The Bounty Hunter

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It was noon when she strolled into town. The people, however, paid her no mind. To them, she was just a woman driving a carriage. The various guns and knives clattering around on the wagon raised some eyebrows, but it was nothing surprising or new to these people.

She looked up and noticed a boy that was selling newspapers on the side of the road. She rode and pulled up in front of him, before looking to him.

"Hey! Where can I park this big thing?" She spoke as calmly as possible, her voice a bit ruff as she probably had not drank anything in quite some time.

Her mid length hair fell just to her shoulders. A hat provided a cover for her eyes. From the angle, her eyes were shadowed and half of her face could not be seen. Her clothes were overall a range of dark shades. A darker tone of red bandana that was draped around her neck. A greyish top with what looked to be a black corset that wrapped around her waist. She wore fingerless black gloves that went just past her wrists. Wore grey pants that had some form of embroidery. Her boots seemed to be black with some sort of red fabric or dyed leather wrap around them that went to just below the kneecap. Dark leather around her waist that had a couple pouches to hold small things like extra ammo. And, what seemed to be two pistol holsters that were at both sides of her thighs.

"If you're tryin' to park it by the saloon, they'll let you go 'round back." The boy replied.

The woman lifted her hand up and tipped her hat to the young boy. Her hand then went back to the reins and looked back out. She made a clicking sound before the wagon started to move again. It bounced slightly before she saw the sign above, that was the saloon. She went off of what the boy had told her and pulled around back. She grabbed one of her blades before hopping off and landing on her feet. Her hand holding the blade slipped around the back of her cloak and slipped it into her belt. Now it was seen that she also adorned a long black cloak or coat that reached all the way to basically her ankles. The dark clothed woman went around the back of the wagon and she pulled out a small bag. She opened it and pulled out a piece of paper. Her eyes scanned over it before she folded it back up and slipped it into the front of her corset before tying the bag to the side of her belt.

She walked up to the front of the wagon and patted the horse on the side as she walked by. The mix of gravel and dirt crunched under her boots as she walked around the side of the saloon. She turned her head away from the sun to shield her eyes as she walked. Now, she had a small feeling that some folks were going to be watching her but she could really care less. She was wearing darker toned clothes which usually turned heads immediately in most towns. The woman soon got to the front of the saloon, her boots making sounds against the wood. She got to the entrance as she pushed the doors open. The hinges squeaking slightly from constant use of people going in and out. Soft music hit her ears as she looked around for a moment. As soon as she spotted the one she was looking for, her feet started to move her toward the bar. Seeing an open stool but not sitting down just yet. Just standing there for the time being. She placed her arms on the bar counter and leaned forward slightly. Her face still partly shrouded by the hat.

"Well howdy! What can I do for you today?" The bartender said chipperly.

"Well hi. How are you doing today sir? Fine day for travel isn't it." A small smile appearing on her face as she leaned on the bar. Her hair falling forward slightly but luckily it wasn't in the way. Now, in this different setting, a few more aspects of her face could be seen. A scar was across the bottom of her left cheek as well as one that was across her top lip.

"Well, aside from the fact that it's hot as all hell outside... yeah, I'd say this would be a good day to be out on the road. Of course, I don't get out on the road much." The bartender replied.

"Aside from the animals and creatures out there, it is pretty nice. Maybe you can get some traveling in eventually." She spoke calmly as she talked to him.

This was a normal thing she did. Depending on how the bounty looked, she would act and speak a certain way. She was trying to sound friendly as she spoke to him to help coax him out a bit. Make his guard fall even lower than it was.

"Well, I've been travelling a few times, but I never seem to stay for very long. Hopin' I can finally settle down here." The bartender said as he cleaned a glass.

That is something that she wanted to know. The poster said that he was spotted near a farm toward the west of town.

"If you don't mind me asking, where have ya been traveling. Maybe I can stop by that direction eventually." Her voice seemed to shift a bit as her body also shifted.

She now leaned against the bar with one arm now. Her other one seemed to now rest on her hip right above the belt line.

"Well, I've been up in the mountains up north. Then there was the time I got to see the capital city of Mournmere, just past the Abros border." The bartender said.

"You son of a bitch!"

The young woman and the bartender both looked over to the poker table. What the woman noticed was that the dealer was trying to get things under control while another man got riled up. She watched the rather angry man, she saw his hand drift and knew what was about to happen. She had seen it tons of times but this one seemed to be a tad different that some of the most recent ones she had seen. So, for the time being, she watched for a moment.

"Now, just calm down, Bill." The dealer said.

"You shut up! You know he's cheatin', nobody's that lucky!" The angry man yelled.

"Bill. Buddy. Come on! We're friends, right? Tell you what, I'll throw my guns into the pot. And you know I don't screw around when I do something like that." Said a young man.

Her eyes never left the table as she lifted her head a bit to get a better view of the whole thing. She shifted in her place a bit as she continued watching. The one that was supposedly accused caught her eye for a moment. Taking note of the whole situation mentally. Taking in the physical features mainly. The hat, the bandana, the bandelier, and the more earth tone look to him. However, her eyes glided back over to the bartender, taking a glance at him before back to the situation at hand.

The angry man was very clearly still angry, given the look on his face, but he seemed to simmer down a bit before sitting back in his chair and picking up his cards.

The young woman then turned her attention back to the bartender. "Luckily that didn't go hell in a handbasket." She let out a soft chuckle before looking at him. "By chance, have you ever been to Black Hallow Ranch area? Heard that it is a nice area." This was also a typical thing she did. Just dropping small hints toward why she is there and that she knows a bit more. Now, majority of the time, she tried not to emphasize the specifics. Sometimes, she had to however. Her tone was one that sounded curious and like she wanted to know things, but it had an underlying feel that maybe she was here for something more than just a chat.

She then notices as the bartender stiffens and pales a little bit.

"Uh, no... no, I can't say that I have." The bartender replies.

She then notices that some of the people in the saloon perk up at the mention of this.

"Well, apparently a pretty tragic and big hit happened up there recently. I was up there a couple weeks ago myself and saw the aftermath. According to a couple of the townsfolk, there was some sort of raid or attack on the ranch. The attackers apparently killed the ranchers and then set fire to the thing. Majority of what they had is just ash now." The woman shifted again. Her hand sliding down so that it wasn't on her hip anymore. It now was at her side so that she could quickly grab one of her pistols if needed be. "Tragic really. Some people think that in the mix of a trade deal, one side didn't fulfill it. Others say that they wanted to show a form of power. Don't really know what to believe."

It was at this point that the bartender went completely pale as he dropped the glass he was cleaning. The other people that had perked up before were now standing up with their hands on their guns.

All of the bystanders in the saloon saw this and decided that it was probably a good idea to get out. So, a sea of people hurried out the doors in a rush to evacuate the premises before things got messy. Though, the woman did notice that the guy that was accused of cheating earlier was taking the pot while the dealer wasn't paying any attention to him. Once he had the entire pot in his satchel, then he ran.

The woman then turned her attention back to the issue at hand.

A rather large man then walked up to her. Honestly, to anybody else, his presence would have been intimidating. Though, to this woman, he wasn't anything special.

"You ain't no gunslinger. But since you are a youngin', I'm gonna give you this one chance to walk away with your life." The big man said.

"Oh you think you are so big yet in my eyes, you just a small bump in the road before a bet to my target." She spoke as she stood up to her full height. She was still shorter than him she felt no sort of intimidation. "I may be young, but I have many ways to put a new piercing in your head. And this one won't be decorative." The young woman spoke with confidence as she was able to read people quite well. This one looked like he was more of a body shield than a useful ally. All talk and not willing to put up a good fight.

The man then scowled at her before taking a step back and putting his hand on his gun.

"You can draw then?" He asked menacingly.

Then, faster than anyone could blink, the woman drew her gun and shot the big man in the face.

There was silence as his body fell to the ground. The woman took a split second to look around the room and saw that the man's friends were all shocked, currently trying to process what had just happened. The looks on their faces then help the woman deduce that maybe he was willing to put up a good fight.

"Big dogs down. Now, should we get back to talking or do we need to spill more blood?" The women looked between them as she held the slightly smoking gun up toward the ceiling. Her open hand sitting near her other pistol. Not drawing it quite yet.

"Blood shed it is!" The woman wasn't necessarily surprised. She drew her other pistol and smirked softly to herself as she ducked under a punch that came out of seemingly no where. She aimed her pistols two different directions, at two different guys, and pulled the trigger. She was only looking at one of them before she heard two bodies fall. One of them sounding like they crashed into a table. She heard a gun go off as she quickly moved. She went over ot one of the tables and with ease, she flipped it for cover. The sound of breaking glass hitting her ears once more. Now, she was keeping mental track of the amount of ammo that she had in each. She heard a very similar crash before a bullet went right past her head.

Heavy footfalls were coming across the floor as suddenly a man appeared next to her. He gave a creepy smile before pulling his arm back to swing. As he thrusted his arm forward, she managed to roll out of the way. Her left hand sliding the pistol back into its holster before reaching behind her and grabbing a blade. Surprisingly however, her hat stayed on her head. She stood up before rushing at the guy. Holding the blade backwards, she swung it up across his chest before stabbing it into the side of his neck. She heard a gurgle before she removed the blade. A bit of crimson blood following it as she turned and aimed her other pistol and fired. The sound of a gun fired once more as there was a gasp and a gurgle. The guy she shot, it had landed right at the base of his neck in the dead center. Some may be squeamish of all of this, but she had gotten used to it over the years.

She looked behind the bar before she looked over to someone who was rushing at her with a chair of all things. She chuckled to herself before she held her pistol and her blade tight. She stood there for a moment before at the last second, taking a side step and stuck her foot out. The guy stumbled over her foot and the lack of purchase with the chair. The dark clothes woman took the moment to throw a kick on the back of his knee which made him fall. She stepped closer to him as she then kicked him over and shot him with her right gun. A small bit of smoke coming off of the barrel. After she fired, she holstered it, changed the knife over to the other hand, and drew her left pistol once more. She shifted her stance backward a bit, her pistol held up before she aimed at another. He tried to hide behind one of the supports, which did not cover him fully. She waited until he peeked his head out and fired, aiming directly at his head. His body crumbling to his floor. Another guy down.

She suddenly heard a door behind her slam open, having arms suddenly around her torso. She grunted softly as she moved the hand with the blade back and stabbed the guy in the side of the leg, embedding it as deep as she could. The woman felt the arms loosen as she broke free and turned around. Her open hand reaching up and unsheathing a hidden blade that was tucked into her shirt. She flipped it around, grabbed it by the blade, and then chucked it at him. She doesn't usually throw knives, but when she did, they usually hit rather well. However, could still use some practice in the whole thing. Her ears filled with the sound of a gun and then a gurgle as the guy was wide-eyed, the blade in the center of his face but not very well. It kinda leaned more to one side. However, he was still not falling. She rushed up and grabbed the blade that was in his thigh and stabbed it directly into his chest. This made him finally fall, she picked up the blade from his chest and put it back, before taking the blade out of his face. It was stuck for a second but she got it out.

She then saw a splinter of wood as a bullet had missed her by but an inch. She followed the direction of the bullet with her eyes and it landed on another guy. Who had their pistol up, a small bit of smoke coming out of the barrel. She usually would not speak during fights but she was going to. "Tsk tsk! Bad move!" She smirked as she brought her pistol up, aimed at the guys center chest, and shot directly. She was getting a bit bored of the back and forth with the guns so she quickly moved toward the other overturned table. She jumped over it and landed in front of him, he was still indeed alive but barely. Her full face could now be seen in the light. She gave him a wink before she stabbed him in the side of the neck. Staying low near the body that she had just finished off. He slumped forward as she heard another shot ring off, this went through the table and just grazed her arm. It was hot for sure but that was for a later her to deal with.

The woman popped her head around the table and then aimed her pistol. Her arm reached around the table she pulled the trigger. Now, she wasn't really aiming at anyone in particular but she heard a sudden crash and looked up. All she could see was boots sticking out from behind some form of makeshift cover. She nodded and then moved toward another set of overturned tables. She sucked quickly but this time her hat managed to come off. Her face showing now fully. There were small scars across her whole face but the main one's were the one across her lip and jaw. Her hazel eyes now in the light. Now, she did have to blink once or twice from the lack of shade. She held the knife before a guy suddenly appeared out of the side, she couldn't respond quick enough before she was tackled into the table. It broke behind her out of the sheer amount of force. Her back now on the wooden floor, a grunt was let out of her throat as she was hit. The guy was on top of her and went to punch but she managed to deflect it with the blade. Now it wasn't the flat part of the blade either, it was the sharpened edge as it cut into his skin. A bit of blood falling onto her as she used the bottom of the handle of her pistol and hit him in the side of the head with it. He was stunned for a moment before he got the same knife into the stomach, before he was then kicked off by the woman.

She flipped him off with her legs as she pulled out the blade in the process. It drug across the skin or a moment before it was pulled out, the guy bleeding now from the stomach and arm. She brought the blade up to his neck and slashed it across the neck. She stood up and then saw a guy suddenly pop out from behind a stairway. She aimed and shot at him. Aiming at his throat, it hit without problem. However, she didn't get to see him fall before a bullet whizzed past her and somehow hit an untouched glass that sat on the table next to her. She backed up and trained her pistol on a guy, leaned down without looking, grabbed her hat and placed it back on her head. She heard boots from behind her and then flipped around. She stepped to the side as the guy went right past her and bumping into a table across the way. The momentum had carried him for a bit before he stopped.

She saw that these were the last two standing and put her blade back into the hidden sheath inside her shirt. Her now open right hand, reached down and unholstered her other gun. She aimed toward the two and then shot the pistols at the same time. A bit of smoke coming out of both. The two of them stood there for a moment before they crumpled like limp fabric to the floor. She walked looked around as she holstered her pistols. Her left one now empty an the right having the final saved bullet in it. The dark clothed female looked around her for a moment before the sound of slamming wood hit her ears. She grabbed the blade that was in her shirt and another that was seemingly hidden away in her cloak as she threw both of them one after another. The guy that now stood in the door got hit with both the blades. One going into his face, the other one landing in his chest. Her chest was raising and falling as she looked around at the carnage. "Are we done?!" She called out as she walked over to the guy in the door and grabbed her two blades, holding them both in one hand.

Suddenly, she heard rushing footsteps that were behind her. She turned on her heal to see the bartender start to make a run toward the door. He tripped over a couple things and stumbled before she grabbed her right pistol once more. She waited for a moment before her finger pulled the trigger. The bullet landing in the back of his skull. She walked forward as she holstered her gun once more. Walking toward the entrance of the saloon. The bartender stayed there for a moment before he fell out the main door motionless and bleeding.

The young woman walks out of the saloon, reloading one of her guns as she walks. However, after she walks out the saloon doors, she hears the sound of spurs coming towards her. She only has three bullets loaded into her gun, but thankfully there's only three men.

She then looked to their waists and saw yellow sashes wrapped around them. The bartender and all the people she killed in the saloon also wore these sashes.

'Desperados.' The woman thought to herself.

She then looked back to the three men's faces. She expected anger or vengeance to be evident in their faces. But much to her surprise, they were actually pretty impressed.

"You must that bounty hunter that killed three Desperados down in Hawkthorne Ridge." One of them said.

"Looks to me like she killed more than three." The second man chuckled.

The woman then looked over to the third man, who was looking at her with hungry eyes.

"I want your heart, and I will gladly take it." She spoke as she looked at him. She stood her ground as she looked at the third. "Just not in the way you want me to." As she said this, her hand reached up and pulled the blade from the back of her belt and cleaned it off using her chest. The blood soaking into it before she looked back toward the man.

"I'll be sure to save a dance for you in Hell, then." The third man said.

She winked at him before her expression dropped. She brought up her pistol and in the matter of seconds, all three of them fell. She did the very stereotypical thing and brought it up to her face and blew the smoke away before putting it in her holster. By this point, she had caught her breath as for the most part was fully away. "I think now we're done."

She then heard more spurs coming up behind her.

"Oh come on, not more of you." She spoke softly in annoyance under her breath as she went to prepare her blade once more. She turned around and then sighed softly. She saw the rather familiar shiny metal badges that these folks wore. "Oh thank god." She spoke softly as took a breath and her shoulder relax.  "Hello fellas!"

The four lawmen then point their guns at the woman.

"Woah. Relax boys. No need to get trigger happy." She raised her hands to show that she meant no threat. However, she didn't raise them high but they were caked in blood as she still had a knife in one hand.

"Alright, put away your knife and come with us. You're under arrest." The sheriff said.

"Yeah no. Sorry fellas." She reached down into the small bag that was on her hip and pulled out wanted fliers with one hand. She then reached into the front of her corset and pulled her license as well as the poster for the bartender and held them out to the lawman.

The sheriff takes the papers whilst his deputies keep their guns trained on the woman. The sheriff then looks over the papers. He then briefly looked at the woman, then back to the papers.

"Carry on, Ms. Jay." The sheriff said as he put his gun away, his deputies following suit.

The four lawmen then turn around and begin to walk away. However, they then stop and turn around.

"Actually, as an apology for the inconvenience, we'll help you load all these bodies into your wagon." The sheriff said.

"I appreciate it. It would take me a very long time to load up. Especially because there is like 20 something between the saloon and the three out here." The woman now known as Jay said this completely calmly as she slipped her knife behind her coat and sheathed it once more. She was spattered in blood almost everywhere on her. Which granted, was a rather normal thing... at least for her way of life.

The deputies all dropped their jaws to the ground at the body count. The sheriff, however...

"Yes, that sounds about right." He said nonchalantly.

Jay nodded and then turned toward the bartended who was still laying in the entrance of the saloon. She reached down and picked him up and threw him over her shoulder with ease. "My wagon is around back. I would recommend not having anyone go in. The wood is not the same color as it was before." She then turned once more and started to walk toward the ally way and then toward the back of the saloon.

The four lawmen then followed Jay into the saloon to haul all the bodies to the back of the saloon.

It took them about an hour to pile up all the bodies in the back, because on top of there being a lot of bodies, bodies tended to be quite heavy when they're dead.

As she set the last one on top of the others, she stood there for a moment before stretching out slightly before walking up to the back of her wagon. She lifted up her hand and pulled it open. A not so great smell coming out of it as the combination of the heat, decomposition, as well as flies that flew out of it. She made sure it would stay open before she looked back toward the lawman. "Alright. One more loud up and then ya'll are good to go."

The four lawmen looked inside the wagon and saw numerous dead bodies piled up inside the wagon, a somewhat disturbing amount, too. Not only that, but there were pieces of various monsters from what they assumed were Creature Bounties. Paws, claws, antlers, horns, hooves, teeth, there was a skull.

The whole thing made the deputies sick to their stomachs, as they were horrified at the sight... the sheriff, on the other hand...

"Well, it looks like business has been rather good for you." The sheriff said nonchalantly.

Jay then grabbed a body and tossed it up into the back. "Oh yeah. I was bored and decided to see what the bounty board was like in Silvergate, saw that there was a good amount of bounties, and took them all. Of course as you can see, I have been hunting away." She spoke with a rather unphased voice as she moved toward the body pile. "Anyway, let's get them loaded up."

The five then toss the bodies into the wagon, which takes considerably less time.

After they get the last of the bodies loaded up, the sheriff closes the wagon and tips his hat to Jay. Jay nods to him and gets back on to her wagon. She then takes the reins and starts moving again.

She let off a small sigh as she started to move again. Jay came out from the back of the saloon and started to head down the road that she came in on. She was on her way back to Silvergate to turn everything, and in this case everyone, in and get one hell of a payday. As she was moving, the familiar sound of gunshots hit her ears. She was on the edge of town so there wasn't many people around but she slowed down for sure. Her eyes scanned the horizon before looking farther toward the right. Her eyes focused in on it the best they could and made out a figure of some kind. Her eyes focused and she saw a semi familiar poncho before looking toward the face. She wasn't able to see much because of the distance but she was able to see enough to get who it was. It was the guy that was at the poker table near the corner of the Saloon.

The young woman's eyes shifted toward his feet and saw two masses who she assumed were dead bodies. All she did was reach up and grab the brim of her hat and tip it towards him. They had seen each other but not for long but they at least knew what they looked like for the most part. Afterall, pretty soon after she saw him, there was a dead guy at her feet.

She then saw that he had tipped his hat back at her before turning and walking back towards town.

Jay then turned and continued riding towards Silvergate.

A day later, in Silvergate...

Jay was walking out of the sheriff's office as she placed the money she had received in the pouch. She very much frequents the town so she has worked with Sheriff Ryan a couple times but only on a professional level. Out of curiosity, she headed toward the bounty board and took a look. There weren't many but she did see one that caught her eye. The poster was for another Desperado. Her eyes looked toward the bottom and saw that he was last seen in Wolfwater Canyon. Looked to go by the name 'Thomas Garcia'. Her hand grasped the paper as she took it off the board. However, she wasn't gonna go after him for a bit. After the bounty spree, she needed a bit of rest.


Sheriff Ryan - PlayingGamesForLife
Thomas Garcia - Knight-tom

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