♡ Please Help Hemlockpaw 2.0 ♡

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last time on please help hemlockpaw...

I've been apprentice for a few days now, and today we're off to the training grounds.


This is the medicine cat of my clan. She's happy, energetic, and her mouth is always moving! Please please help!

Your Friend,

— ♡ ♡ ♡ —

THAT'S IT! I'll call her Mottledrose! Thank you so much
Losty : +5points (current balance: 5)


My mentor, Russetheart, and Barkpaw brought me a mouse to eat since I had to stay in camp for the rest of the day. I think they felt guilty since they weren't watching me. I should've known there was a hedgehog there, though! I need to become more aware, I got injured, and missed training because of it. My visitors didn't stay long either; Barkpaw had to go back to training and Russetheart wanted to collect more prey. I didn't want to stay in the medicine den all day, so I made my way out into camp, making sure not to walk on the injured paw. Not only did Mottledrose say not to walk on it, but it also stung to put too much pressure on it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black and white bundle of fur bounding towards me and turned curiously. It skidded to a stop, and I realized that it was a kit. He quirked his head up at me, round yellow eyes seeming to open wider than possible.

His mouth moved, too rapidly for me to read his muzzle, and I stared at him in puzzlement. It took a few more minutes before he seemed to realize that I wasn't responding, and he stepped closer, looking up at me. He mouthed the words slowly, and this time I understood.

"What...is...your...name?" he was asking. And as I thought about the question, I realized that I faced the same dilemma with him! He was adorable and sweet, with a pretty coat that alternated between black and white. His round eyes looked up at me questioningly. I had to give him a name!

I need your help! I can't come up with a name for this kit by myself. You've got to give me some ideas.


Your friend,



Welcome to Please Help Hemlockpaw, the sequel to Please Help Hemlockkit. The rule are the same, but just to remind you here they are again:
Think you know a great name for this cat? Simply comment the name, and if there are 15 or less available spots, then it will entered! The person with the best name gets five points to their score!

NEW RULE!!! Everyone who participates gets +1 point as well.
That means all entered names and all leeches will get one point. The winner will get five points, and each of their leaches will get two.

How to Leech/What is a Leech?
If you think someone else's name sounds really good, you can reply with the same name they put! Beware, only four people can leech off another person's suggested name, because if that name wins, then the five points that would've been awarded to the sole winner will be divided between all five of them. If there's less than four people who leeched, then one point will go to each leech and the remaining to the original commenter.

Example: Thunder votes the name Emberkit. Poppy sees this and replies with Emberkit as well. Heather also comments Emberkit later. Emberkit is announced the winner two days later, so Thunder, the original poster of the name, gets five points, poppy gets two, and heather gets two.

If you have a leech or are a leech, that's totally okay! It won't effect if you win or not, though people will probably only leech on a name they think will let them win.

"Why go through this whole confusing thing of leeching?" It lets more people participate if all fifteen name slots are taken!

The prize shop is open, and available things are listed at after the name list.

Reminder that the admins will be voting on the names, and we will be completely unbiased. Whether or not a name has leeches or if you have .2 followers or 2k doesn't matter, it only matters if the name is the best. Good luck!


1: Skunkkit 

ENTERED BY: Brokenshadow2004

2: Badgerkit

ENTERED BY: anfarlamb

3. Magpiekit

ENTERED BY: Slushy526

4. Frostkit

ENTERED BY: alulusa

5. Wildkit

ENTERED BY: WarriorCatMoon335

6. Beekit

ENTERED BY: -Sunpaw-

7. Pebblekit

ENTERED BY: talfli

8. Swiftkit

ENTERED BY: Cheerybae

9. Birchkit

ENTERED BY: mahchi

10. Amberkit

ENTERED BY: AbbyTurtleGirl

11. Stormkit

ENTERED BY: DragonNadder

12. Heronkit

ENTERED BY: Adderstripe

13. NAME- Beechkit

ENTERED BY: AngelTheWildWolf

14. NAME-


15. NAME-


this edition's artwork was done by whisper and stardust!

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