Sabrina forsees Death Battles challenge

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Name: Sabrina

Origin: Pokémon

Gender: Female | Varies for her Pokémon.

Age: Late teens | Early twenties.

Classification: Pokémon Trainer, Gym Leader, Psychic


Kokonoe: There are so many pokémon masters within the pokémon world. However, very few can match the gym leader of Saffron City. One of the eight gym leaders of Kanto and the first psychic gym leader, Sabrina.

Ann: As far as weapons go, she has a whip and-

Junko: Who cares about her whip?! This chicks psychic!

Kokonoe: After throwing her spoon at a wall and watching it bend unnaturally, Sabrina learned of her psychic abilities at a very young age. Ever since that day Sabrina focused only on making her powers that much stronger.

Junko: And she's really good with it! She can move and throw things with her mind, fly around, and even teleport! If she wanted she could freeze you in place without much effort!

Ann: She also has clairvoyance and can see as far as three years into the future!

Kokonoe: Sabrina can control the size of others, making them the size of dolls. Due to how her powers seem to work it should come of no surprise she could probably manipulate her own size too. She can also sense others and turn people into dolls.

Ann: Wait really?

Kokonoe: Yes. When transformed your body will be unable to move as you can only talk.

Ann: That's... kinda scary... almost as scary as her illusions.

Ann: With the help of her pokémon, Sabrina can project illusions onto others. She can even send tangible copies of herself or disguise her pokémon as actual people.

Junko: Speaking of Pokémon! Sabrina has those too!

Kokonoe: Sabrina has been shown to have plenty of Psychic Pokémon over the years. She's even got Mewtwo somehow. But for multiple reasons, we will not be using Mewtwo and will instead be giving her the six pokémon best in her arsenal that are under him.

Ann: Starting with Mr.Mime!

Junko: This barrier type pokémon can... well pull up barriers. These barriers can reflect attacks or decrease the damage caused by attacks. And with the help of Sabrina, they can expand entire cities!

Kokonoe: Mr.Mime can also solidify air molecules by vibrating their fingertips, allowing to create invisible objects with its gesture. These objects can't be seen by anyone but Sabrina herself.

Junko: It can even copy one of the enemies abilities, keeping it until the enemy of the fight and even force the enemy to use the same move over and over again.

Kokonoe: Additional abilities include Charge Beam, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Solar Beam, Dazzling Gleam, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, and Ice Punch.

Ann: He can also move things with his mind and unleash a beam of psychic energy.

Kokonoe: The next Pokémon in her arsenal is Espeon.

Kokonoe: Espeon are sun pokémon and are very loyal to their masters. Their sensitive fur can sense minute shifts and predict the weather while their tails can predict their enemies moves and thoughts.

Junko: Of course, it can move things with its mind, make barriers, and can even use Yawn, which makes its opponents sleepy.

Ann: Espeon also has Swift, which let's her summon and command magical stars to home in on her opponents, thus making it impossible to dodge.

Kokonoe: Additionally it has Quick Attack, Psyshock, Signal Beam, and Shadow Ball.

Ann: Next up is Wobbuffet.

Kokonoe: This is a Pokémon that will counterattack or reflect any attack they are hit with. They will fight if their tail is provoked.

Junko: They have a move called Shadow Tag, which basically prevents the opponent from trying to retreat.

Ann: He also has a magical coat that reflects any attack except for Physical ones or Status moves. But his strongest agility has to be his Destiny Bond, which causes anyone who knocks him out to be knocked out themselves. Oh, and like Mr.Mime... he can use Encore.

Kokonoe: Then there's her Slowbro.

Kokonoe: This is a slow and lazy pokémon that can't feel pain. It can use psychic abilities to move its opponents around.

Ann: They have Yawn, Surf, Scald, Shadow Ball, and Fire Blast. It can also make Earthquakes.

Junko: After that it's Metagross!

Junko: An Iron Leg Pokémon that can somehow fly! It also has four brains and is smarter than it looks.

Kokonoe: It can move people and objects around with its mind and has Shadow Ball. It also has Signal Beam and Grass Knot.

Junko: And finally, her signature Pokémon, Alakazam!

Ann: This Pokémon has so much psychic power, he can cause headaches just by being nearby. He can use his psychic powers to move even himself around and has an IQ of 5,000. He's so smart he can predict his opponents attacks and even see the future.

Junko: It can create barriers and heal itself as well as shoot poison.

Kokonoe: It has Psywave, Psybeam, Psyshock, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Tri Attack, Focus Blast, Charge Beam, and Dig.

Junko: It has Night Shade, which attacks the target mentally. It can summon spoons and even has Dig, Gravity, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, and Ice Punch.

Ann: Also, since he and Sabrina have a strong bond, Alakazam can Mega Evolve.

Ann: Mega Alakazam can use all of the attacks above but much more powerful. And with his master, he and Sabrina can use a devastating move called ESP Prodigy Psywave!

Kokonoe: This power let's it fire off massive Psychic-made rings at their opponent at a machine-gun rate. Afterwards he stays in his Mega Evolve form until the end of the battle.

Ann: Sabrina has an incredible bond between her and her pokémon. She can telepathically communicate with them to give them orders. Add that to her future vision and she's a dangerous force to be reckoned with.

Kokonoe: That's not all. Her bond with her pokémon is so powerful, she can combine her psychic powers with there's.

Kokonoe: This has been shown plenty of times with Mr.Mime after making an invisible room with an invisible stairway that lead to an upper floor. But after combining her powers with Abra, she not only increased both of their psychic powers, but nullified the psychic power of this Haunter known as Black Fog.

Junko: That's the scariest fuckin' Haunter I've ever seen.

Kokonoe: And the crazy thing is, she's done all this despite her soul being eaten by that very Haunter. Since Alakazam is the final evolution of Abra, it shouldn't be surprising if they can use it to greater effect.

Ann: Yeah, Sabrina is incredibly strong.

Ann: As a kid, she once crushed a two story building and can be compared to pokémon that can destroy entire mountains.

Kokonoe: Actually, some of her own pokémon have faced with others that can destroy entire cities.

Junko: But despite all this, even she has some drawbacks.

Junko: While her psychic abilities give her a fighting chance, she herself isn't much of a fighter, causing her to rely heavily on her pokémon.

Kokonoe: Plus, while some of her Pokémon are resistant to psychic attacks, a lot of them are weak to Dark, Ghost, or Bug attacks.

Ann: And her future vision isn't always accurate. It's failed her on two different occasions. But after loosing two times,, she realized the power of love may be more powerful than even her own psychic powers. Now being more willing to accept who she is and bond more with her pokémon and friends.

Sabrina: I had a vision of your arrival! I have had psychic powers since I was a child. It started when a spoon I carelessly tossed, bent. I dislike battling, but if you wish, I will show you my powers!

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