The Undertaker vs Freddy Krueger: Halloween Havoc

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Neptune: When the undead rises, you better get ready for a nightmare. These two will take your very soul and haunt you till you take your final breath.

Monika: Undertaker... the Deadman of WWE.

Neptune: And Freddy Krueger, the dream demon of Nightmare on Elm Street.

Monika: The stage is set and the combatants are ready.

Neptune: It's time for a Halloween Special Death Battle!

In the darkest night in a dark and gloomy palace, The Undertaker walked towards his throne. He starred at the urn in front of him and slowly shut his eyes.

Freddy: Even dead men need a rest.

Undertaker heard that voice and slowly opened his eyes again. But instead of seeing his urn, he saw three little girls in front of him, playing jump rope.

Children: One...Two... Freddy's coming for you... Three... Four... better lock your door... Five... Six... grab your crucifix... Seven... Eight Can you stay awake? Nine... Ten... Never sleep again...

As the children sang, Undertaker slowly rose up from his throne. He walked towards them slowly, and as soon as he got close, they disappeared.

Freddy: Disappointed Mark?

Undertaker heard the voice from behind him. He tilted his head to see Freddy Krueger sitting on his throne with a devilish smile on his face.

Freddy: Welcome to Prime Time bitch.

Undertaker: You made a grave mistake coming into my home. But if you want to go so bad then so be it.

Undertaker turned his body to face him.

Undertaker: Come at me boy. I'll make you famous.

Freddy: What a coincidence.

He stood up to his feet.

Freddy: I already am.

Freddy flicked his finger and Undertaker was sent flying through the doors behind him. As the Undertaker got up, he saw the doors that were once there were no more and were now a wall.

Paul Bearer: Oooh Yeees

Undertaker turned around as he was in a boiler room. He followed the sound of his old manager as he saw Paul Bearer walking towards him.

Paul: Oh! Come to me, my Undertaker! Come and renew your legacy!

Undertaker suddenly grabbed him by the neck as it was really Freddy. He started shocking Freddy out, not releasing his grasp.

Undertaker: You don't get to talk about my legacy!

Freddy: Ooh scary!

Freddy teleported out of Undertaker's grasp and appeared on a ramp above. He swatted his hand and Undertaker was sent flying straight into a wall. Freddy thrust his hips up and Undertaker was sent into the ceiling.

Freddy: Ahahahaha!

As Freddy laughed maniacally, he started playing ping pong with Undertaker's body. Sending him up and down, left and right, all over the Boiler Room before sending him crashing into the floor. He then had a giant gas boiler fall down on top of him.

Freddy: Welcome to my nightmare bitch.

Freddy went to take a look at the body, but there was none to be found.

Freddy: Oh come on!

He looked around for the Undertaker, but his target was right behind him. Undertaker grabbed Freddy's head and slammed him into the boiler. Freddy turned around and swung his claws, but Undertaker blocked his strike and punched him in the gut. He hit Freddy with a few more strikes to the torso before going for a jab at his throat. Freddy recovered easily as he stabbed his claws deep into the Undertaker's stomach. Undertaker grabbed him and threw him straight into a wall. He then walked towards him as his wound healed. Freddy dashed at him and swung his claws again, opening his chest wide open. Undertaker quickly went to grab him, but Freddy jumped behind him and as soon as Undertaker turned around, Freddy kicked him into the wall. Undertaker was about to move forward, but two hands came out the wall and pinned him to it. Freddy then kicked him through the wall and Undertaker fell to the ground. He looked up as he was suddenly in a wrestling ring at Wrestlemania 30. The crowd was cheering as Freddy was laughing out loud.

Freddy: Ladies and Gentlemen! Frrredy Krrruuugerrrrr!!!

The crowd cheered as if their lives depended on it.

Crowd: Freddy! Freddy! Freddy!

Undertaker slowly started getting up and Freddy saw this. He stabbed Undertaker in the back and threw him straight into the turnbuckles. 

In the real world, Undertaker's wounds were appearing on his body as he rested. The room around him got hotter and hotter while in the dream world, Undertaker was dodging Freddy's strikes. Freddy went for a downward slash but Undertaker dodged it and punched him in the face. He then picked him up and tossed him headfirst into the corner of the ring. Freddy started staggering back and Undertaker dashed towards the ropes before dashing straight at Freddy and kicking him with a Big Boot, knocking him to the ground. He walked towards him and grabbed him by the neck before picking him up. As soon as he did, Freddy stabbed him in the chest.

Freddy: Oh Yeah!

He lifted up the Undertaker and slammed him into the ground. He then jumped on the top rope and jumped down, hitting Undertaker with an elbow drop to the chest. As soon as he did, he proceeded to stab Undertaker in the chest over and over and over again until there was blood everywhere.

In the real world, a waterfall of blood started drooling from the Undertaker's mouth as giant, bloody holes appeared on his body and his home slowly started to catch on fire.

Freddy continued to stab Undertaker into a bloody heap. He then got up and waved at the audience who cheered loudly. Undertaker then sat up suddenly and the crowd booed. Freddy was confused before turning around and seeing Undertaker still up. He pointed his finger at him.

Freddy: Why aren't you dead?!

Undertaker took his arm and quickly put him in a Hells Gate submission. Freddy started squirming around, but Undertaker didn't let go. He tightened his grip until Freddy was coughing blood and no longer moving. Undertaker then released his hold and crawled to the ropes, pulling himself up as his wounds healed once more. He watched as Freddy stood to his feet with a smile on his face. Freddy dashed at the Undertaker before he was thrown straight over the middle rope. As soon as he stood up, Undertaker jumped over the top ropes and onto Freddy, who quickly stabbed him in the chest with his blades and slammed him into the barricade.

Freddy: Talk about Botchamania!

Freddy grew spikes n his shoes as he started stomping on Undertaker's face ver and over again until The Undertaker finally caught his leg. He stood up, pulled Freddy closer, and slammed him down with a clothesline. Undertaker then dug under the ring and pulled out a ladder. He set the ladder on the ring and the barricade. He then grabbed Freddy by the head and lifted him over his shoulders before slamming him through the ladder with a Last Ride, breaking it in two. Taker wasn't done with Freddy as he picked him up again and ran him straight into the ring post. Freddy got up and Undertaker took his head and slammed it into the announce table. He grabbed a pencil and did it again, this time stabbing the pencil straight into Freddy's eye.

Freddy: Gah!

Blood was gushing straight through Freddy's eye as Undertaker grabbed him by the neck, lifted him up, and slammed him through the announce table with a chokeslam. Undertaker picked him up again, this time got them on top of some steel steps. He lift Freddy upside down and went for a Tombstone Piledriver on the edge of the steps hard enough to cause Freddy's head to burst into pieces. Undertaker dropped his dead body thinking he had won until the arena started to shake. The roof was literally lifted up from the building as a giant Freddy looked down at him with a smile. As soon as Undertaker saw this, as he charged p with electricity. He held his arms in the sky as a bolt of lightning came down and blasted the giant Freddy into a million little bloody pieces. But as soon as Undertaker turned around, Freddy had grabbed him by the neck and tried to stab him in the head, but Undertaker held onto Freddy's arm to stop him.

Freddy: All that effort... for just a drop of blood.

Freddy's claws started to slowly stretch as they were reaching into Undertaker's forehead. Undertaker finally had enough as he pushed Freddy's arm back before grabbing him by the neck.

Undertaker: Buckle up Freddy!

Freddy was quickly thrown into the real world, where Undertaker's home was now a blazing inferno. Undertaker had opened his eye as they were pure white. You could hear thunder fill the sky as Undertaker stood up with a face filled with rage. He fired a ball of darkness that Freddy quickly dodged. Freddy himself turned three broken pillars into sharp spikes and sent them flying at Undertaker, who managed to quickly dodge two of them, but the last one managed to stab him straight through the shoulder as he fell to the floor.

Freddy: Whoops! Hand slipped.

The spike turned into a sluggish-looking monster and tried to eat the Undertaker, but Taker grabbed it and pulled it out before ripping it in two. He dashed at Edge and went for multiple lightning-infused strikes. Freddy dodged them and punched him in the gut as Undertaker went to backhand him. Freddy dodged it and sliced Undertaker's hip. He fell to his knees and Freddy stomped his head into the ground. Undertaker still tried to get up and Freddy kicked him straight into the front doors. Freddy then unleashed a huge fireball at the Undertaker and sent him flying out of his home and into the graveyard as Freddy jumped out laughing. Undertaker stood up and extended his arms, causing his castle to blow up and send Freddy flying towards him. Undertaker caught Freddy by the neck and slammed him to the ground again with another Chokeslam. He went to pick him up, but a lightning bolt suddenly struck his back as soon as he tried. This caused him to fall straight into Freddy's blades as he lifted him up and threw him into a tombstone.

Freddy: Ha! Now to put the deadman in his grave...

He started to slowly walk towards him as the Undertaker got to one knee and raised his arm slowly. Freddy stopped as the head was coming out of their graves.

Freddy: Interesting...

Freddy started summoning his own army of Deadites.

Freddy: I can do that too...

Undertaker and his army had a staredown with Freddy's.

Undertaker: ... If you wanna do this, let's do it.

Both armies dashed at each other as Freddy went straight after Undertaker, who grabbed a shovel and smashed it into Freddy's chest. Freddy fell to one knee and Undertaker hit him in the back so hard the shovel broke.

Undertaker: You made a big mistake coming after me son. You better start praying to god.

Undertaker was about to pick him up, but he suddenly stabbed Taker in the chest.

Freddy: This... is God!

Undertaker's fist was releasing a white mist as he punched Freddy square in the face, sending him straight to the ground. He then grabbed his head and started pounding his face over and over again. Freddy then stabbed his claws through Undertaker's throat, but that only angered him further as he took Freddy and threw him right in front of a tombstone.  Freddy only stood back up laughing.

Freddy: You still don't get it, do you? You can't kill me bitch! I am eternal!

As soon as he finished his sentence, Undertaker sent his fist straight through Freddy's chest. 

Undertaker: Your soul has cheated death for the very last time!

Undertaker grabbed him by the neck as glowing, purple mist started to surround them and Freddy was immediately trying to get out of Undertaker's grasp.

Undertaker: Welcome to my nightmare, Freddy... you will... REST... IN... PEACE!!!

Freddy: GAAH!!!

Undertaker smashed Freddy's head into a million pieces, and Freddy's soul came out.

Freddy: Didn't I tell you old man? As long as a single person fears me, you can't-

Undertaker took out his urn. He opened it as the Urn shined a bright light that started to suck Freddy in.

Freddy: What?!

Paul Bearer: Oh yeees!!!

Freddy: No... no... NOOO!!!

Freddy was quickly sealed into the Urn and Undertaker closed it.

Undertaker walked past the tombstone they were fighting near.

The tombstone read...

 Freddy Krueger 

Rest In Peace


Undertaker walked onto his motorcycle. He lifted his fist in the air as a sign of his victory as he drove off into the pits of Hell.

Neptune: Well... that escalated quickly...

Monika: Both of these two had plenty of ways of taking the other out. Freddy was definitely stronger but Undertaker was faster and much more durable.

Neptune: Freddy also had a much better healing factor, making getting rid of him that much more difficult.

Monika: Freddy is someone who plays mind games, getting in his opponents head in order to get the advantage against his opponent. However, Undertaker uses these same maneuvers and is much more used to taking on opponents with the same abilities as Freddy.

Neptune: Freddy is also powered by souls and fear. Undertaker didn't have many fears for Freddy to exploit and Taker is known for breaking and taking souls.

Monika: As for the Book of Death, it is true that one book isn't as powerful as the Necronomicon. But all three are much more powerful than anything Freddy's book can do.

Neptune: Yeah, I think I'd definitely choose universal destruction anytime. In the end, this nightmare faded in darkness.

Monika: The winner is the Undertaker.


+ Faster

+ More Durable

+ Not affected by mind games

+ More experienced

+ Can take and destroy souls

- Physically weaker

- Not as good a healing factor

- A single Book of Death is weaker than the Necronomicon

+ Two are three books are much more powerful


+Better at mind games

+ Better healing factor

+ Physically stronger

+ More creative

-Runs on fear

- Weaker book

- Less experienced

- Not as fast or durable

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