Elizabeth Comiskey -- Mentor

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Meet Elizabeth

Hi, I'm Elizabeth, also known as eacomiskey on Wattpad. Rather than focusing on my writing in my undergraduate years, I studied religion and politics. I had to develop an interest in literature so I'd have something non-controversial to talk about at dinner parties. (Haha! Just kidding... Sort of.)

Despite the lack of formal training, the world has taught me a great deal about writing over the past several years. I started as a mommy blogger around 2010 but got tired of writing product reviews and recipes after a year or two. That was about the time that I discovered Nanowrimo and finished my first full-length novel. That novel (much revised and nearly doubled in length) became my first published work. It was the first in a three-book series with a micropress that focused on women who wrote speculative fiction. They picked up a fourth, stand-alone work as well.

In 2018, my story "Curmudgeon" won a Watty Award and I sold it as the first in a five-book series to Scarsdale Publishing—a midsized press in New York. They changed the title to "Some Monsters Never Die," and printed it in 2019. So far books 1,2, and 3 are published and 4 will be released this coming fall. Audio book production on the series has begun as well.

I've had several stories featured on Wattpad, won the #SoloTravel contest sponsored in partnership with Marriott, was an ambassador's pick in the 2019, 2020, and 2021 Open Novella Contests, and I was over the moon when I learned that I won the Southwest Story-tellers on the Rise contest in April of 2021.

When I'm not reading or writing, I'm tending to a brood of children, a flock of chickens, a dog, a cat, a snake, and various other animals that pass through my world. (The best was the wounded dove that would hang out on the dog's head.) My daughter and I do competitive chalk art events. She wins frequently. I never have. I love junk food, Supernatural, Converse sneakers, and all things Addams Family.




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