Kokonoe Mercury does her research for Death Battle

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Name: Kokonoe Mercury

Origin: BlazBlue

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 92.6 Ibs

Gender: Female

Age: Early 20s physically, at least 90s chronologically

Classification: Half-Beastkin, Scientist




-Daughter of two of the most powerful characters in Blazblue

-Leading member of Sector Seven

-The first non-observer to notice the looping world

-She is the one who turned an injured Iron Tager into a badass cyborg

     *Claimed to eventually turn him back but never does as she continues to upgrade him

-Fought and defeated the Black Beast

-Fought and imprisoned Azrael

-The first-ever SS-class Criminal wanted by the NOL

       *Personally erased all traces of her existence on their system

-Created and stockpiled hundreds of nuclear warheads in her lab

       *Hakumen mentions that it was weapons like those that decimated the world a hundred years prior

-Made Ragna a new arm

-Brought Celica back to life and gave her Minerva

-Pulled Hakuman out of the Boundary

-Resurrected Lambda

-Helped organize the coup d'etat to put Homura Amanohokosaka on the throne of the Novus Orbis Librarium

-Most broken character to play as in the game

Junko: Long ago, a black beast had been destroying the world. For generations, it has been the dominant species of the world, and everything else was its prey.

Litchi: That is until six heroes stood up to put a stop to it. Hakumen, Nine the Phantom, Jubei, Platinum the Trinity, Valkenhayn R. Hellsing, and a hypnotized Yuki Terumi.

Junko: Oh and um... Celica was there too I guess. Of course, the six heroes would stop the Black Beast. And afterward, Nine and Jubei would fall in love. That's right, Nine fucked the cat and made a cat girl. That cat girl was Kokonoe Mercury.

Litchi: Due to Nine being killed by Terumi's betrayal, Professor Kokonoe was left in the care of her father Jubei. 

Junko ... Yeah no, Jubei pretty much just handed 3her over to the NOL and abandoned her like Boomstick's father. So you could imagine the hatred she had for her old man. But that hatred wasn't nearly as big as it was for Terumi, who killed her mother. So she went out to do whatever it took to get rid of him and was certainly strong enough to do so.

Litchi: Despite the professor's refusal to admit it, she might just be one of the strongest characters in the Blazblue series. And that's really saying something considering even weaker characters like Makoto can send you crashing into the moon so hard it breaks apart. She's also stronger than the 1,212-pound Iron Tager, who can survive atmospheric re-entry.

Junko: She's constantly being compared to her parents, who can take on the Black Beast itself! She's even taken on Nine, Hakumen, Terumi, Kagura, Relius, and even Azrael! The same Azrael who can break out of 17 layers of gravitational bindings and even rip through entire fucking dimensions!

Ann: Yeah, but Kokonoe is fast too.

Ann: It's no secret that her speed is incredible as she can keep up with Noel Vermillion, who reacted to Take-Mikazuchi's Relativistic lasers. She's also gone toe-to-toe with Hakumen, who reacted to Bang Shishigami's lightspeed technique. Heck, she's even blitzed Iron Tager, who can fly into the exosphere and back in a few seconds, at 0.01% the speed of light!

Litchi: Yet still not as impressive as when she took down Terumi, who could reach into the Takamagahara System in 1/480000th of a second. But the professor is also incredibly durable.

Junko: Though she doesn't get out much, she has proven to be just as durable as everyone else in combat. Taking hits from the top tiers in the series and never actually showing too many signs of struggling. 

Ann: She's taken hits from heavy hitters like Azrael and Nine. She's also proven more durable than Ragna, Jin, and Noel, who have taken blasts capable of destroying entire cities.

Junko: She's been hit by magic, which deals severe damage to the soul. She's also been hit with Seithr which is poisonous, can induce addiction and deteriorating bodies, as well as reduce the power of others. Pretty much making you look as hideous as Roy.

Litchi: *Glare*

Junko: The fact of the matter is, Kokonoe took a hit from this stuff and she was just fine. She also took a dip into the Boundary, which would normally really mess you up. I mean just ask Roy! He was deformed, lost some of his memory, and went mentally insane! And he was still lucky that he wasn't erased from existence! And yet Kokonoe entered and... still seems the same as when she came out.

Litchi: ... *sigh* Right... she's still the same Professor she's always been...

Junko: Kokonoe is quite literally the smartest chick in Blazblue, with only Relius being able to rival her! She's also made some unique things. Whether that be a prison in another dimension or a device that can teleport anyone wherever she wants including herself. She's even put a bomb inside of Ragna that could blow up himself and every single version of him in every timeline and dimension if he moves too far from Celica! And that's not even half as impressive as the time she made her own pocket reality entirely out of data!

Litchi: As a Beastman, all of Kokonoe's senses are enhanced. In addition, her perspective of time is also slower than the average human. But not only is Kokonoe half of a Beastman, but she's also an Observer.

Litchi: An Observer, as the name suggests, is someone who observes and acknowledges the events they see around them. 

Junko: It's unknown how exactly one becomes an Observer, but someone can actually agree to be Observed by another individual. Kokonoe used to observe Arakune and had even observed Hakumen temporarily. Nowadays she's the Observer of Iron Tager and Lambda-11.

Ann: And because she's an Observer, she's also granted the use of Phenomena Intervention.

Litchi: Also known as Event Interference, it's an act of interference on existences and events. Interference occurs when someone with a will Observes the event. This ability can change its target's state from "exist" to "not exist" and vice versa. If it cannot be determined if the target actually "exists" or not, it is almost impossible to perform an Event Interference. Since a sudden disappearance of the target would shock those surrounding it, their memories are altered as well. An Event Interference also allows the user to erase one reality and overwrite it with another In other words, it imposes a result of a certain phenomenon from a parallel world into the current world. Changing a possibility into reality.

Junko: So in other words, let's say Litchi were to fall and break her legs. Kokonoe can just rewrite it so she breaks her arm instead or so she doesn't fall at all. And even though Kokonoe isn't the strongest with Phenomena Intervention, she can still use it to erase others from existence and move others to a different location. Hell Carl even used it to freeze time. Kokonoe has even nullified and resisted stronger versions of Phenomena Intervention in the past.

Ann: Also since Kokonoe is an Observer, it makes her a being that exists outside of logic, meaning any abilities, weapons, and powers that are restrained by Logic can't harm her.

Junko: But something that can harm people outside of logic can. For example, Magic. And while Kokonoe doesn't have any magic weapons, she is still as good at using magic as her mother.

Litchi: Magic is a type of Art that utilizes Seithr to activate certain spells. Magic is infamous for having been combined with science to create the most widely learned Art, Ars Magus, at which Kokonoe also excels at.

Junko: Kokonoe doesn't use magic often. Hell, she only really uses it whenever she's backed into a corner. Aside from that, she's also skilled at Alchemy.

Litchi: Alchemy is one of the three lost Arts alongside sorcery and magic, having been primarily practiced in the Mage's Guild. Being part of its curriculum, all students were taught the Art while it also remained a crucial component in the selection of one of the Ten Sages. After the Dark War, alchemy users became much rarer across the globe with most of their knowledge being lost.

Junko: Only difference between Alchemy and magic is that Alchemy can only make things using the environment around her. She can't make new things out of nothing. But she can create earth walls, spears, and other stuff so long as she knows the basics.

Ann: Her use of magic is so advanced that if she wanted to, she could link herself to the Boundary to make herself stronger, or even face the Black Beast itself

Ann: Though she does have a fighting style similar to that of the KaKa clans, she also has weapons that she can summon from thin air. These include two giant wrenches, a helmet, a Mecha Canon, drill hammers, flamethrowers, jackhammers, brass knuckles, Gatling guns, and more.

Litchi: She even has Kushinada's Lynchpin. Or at least a smaller... weaker version of it. It allows her to temporarily paralyze any opponent she makes physical contact with. Though it only last but a few seconds.

Junko: Anyway, her main weapon is the Graviton Capacitor.

Junko: This little device was made to either pull her opponents closer to it or push them away from it. She can summon more than one and they help give Kokonoe complete control over the battlefield along with her other weapons

Litchi: This includes the Armament No. 04α: "Sweltering Flame Cage Ver. 1.43".

Litchi: A small gun that fires a fireball over her head. She has a bigger version called the Armament No. 04β: "Hyper-Torrid Flame Bellborg Ver. 2.73".

Junko: Plus she has the Armament No. 03: "Freezing Absolute Zero Ver. 4.32".

Junko: A gun that freezes its targets in Absolute Zero Degree ice. Once her target is completely frozen, she pulls out some Gatling Guns and fires rapidly at her opponents. And yes, this is the same ice that kept Azrael frozen in prison.

Ann: And then there's her Armament No. 05: "Banishing Ray Lightning Strike Ver. 3.10".

Ann: A small device that she places on the ground. Once activated it unleashes a huge pillar of lightning both horizontally and vertically.

Junko: There's the Armament No. 06: "Layer Haze Transition Ver. 1.24" which basically lets her teleport across the battlefield, but if she ever wanted to get physical, there's always the Armament No. 02 "Broken Bunker Assault Ver. 2.21"!

Junko: A pair of enhanced arms! With these, she can go for some pretty heavy punches or even launch them at her opponent! But I think we've gone through enough of her special gadgets. Let's get to her Overdrive, Distortion, and Exeed Accel!



Litchi: Right. The Professor has her own weapons for these specific attacks. Like for her Exceed Accel, which requires the Armament No. 11: "Full Metal Heavy Weapon Extermination Ver. 2.05". She punches the opponent away staggering them. She then sends a barrage of missiles at the opponent. They bounce back toward the Professor who finishes by electrocuting them, which causes an explosion.

Junko: Then there's the Armament No. 07: "Jamming Dark Gravity Ver. 1.65", where she throws her lollipop and summons a freaking blackhole. We've already talked about the Armament No.4β "Pyro: Flaming Belobog v2.73" so let's talk about something else. How about Armament No. 00: "Super Dreadnought of Destruction, Mecha Tager"! Which is quite literally a giant version of Iron Tager that fires an energy blast from its chest! And she has a stronger one called Golden Tager too!

Litchi: Yet none of that is stronger than her Astral Finish. Armament No. 99: "The Ultimate Impact Final Apocalypse"


Junko: Kokonoe begins with a short-range grab. On connection, Kokonoe unleashes a flurry of rapid-fire punches, similar to Makoto, and then kicks them onto a large magnetic device to hold them in place! She then uses her magic to release a gigantic meteor from the sky to crash into the Earth on top of her opponent! Seriously, to think this chick is this strong just because she's the spawn of an incredibly powerful mage and an even stronger cat!

Litchi: The Professor is indeed incredible. As stated before, he might be the strongest in the series. There are, however, a few weaknesses that Kokonoe possesses.

Litchi: At times, her cockiness can cloud her judgment and cause a fatal error. Plus, despite her powerful bloodline, her body is weaker than both Nine's and Jubei's.

Junko: She also has a minor addiction to Silvervine Candy as she's constantly pushing her body to its limits with Silvervine to stay awake. It's gotten to the point where she would collapse from exhaustion without it.

Ann: But Kokonoe is always hard at work and she will do whatever it takes to achieve whatever goal she sets out on...

Junko: ... Plus she's hot as fu-

Kokonoe: Crazy huh? Who knows... maybe I am. All I know for sure is that I've rewired my own mind... and at this moment I feel pretty sane. I look at you, and all I see is data to be tested and recorded. If you want tears or anger, you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm not going to kill you, Terumi. Not today. This was nothing more than a chance encounter. But the next time will be your last... just keep that in mind.

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