Raven Branwen fights for her tribe in Death Battle

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Name: Raven Branwen

Origin: RWBY

Gender: Female

Age: Likely in her 30s (Is slightly older than Qrow)

Classification: Human, Former Huntress, Tribe Leader, Spring Maiden



Kokonoe: Beacon Academy was an interesting school filled with people wanting to be Huntsman. However, not everyone wants to be a Huntsman or Huntress for the same reason. Some want it for the fame and glory while others want it for the money. Raven wanted to become a Huntress to learn to kill Huntsman for her tribe, alongside her brother Qrow.

Junko: But don't worry, she managed to be a member of Team STRQ and made some new friends! But then she realized that the headmaster of Beacon was hiding stuff and lying. She decided to look into these lies and the more she did, the more she realized how cruel her world really is.

Kokonoe: This caused her to go against Ozpin and return to her tribe as its new leader, more concerned about the greater threat that is Salem.

Ann: Luckily she's super strong.

Ann: She's able to clash with Qrow, who is strong enough to smash through large stone structures and crater the ground.

Kokonoe: She can also scale to other maidens like Cinder, who fought on even grounds with Penny. Penny herself is strong enough to lift Amity Communications Tower.

Ann: She's really fast too, capable of dodging bullets. She's also much faster than Emerald and Mercury, both of whom can dodge lightning.

Junko: Infamous for her skill and intellect, Raven seems to show proficiency in Laido, a Japanese martial arts that emphasizes being aware and capable of quickly drawing the sword and responding to a sudden attack, though she's implied to know a more intricate sword style.

Ann: Her weapon of choice is her sword, Omen.

Ann: A long, single-edged, one-handed sword of Japanese design, with a trigger built into the hilt and cross-guard rather than the traditional tsuba. The scabbard contains a rotary chamber filled with various types of Dust blades.


Green- plant

Blue- Ice

Dark Blue- Water?

Red- Fire

Purple- Gravity

Yellow- Lightning

White- Wind

Junko: And when drawn, the blade can telescope to approximately double its stored length. She also has a Scabbard that she can use to switch between Dust Blades and can also eject the sword with the press of a button.

Kokonoe: Raven also has her aura.

Kokonoe: The manifestation of one's soul. It is a necessary energy source for all Huntsman and grants them protection as well as a minor healing factor.

Junko: That's what it's normally used for, but everyone's aura has a special ability known as a Semblance, and Raven's Semblance is Kindred Link.

Junko: This let's her make portals to those close to her. That being Qrow, her daughter Yang, and her ex-husband Taiyang. It's not exactly combat ready, but it is very useful.

Ann: She can also turn into a bird... also not combat ready.

Kokonoe: But what is combat ready are her maiden powers.

Kokonoe: Powers given to after mercy killing the previous Spring Maiden, taking her title and powers as her own.

Ann: With these powers she can control the weather and make heavy burst of wind! She can control elements too, with her favorites being Ice and Lightning!

Junko: But like all edgy moms,  she has her weaknesses.

Ann: Her Aura and blades can be broken with enough force. Though she doesn't need her aura to use her maiden powers.

Junko: But her Semblance and her ability to turn into a bird aren't really that useful in combat. Plus she has a few mother issues and is a coward on the inside.

Kokonoe: But is still skilled enough to get the job done.

Raven: I've stared death in the face over and over again! And every time I've spat in that face and survived, because I'm strong enough to do what others won't!

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