Itachi Uchiha vs Ulquiorra Cifer: Crow of Apathy

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Kokonoe: Every organization built on power seems to have that one quiet guy whose loyal and stronger than most.

Ann: Like Itachi Uchiha, the crow of the Akatsuki in Naruto.

Junko: And Ulquiorra Cifer, the 4th Espada of Bleach!

Kokonoe: The stage is set and the combatants are ready.

Junko: It's time for a Death Battle!

Ulquiorra was walking in a dark castle where he found Itachi sitting on a throne.

Ulquiorra: Tell me... how much can you see with those eyes of yours...?

Itachi slowly opened his eyes as he had already activated the Sharingan.

Itachi: There is nothing I cannot see.

Ulquiorra: Is that so? Then why don't you prove it?

Itachi: Hmph...

Itachi was already back to back with him.

Itachi: As you wish.

Itachi pulled out a kunai as they both turned around. Itachi swung the kunai and Ulquiorra blocked it with his hand. Ulquiorra quickly sent his hand straight through Itachi's body, but Itachi suddenly poofed away as that was just a clone. Ulquiorra looked up as Itachi was above him throwing shurikens.

Itachi: Fire Style! Pheonix Flower Jutsu!

The shuriken caught on fire as they launched at Ulqiorra who quickly jumped back and dodged them. Itachi landed on his feet and Ulquiorra quickly dashed at him. He grabbed Itachi by the neck with one hand and slammed him straight into the wall, then used his other hand to slice Itachi's stomach open. Itachi coughed up blood as Ulquiorra tightened his grip and held Itachi up against the wall.

Ulquiorra: You're far too weak... you can never beat me.

Itachi slowly lifted his two fingers to Ulquiorra's head and pointed to the side. Ulquiorra went to look where Itachi was pointing, only to find the real Itachi sitting on his throne. Ulquiorra looked back at the one he was holding as it shattered into crows.

Ulquiorra: An illusion... I see... then let us try this again. Bala.

Ulquiorra unleashed an incredibly fast burst of energy that Itachi quickly jumped up to dodge as it destroyed his throne. Itachi jumped off the wall and above Ulquiorra.

Itachi: Fire Style! Fireball Jutsu!

Ulquiorra: Cero.

As Itachi shot a massive fireball down at him, Ulquiorra unleashed a giant burst of spiritual energy. They clashed and the Cero blast quickly took charge, blasting Itachi all the way outside. Itachi landed on the roof of the cattle as he saw there was water around it. Ulquiorra appeared above Itachi, standing in the air as Itachi made more hand signs.

Itachi: Water style! Water Dragon Jutsu!

The water around the castle rose up, taking the form of a dragon and bursting at Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra: Pathetic.

Ulquiorra took his Zanpakuto and swung it, splitting the dragon with ease before landing back on the ground. As soon as he did, Itachi threw a kunai that had a paper on it. Ulquiorra caught it and it immediately blew up in his face. As it did, Itachi activated the Mangekiyo Sharingan.

Itachi: Amaterasu!

He unleashed a huge burst of black flames at Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra: Enclose... Murciélago!

Before the flames could touch him, Ulquiorra activated his Resurrección and unleashed a huge burst of darkness around him. He grew massive wings that swatted the flames away. As soon as he did, he looked into Itachi's eyes and the sky suddenly turned red.

Ulquiorra: Hm? Another illusion?

He looked around as there were thousands of Itachi's surrounding him with long swords. Fifteen of them stabbed straight through Ulquiorra's body.

Ulquiorra: ... ... ...

In the real world, Ulquiorra was standing there helpless as Itachi had approached him.

Itachi: I must say, I was all but expecting you to transform. Now... tell me how to stop you.

Ulquiorra spoke softly.

Ulquiorra: I have a healing factor... I can heal any wound except my eternal organs.

Itachi: That so? In that case.

Itachi pulled out a kunai and went to stab him in the head, but Ulquiorra suddenly caught his arm.

Ulquiorra: Is that truly all you needed to ask?

Itachi was shocked as Ulquiorra snapped his arm like a trig. Itachi screamed in pain and jumped back as he summoned Susano'o.

Itachi: (He broke out the Genjutsu?)

Ulquiorra: Cero Oscuras.

Ulquiorra pointed and unleashed an even bigger Cero blast that was quickly blocked by the Susano'oes shield.

Itachi: It's pointless. You can not break through this shield.

Ulquiorra: That so? How annoying.

Itachi swung the sword of the Susano'o and Ulquiorra summoned a green energy javelin to block it and toss the strike to the side with ease. He flew into the air as Itachi went for another stab but Ulqiorra dodged it and unleashed another burst of darkness, transforming once more.

Itachi: (His chakra levels are skyrocketing.)

Ulquiorra summoned a longer green javelin and threw it at him, but Itachi quickly used the giant shield to block it as it caused a gigantic explosion.

Itachi: Geh!

Ulquiorra: Hm... still a little rusty.

Ulquiorra summoned another one as the Susano'o summoned a Magatama. They both threw their projectiles and they went right past each other. Ulquiorra dodged the Magatama as the Javelin went straight through the Susano'o and blew up in Itachi's face, unleashing an explosion that covered the entire roof. Once the dust settled, Ulquiorra floated back on the roof and saw Itachi struggling to get up.

Ulquiorra: So... you're still alive...

He picked Itachi up by the neck with his tail. He then pointed and blasted a huge hole through his chest. He dropped Itachi's dead body off the castle as a black portal opened behind him.

Ulquiorra: It is time I told Lord Aizen... the Uchiha are nothing but trash.

Junko: Wow. Ulquiorra was... kinda harsh there!

Ann: Itachi put up a good fight, but in the end, Ulquiorra came out on top.

Junko: Yeah, Ulquiorra was way faster and while Itachi's Genjutsu slowed him down, it was only delaying the inevitable.

Kokonoe: Not only that, but Itachi didn't really have a counter against Ulquiorra's extremely hard body.

Junko: And not just that, but he didn't really need to transform either. His power in his transformations completely whipped out any feats Itachi had.

Ann: In the end, Itachi took his third death and the winner is Ulquiorra.


+Physically superior

+Healing factor and tough skin

+Transformations are overkill

-Genjutsu slowed him down




-Not as strong

- Can't get past tough skin

Junko: Next time on Death Battle!

Sandman: Hey... I'm not done with you yet!

Crocodile: *sigh* Fine then... I'll end this quickly.

Sandman vs Crocodile

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