-Was rescued by Johnny and May, who then invited her to join their crew

All Paths:
-Defeated Testament, Potemkin, Ky, Zato-1, and Faust

Path 1:

-Accidentally killed Faust

Path 2:

-Defeated May and Johnny, who were attempting to test her skills
-Became a member of the Jellyfish Pirates

Path 3:

-Joined the Jellyfish Pirates and became its captain 100 years later
-Helped unite the Jellyfish Pirates, Third Holy Order, and Zepp Airforce against an enemy force

Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Black

-In the previous timeline, did the following:

-Succeeded Justice's role as leader of the Gears following her death in the Holy War
-Used Gamma Ray to wipe out half of the Holy Order's aerial fleet
-Survived an attempted kamikaze attack from the Jellyfish Pirates
-Fought against Sol while he was in Dragon Install, but lost

-In the current timeline, did the following:

-Met with Testament in the Grove and had lunch with him
-Fought May, with the battle ending in a draw after both realized they were fighting over a misunderstanding

Guilty Gear XX

All Paths:

-Survived being pushed off of the Mayship while it was 20,000 feet in the air, though she was knocked out
-While possessed by Necro, defeated Chipp Zanuff, Venom, and Faust
-After being cured of her possession by Faust, began searching for May and the Jellyfish Pirates

Path 1:

-Sparred with a suppressed Slayer as part of an agreement to keep her identity a secret
-Defeated Baiken and Eddie
-Fought I-No, but was defeated
-Became an official member of the Jellyfish Pirates

Path 2:

-Defeated I-No twice, with both going all out the second time

Path 3:

-Defeated Bridget, asking him for directions afterward

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus

All Paths:

-Sparred with Johnny as a way to exercise
-Sparred with Bridget to welcome him aboard the Mayship
-Defeated May

Path 1:

-Defeated Ky, Johnny, a copy of Justice, Testament, and a holographic clone of Order-Sol

Path 2:

-Defeated Baiken, Sol, I-No, and A.B.A
-With Sol's help, returned her wings to normal
-Was captured by Crow and mass-produced into a series of living weapons

Guilty Gear Isuka

-Defeated Leopaldon, a Megadeth class Gear
     *Megadeth class Gears have enough power to wipe out an entire civilization

Guilty Gear Judgment
-While traveling with the Jellyfish Pirates, traveled to the island of Isene to find supplies for dinner
-While possessed by Necro, destroyed a living three-headed pillar
-Helped Johnny fight off an army of monsters
-Killed a woman who had been forcibly fused to a giant plant monster
-Killed a giant, mutated wolf
-Murdered Inus, the king of the Underworld
-Murdered Judgment, a sorcerer who had absorbed Inus' powers
-Rescued Testament, who was attempting to sacrifice himself so she could escape from Judgment's castle

Guilty Gear Dust Strikers

-Killed Gig, a massive insectoid Gear

Guilty Gear 2 -Overture- Material Collection
-Began living with Ky while trying to figure out who she was, why she was born, and how to control her powers
-Had a child with Ky
-Convinced Sol to help Ky, who had become stressed out after being blackmailed into becoming Illyria's king
-Alongside Ky, entrusted Sol to care for her son, Sin

Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-
-Took part in the battle in Illyria by using Gamma Ray to charge St. Elmo's Fire, which overloaded the revived Justice's systems

Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-
-Fought Ky to help him regain his resolve
-Helped fend off the Anti-Matter Gears in Illyria by using Gamma Ray to destroy a massive one that was giving Chipp and Potemkin trouble

Junko: Hehehe, personal time with Akame. What a rare occasion.

Akame: Let's just get this over with quickly before you come up with any ideas.

Junko: Oh fine. Then to start this story, we need to go back... not that far actually. Found as an infant by an elderly couple with no children of their own to depend on, Dizzy grew up in the village that her adoptive parents took her to. But slowly the other villagers were starting to fear her. Mostly because at the age of three, she was already starting to look like a full-grown adult.

Akame: But even stranger was the day she had grown two pairs of wings and a tail. She eventually learned that she was part of a super race called Gears and because of this, a ton of Bounty Hunters were after her. Because of this, her parents got her in hiding... 

Junko: As if that would work. People found her right away and she was forced to fight to survive. Luckily, Dizzy was feared because of the sheer power she possessed. The only one who actually got the better of her was Sol Badguy, who turned out to be her biological father. Then one day after joining the Jellyfish Pirates, she would meet and fall for Sol's rival, Ky Kiske. The two of them would eventually get married, have a dumb kid, and she would be a literal princess at the age of 8 years old! I don't know what's more illegal! Puhuhuhu!

Akame: Still, now Dizzy has both friends and family to protect, and with her power, there are very few who can match her.


Junko: I wish we were kidding. She's traded blows with Testament, Potemkin, Zato-1, Faust, May, Johnny, Chipp, Venom, a suppressed Slayer, Baiken, Eddie, I-No, Ky, A.B.A, Justice, and even Sol Badguy! Justice and Sol are powerful enough to merge with the Backyard, an entire dimension several times bigger than our own universe! Hell, Sol was so strong he once punched hard enough to make a black hole!

Akame: As a Gear, she's superior to humans like Gabriel, who can create nuclear bomb-like explosions with a punch and manage to damage Bedman's frame. Just by unleashing her power, she was able to force Venom to retreat. Her raw power alone eclipses Testament's, as she can easily defeat bounty hunters that were capable of overpowering him.

Junko: Wait a sec! Testament's a man?!

Akame: Please stay focused...

Junko: Alright alright. Jeez. Dizzy's strong enough to send a giant, mutated wolf crashing through a metal wall with a backhand. She's even overwhelmed Bridget, who is capable of throwing people to the Moon using her yo-yos! Oh yeah... she's also a guy. 

Akame: She's as fast as she is strong. She's able to keep up with Sol and Ky, who are both much faster than Jack-O, who can move trillions of times the speed of light. She's also superior to Justice who is even faster. Dizzy's even escaped a collapsing lava pit and a collapsing castle in the span of a few seconds.

Junko: But speed and strength won't matter without durability. I mean, even Baiken, who can cut other gears like they were butter, could barely scratch Dizzy's skin! Potemkin is strong enough to punch people through the planet itself and she's still durable enough to tank hits from that 2 thousand pound freak! 

Akame: She was unharmed after walking through flames and after the Jellyfish Pirates used their ship to perform a kamikaze attack. She's even fallen 20,000 feet through the air and crashed into the ground headfirst only to be knocked unconscious with no real injury. 

Junko: Thanks to being a Gear, she's pretty much immune to any and all diseases and radiation. But we'll get to that later. She's also resistant to Mind Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Information Manipulation, and Power Nullification. Considering other Gears can take a dip into the Boundary, a dimension that simultaneously overloads your mind with information and disintegrates both your body and soul through the pressure alone, it makes sense that Dizzy should be able to as well. It doesn't help that she has a healing factor that lets her survive being turned to dust.

Akame: But don't let all this power fool you. Especially since she's not really the merciless killing machine everyone used to think of her as.

Akame: Despite all her destructive power, Dizzy actually has a motherly demeanor, an honest heart, and a pure mind. 

Junko: She's extremely gentle, innocent, pure-hearted, and kind to anyone she encounters. Honestly, it makes someone like me wanna puke. She originally saw her power as a curse due to her inability to control it, but this became less prevalent as she learned to control it over time.

Akame: Dizzy loves nature and humanity, and strongly opposes all forms of conflict. She's extremely pacifistic and hates violence, though she will fight to protect her friends and family should the situation call for it. Despite her pacifistic nature, she's shown to understand that destruction is just another part of the cycle of life.

Junko: She also enjoys obtaining knowledge and gathering data, to the point where she often spends time reading books or studying in libraries. Actually, she can absorb and process information at speeds far beyond a human's. She's an expert mage who can use fire, water, ice, and lightning magic! She's a great chef and by the time she turned 3, she had the intelligence of an adult in their 20s! She's so smart she can figure out your species with a glance! Too bad her son didn't inherit this intelligence. Maybe then it will take away the existence of Sugar Water.

Akame: ... ... ... What the hell is Sugar Water?


Akame: A-Anyway, Dizzy has a lot of power at her disposal. Not only does she have enhanced senses, but she can also fly, control other Gears, bring dead Gears back from the dead, and morph her body at will. 

Junko: Changing her clothes in an instant, turning her sleeves or tail into monstrous teeth, or even stretching out her nails for stabbing people. But her most unique way of morphing her body is with the existence of her wings, both of which take the appearance of Necro and Undine!

Junko: The right wing is Necro, who takes the form of a Grimm Reaper. He's the embodiment of Dizzy's violent instincts. Because of this, he's extremely devoted to Dizzy's protection and will act violently or aggressively toward those he views as attackers.

Akame: Despite this, he also cares for her feelings and will shield her eyes so she won't become saddened by the sight of her fallen opponent.

Junko: Ugh. A violent yet nice devil on your shoulder? He really is a part of Dizzy, isn't he? Well, at least he's less boring than the left wing, Undine.

Akame: Undine is the girl that takes the form of an angelic maiden. She's the embodiment of Dizzy's compassion, kindness, and sense of self-preservation. She's more reasonable than Necro and slower to anger. Despite this, it's said she possesses a temper so fierce that it even terrifies Necro.

Junko: Oooh now that's interesting. Neither of these two can actually get along, but they both can ire deadly lasers thanks to Dizzy's manipulation of Gamma Radiation.

Junko: Dizzy can control Gamma Radiation. She can also absorb it and fire it back as a gigantic beam of energy. 

Akame: It's more like...both Undine and Necro can fire smaller beams of light but when put together they form a much larger energy blast. This blast is powerful enough to take out entire armies and massive gears the size of large buildings. It used to drain Dizzy of her stamina though it doesn't appear to bother her anymore. 

Junko: Plus, both her wings have moves of their own anyway. So let's start with Undine!

Akame: Starting with her? Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. It's implied in the Guilty Gear World Library Database that she might be more powerful than Necro with her ability to control ice.

Junko: With her Pyrokinesis, she can create blades, scythes, or laser-breathing piranhas!

Akame: I think you mean Cryokinesis...

Junko: Whatever! She can also create orbs that fire ice blades and ice pillars! Or if she wanted, she can fire a bunch of ice projectiles in her wing form! Oh right, she can also make an ice barrier!

Junko: This barrier is one Undine creates to surround Dizzy! The barrier is capable of deflecting energy projectiles and if you punch it... Bam! You're frozen solid! Though I guess almost all of Undine's attacks are capable of freezing her targets.

Akame: Undine also has Hydrokinesis. 

Akame: She mostly uses it to create and control her water bubbles.

Junko: Once struck by one, these bubbles will blow up in your face, sending you flying and wide open for attacks! She also has a different variation that homes in on you and sticks to your body, pretty much acting as a sticky bomb! But her power alone isn't good enough. So while she may or may not be the strongest of Dizzy's wings, let's move on to the less boring and more chaotic one, Necro and his ability to control fire!

Junko: With his Cryokinesis, he can summon bursts of flame from underground, produce orbs or blades of fire, or conjure floating dragon heads made of magma that spew fire! 

Akame: It's Pyrokinesis... I feel like you're doing this on purpose...

Junko: Regardless, his abilities are pretty much similar to Undine's, except they use fire instead of ice. He even has his own version of Undine's Water Bubbles as he can summon Fireballs!

Junko: These fireballs are slower but much more powerful, with the added bonus of absorbing enemy projectiles instead of repelling them!

Akame: On top of this, Necro can fire a laser out of his mouth that unleashes a wave of explosions from under his opponent's feet. Though Dizzy has been sown to summon massive explosions even without him doing this. He likes to summon scythes, hammers, or axe's into battle. He wouldn't even mind shapeshifting into whatever form he deems necessary to get the job done.

Junko: This includes turning into a dragon head that shoots giant lasers out its mouth or summoning said dragon head out of his sleeve. Yeah, it used to be him doing that whole Gamma Ray blast above on his own before Undine did it with him. 

Akame: And in the case that Dizzy is knocked unconscious or about to die, Necro can possess her and keep fighting in her stead, drawing out more of her power in order to protect her.

Junko: And when he's in control, he can use moves like Nazo- *ahem* I mean Necro Unleashed!

Junko: Dizzy ends up unleashing a massive glyph and if her opponent is in range, they're transported into a coffin that locks them in as Necro possesses Dizzy, summons a bow, and fires off several arrows into the coffin!

Akame: Still, she may not be the violent type but it's best not to piss her off.

Junko: Yeah, she may be a total pacifist but even after training under her goody-two-shoes husband, she's still not in full control of her powers. And if she ends up losing control, she could end up turning to her true form.

Akame: While never fully shown onscreen, one of Dizzy's intros and her first Instant Kill depict her turning into something that resembles Sol's Dragon Install, which is his true form as a Gear. Assuming this works similarly to Dragon Install, it would boost her physicality, regeneration, magic, and the power of her special techniques even further. 

Junko: When turning into this form, the ground begins shaking as energy erupts out of her, knocking the opponent down! Once she goes back to normal, though, she ends up with a minor headache. The only issue is that she barely goes into this form anymore ever since she gained... some control over her powers. Even without this form, she's capable of using the Emotional Gamma Ray!


Akame: Necro begins charging a Gamma Ray to finish the opponent off, but Undine quickly warns Dizzy. Horrified, she tackles Necro to the ground, causing the beam to just barely miss the opponent. They then watch the resulting explosion before turning back to Dizzy, with most having a horrified expressions as they surrender. Though characters like Ky, Slayer, and I-No will instead respond with amazement, boredom, and arousal respectively.

Junko: Man, she could easily kill someone with a blast like that! No wonder everyone's scared of her! But thanks to her soft demeanor, she does have weaknesses.

Junko: I mean, the girl is way too nice. So once that it kinda holds her back. She's extremely hesitant toward the idea of killing someone, but she'll cross this line if she has no other choice. Other than that, she'll often suppress her full power when fighting others, although she will go all out if she's ever enraged or if Necro possesses her. Still, it's because she refuses to go all out that almost all her losses are because she held herself back as she didn't want to kill anyone.

Akame: But regardless of hurting others or not, she'll make sure to protect her family and the friends she's made along the way.

Dizzy: Power is not measured in size. At times, the words of a hundred will not reach a lone dictator, yet the words of an individual can inspire hundreds. Power comes in all shapes and sizes. What's most important is what lies behind it. Right now, my 'power' has meaning.

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