Esdeath vs Boa Hancock: Stone Cold Valentine

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Junko: You know, love is a powerful thing, but be careful when going against those you reject. You might end up having to take on these one-woman armies!

Akame: Esdeath, the Icy General of Akame ga Kill

Dizzy: And Boa Hancock, the Snake Princess of One Piece.

Akame: The stage is set and the combatants are ready...

Junko: It's time for a Death Battle!

Large ships were approaching Amazon Lily. The Warlord system has been officially terminated and the World Government has sent in Esdeath to retrieve Boa Hancock dead or alive. As the ship docked, Esdeath came out with an army of ice soldiers.

Esdeath: Now then... let's see what this pirate can do...

As she said this, Boa was sitting on top of her kingdom's walls looking down on Esdeath's army while using Salomn as a throne. She began to stand up and sigh.

Boa: It seems that the World Government has forgotten why they appointed me as a Warlord in the first place.

She made a large heart from her lips and pulled it back like a bow.

Boa: It's because I'm strong.

Boa: Slave Arrow!

She fired a bunch of heart arrows from the giant heart and Esdeath looked up to see this.

Esdeath: Ice Shield!

Esdeath quickly made a shield of ice to block the arrows and watched as most of her soldiers turned to stone.

Edeath: So her powers allow her to turn others into stone? I see... Interesting.

She made a platform that rose her up to face Boa.

Esdeath: Grauhorn!

A giant spike came out of the platform and stabbed into the wall. Boa had jumped up onto the spike and used it to run towards Esdeath. She went for a kick that Esdeath quickly dodged. Esdeath pulled out her sword and tried striking her with it several times but Boa dodged all of those strikes. 

Boa: Perfume Femur!

She went for a heavy strike to the gut. Moments before the strike hit, Esdeath covered her gut in ice as the strike sent her crashing into the forest below them. She had gone through several trees as the ice on her stomach had turned to stone and crumbled. Boa then pointed down at her while leaning back.

Boa: You're not even worth my time!

Esdeath: Hmph. (She's looking down on me so much she needs to face upwards.)

Boa shot more love arrows and Esdeath was quick to counter.

Esdeath: Weiss Shnabel!

She summoned a bunch of icicle projectiles that clashed with the arrows but the arrows were already overwhelming. Ice grew on Esdeath's arms and legs as she flew into the air, dodging the rest of the arrows. 

Esdeath: Hagel Sprung!

As soon as she got high enough, she brought down a gigantic ball of ice at her. Boa quickly jumped up and went for a kick that shattered the ice before she kicked a chunk of it back at Esdeath, knocking her back to the ground. They both landed on their feet and looked at each other.

Esdeath: You're pretty good. But all good things must come to an end. Ice Storm! Commander In-Cheif!

She suddenly absorbed all her ice soldiers and created a massive ice storm that covered the entire island. Before any snow could touch her, Boa unleashed her Conqueror's Haki and pushed a huge amount of that snow away from her. The Haki also nearly pushed Esdeath away, but Esdeath only smiled and stood her ground. She placed her hands down and made massive ice walls around them so nobody could interfere in their battle.

Esdeath: Ice Blender!

She unleashed a giant pillar with spikes around it and Boa quickly jumped over it. Boa then went for a kick that Esdeath went to block with her arm, turning it to stone and shattering it. Esdeath was still smiling as she replaced her arm with an ice blade and swung her sword. Boa dodged it as Esdeath swung the ice blade. Boa went for a kick and they clashed before Esdeath swung her sword again and Boa flipped back to dodge her strike. She stood up straight before aiming a small heart on her fingertip at Esdeath.

Boa: Finger Pistol!

She fired three bullet-like hearts at Esdeath, who blocked them with her ice blade which began to crack. Boa then flipped her hair back and put her hands together.

Boa: Mero Mero Mellow!

She fired her signature technique and Esdeath quickly dodged it before engulfing herself in a massive Ice Mech. As she did, she summoned a bunch of ice spikes from under Boa's feet. Boa dodged the spikes and ran after Esdeath who went for a massive punch which Boa dodged. Boa jumped up and went for a heavy kick at the mech, shattering it into pieces and sending Esdeath flying back. Esdeath made an ice wall behind her to catch her before making a giant ice tree that fired thousands of icicles at Boa. The Kuja Pirate spun around and kicked all the icicles away before dashing at Esdeath and going for a kick. 

Esdeath: Everything shall be encased in ice!

Esdeath went to dodge her kick but Boa managed to land a blow on her other arm, turning it into stone and shattering it while causing the ice tree to collapse. Boa then dashed at Esdeath again who made her a new arm out of ice. Boa quickly went for a kick.

Esdeath: Mahapadma!

Seconds before Boa could strike her, Esdeath had quickly frozen time and space. Esdeath looked up and took a deep breath.

Esdeath: Just as I stated... all good things must come to an end. 

She went to stab her ice-blade arm into Boa's chest, only to find out it was an afterimage.

Esdeath: What?!

As soon as time unfroze Esdeath looked up as Boa had gone for a downward kick, turning half of Esdeath's face into stone and shattering that as well. As soon as Boa landed on her feet, Boa spun around and went for a kick.

Boa: Perfume Femur!

Esdeath: Flash Freeze!

They both went for their own respective attacks and seconds later... Boa shattered the side of Esdeath's gut as Esdeath turned Boa into a giant chunk of ice. 

Esdeath: Well done... and goodbye...

Esdeath turned around and walked away stumbling as Boa shattered into pieces.

Junko: Hmm... this one was kinda quick but I guess I can let it slide. 

Dizzy: At first glance, Boa had the advantage in some key categories. She was faster and more experienced. In an up-close fight, she had plenty of ways to take Esdeath down... but Esdeath simply had more options to go by.

Junko: Yeah, they're both really smart, but Boa is more reckless in battle while Esdeath is better at planning things in the middle of a battle. Not only that, Esdeath had complete control of the battlefield thanks to Commander and Chief. Yeah, Boa's strength was compared to Doflamingo's... but Doffy was still considered stronger despite the fact. Plus, no matter who we scaled Boa to, she doesn't scale anywhere close to Esdeath freezing a continent.

Akame: Not to mention Esdeath could simply freeze her with a thought. She had plenty of ways to block most of Boa's attacks and attack Boa from afar to keep herself from turning into stone.  Boa does have some wins of her own, but more times than not... Esdeath gets the victory.

Junko: Boa really needed a Han here because the only path this fight leads to es death.

Dizzy: The winner is Esdeath.

Winner: Esdeath

+Battle Smart

+More weapons


+Greater Range

+More Hax


- Slower

-More Bloodlusted

-Less Protection

-Smaller Boobs

Loser: Boa Hancock


+More Experience

+ Street Smart

+ More Protection with Haki

+Bigger Boobs

-Less Battle Smart

-Physically Weaker

-Less Hax

-No swords

-Not attractive to Esdeath

Junko: Hmm...

Dizzy: Is something wrong?

Junko: After that little mistake we made, everyone basically knows our next time is Weiss vs Amity. But I feel like a match-up that everyone expects is a little bit boring. So I'm gonna mess up Etna's schedule. 

Akame: What are you-

Junko: Next Time on Death Battle!

Lady Dimitrescu vs Lust

(Resident Evil vs Full Metal Alchemist)

Junko: Puhuhuhu! Happy Valentines Day!

Neptune's Trivia (Battle #151):

-The connections are both are feared women from warrior-like tribes who work or used to work for the corrupted government of their own worlds. Both fell in love with someone who opposes said government (Tatsumi and Luffy) and tries to be with that person despite the one in question having no interest. Both girls gained their powers by consuming something (Teigu blood and a Devil Fruit) which allowed them to take on entire armies of men. 

-This fight serves as a Valentine's Day Special, though was originally meant to come before Valentine's Day

-This is Boa's third fight and the first one she has ever lost.

       *Originally she was meant to have a rematch with Tsunade but they both ended up getting different opponents

                *Boa was also originally going to win the match up until we considered Esdeath's own range and hax

-This is also Esdeath's second Death Battle as she has one her first with a now questionable victory

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