Nicole Bea -- Mentor

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Meet Nicole

NICOLE BEA, also known as gardenofcats on Wattpad, wears many hats in the writing community, from the editor-in-chief of an online literary magazine to submissions intern with a small press. She has written and published several novels for middle grade through to adult audiences, and her poems and stories have appeared or are forthcoming in a variety of publications. During the day, Nicole works as a technical writer and by night she focuses on 'deep stories to dig into': pieces that include romance, honesty, hope, and self-discovery. She and her husband share their home in Eastern Canada with a collection of multi-colored cats and a lifetime's worth of books.

Her Wattpad career started back in 2015 where she was soon selected for promotion with her YA mystery, STILLWATER, which was featured multiple times. Her YA dystopian novel, THE WILD GARDENS was longlisted for the Watty's only a couple of years later, while a handful of her other stories have been highlighted on various profiles and editor's choice lists.

Many of her Wattpad stories have since been published, including FORGET ME NOT, SKIN, PILLOW TALK (all from Fire and Ice YA Books), FOREVER SUMMER, and SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW (both from The Wild Rose Press). Her upcoming releases include BENEATH THE STARLIT SEA (previously KILL YOUR DARLINGS / OF ALL THE STARS AND SEAS – releasing June 2022 from Sword & Silk Books), new adult college novella, TRIP THE LIGHT FANTASTIC (self-publishing in May 2021), and her LGBTQIA+ YA contemporary, THE SUMMER I LOVED YOU (coming late 2021 from NineStar Press).

Her favorite books include Tuck Everlasting, Slammerkin, Never Let Me Go, and A Mango-Shaped Space.




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