Interview: Firestar4ever

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Woot! Here's our very first Interview for WattyWarriors Fan Magazine 2.0! We've got a new edited set of questions for this edition so it is possible that you'll be seeing some of the same faces as you did in out first edition!
        Anyways! This first interview is of Firestar4Ever, with 932 followers and a total of 896 votes!


1. What is your name?


2. How would you describe yourself? 

Well, I'm quirky, nerdy, shy, and a bit awkward. Reading and writing are my most favorite things to do. And physically speaking, I'm tall with shoulder length brown hair, a freckly face and blue-gray eyes. 

3. What languages do you speak?

English and some Spanish.

4. Have you ever been to a foreign country? Anywhere other then the one you would call home? If so, what are some interesting things you saw there?

I've never even left my time zone! So, no. But I want to go to England next year! 

5. What is it that inspires you to write? Is it a person? A place? anything~

Well, animals, Warriors, Tui T. Sutherland, dragons, and anything magical or beautiful.

6. Why did you choose your username on here, does it represent you? Is there a story behind it?

I chose firestar4ever because I wanted Firestar to live forever! The story is I originally joined wattpad to write my story about after the Last Hope, and I wanted Firestar to resurrect in it, (Firestar forever!) but that didn't end up happening.

7. How old were you when you took an interest in writing?

I was in third grade, so I was 8 or 9. My teacher inspired me so much, she was so creative! 

8. What was the first story you wrote that you can remember? What was it about? Is it on Wattpad? was probably something about a unicorn. But the first REAL story was my book on Wattpad, The Fire Within.

9. Do you prefer to write your story on paper first? Or do you just go straight to the computer?

Straight to the computer! Once I get an idea, I get started and run to my laptop!

10. How did you find Wattpad, and what about Wattpad is the reason you decided to stay once you found it?

 found it when I was browsing the App Store for a writing tool and free ebooks. I stayed because my writing became more successful, and I met the most amazing people who inspire me and are some of my best friends!

11. What is your favorite book on Wattpad, what is it about this story that makes it your favorite, and why would you suggest this book to others?

@CrazystarThunderclan's Ways to Get Kicked Out Of ShadowClan. It's so funny! You should definitely go check it out!

12. Who is your favorite author in all of Wattpad? What are some of their stories that you have read and what makes them your favorite?

So tough...I must say @CrazystarThunderclan again. She writes a good mix of humor and seriousness, so I enjoy reading all of her works! I especially like WTGKOOSC and her books about her OC, Crazystar.

13. How did you find out about Warriors and what made you stick to the series?

I was in the library and found the books, went "OOH! A KITTY CAT!", checked it out and was hooked! I stuck with it because there were soooo many books, and they were all amazing! 

14. What is your favorite scene from any of the books and why is it your favorite?

I would have to say when Fireheart, Cloudtail, Graystripe go to find Swiftpaw and Brightpaw when the dogs attacked them. I just love the detail, the excitement, and the shock of what happened. It's kind of weird, but I love how pivotal it is. 

15. Who is your favorite character from Warriors (not a fan fiction) and why is that character your favorite? 

Firestar, it's cliche but he's just so amazing, as a hero, leader, and dad. Brambleclaw/star is a close second!

16. What would your warrior name be and why?

Lilysplash. I seem calm, quiet, and graceful when you first meet me (Lily) but then SPLASH! I explode into craziness and clumsiness! 

17. What inspired your fan-fiction(s)? Both from in the original series as well as from your everyday life.

I didn't want the series to end, so I just wanted to continue it. More of a self-assurance thing. Nothing from real life inspired me, actually. Tying up loose ends is fun for me, so I gave it a go!

18. How many people that you know in person also read warriors? 

No one! ;-;

19. Has anyone you've known in person made fun of the fact that you read Warriors?

YES. I actually lost some friends, there was other stuff going on, but one of the reasons is because they said all I cared about was Warriors. And my sister teases me all the time.

20. What is your favorite warriors fan fiction on Wattpad? Why is it your favorite and who is the author?

I love Warrior Cat Extras by @beep_beep_watch_out! I love how they tell stories of those little things you wouldn't think about. Also, it's very well written!

21. What are some other books that you read? (not from Wattpad) 

Harry Potter by JK Rowling, Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland, Counting by Sevens by Holly Goldberg Sloan, and Wolves of the Beyond by Kathryn Lasky.

22. What is something about you, that you think no one else would know about just by seeing you? Something that not many people know about. Well, I have this weird thing where I have a tough time handling change of any kind. For example, we just got rid of my bed that I have since I was little, and I got a loft bed. I cried my eyes out, about A BED. You don't even want to know what I was like when know.

23. Are there any websites other then Wattpad that you use and would like to suggest to the rest of the Wattpad community? If its a website with accounts, what's your username on it?

None of 'em. Wattpad is the only one for me!

24. Is there anything that you'd like to say to your fans and readers? Any shout outs to specific Wattpad members?

Well, thank you so much for sticking with me this far! I love you all so much for reading my books, voting, and commenting. I love talking to all of you! I couldn't have done this without you, you are all incredible! Don't stop writing, reading, and daydreaming! (Cliche, right?) -Firestar4ever

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