Lucy Heartfilia fights for her friends in Death Battle (Part 1)

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Name: Lucy Heartfilia

Origin: Fairy Tail

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 103.6 Ibs

Gender: Female

Age: 20 (In X793)

Classification: Human, Mage, Celestial Spirit Mage, Fairy Tail Guild Member

Theme: Lucy's Battle


- Was originally heir of the extremely powerful Heartfilia family

- Ran away from home

- Met "Natus Dragneel" then the real one

- Helped the real Natsu defeat Bora and his goons

- Became a member of Fairy Tail

- Tagged alongside Natsu to save Macao Conbolt

- On her first mission retrieved the book Daybreak and discovered its secret.

- Tagged alongside Natsu, Gray, and Erza to stop the Dark Guild Eisenwald

- Unknowingly took part in an S-class quest

- Defeated Sherry Blendy

- Was the excuse that the Guild master of Phantom Lord needed to attack Fairy Tail

- Completely cut off ties with her Father

- Convinced the Celestial Spirit King to spare Loke/Leo

- Alongside the rest of her team, went out to save Erza Scarlett

- Obtained all of the Golden Spirit Keys

- Closed the Elicpse Gate with Yukino

- Summoned the Celestial Spirit King

- One of the few Celestial Spirit wizards who treats their spirits as people, not tools

- Alongside with her reunited team, curve stomped Avatar. A religious cult that worships Zeref.

- Fought Brandish Mu 

        *Although, it was pointed out that Brandish was toying with her

- Freed her guild from a powerful Space Manipulator

- Rewrote the Book of E.N.D

       *Zeref was shocked that she could survive doing it

- Came up with the plan to trap Acnologia

- Along with everyone else in Fairy Tail, got a happy ending

       *Not referring to the cat

Kokonoe: Born to the incredibly wealthy Heartfilia family, you'd think Lucy Heartfilia would have it all. In reality that was far from the truth.

Junko: Yeah, with a dead mom and a dad that barely pays attention to you, that can happen. So that's why our lucky lil' Lucy ran away from some and pursued her dream of becoming a Wizard and joining the most popular Magic Guild there is... Fairy Tail.

Kokonoe: And after meeting a scarf-wearing Fire Dragon Slayer named Natsu, she finally managed to join the guild and became a very valuable asset. 

Junko: I mean, she's incredibly strong.

Kokonoe: She can easily toss a normal man several feet in the air, carry large logs, and even pin down Natsu. 

Junko: Because we all know who's on top in that relationship. And while her arms are lacking in superhuman physical strength, she's defiantly got immense strength in her kicks. I mean, those legs were strong enough to take down the S-Rank wizard Bickslow, who can take physical blows from Grey!

Ann: And she's incredibly fast.

Ann: She can easily dodge bullets and other magical attacks. She's run from the Rune Knights twice, outran Sherry Blendy Rock Doll and dodged hits from II, and can even keep up with Flare, who stopped a bullet from Drake's Long-Range Rifle.

Junko: She's also fast enough to react to Torafuzar, who gave Gajeel a hard time. And Gajeel is fast enough to dodge lighting and even keep up with a Light Dragon Slayer! And this was all before the Thousand Year Quest thing that's currently going on. Oh yeah, did I forget she's really durable?

Junko: This chick's been hit by her own Celestial Spirits on several occasions, especially when it came to Aquarius hitting her with a tidal wave strong enough to knock a ship out of the water! No wonder Lucy can survive falling down a cliff unscathed or take point-blank explosions to the face. 

Ann: She's even taken blows from Kain Hikaru, who is capable of breaking down trees and rocks with his strength alone! And she's taken beatings from some heavy hitters like Gajeel, Zero, and Hades!

Kokonoe: Right. Though she's not the strongest member of Fairy Tail, she certainly isn't someone you should underestimate.

Kokonoe: Lucy has proven herself to be a very intelligent, logical, and intuitive Mage. 

Ann: Like how she figured out that Bora had slipped a sleeping drug in her wine without tasting it. And being an avid reader, she's also shown to be adept at solving words-related puzzles and riddles, like when she was able to see through the spell that Zekua Melon cast onto his Daybreak book and work out the book's true content. She even figured out the location of Mavis Vermillion's grave with ease through the use of the "clues" hidden in the Trial's setup. Apparently, she was the only person in the guild to figure it out.

Kokonoe: Lucy also uses her intellect as an advantage to help herself and her friends in winning battles by tricking her opponents. By the year X792, through notes and observation, Lucy can tell that Scarmiglione hid their true strength, and she predicted the outcome of their battle with ease. Lucy also came up with the plan of using a Dragon Slayer's weakness against Acnologia and trapping him inside Fairy Sphere.

Junko: Yeah and she can sense the magic power of her opponents even if they tried to hide it. That's not what we wanna hear. Let's talk more about the good stuff, like her weapon!

Ann: Oh yeah. For a weapon, Lucy has her whip.

Junko: Oooh, kinky. I should defiantly tie Akame up with this.

Ann: Um no... anyway, this is Lucy's main weapon of choice and she's actually pretty skilled at using it. Mostly in short to mid-ranged combat though. Also she would later replace it with the whip given to her by the Celestial Spirit World, Fleuve d'étoiles.

Junko: Not as kinky but still good enough to tie Akame up with!

Ann: Stop that!

Kokonoe: An extending whip heralding from the River of the Stars Celestial Spirit World, the water acts as a solid, allowing Lucy to grab onto solid objects as well as to perform a various array of attacks. When needed, the Fleuve d'étoiles can also be summoned by Lucy where ever she is located and that includes being in a parallel universe like Elentir.

Junko: She's also got plenty of attacks like the Lucy Kick.

Junko: Seriously, it's Lucy's only powerful non-magical attack that doesn't require a power-up. But we'll get to that later. It's pretty much a simple kick but hey, it's strong enough to defeat the leader of the Dark Guild Naked Mummy raid squadron sent to rob the Love & Lucky Guild as well as Bickslow during the S-Class Promotion Trial.

Kokonoe: Right. But her most powerful weapons are her Celestial Keys.

Kokonoe: Magical items that allow Lucy to summon Celestial Spirits from the Celestial Spirit World. 

Junko: So let's go ahead and get the Silver Keys out of the way since they're not important. She has a little cute snowman thing that's apparently a dog, a bird that can tell you the location of certain places, an old man that knows everything, and a clock that can summon Lucy inside of himself to protect her from danger even if it's lava. Huh... actually I guess that last one was important.

Kokonoe: Regardless, none of them are as powerful as the 12 Zodiac Keys. Golden Gate Keys that are extremely rare within the Fairy Tail world. Of these 12 keys, Lucy has ten of them starting with Aries the Ram.

Kokonoe: A shy and timid spirit who uses Whool Magic. This magic allows her to create and manipulate pink wool that covers opponents by distracting them, sending them into a relaxed and comfortable state.

Ann: She can make giant walls of them or even shoot them as projectiles! It's so much fluffy wool her opponents could drown in it!

Junko: Then there's Capricorn the Goat.

Junko: This badass-looking goat butler is... well he's a badass-looking goat butler. 

Ann: He's super strong and super fast. He's also incredibly smart but um... that's about it...

Kokonoe: Anyway next we have Cancer the giant crab.

Junko: Lucy's personal hair stylist, Cancer is pretty good at using his personal scissors. They can cut your hair up with ease and even be used as deadly blades against faster opponents. He knows exactly how to make someone's hair look good and his superhuman speed allows I'm to get the job done quickly. Though he doesn't have much in super strength and he has a habit of calling chicks "baby".

Ann: Well Lucy also has Sagittarius the Archer.

Ann: One of Lucy's more loyal keys, he tries to get the job done with his bows and arrows as quickly and effectively as possible with his bow and arrows. He's pretty smart and polite too with a habit of saying hello.

Junko: He's literally a guy wearing a horse costume... but I guess I can't complain. On to some of the more badass ones like Scorpio the Scorpion!

Junko: Hah! This guy has a Sand Buster and he's not afraid to use it!

Ann: Despite his appearance, Scorpio is actually a lot nice guy and is another one who is kind to Lucy, unlike his girlfriend who we'll get to later. Anyway, as Junko said, Scorpio uses his tail to use Sand Magic. He can fire huge blasts of sand or even create sand walls to block incoming attacks.

Junko: But personally I prefer Taurus, the Golden Bull

Junko This guy's one of, if not the physically strongest Zodiac Key. Wielding a giant, double-bladed battleaxe, this guy is incredibly strong and surprisingly fast! I mean, the guy can create a single swing using a move called Rampage! And thanks to Lucy being capable of summoning two spirits at once, Taurus can combine his attacks with other spirits.

Kokonoe: For example, when working with Scorpio he can combine his axe with Scorpio's sand and swing it at his opponent using a move called Sandstorm Axe Aldebaran. And when working with Aries' wool, he can spin around and form a giant vortex out of it creating what is known as a Wool Typhoon.

Junko: Oh yeah, he also has an attack called Tension Max where he just swings his mighty hammer with his axe. 

Ann: Too bad he's a total simp for Lucy of all people.

Junko: Oh come on, who isn't? I mean, aside from the Lucy haters and all that. Look, if anyone knows how good-looking she is, just ask Gemini the Twins.

Kokonoe: Also known as Gemi and Mini, these two sets of twins are pretty playful and yet pretty important to Lucy's own arsenal. That's because these two use transformation magic, which allows them to transform into anyone they want. Once transformed, they can even obtain that person's memories and powers.

Junko: Though there are limitations. They have to touch the person to turn into them and they can only turn into up to two people at a time. Any additional ones will be erased. Also, they can only be transformed for up to 5 minutes and can't turn into anyone whose magical power is beyond Lucy's. Because of this, they tend to stick with turning into Lucy and showing her boobs just to tease her. And you know what? Who wouldn't?

Kokonoe: As Lucy, they can use combination techniques that we'll get into later. Gemini is also the only Celestial Spirit capable of summoning other spirits once turned into Lucy.

Ann: And then there's Virgo...

Ann: The Ma- ... um... okay, what the heck is this?

Junko: Oh right, Virgo the Maiden. Yeah, she's one of the more powerful spirits who's into some... pretty freaky shit. Regardless she can use Earth Magic which lets her do various things. With a skill called Diver, she can dig through the ground as easily as swimming. And with Spica Lock, she traps her opponent in the middle of a bunch of rocks. Like that one move Pain used to trap Naruto. She can do something similar with Spica Hole but that's more for trapping her opponent in a giant hole in the ground.

Kokonoe: She also has Chain Magic which lets her manipulate the chains around her wrist. She can extend the length of the chains and move them around as she wishes. The chains can be used offensively by elongating them and using them as a whip.

Ann: And with Transformation Magic she can- ...yeah never mind... she doesn't use that anymore. But she's really skilled in martial arts and can even use techniques like the Virgo kick... which she defiantly copied from Lucy...

Junko: The next spirit is defiantly one of her strongest. Leo the Lion... but please, call him Loke.

Junko: This is the guy every chick wants to be with. He has superhuman speed and strength too.

Ann: For his weapon, he has a ring that can create a powerful wind that sends his opponents flying. But his main magic is known as Regulus, a type of Caster magic that allows him to manipulate light. He can use this to blind his opponents or even increase his already impressive speed and strength.

Junko: But despite being the leader of the 12 Zodiac Keys, he's not the strongest in Lucy's arsenal. Well, you could say that he's the strongest but if you ask Lucy, that title belongs to Aquarius.

Kokonoe: Aquarius has been Lucy's servant since Lucy was a small child. Because of this, she treats Lucy more as a little sister than anything else. She's not very loyal to Lucy and can be kinda harsh on her but she does care for Lucy nonetheless.

Junko: She's also Scorpio's girlfriend. And with a bod like that, I can see why. Seriously, why is everyone in here have massive jugs and the same figure? What is this? One Piece?

Ann: Using her magic urn, she can use water magic. This allows her to fire water bullets, unleash entire tsunamis of water, absorb and unleash enough water to push a yacht miles away effortlessly, or even create pillars of water from beneath her enemy's feet! Se can even turn her own body into water, making physical attacks pretty useless.

Kokonoe: However, she does have the limited requirement that Lucy needs water to summon her. And she won't obey Lucy's every command. 

Ann: But even if her spirits aren't enough, Lucy still has more where that came from. All she need is-

Junko: Whoops! Sorry, Ann but we've got to cut you short.

Ann: Huh?! Why?!

Junko: We've run out of room to explain everything Lucy's capable of, duh. If Wattpad allowed more than 20 pics this would be a lot easier but I guess that's too much for them. Anyway, it's not you, it's me... blah blah blah... here's a picture of a cat.

To Be Continued

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