Medusa Gorgon vs Orochimaru: Scientific Snakes Bite

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Junko: My mom always told me to stay away from snakes! They're dangerous, deadly, and ruin everyone's lives!

Kokonoe: And these two are probably the most deadliest snakes out there.

Junko: Medusa Gorgon, one of the Three Gorgon Sisters in Soul Eater.

Kokonoe: And Orochimaru, one of the Three Legendary Sanin of Naruto. I'm Kokonoe and she's Junko.

Junko: And it's time for a Death Battle!

Medusa was wandering through an underground cave which just so happened to be one of Orochimaru's hideouts.

Medusa: Hmm... this may be the perfect place for me...

She suddenly heard Orochimaru's voice echoing through the halls.

Orochimaru: I believe you chose the wrong hole to crawl into...

Medusa: Is that so? I don't know who you are, but I take what I want... and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it.

Orochimaru started to emerge from the wall behind her.

Orochimaru: Is that so?

Orochimaru went to grab her but Medusa saw this and jumped out the way.

Orochimaru: "Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!"

Orochimaru sent multiple snakes from his hand charging at her and Medusa sent multiple arrows at him from her back in return. The arrows were going through the snakes with ease. Orochimaru saw this and smiled. His jaw extended as he threw himself up. His lower half was that of a snake and he slithered away as his old body was stabbed multiple times. Orochimaru dashed to the right of Medusa and punched her in the face, sending her back a bit as the arrows disappeared. She quickly recovered as an arrow appeared under her and caused her to dash at Orochimaru. She summoned her Vector Blade and used it to stab straight through Orochimaru's chest.

Orochimaru: Gah!

Medusa: Oh? Does it sting? Don't worry... you were 800 years too early to be beating me.

Orochimaru: Oh? But I haven't even used a fraction of my power!

Orochimaru put his hands together.

Medusa: Hm?

He suddenly had a thousand snakes come out his mouth, forcing Medusa to quickly get back. Orochimaru then placed his hand on the ground.

Orochimaru: "Summoning Jutsu!"

He suddenly summoned a giant snake that immediately launched Medusa out the hideout and sent her flying into a forest. A broom quickly flew towards her and she landed on it as she used it to fly into the sky. She watched as Manda rose from the ground with Orochimaru on his head, this time with legs.

Medusa: Hmph. Don't waste my time!

Medusa's tattoos suddenly turned into giant serpant heads that sunk their teeth into Manda and caused him to collapse immediately. Orochimaru quickly jumped off Manda and towards Medusa as he kicked her off her broom and back into the forest. Medusa landed on her feet as Orochimaru came down andwent for a downward kick.

Medusa: Vector Storm!

A spiral of vectors rose from the ground and blocked Orochimaru's attack, causing him to get back. As soon as he landed on the ground, he immediately spat a long sword out his mouth that shot at Medusa. She quickly summoned her Vector Blade and swung it, swatting the sword away.

Medusa: I would compliment you, but you're not even a challenge!

Medusa dashed at him and swung her blade, cutting him in half. Before his body could fall on the ground, a bunch of snakes came together and reattached him.

Medusa: What the hell?!

Medusa quickly got back.

Medusa: Tch... and just what the hell are you supposed to be?

The sword suddenly came flying back and stabbed Medusa in the back.

Medusa: Geh!

Orochimaru's neck stretched and he went to bite her, but Medusa quickly got back.

Orochimaru: Wouldn't you like to know?

Medusa: Tch!

An arrow suddenly appeared under Orochimaru, sending him straight towards her. She had an arrow appear on her arm as she hit him with a strong punch to the gut. Orochimaru recovered quickly as two giant snakes came out his sleeves and wrapped around her body, quickly binding her. Orochimaru smiled and licked his lips as he removed the sword from Medusa's body. He took two steps back and licked Medusa's blood off the blade.

Orochimaru: Don't worry... this is nobodies fault but your own.

Orochimaru swund the sword and cleanly bisected her. He watched as her body fell to the ground.

Orochimaru: What a pity. You were hardly worth the effort.

Orochimaru went to turn and walk away, when Medusa's upper body suddenly clung onto his back.

Orochimaru: What the?!

Medusa: Don't go counting me out yet!

Medusa wen to quickly take a huge bite on Orochimaru's neck.

Orochimaru: Tch!

Orochimaru grabbed her by the face and slammed her to the ground. He then started stomping on her face. He kept stomping on her face over and over again.

Orochimaru: You dare come to me with such a pathetic display? I am Orochimaru! Compared to me, your nothing but trash on the side of the road!

Orochimaru kept stomping over and over again as blood was going everywhere and his foot was sinking through her skull. She eventually stopped moving and Orochimaru stopped with a smile and walked away.

Junko: Now  that was fast!

Kokonoe: These two both have equal amounts of intelligence to take on the other. At first glance it would seem like Medusa had this as she had more experience and she was a lot stronger and faster than Orochimaru.

Junko: But then things start to turn the other way as Medusa didn't have too many options to put him down for good. I mean, the guys literally known for cheating death countless times while Medusa could only do it once on certain conditions.

Kokonoe: Orochimaru also had a stubborn healing factor that let him heal through whatever Medusa threw at him while Medusa himself did not.

Junko: Plus Orochimaru had a whole bunch of stuff in his arsenal that could easily overwhelm Medusa.

Kokonoe: Yes, Medusa did fight and beat her Crona, but this was solely in the anime, where Crona was greatly downplayed. While in the actual manga, she was brutally murdered by her child.

Junko: In the end, the worst mother lost to the somehow best father.... ... ... wait is Orochimaru a mother or a father?

Kokonoe: It doesn't matter. The winner is Orochimaru.

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