Makoto Niijima's justice will be served in Death Battle

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Name: Makoto Niijima, "Queen"

Origin: Persona 5

Height: 5'5"

Weight: N/A

BWH: 80-54-82

Gender: Female

Age: 17-18

Classification: Human, Student Council President, Member of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Persona User, The High Priestess Arcana

Theme: Wake up, Get up, Get out there

Ann: After the death of her father three years ago, Makoto Niijima has always made sure to live up to everyone's expectations.

Junko: Yeah, considering her sister, Sai, already graduated and became a... decent lawyer, Makoto kinda had some big shoes to fill.

Ann: Well, we can't say she didn't try. She eventually became a third-year honor student and student council president of Shujin Academy.

Junko: Also known as Prison School!

Ann: Then one day, a disgusting couch known as Kamoshida had a change of heart thanks to a group called the Phantom Thieves! And the principle decided to have Makoto personally identify them while also dealing with a mafia boss using students for money.

Kokonoe: Wait wait wait wait... so your telling me the principle... asked a highschooler to find some random group of thieves as well as take down a mafia group... all by herself...?

Ann: Yep!

Kokonoe: I'm... not even going to ask...

Ann: But after following our leader with an upside-down book and overhearing the big mouth of one of our members... maybe two... Makoto finally identified us! But instead of turning us in, she joined us and became one of our smartest and toughest members!

Junko: Yeah, she is very much a genius.

Junko: She's perfectly capable of coming up with strategies on the fly as she can easily be compared to guys like Ren and Akechi, two of the smartest in Persona 5.

Ann: Her weapons of choice are her Knuckle Dusters!

Ann: Well, Makoto has many fist based weapons for melee attacks.

Kokonoe: Her strongest is Sabazios, which increases her chances of delivering a critical hit.

Ann: She also has a revolver!

Ann: This revolver can fire up to 6 rounds and can automatically reload itself! Her strongest revolver is Judge of the Dead, which can raise all her stats by 10!

Junko: But the most powerful thing in her arsenal has to be her Persona, Johanna!

Junko: Yep! While everyone else has monster looking Persona... Makoto has a freaking bike!

Kokonoe: And like every motorcycle, Makoto can ride on it for transportation and to run over her enemies.

Ann: She also has plenty of attacks! Both Vajra Blast and Flash Bomb deal medium physical damage to multiple targets, with Flash Bomb having a low chance of making them dizzy.

Junko: She has Mafreidyne, which deals heavy damage to multiple targets! She also has Atomic Flare, which targets one individual but does much more severe damage! And both can deal extra damage to opponents that are on fire, frozen, are suprised! But her most powerful attack has to be her Showtime!

Junko: Where she rides her Persona, creating a spinning vortex before jumping up and punching the ground, creating a huge atomic explosion!

Kokonoe: Which is impressive considering she can make explosions large enough to knock back and engulf Cognitive Wakaba, who's large enough to destroy the top of a giant pyramid.

Ann: She doesn't just have offensive abilities though. She has Marakukaja and Defense Master, both of which temporarily increase her defense.

Kokonoe: She has Nuke Amp which increases her Nuclear Attacks by 50%, as well as Nuke Break which nullifies any resistances to nuclear attacks her opponent may have.

Ann: She's got Mediarahan, which can completely heal her and her allies. As well as Energy Shower, which cures confusion, fear, despair, rage, and brainwashing.

Junko: Oh! And after growing stronger, Makoto can evolve her persona from Johanna into Anat!

Junko: Gaining an actual body and coming equipped with a badass new blade, this persona is much stronger than the last!

Ann: It also gives Makoto immunity to nuclear attacks and a resistance to curse attacks. Oh, and it heightens her chances of dodging psychic attacks.

Kokonoe: Anat has all the same stuff as Johanna only stronger. And once Johanna and Anat fuse, they become Agnes.

Kokonoe: Being even stronger than before, Agnes has the same abilities as before but with some upgrades.

Ann: Now she can use Makajama, which can make her opponent temporarily forget how to use their powers! Oh, and Dekunda, which nullifies any stat debuffs done to her!

Junko: She also has Checkmate, which decreases her opponents attack power, defense, and agility. She even has a Persona trait called Gaia Blessing, which increases the chances of burning, freezing, or shocking her enemies by 50%. But it's not very useful unless she uses items that can inflict such things.

Ann: Well, it is true that we bring items to battle for such things. But that's a bit off topic.

Kokonoe: Right. Makoto also has a Burst Mode, where she channels nuclear energy into her body to deliver more devastating attacks.

Junko: Makoto is really fast!

Junko: She can easily dodge bullets and missles, react to lightning and light based attacks, and even reacting to the Big Bang Challenge, which travels galaxies in seconds!

Kokonoe: She can also be compared to shadows that can dodge Lucifer's morning star, which is said to travel lightyears in seconds.

Ann: Oh, she's also incredibly strong and durable!

Ann: She once broke a marble floor with a stomp and destroyed Piggytron with a punch! And Piggytron is a giant metal piggy bank the size of a building!

Kokonoe: Once again, she could be scaled to the shadows she fights. Some of which have galaxy spanning attacks or can create worlds several times larger than a single galaxy.

Ann: Makoto's survived getting erased from existence as well as attacks from gods like Yaldabaoth, false gods like EMMA, and even people much more powerful like Maruki, who can literally rewrite reality with a thought!

Kokonoe: But she does have her limits.

Kokonoe: For one, she's just a normal human outside the Metaverse.

Junko: Though she still has inhuman strength that lets her crush a watermelon with her bare hands.

Kokonoe: She's also weak to psychic attacks and can be reckless if she let's her temper get to her.

Ann: Regardless of all that, Makoto will continue to inspire others as a Phantom Thief and show the whole world her justice!

Makoto: This time I'm not seeking anyone's praise, and I'm not trying to show off my intelligence. I simply want to fulfill my own personal goals and dreams.

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