Whitebeard shatters Death Battle

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Name: Edward Newgate, epithet "Whitebeard", "Strongest Man in the World", "The Man Closest to One Piece"

Origin: One Piece

Height: 21'10"

Weight: 657.4 Ibs

Gender: Male

Age: 72 at the time of his death.

Classification: Human, Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Former Yonko (Four Pirate Emperors), Paramecia Devil Fruit User, former Rocks pirate crew member



Dizzy: The world of One Piece is a huge world much bigger than our own. Among everyone in this world are the four emperors of the sea...

Junko: Shanks, Big Mom, and Kaido... but none of them made quite as big an impact across the globe as Edward Newgate, aka... Whitebeard!

Dizzy: Standing over 20 feet tall, this man is known for being the strongest man in the world and is the only one to face Gol D. Roger to a draw. When they say he can shake the world they aren't kidding.

Junko: But before we get into that, we should note that we will be using Whitebeard in his prime.

Dizzy: Not that it matters too much, Whitebeard is incredibly strong even when sick.

Dizzy: In a clash between him and Shanks, the two literally split not just the sky but the heavens themselves!

Junko: Hell, this guy had caught a volcanic rock and extinguished it with his breath, caught and broke a giant ax with his bare hands, and even stopped a massive pirate ship with one hand!

Dizzy: He's also surprisingly fast.

Dizzy: He's able to strike and react to Kizaru, whose literally made of, and can move as fast as light!

Junko: And before anyone tries to dismiss Kizaru being faster than light, we know Whitebeard is far faster than Luffy who, in base form, can move at least 13x the speed of light.

Dizzy: Not only that, but he's extremely durable.

Dizzy: He withstood getting stabbed to the chest and broke out from being frozen solid with ease.

Junko: The guy had half his face burned off and kept fighting! Even after having a heart attack and having his insides burned by Akainu's magma, which can melt through steel, Whitebeard was still able to keep fighting!

Dizzy: Whitebeard's weapon of choice is his giant Naginata... one of the twelve supreme swords, Murakumogiri.

*Both Dizzy and Junko looked towards Akame who dragged a giant spear inside*

Akame: You know some of these are heavy right?

Junko: You'll be fine!

Akame: *sigh* Anyway... Murakumogiri.

Akame: As one of the 12 Supreme Swords, this is one of the most powerful blades in the world. It clashed with Shanks' saber, the Grython, which split not only the skies but the heavens.

Junko: While Whitebeard normally wields it with both hands, he has shown to swing the blade with just one.

Dizzy: And he can combine the attacks he uses it for with his Devil Fruit... the Gura-Gura no mi.

Dizzy: Also known as the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, this gives Whitebeard the extremely powerful ability to create Earthquakes wherever he wants, whether it's the sea, the ground, or even the very air itself!

Junko: Because of this, it has been fearsomely reputed to be able to destroy the world, and is considered to be the strongest devil fruit of its class!

Akame: Whitebeard has a few moves he can use with this power. They haven't been officially named in the anime or manga but they have in a few games. The first being Kaishin.

Dizzy: Where Whitebeard cracks the air with a punch and sends devastating shockwaves through the air in the direction they're facing. These shockwaves These shock waves can pass through and damage almost any substance, tearing it apart.

Akame: These shockwaves can make a great defense, and if aimed at the ground they can cause devastating earthquakes and generate huge tsunamis.

Junko: After that is Gekishin!

Junko: A close-ranged variation of Kaishen where Whitebeard directly cracks the air in front of an enemy, causing severe damage as the shockwaves directly pass through their bodies! Whitebeard can also passively summon vibrations around himself to protect him!

Dizzy: Whitebeard also has Shingen no Ichigeki, where he focuses vibrations around his fist in a spherical bubble to form an earthquake hypocenter and delivers a punch releasing all the force concentrated at once, with enormous power.

Junko: Another variation is Kabutowari!

Junko: Instead of delivering a punch, Whitebeard grabs his opponent's head and concentrates his vibrations around it, resulting in crushing damage!

Akame: There's also Naginata Rasetsu.

Akame: Where he surrounds his naginata with a quake bubble to greatly increase its striking power and range.

Junko: And Shima Yurashi!

Junko: Where Whitebeard grabs an entire area, by grabbing and pulling on the air around him as if it were tangible and rapidly shifts it! Using this, he tilted the entire island of Marineford and the sea around it, destroying buildings and throwing a giant off of his feet in the process!

Dizzy: Whitebeard doesn't just have the power of his devil fruit though. He also has Haki, a power contained in all living beings.

Akame: He has Armament Haki.

Akame: 30 years in Whitebeard's prime, Whitebeard was able to coat his fist and even Murakumogiri in Armament Haki to boost its strength. This was powerful enough to defend against both Enma and Ame no Habakiri, two of the 21 Great Swords, while another superior Busoshoku Haki master had hardened them using Haki... a notable feat as Oden used this very method to bisect the enormous Mountain God and later leave a lasting wound on the nigh-indestructible Kaido.

Junko: Newgate can also use Advanced Armament Haki! Proving his mastery by hardening Murakumogiri to the point where a black flame-like aura as large as himself formed around its blade! This caused a gigantic shock wave that spread across the island after clashing against Gol D. Roger despite their weapons not connecting!

Dizzy: He can also use Conquerors Haki.

Dizzy: This type of Haki allows the user to exert your willpower onto others. Whitebeard himself has used it to a far greater extent during his clash against Roger.

Akame: Right... their clashing Haoshoku Haki cracked the air, creating an effect akin to lightning and generating a shock wave larger than the island, repelling the giant trees around them alongside the crewmates of the Roger and Whitebeard Pirates and nearly capsizing the Moby Dick.

Junko: Whitebeard also has Observation Haki, which allows him to sense where attacks are coming, feel the presence of others even in his sleep, and even see the future to an extent.

Dizzy: Right, but he's not 100% unbeatable.

Dizzy: Whitebeard is very stubborn and there is a limit to how much damage he can take before his body finally gives out.

Akame: Not just that, but he has a tendency to take attacks head-on rather than dodge them.

Junko: Well that's understandable. This guy deserves no title better than that of a monster.

The Narrator: Even in death, his body did not fall. His figure, taking down enemies while losing half of his head, was truly monstrous. The total number of sword wounds he received in this battle was 267. He was shot by 152 bullets and was hit by 46 cannonballs. And despite all this, his proud back, over the course of his entire life as a pirate, never received a single scar from running away!

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