Ask the Admins

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Welcome to one of our new extras, Ask the Admins! You can thank @Wildfire1423 for this new segment.

For the next three days, we're giving you, our fans, the opportunity to ask us some questions! You can ask a specific question, or just ask generally and one or maybe all of us will answer! Only a select few questions will be chosen, and they must be left in this specific comment section! After three days, we will no longer accept questions. What can you ask about, you wonder? There are some limits to the kind of questions you can ask. The questions you can ask are as follows:

-anything to do with Warriors

-anything to do with Wattpad

-advice on writing

-the magazine (no interview requests please)

-any of our admin's books

-and of course, anything to do with an admin (personal questions are answered at the discretion of the admin)

And here's a small list of rules:

-No profanity

-Please keep it PG

-Please don't spam questions. Asking 1 or 2 is okay, but 4 or more is too much

Remember, only a select few questions will be chosen. If you dont know who our admins are, they are listed in our profile. We look forward to seeing your questions!

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