Never Break Wind in a Spacesuit

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As everyone seems to have been having fun with the contests we've been putting up on the Science Fiction profile, I thought I'd join in with a couple of the challenges myself albeit without officially entering of course. 

So, below is a drabble for Challenge 4, where the line in bold was supplied as a start point, with the theme as SciFi and about the Rosetta probe and Philae lander misson to Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

Below that is a 6 word story with a SciFi theme based on Challenge 2. 


We landed on this pile of ice and dust expecting to find something that would advance our scientific knowledge, but what we actually found was alien technology. Someone or something had got there before us. 

The lander was close enough that we could see a probe similar in size to ours. It too had anchored itself, and we waited for the Rosetta probe to orbit and take pictures. While we waited, the questions as to its origin were endlessly discussed. 

Pictures, when they came, noted one remarkable difference between the probes: the alien one had foot prints leading from it...  


Never break wind in a spacesuit

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