Interview: Saigge16

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This is not ready to publish, they forgot to answer two questions. I have PMed them about it.

Hello Warriors Fans of Wattpad! Here we have an interview with Saigge16, the author of the popular 'Striped Savage' series!


1. What's your name?


2. How would you describe yourself?

When I'm around my friends I'm pretty wacky and unpredictable lol

3. What languages do you speak?

I speak english and a little japanese

4. Have you ever been to a foreign country?

Sadly I haven't been to another county but I would love to go to france and see their tower lol

5. What is it that inspires you to write?

Really what got me to start writing was my intense desire to continue the old Thundercats (not the new 2000 one) and just keep it going because I loved it so much and I ended up finding and was blown away by everything else that was there and ended up writing stories lol

6. Why did you choose your username on here? Is there a story behind it?

Saigge16 has kind of just been with me a long time, it didn't really have any actual perpose or anything, just something random

7. How old were you when you took and interest in writing?

When I was in 3rd grade, but I didn't start wanting to write fanfictions until a few years ago

8. What was the first story you've written that you can remember? Is it on Wattpad?

My first story... hmm... oh! It was called "The Clans" that me and my friends made up. It was about these three different clans (dont want to go into detail about it because I'm hoping to use it proffessionaly in the future ;P) that worked together to stop this evil woman who was trying to conquer the world.

9. Do you prefer to write your story on paper first, or do you go straight to the computer?

I like to type it up either on my phone or on the computer, I rarely ever put it on paper. Sometimes I just keep it in my head lol

10. How did you find Wattpad, and what is the reason you decided to stay?

Well it was 2 years or so ago I found it. Me and my ex boyfriend were huge Darksiders nerds and we ended up making up a story where one of the characters had a daughter and we stretched it out and made a huge trilogy (which is my Darksiders: Whisper books by the way lol). The reason I stayed was because I loved the community, even though I didn't get many comments or anything like that, but I also loved reading other people's works : )

11. What is your favorite book on Wattpad? What makes it your favorite? Why would you suggest it to others?

Honestly it osn't a very relatable book but since Darksiders will forever be in my heart, my favorite is "Darksoders Fanfiction" my mythicalenchantment, her writing is just amazing and she captured each character from the series perfectly and I just love it and would hope people would recognize it since Darksiders is definitely an overlooked game.

12. Who is your favorite Wattpad author?

Well I don't want to pick favorites from my followers lol, honestly I love FerociousBunny's writing (sadly though she is to nervous to post anything on her account).

13. How did you find out about Warriors and what made you stick to the series?

I found out about warriors in 8th grade. I actually ended up grabbing the wrong book (The first book to the power of three series) since I didn't know which one was first and I met a girl on my bus who explained it to me and showed me the first book. I stuck with the series because (its hard for me to explain sknce I get so emotional about it xD) of the loyalty and the emotion and impact these cats can have on you and their culture, their love, their will to do whats right. It just captured me when I first started reading it. I love warriors lol I don't know what else to say.

14. What is your favorite scene from Warriors?

My favorite scene would have to be when Fireheart went to the high rock and started telling the cats what to do when they were under attack (back when he wasn't deputy: "All cats gather... Everyone! Listen to me!" Something like that) I liked it because it showed how quickly he could think and how concerned he was for the clan safety and it showed how he was a good leader.

15. Who is your favorite Warriors character? Why are they your favorite?

My favorite is a tie between Yellowfang and Tallstar, they were just geat characters

16. What would your warrior name be, and why?

Runningwish, I would be a messanger who would lift peoples hopes and hold there wishes with me every where I went to wait with them for their wishes to come true. Its a weird thing I made up but oh well lol.

17. What inspired your Fanfictions?

Thundercats was the first thing I ever tried to write a fanfiction for. The reason I started (or got the idea) was from my childhood friend who wrote Lion King fanfictions. She told me that everything in the world is fanfiction and if you take a story and bend or make it longer it can become something of your own.

18. How many people do you know that also read warriors?

Well apparently all my followers lol and just Willow0902 and FerociousBunny

19. Has anyone you've known in person made fun of you for the fact that you read warriors?

Yep. I remember one time in class our teacher told us to think of a character from our favorite book and wrote it on a sheet of paper that was on the wall. I wrote Tallstar and everyone was confused. I told them it was from a book where there were cats and they had names like that and they all gave me a "whaf?" look lol

20. What is your favorite Wattpad fanfiction? Why and who is the author?

My favorite fanfiction would have to be Darksiders Fanfiction by mythicalenchantment, I love her work lol

21. What are some other books you read, (not from Wattpad)?

I have read E.D. Baker books and a few others whose authors names I don't remember lol

22. What's something about you that nobody would know just by looking at you?

That I stay up until 6 am playing Darksiders or World of Warcraft and I am a total video game freak xD

23. Are there any other websites that you would suggest to the Wattpad community? I will warn you though, every section has a different community, I have only experienced the lovely Darksiders community lol

24. Is there anything you'd like to say to fans and readers? Any shout outs to specific Wattpad members?

I love all of you, you help push me forward and keep me writing rather then letting my series die and I really appreciate that support since most of my ideas shrivel up and are never seen due to no "fan" attention. Thank you all so much :D

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