Mr. Jawdropper, Bank robber, Pancake flopper, Heartstopper

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Dedicated to Loseria

~ Mr. Jaw Dropper, Bank Robber, Pancake Flopper, Heartsopper ~

I complained under my breath as I stomped through the school parking lot. The teacher had affected my mood and now I was angry for the rest of this tiresome day.

I watched kids wave at me, blowing air kisses as I left. "Stop being so mean!" I snapped, covering my face with a dark hoodie that every outcast in a teen fic wears.

Because I am so awkward, yet, strangely and miraculously the most beautiful creature on this planet, I attracted the attention of the school bully.

His name is Chris Da' buttkicker.

Everyone knows that 'Chris' an evil name and since he is the bully he doesn't have a cool unusual name like I, as well as the other, main characters do.

"What are you doing after school today?" He asked, blocking my way. I could have easily gone around him, but I decided to stay for the sake of the drama in this story.

Tears poured down my face ever since Chris showed up. He is so going to take my backpack, every bully does!.I better protect myself and my embarrassing journal that I randomly stashed in my bookbag coincidentally this morning.

"Stop bullying me! Leave my stuff in my backpack alone!" I screamed, pushing him away.

He stood flabbergasted, staring at me in disbelief.
"What's in your backpack?" He asked, as he rubbed his now sore arm.

"None of your business, jerk! Go away!" I spat.

"I can't I haven't bullied you yet." He sighed rolling his eyes.
As soon as those words had slipped out of his mouth, I fell backwards out of reflex. He hadn't even touched me yet, but I had fallen because of him.

My journal was the only thing that had simultaneously fallen out of my bag, but strange enough, nothing else had fallen out of the bag. The one thing that I didn't want to be discovered was uncovered.

He picked up my journal then placed it back into my bag and handed it to me.

"Here I bullied you enough for the day. My time is limited and all. A bully is only allowed in a book for like a few paragraphs. You will never see me again after this. " he explained.

He had skipped away to go join his ballerina practice, leaving me alone hurt and broken from the cruel things he had just done to me.

Why are teen fic bullies so mean?

I gathered my stuff that I had dropped on the ground then ran away.
I wiped the endless streams of tears that were flowing down my face. I could taste the saltiness from them, making me cry more.

But don't worry I am too strong to cry.
I never once shed a tear. I knew if I cried it would show that teen fic bully that I am a weakling. Even though he was probably never going to be mentioned in this story again. I still didn't cry.

I was so blinded by my tears, that I wasn't crying, I had managed to step onto a busy intersection. Which was located twenty miles away from my school.

The cars and trucks that were driving at a top speed of 70 to 100 miles per hour never managed to hit me, not once. I guess since it is because I am the main character that no cars had hit me yet.

All of the cars had managed to stop in a perfect line, never once causing a massive wreck or even touching me.

"Get out of the road kid! Even though we aren't characters in this story doesn't mean we don't have lives or jobs to get to." An angry middle-aged man shouted.

I ignored the shouts and blaring horns. I am in a bad mood which justifies me to do whatever I want to.

I plopped onto the road, crying. The cars soon started to move again, swerving around me.

None of them had hit me yet, so I was good.

The sound of a motorcycle revving in the distance made my heart stop.

I saw a black motorcycle speeding in my direction.
"Oh no!" I cried. Out if the thousands of the vehicles that had passed me up, this one I had decided to panic over.
I didn't move though. I knew in the back of my mind that I was going to survive. I am the protagonist after all.

Being the protagonist, I was capable of being hit by a vehicle hurdling towards me at 100 miles per hour.

The motorcycle made contact with me, and I was suddenly lifted off of feet. In about a paragraph, I describe, with large words, the experience that I had felt going through the air.

Gracefully,I landed onto the ground in one big heap.

"Man, whomever just hit me, I am going to sue!"

I was a walking miracle. I was able to stand up and face the person that had just hit me.

My heart stopped when I saw the guy who had hit me.
He was about my age, he had blonde wavy hair, he was tall about 7 to 8 foot, like every teen fic bad boy he was inhumanely hot and dangerous. I already knew that he was my cliche bae.

"I already don't care for you. But we are totally going to fall in love by the end of this story." He scoffed, popping a lollipop into his mouth.

He pretended to smoke the candy ball that people have stabbed with a stick, as he leaned against his motorcycle.

He had on a black leather jacket, leather pants, black leather gloves, and dark shades sunglasses. He was practically oozing with bad boyness.

"So your a bad boy right?" I asked him. He was texting on his phone then grunted as soon as I had said something.

"Does it look like I am the bad boy?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"I guess so. Do we argue now?" I asked, not really sure of where this story was taking us.

He nodded his head then blurted out, "Your so awkward and immature I don't see how anyone likes you. I don't like you one bit! We will never ever love each other!" He straddled his motorcycle then revved it.

He is such a bad boy. I hate him yet I am falling in love with him. It is only my first day in this story and I am already falling in love with the bad boy. It should at least take a few more chapters but since it is a wattpad teen fic I am falling in love with someone I don't know only because of his looks.

He began to drive off. I couldn't bear it anymore. My one day true love was about to leave me stranded in the middle of a busy intersection, right after he had almost but didn't kill or even bruise me with his motorcycle.

But I was badly injured.

"Don't go!" I coughed, suddenly feeling the broken rib that had occurred to me, due to the very accident that I should have died from.

He sighs then pats his seat.

After five seconds of the motorcycle ride and I felt better. I wasn't hurting anymore and was now applying pressure to my, should have been more than a broken rib.

I could already feel my heart soaring and knees buckling by feeling his firm muscular body through his leather jacket.

His hair was scented like a car wash, fresh and leathery from his jacket. It was such a romantic moment and I didn't even know his name.
We had such a connection, but alas! He is about to drop me off at my house!

The very thought of leaving this complete stranger/boyfriend was making my eye swell up in tears.
Why do teen fics have to be so complicated?

He pulled up into my driveway then shoved me off of his motorcycle.

"Go away! Your gross and awkward!" He spat, while popping a wad of bubble gum into his mouth.

The feelings of love that I had gathered inside of me after ten seconds of knowing him, had been thrown into a fire and burned never to resurface again.

And to think he was the very reason my heart was beating. Even though my heart was beating perfectly fine before I met him 2 minutes ago.

"Your mean!" I sulked.

"I am supposed to be. I am a bad boy!" He growled, spitting on his hand then rubbing it over his hair to slick his greasy, yet, gorgeous hair down.

He went to leave in a .mysterious bad boy kind of way when I stopped him.

"What is your name?" I called out into the wind. I had clutched onto my backpack out of nervousness. Asking his name was a big step for my shy awkward self. Then I remembered that my eyes were making contact with his. It was against my character to do so, thus I averted my eyes.

He inhaled a deep breath dramatically. The sun suddenly shone directly on him, as of to create a spot light, illuminating his handsome features even more.

I drooled a little. But I was totally hating him right now.

"I am Mr. Jawdropper, Bank Robber, Pancake Flopper, Heartstopper."

I gasped when I realized the jawdropper and heartstopper part of his name had happened to an innocent soul like me.

"Do you have a cool nickname?" I asked, knowing that every bad boy has a nickname.

"You can call me Flapjack. You know for the pancake's sake."

"You have robbed banks?" I asked flabbergasted, just realizing he had 'Bankrobber'in his name.

"Well I am a bad boy of course." He winked his eye all smexy like. Then he was gone, leaving me madly in love and hating him at the same time.

What a bad boy!

I so hate that boy! I don't ever see how I will fall in love with a guy like him! I never want to see him again! He has ruined my entire life in five minutes!

I thought to myself as I laid in bed that night.

I had sewn a leather jacket for my teddy bear, and had named him Flapjack. I so wished I could see him again. Just to see him smirk at me or to hear him talk would mean the world for me!

I knew that I had met my future husband. What a glorious day today was! But if only he knew my name...

I don't know if this part came out as funny as or sarcastic asthe first part but I tried lol. My sister was the main one who helped me with this so you guys give her a round of applause!!! Don't forget to let me know what you think and if I should rewrite this, in the comments. I will most likely edit it and change a few things. I know I am a crazy and sporadic writer but you guys love me right?

Until the next part! Peace out✌

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