Contest Entree: ThatSilentDreamer

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Theme: Write an alternative ending to “The Last Hope”.


Ivypool heard a yowl before Hawkfrost slashed at her belly. She howled in pain before collapsing to the ground, her belly convulsing. She could feel the blood leaving her system and her vision blurred as a black figure raced past her, finishing off her attacker. Ivypool watched through weary eyes as the dark brown tabby disappeared amongst the bushes.

Someone was nudging her.

Ivypool glanced towards the cat who had driven Hawkfrost away. It was Hollyleaf.

“Ivypool!” she gasped, noticing her wound. Ivypool looked down at it, although it hurt bending. She let out a moan.

“Don’t lose faith yet,” Hollyleaf meowed, nudging her to her paws. “We’re going to get you to Leafpool and-”

Hollyleaf’s voice seemed to trail off as Ivypool followed her back to camp. Her paws staggered and she found it harder and harder to keep her strength up. It felt as though her life were ebbing away from her.

Which it was. Ivypool hissed as the bitter thought traced to her mind.

“We’re almost there,” Hollyleaf mewed hurriedly. Ivypool swallowed as she willed her heavy paws to carry her just a bit further. She didn’t want to lean all of her weight onto Hollyleaf just yet.

As the hollow came to view it began to blur in front of her. She staggered a bit more. Hollyleaf attempted to let her put her weight on her shoulder but she didn’t allow that. Ivypool wanted to walk.

“I’m fine,” she managed to say, regaining her balance. Through the blurriness in her vision she was barely able to detect Hollyleaf’s green eyes staring back at her in dismay.

Hollyleaf nudged her gently. “Come on Ivypool.” The fatal she-cat could hear the plea in the older warrior’s mew. “It’s just a little further.”

Ivypool nodded again as she and Hollyleaf continued. The hollow was inching closer and Ivypool was amazed at how she was able to lift her paws up - they felt as though they would fall down through the entire forest ground. Her stomach felt as if everything inside of it was spilling out (which it probably was) and her lungs were on fire.

Is this what death feels like?

Ivypool shut her eyes as the blood rushed to ears and her heart continued to pound. She barely noticed they were in the hollow when she heard Dovewing’s yowl of dismay.

“Ivypool!” she heard her sister exclaim. Hollyleaf let Ivypool fall down. The pain raced through Ivypool’s stomach and almost all around her, causing a shock reflex. Ivypool yowled again in pain as more cats surrounded her that weren’t still fighting.

“I’ll get Leafpool.” Hollyleaf informed before bounding off. Ivypool strained to watch the cats around her but the pain coming from her belly was all too strong. She yowled again in pain as she let her head fall back.

She heard Dovewing sniffle from beside her. “Ivypool…” she whispered.

Ivypool’s eyes fluttered as she attempted to focus on her sister. “Dovewing? I don’t look that bad do I?”

She heard a mrrow rumble in Dovewing’s throat but could tell it was forced. Terribly forced. Ivypool tried not to cringe. Am I that bad?

“Who did this?” Brambleclaw exclaimed.

“H-Hawkfrost.” Hollyleaf was back. She felt a paw press against her wound and she whimpered at the continous pain coursing through her belly.

Leafpool was silent. Ivypool tried to open her eyes but her vision was spinning again. Why is this happening?

“Do something!” Dovewing screeched. “Leafpool, please!”

Ivypool felt cobwebs press against the wound on her belly. She blinked a view times before her vision steadied as she attempted to look at the wound. She tried not to cry in horror at the sight. It looked as if her belly was nearly sliced in two. Blood was pooling everywhere. She swallowed, trying her hardest not to be sick.

It’s no use… The pain continued to rush through her body but Ivypool was becoming used to it. Although it was nearly excrutiating, she managed to strain her voice just enough to say, “don’t waste cobwebs on me.”

She heard Dovewing choke from beside her. “Ivypool! What’s the matter? No! If we don’t do something.”

Ivypool turned her head to look at her sister. “There’s nothing much you can do…”

Dovewing shook her head. “No!” She watched as her sister turned to Leafpool. “There has to be something you can do! Do anything, please! Leafpool… she’s my sister.”

Leafpool met Dovewing’s gaze then looked back at Ivypool sadly. Finally turning back to Dovewing she mewed, “if she wishes to go… I can not stop her.”

Dovewing cried out in pain and Ivypool cringed, making her belly slap her with another shock of pain. Let this be over… please!

Ivypool hated the thought of Dovewing being upset… But she knew she couldn’t let Leafpool waste her herbs and cobwebs on her. Other cats needed it. Cats that weren’t whiskers away from StarClan.

She felt a cat nudge her. It was Hollyleaf.

“I’m so sorry,” she heard her murmur. “I should have been there sooner…”

Ivypool opened her mouth to say something but Brambleclaw beat her to it.

“Hawkfrost will pay for this. I promise you.”

Ivypool shook her head. “No more cats suffering,” she rasped. Another spasm of pain raced through her. She shut her eyes tight, moaning in pain. Great StarClan! Ivypool didn’t want to wish this sort of pain on anyone… No one at all.

“We’ll leave you two alone,” she heard Leafpool murmur.

Another spasm shook through Ivypool and she groaned again, her eyes remaining closed. She heard Dovewing whimper beside her as she nudged her gently. “Ivypool?” she whispered. “Are you still with me?”

“Y-Yeah,” Ivypool mewed shakily, opening her eyes. Her vision was still a bit off, but better than before. It was almost as if everything was clearing up, actually. The pain was just another thing to think about.

She saw tears swell up in Dovewing’s eyes. “Don’t leave me…” she whispered. “I still need you… You’re my sister.”

Ivypool sighed. Dovewing definitely wasn’t making this easier for her.

“I’m sorry, Dovewing…” she breathed. “But I was a lost cause… from the moment I was kitted… You know that.”

Dovewing shook her head. “No. You’re not a lost cause.”

Ivypool met her sister’s gaze evenly. “Ever since I joined the Dark Forest-”

“You didn’t know.”


“Ivypool I can’t just let you die like this.”

Ivypool sighed again. Dovewing really wasn’t making this easier for her.

“Don’t leave me,” Dovewing mewed again. She sounded feeble. Ivypool glanced back at her sister, the pain now returning even worse than it was before.

“I’ll always be with you.”

Dovewing shook her head. “You’re not just my sister,” she meowed.

Ivypool frowned.

“You’re my best friend.”

A warm feeling rushed through her only to be replaced with another spasm of pain. Dovewing whimpered. Ivypool could hardly imagine what she was going through; what it must be like to watch her die in front of her. She shut her eyes, trying to envision Dovewing was the one with her injuries, bleeding her life out on the hollow ground.

The pain she felt at the image was worse than the pain she was going through.

Ivypool could feel her breathing slowing down. Dovewing had pressed her nose into Ivypool’s blood-coated fur, sobbing fervently. Ivypool willed to keep her eyes open - to tell Dovewing that it would be alright - but her words escaped her and her eyes fluttered shut as she took her last breath.

Dovewing’s mournful yowl could have been heard throughout all of the forest.

Her body couldn’t stop shaking. She knew she had to leave Ivypool’s body and help her Clanmates to prevent any more deaths like this but she couldn’t will herself to stand up. She just wanted to lay beside Ivypool and die with her. She felt lost without her sister.

But as she delved deeper into her thoughts she realized that Ivypool wouldn’t have been laying around in grief if they had switched positions - she would be out fighting. Pressing her nose deeper into Ivypool’s fur, she got up, joining her Clanmates in the battle.

It played out for what seemed like moons. Her legs tired and she could feel her energy lacking, even with all the help the Clans were getting. Finally when she felt as though all hope was lost, the Dark Forest warriors had begun to turn around, speeding out of the hollow.

“Runningwind!” she heard Firestar call.

The deceased warrior turned around, his whiskers twitching.

“Are you still fast on your paws?” the leader asked.

He nodded. “Faster than ever.”

“Great.” Firestar glanced towards some other cats present. “Gather up a patrol and make sure those fox-hearts flee all the way back to the Dark Forest. Take Dustpelt with you.”

Runningwind nodded as the dusty brown warrior bounded forward.

“I’ll go with them.” A handsome golden tabby had barely finished clashing heads with two Dark Forest warriors he was fighting. They slumped to the ground unconscious as the great tabby bounded forward, his whiskers twitching. “It’s been a long time since I’ve chased this kind of prey.”

Firestar’s eyes glowed. “Thank you, Lionheart.”

“Come on,” Bumblestripe hissed in Dovewing’s ear. “Let’s make sure these Dark Forest cowards never come back!”

Dovewing nodded feeling her heart pound as Sandstorm joined them as they raced out of the hollow. Bumblestripe pulled ahead, racing to catch up with the StarClan warriors as they pelted away through the trees.

Suddenly Sandstorm skidded to a halt. “Look!”

“What/” Dovewing swerved to a stop.

Sandstorm was staring up through the trees. “I saw a claw-scratch of moonlight,” she explained. “That must be a good sign.”

“Not for the Clans.” A snarl sounded from the ferns.

Dovewing froze as she spotted a matted tortoiseshell pelt. Sandstorm bristled as the she-cat came into view, her yellow eyes flashing. “Who are you?”

“You should know who I am,” snarled the Dark Forest she-cat. “ThunderClan destroyed my life!”

Sandstorm frowned. “What’s your name?”

“My name’s Mapleshade!” With a hiss, she sprang, onto Sandstorm, pushing he muzzle into the earth. “I’m going to make youpay for every blessing StarClan has given you,” she snarled in Sandstorm’s ear. “And every blessing they stole from me!”

Dovewing raced to help but claws pinned her tail. She turned and swiped at the black tom who had grabbed her. Her paw missed and the tom hit black, slicing at Dovewing’s cheek. Through searing pain she heard Mapleshade yowl.

“You have everything I wanted, Sandstorm! A mate to love, kits to watch grow up and have kits of their own… The respect of Clanmates! I should have had all that!” Mapleshade’s yellow eyes shone with fury as Dovewing saw through the corner of her eye that Mapleshade had grasped Sandstorm’s throat in her jaws.

“Let her go!” A star-flecked tortoiseshell raced towards the two. Dovewing saw her green eyes narrow as the tortoiseshell pounced on her and the two toppled over. Mapleshade bristled angrily.

“Spottedleaf!” she exclaimed. “Why didn’t you let me kill her? She stole Firestar’s love from you.”

Spottedleaf’s tail lashed. “There was nothing to steal. Sandstorm made him happy! That’s more than I could have ever wished for him.”

Mapleshade snarled dangerously but before the she-cat could pounce Sandstorm had made her attack. She jumped up onto the she-cat as the two rolled along the earth. Dovewing turned around to fight her own attacker only to see he had vanished.

A yowl sounded making Dovewing’s fur stand on end. She turned around just in time to see Mapleshade slice at Sandstorm. Sandstorm hissed and spat at the Dark Forest warrior but she as stronger as her thorn-sharp claw raked across Sandstorm’s flank.

“No!” Spottedleaf screeched, pouncing onto the Dark Forest she-cat. Dovewing watched in horror as the tortoiseshell fell down with the Dark Forest warrior. Mapleshade turned around, her unsheathed claws ready to pierce through Spottedleaf’s exposed throat before Sandstorm reached up and pulled her off.

“I don’t think so,” she hissed. Dovewing stepped forward to help, only to step back in horror at the faulty move Sandstorm had made - instead of finishing off Mapleshade, she threw her aside, rushing to the fallen tortoiseshell. Spottedleaf shook her head, regaining her balance.

“Are you alright?” she asked. Before Sandstorm could respond Mapleshade had regained her balance. Her claw sliced through Sandstorm, making the orange-pelted she-cat fall to the ground, the blood pooling around her.

“NO!” Both Spottedleaf and Firestar exclaimed. The mournful screech echoed throughout the entire forest as the flame-colored leader raced through the trees, digging his claws deep into Mapleshade. She stared in shock at the Clan leader but Dovewing could see there was no mercy in his green eyes. Mapleshade finally stopped squirming as she lay still, her spirit vanishing.

Dovewing raced towards Sandstorm. The blood was pooling around from her throat and she strained to speak. Firestar crouched beside her trembling body. He pressed his cheek against hers. “I love you,” he whispered. “Don’t leave me.”

Sandstorm looked up to meet his gaze. “I love you too,” she breathed.

Spottedleaf brushed up against the two, her eyes clouded with grief. “It should have been me…”

Sandstorm looked up at the StarClan she-cat. She opened her mouth to say something, reassurance in her green gaze, only to let out a short gasp as her head rolled over and her eyes glazed. Firestar shoved his nose deeper into her pelt, his body shaking. Spottedleaf leaned against him.

“I’ll watch over her,” Dovewing heard her whisper.

Firestar looked up to meet Spottedleaf’s eyes. He nodded.

Spottedleaf looked down at Sandstorm’s body. “It should have been me,” she repeated, the guilt evident her mew. She looked back up at Firestar. “I’m sorry.”

As Firestar and Dovewing raced back to camp with Spottedleaf at their heels they were greeted by a few extra Dark Forest warriors who wouldn’t give up. Dovewing watched as Brambleclaw was fighting against Hawkfrost. The dark brown tabby’s amber eyes met his half-brother’s icy blue ones as the two continued to throw scratches at one another.

Dovewing’s eyes narrowed and she felt her claws flex. This was the cat that had killed Ivypool. Brambleclaw flung himself at Hawkfrost. Before the Dark Forest warrior could twist free, Brambleclaw sunk his teeth into his neck. The snap of bone echoed throughout the hollow and Hawkfrost fell dead.

Tigerstar stepped out into the moonlight, causing a chill to race up Dovewing’s spine. “Well done, Brambleclaw.”

The ThunderClan deputy turned around to stare at his father in horror.

Tigerstar turned his amber gaze on Firestar as the ThunderClan leader unsheathed his claws. “Not yet,” the Dark Forest warrior snarled. “We will meet in battle. But not until you’ve watched every one of your Clanmates die.”

Firestar’s tail lashed. “The battle is over!”

“The Dark Forest is endless,” Tigerstar hissed. “It has more warriors than you could ever imagine. The battle is just beginning.”

Dovewing darted forward. “But Brokenstar and Hawkfrost are dead! Why would they fight now? They have no leader.”

Tigerstar’s claws flexed, holding them so they caught in the moonlight. His lip twisted over in a snarl. “They have me.”

“You’re no leader,” Firestar padded closer. “You never were.”

Tigerstar hissed. “I’m a better leader than you could ever be.”

“A leader puts his Clan first,” Firestar pointed out. “Instead, your Clanmates are made to fight your battles, not theirs.”

“Real warriors love battle,” Tigerstar sneered. “I give them a chance to die for a cause.”

Dovewing was speechless. She searched his gaze. Was he mad? Or just a little bit insane? Countless cats had died in his battles. Did he really believe he’d done them a favor?

Firestar’s green eyes glowered. “And what have your battles been for, Tigerstar? What cause is worth the lives of so many warriors?”

Tigerstar’s eyes glinted. “Defeating you.”

“You haven’t defeated me yet.” Firestar met his gaze evenly.

Dovewing held her breath. The darkness in Tigerstar’s gaze sent a chill up her spine yet again. She watched in horror as her leader braced himself. Tigerstar pounced and the tousled. “Has it been worth it?” Firestar exclaimed as the two regained their balance, facing each other once more. “All the death? All the hate?”

“Every moment,” Tigerstar snarled, “if it means beating you!” Eyes slitted he attacked. Hooking his claws deep into Firestar’s shoulder he raked his spine with churning paws. “The moment Bluestar found you I became nothing! I have waited all this time to have my revenge.”

Firestar twisted free and slashed at him.

Graystripe darted forward at the sight of Firestar losing. Whitestorm stopped him. “No, Graystripe,” he meowed, his blue eyes flickering back towards the battle. “This is Firestar’s fight.”

Firestar heaved himself onto his paws and turned to face Tigerstar. “I will not die until the forest is safe from you.” He leaped for the dark warrior. Swerving in midair, he landed a whisker away from Tigerstar’s flank. As Tigerstar spun to defend himself Firestar smashed his paws into the dark warrior’s side. Unbalanced, Tigerstar staggered and fell. Writing away, Tigerstar struggled to his paws. He leaped at the ThunderClan leader and tore at his throat. Dovewing watched in horror, bracing herself for blood to pool out only to see that pale skin had shone. Tigerstar’s clumsy grip had torn nothing but fur.

Firestar jumped to his paws. “You lived like a rogue… You can die like a rogue.” Flashing like lightning across the clearing, he flew at Tigerstar, aiming for the dark warrior’s throat. Wit a vicious snarl, he sank his teeth deep into Tigerstar’s neck. he held on while Tigerstar thrashed and staggered and finally collapsed to the ground, dead.

Dovewing was shaking. “Tigerstar is dead!”

As she spoke, thunder cracked the sky. She looked up as a bolt of lightning struck the fallen beech beside Firestar. The tree exploded into flames. Before the leader could be crushed, Spottedleaf raced towards him, shoving him out of the way. Smoke rolled over the two. Eyes streaming, chest burning, Dovewing strained to see her Clan leader. As she peered through the smoke the clouds opened. The burning beech hissed and crackled as the fire faded and died.

“Firestar!” yowled Graystripe as the gray warrior raced his way over. Firestar shook his head, blinking. Both he and Spottedleaf were crushed.

“Spottedleaf!” he rasped. The tortoiseshell she-cat blinked, looking up at him. Firestar watched in horror as her image began to fade.

She smiled sadly. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I wasn’t even able to save you…”

Firestar attempted to nudge her but stopped. The beech crushing him prevented him from doing so. He shook his head. “You’ve done so much more than that…” He took a sharp breath before he finally rested his head, his breathing subsiding.

“Is it his last life?” Tigerheart’s ears twitched. Dovewing looked over her shoulder. The rest of the Clan had gathered to watch.

“Yes.” Brambleclaw’s whiskers twitched as his amber eyes watched his leader, grief alighting them. He lifted his muzzle. “The battle is over. Our victory belongs to Firestar!”

The rain eased as he spoke and a shaft of moonlight sliced through the clouds and lit up the unmoving orange body. There was a faint noise at the camp entrance and Dovewing looked up to see a StarClan warrior glimmering beneath the ragged thorns.

“Bluestar?” Brambleclaw beckoned her forward with his tail. With a nod she stepped out from the shadows. A russet tom followed, his pelt glittering with stars. A silver she-cat padded after; a mottled gray tabby sparkled at her side. A black-and-white tom padded at the back while Yellowfang tagged on behind.

The Clan parted to let them pass as Lionheart and Runningwind slipped out to join their starry Clanmates. Dovewing blinked up at the walls of the hollow. They rippled with light from StarClan pelts.

Jayfeather stepped forward as they circled Firestar’s body. “These cats gave Firestar his nine lives,” he explained to the Clan. As they went through introducing them, Dovewing glanced back up at the sky. The moon shone as bright as before and the stars sparkled in the night.

A pelt brushed up against hers. Dovewing turned around to see Ivypool’s spirit. She smiled then brushed against her again. “You’re not a lost cause,” Dovewing whispered.

“I know.” Ivypool pulled away. “But you might be.”

Dovewing let out a mrrow of amusement as Ivypool followed the fellow StarClan spirits as they headed back to their ranks. They all stopped before turning around, meeting her gaze.

There will be three cats, kin of your kin, with the power of the stars in their paws…

Maybe not only three cats, Dovewing thought as they disappeared one by one, but all Clan cats have the power of the stars in their paws.

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