Naruto Uzumaki is finally in Death Battle! Believe it! (Part 1)

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Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Origin: Naruto

Gender: Male

Age: 19 (The Last) | 32 (New Era)

Classification: Human, Shinobi, Jinchūriki, Sage, Hokage


Junko: Years ago, a Nine-Tailed Fox appeared and caused destruction among the Hidden Leaf. One ninja stood up to fight the beast. This ninja was the Fourth Hokage and in order to get rid of it, he sealed it away in his newborn son before moving to the next life. This son... was Naruto Uzumaki!

Kokonoe: It should come as no surprise that the early years of Naruto's life were... well... a living hell. Ignored by those his age and hated by those older, Naruto was alone for most of his life and had no idea why.

Ann: But he kept up his hyperactive personality. He had a dream in mind... to be an even greater Hokage than even the 4th. Then everyone will have no choice but to acknowledge him.

Junko: So after graduating from ninja school, Naruto joined Team 7 with Sakura, Sasuke, and their sensei Kakashi! Sasuke left the team early but that's a ship for a whole other Death Battle. Point is, Naruto went on multiple adventures and became super strong.

Junko: This guy was just a kid when he killed a giant centipede and stopped a colossal snake with his bare hands! 

Ann: He fought against Obito, Madara, and even Kaguya! He's even punched the Sage Mode out of Toneri!

Kokonoe: Not just that, but he's incredibly fast.

Kokonoe: Capable of weaving through meteors, dodging lightning from Sasuke, and even dodging beams of light from Madara.

Junko: He's fought hundreds of Toneri's clones and even faced Toneri himself on the moon! 

Ann: Speaking of Toneri, Naruto is incredibly durable.

Ann: He's dissipated Sasuke's fireball jutsu, tanked his Chidori current, and even survived Amateratsu, which are flames so hot they burn other flames. 

Junko: He survived a Shinra Tensei, fell from the cloud layer, took a beating from Momoshiki, and even survived Toneri's ultimate attack which split the moon!

Kokonoe: Granted, the moon was mostly hollow and giant chunks of it have already fallen off it, the feat is still impressive considering the moon was still big enough to destroy the Ninja world, which is 4x bigger than our own.

Junko: What's really impressive is his endurance and willpower. This guy fought Kabuto with a hole in his hand and resisted poison through sheer willpower.

Ann: He can breathe in space and is resistant to various abilities like ice manipulation, mind manipulation, soul manipulation, and sleep manipulation. He can also heal from minor injuries thanks to the Nine Tails.

Junko: He's also got quite the arsenal.

Ann: He's got Kunai, regular Shuriken, and massive Fuma Shuriken

Junko: He's even got explosive tags so he can... well... give his weapons more of a bang.

Kokonoe: But his greatest weapon is his chakra.

Kokonoe: A spiritual energy and natural life force that originally belonged to God Trees. It's used for every technique and gives Naruto superhuman abilities like walking on water, running on walls, and enhancing his physical strength. 

Ann: Nowadays it's in every living thing and if you run out of it, you could potentially die. But Naruto has a large amount thanks to the Nine Tails, Kurama. 

Junko: Chakra is also a key element in performing Jutsu. One of them is Genjutsu, which Naruto is terrible at. The second is Taijutsu.

Ann: While not being his forte, Naruto has been shown to have mastered this. He's even mastered the Strong Fist Style taught by Might Guy. His Taijutsu is so good that he fought Sasuke to a standstill, only losing an arm in the process.

Junko: He can even use techniques like the 1000 years of Death, where he basically sticks his fingers up your butt and sends you flying... yeah it hurts.

Kokonoe: Speaking of Sasuke, that arm Naruto lost actually got replaced with a new, artificial one.

Kokonoe: An arm made from the First Hokage's cells before being enhanced with further mechanical features. With it, Naruto is able to neutralize and even absorb enemy techniques, though they have yet to replicate Momoshiki's ability to discharge them as a counterattack.

Ann: Anyway, back on topic. The third Jutsu Naruto can use is called Ninjutsu, which basically lets him use his Chakra for various techniques.

Junko: And the first technique he learned was the Sexy Jutsu!

Junko: Where he basically turns himself into a sexy naked lady! He's even got an upgraded version with devil clothes just to avoid censorship! It's so strong it can take down Jiryia and even the 3rd Hokage!

Ann: Hey! take that jutsu somewhere else!

Kokonoe: *ahem* But one of the more useful techniques that he's learned is his Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Ann: Yeah, Naruto had a hard time summoning Shadow Clones at first, but after being tricked into sealing a sacred scroll... he mastered the S-Rank version at the age of 12.

Kokonoe: Thanks to his immense Chakra, Naruto can summon not just one clone, but hundreds to even thousands of clones at a time. 

Junko: Now Naruto can let those clones use the Sexy Jutsu and form a hare-

*Ann hit Junko in the back of the head with a book*

Junko: Ow... he also has a reverse harem jutsu... so yeah...

Kokonoe: Each clone possesses Naruto's skills and ability. They die after one hit, but their knowledge transfers to Naruto upon their disappearance. He can even spread his chakra through the other clones to prevent his foe from guessing the real one.

Ann: And he's got a ton of techniques he can use with them. Like the Naruto Uzumaki Two-Thousand Combo!

Ann: Where he creates 999 clones and proceeds to kick his opponent into the air. A thousand clones each get two punches in before finally ending it with an uppercut. 

Kokonoe: There's also the Uzumaki Formation, where he surrounds himself with twelve clones to prevent enemies from getting the drop on him.

Ann: The Shadow Clone Parachute is when two clones hold down a fallen foe so Naruto can Knee-Drop them.

Junko: Shadow Clone Body Blow is when he throws four clones as a distraction before having a clone throw him.

Ann: And the Shadow Clone Spinning Heel Drop is where Naruto launches several summersaulting Shadow Clones at his opponent.

Kokonoe: He can also perform the Summoning Jutsu.

Kokonoe: A high-level technique where he uses Space-Time Jutsu to summon various animals. Thanks to his sensei, Jiraiya, Naruto has learned to summon various toads, with most being over 50 feet tall.

Junko: His personal summon is Gamakichi!

Ann: A light-hearted and sarcastic toad who wields a massive Tanto with great precision.

Kokonoe: He can also use plenty of ninjutsu as well. Like the Flame Bullet, where he shoots oil from his mouth and ignites it to make a fireball.

Junko: While normally something like this counts as outside help, that never stopped us in the past so he may or may not make an appearance.

Ann: Going back to Naruto, he has another very famous jutsu. And I'm not talking about the explosive bubbles or mud walls. I'm talking about the Rasengan!

Ann: This jutsu took three years for his father, Minato, to develop. And Naruto learned it in less than a month as another technique taught to him by Jiraiya.

Kokonoe: This Jutsu can be broken into three steps. Emitting rotational Chakra, increasing its power and volume and containing it in a sphere. Once complete, all Naruto has to do is thrust it into his foe and damage his opponent, leaving some notable spiral-shaped wounds.

Junko: He can hold two Rasengan at once, increase its size and make it massive, or even let all his Shadow Clones charge in with them all at once.

Ann: He even has a special technique called the Wind Release: Rasengan!

Ann: Where he infuses his Rasengan with his Wind Chakra Nature, increasing its speed and power!

Junko: He can combine it with other Chakra Natures or infuse it with Kurama's chakra to make his own version of the Kamehameha! But he still has an even further improved version in the Rasenshuriken!

Kokonoe: He needs two Shadow Clones to make this as it adds additional shape to the Rasengan, creating four blades around it.

Junko: It also makes a loud screeching noise as it cuts through and disintegrates most things in its path! If it can't cut through something, it explodes into a wind vortex that releases so many microscopic chakra blades that not even the Sharingan can count them all! It cuts his opponent on a cellular level and even cuts through his opponents' chakra flow!

Ann: He has an even more powerful version called the Big Bang Rasenshuriken! But that's not only scratching the surface of his power! You see, Naruto himself is actually-

Junko: Woah Woah Woah stop right there!

Kokonoe: Hm?

Ann: What? Why?

Junko: You can't go spoiling all the good stuff in the first part! After all, this analysis is a two-parter!

Ann: Oh... right.

Junko: See you all next time as we go over Naruto's transformations and how incredibly godly he is!

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