Chapter three

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As the three made their way through the building, a hooded creature shoved past Parker. " Well, excuse you." He snarkily commented, the Pokémon hobbling away.

He didn't even apologize. What a ninny. Parker though, shrugging as he made his way through the crowd of starters.

Seriously how many of these guys are there? Starters from all over the world were gathered here. Some were conversing with each other, while others were...stealing each other's hats?

What? That's odd. He pondered over as he walked, a strange look on his face from seeing that weird scene. It's like all the Pokémon here are immature. Are they immature? Does the Starter Squad just let anyone join it? He wonders.

Shouldn't it be made of the Pokémon starters who really shown their stuff? He thinks complicatedly as a Decidueye  approached them.

" Bonjour, hello, Alola, hola, hallo." He greeted them, approaching them. Parker could recognize only two of those languages: English and Alolan. The others were confusing. Hallo? What are you giving someone an orange? He confusedly thought.

He looked at the Decidueye. He was a tall avian bird-like pokemon. Owl, Parker recognized with ease. That's what he looks like. Parts of the Pokémon's face was dark green with a thin, orange mask-like marking encircling his eyes.

I've never seen a Decidueye like this up close and personal before. Parker thought as he continued to look over the owl.

Red-orange eyes bore into Parker as he investigated this Starter. What is he here for? Is he the one who greets new starters? What must I do to get in? Do I need to take a hat to get in or what?

The Decidueye nodded in approval. " Come with me, newbies." He told them, starting forward. What? Follow him? Is he going to bring us in the back to turn us into ghosts?! Parker wondered.

It was a little disturbing to think about as he followed the ghostly scary Pokémon to where the heck he was being lead. Oh right! Parker face palmed, they're here as well. My friend and weird shiny Squirtle girl.

" Eek! That's Eule of the Starter Squad! One of the only Pokémon to stay in the Squad afterwards! And he's super young! Yet, he's super successful!" Spout gushed.

Eule must of heard her. He smiled. Stuck up owl is what they should call him instead of making him seem heroic. What did he do to be here? Eat cocktail sauce? Parker scoffed in his head.

Eule paused. Parker mentally face palmed himself. He forgot to look around. He was so stuck up in this seemingly stronger Pokémon's reason why he was here.

He composed himself. I can't get distracted again! He thought, right before the same hooded bitch decided to shove against him. Parker was getting pretty agitated now with that. Twice! Can't this Pokémon keep their weight in check?

The Pokémon unmasked. It was a Popplio. Fuck my life. I didn't want to see any of these guys around. Funny, I'm pretty sure this Popplio is a male. Why the hell does he need a hood? Parker wondered.

This mysterious Popplio both made him want to puke and investigate further. Are they that badly hated? He wondered as the Popplio locked eyes with him for a second.

Is he trying to fool me with his despair? Parker wondered. " What are you looking at, Wott?" The Popplio growled at him, shoving him aside. At those words, a cackle rose above the rest of the Squad.

It sounds so hateful. What Starter who join this Squad would ever want to be that hateful towards anyone? He wondered.

A shiny female Fennekin, smoky gray to the skin, strides over with an overconfident smirk. She approaches Parker. Oh dear god what does this stupid, sly fox want? He wondered, starting to feel uncomfortable around her, and not in a good way.

He felt like he was staring in the face of pure evil, as if she was danger to his every being. He backed up. " Hello, Oshawott." The Fennekin greeted with what seemed to be a forced, sexually changed voice.

" Uh, what's happening?" Spout questioned, too innocent for what Parker could recognize. As if by some cliche machine, the Fennekin responded to her: " Destiny. That's what."

Parker could feel bile going up his throat. Who does this Fennekin think she is? What is she trying to accomplish here? Is she trying to make all the males go have sex with her? Parker wondered, wanting to throw up.

He knew about sex. He didn't want to have it, at least not with some weird Fennekin who thought she get boys just by acting all nice, and being pretend pretty. He wanted to have a relationship and then have it, but now isn't a good time.

" My name is Avalon, handsome." The shiny introduced. It almost seemed as if she was purring, but she was a fox. A sly one at that. Something is definitely up. He realized.

He had totally forgotten about the Popplio who was trying to sneak away. " Trying to talk to my man, are we Fattlio? Think you can make friends? Think again you little shit!" Avalon growled as she pushed the poor Popplio to the ground.

Parker had no idea what was going on, but he knew: that wasn't Starter Squad behavior. She can't attack someone. He wasn't even doing anything! Is that why he keeps up the hood, or is this Avalon girl just being a jerk no matter what?

" Leave him alone!" It wasn't him who said something, though. He had thought it, but he never expressed it. I'm glad I didn't. I would have made a fool out of myself. People don't just stand up for Popplio around here. Or at least where I'm from.

It was Spout, and for some reason she had a pancake in her paw. She then lifted the paw with the pancake. What the hell is she doing? Parker questions as she brings it down on the shiny Fennekin's face.

A look of shock was on her face. Everyone made it dramatic and gasped. " You just got bitch slapped by a pancake!" Spout sillily commented. A burst of laughter came from most of the Squad.

"What?! That's not funny! I got slapped in the face with a pancake!" She barked. An approaching Froakie hopped up, wiping a tear. " That was so good." He commented with a chuckle.

The Froakie took one long good look at Parker and the others. " Yep. They'll do nicely for the Squad. Anything to get this Fennekin to stop acting like she's the Queen of the Squad to be honest." He commented.

He then looked at the Popplio. " You should really put that hood back up. I can see how big your nose is. You look like a clown. This is exactly why most of the Squad wishes to ban ugly 'mons like him. They're not as strong as they want you to think." The Froakie commented.

Spout lifted the pancake again. Is she seriously going to bitch slap every Pokémon that insults that ugly Popplio? He wonders as a yelp could be heard from the Froakie.

How one soft pancake hurt anyone, I will never get. Parker thought. The Popplio seemed to sort of shyly approach the female Squirtle. " Thanks. I guess." Then he seemed to hobble away, a bit of snot going down from his nose.

" What an ugly creature." Parker commented, thinking he was disgusted at this creature. It's embarrassing to even be around this guy. At least, that's what Parker thought. He thought he was embarrassed by this creature.

Eule peeked our from behind a door. When did he leave? Parker wondered. I've got to start paying attention more on my surroundings than...other things.

" Paarthurnax will see you now." Eule informed them, tail feathers up. Were they ruffled up? Did he see what was going on with that strange Fennekin named Avalon? Parker wondered, as they approached a desk.

A black, shiny, Charizard stopped looking at a sheet of paper and seemed to glare at them. His eyes were boring into Parker and the other two. " Mail's that way." Paarthurnax informed Gull, who suddenly looked flustered.

" Right. Of course! Sorry, sir!" She apologized. Is this the Starter that started all of this? Parker questions. Gull flew into a clear door. Parker and Spout flinched. " Open the door, kid." Paarthurnax explained.

Gull nodded, " Right of course. Sorry. We birds can't see through clear doors, or anything clear. Sorry." Gull squawked, parts of her feathers were red. Well, pink, but still pretty embarrassed.

She opened the door with a wing, and flew inside, not flying all that well. Paarthurnax cleared his throat as he neatly stacked the papers he was looking at.

What's even on there? Parker wonders. Paarthurnax leans down to look at them closer. " So you want to be a part of the Starter Squad, eh?" Paarthurnax quizzes them.

"Isn't that what most Starter Pokémon are here for?" Parker wonders out loud. Paarthurnax chuckles. He sat straight back up. " I suppose so. But how can I know. You might just be Starter fans."

Parker blinks. How he thinks that's a joke, I don't know. Why would starters be just Starter fans? It makes little to no sense at all.

" No. we want to join the Squad. Where are tryouts?" Parker questions. Paarthurnax snorted. " We don't have those anymore. It's unfair to judge a Starter just by their power. I let all starters join this Squad despite how powerful they are. Also, it doesn't make sense to accept a Pokémon with a letter and then not accept them if they don't do well in some silly tryout."

Parker sighed, then how will you know which starters are not going to die? By how many die to some villain? This shiny Charizard needs to learn that sometimes only the powerful Pokémon can survive and the weaker Pokémon will probably die, unless they're like protected by a stronger Pokémon.

" So we're just accepted like that? Can't we like do anything to get in that isn't a fight?" Spout questions. " Well, you could start a water starter group where you fight crime with three or more water starters, but most Pokémon won't join." Paarthurnax thought with a smirk.

Whatever the hell he's thinking it looks horrible. Parker thought, wondering why he looked so thoughtful and seemed like he was planning something.

" I have one starter who I haven't asked. But it's really hard for him to talk to others. You meet him in the halls I think." Paarthurnax comments. He moves from his desk, as Eule stiffened.

" Do you want me to get him, sir?" Duel questions as Paarthurnax struggles to get past the walls and his desk. Why would you put a desk to where you can't even get past it? Seems a little unplanned if you ask me.

" Fine," the shiny Charizard huffed, now trying to get back to his seat, kind of stuck in between the wall and certain parts of the desk. He whispered who he wanted to Eule. Eule looked shocked, but didn't seem to question him.

Eule left with a nod of his hooded head. Paarthurnax taps his claw on the desk. He sang softly a little, seemingly bored. This is awkward. Parker realized as the door loudly shut.

I wonder who they're going to bring. Well, it's obviously a guy, but who would it be? Is it that Froakie guy? Parker wonders as the three continue to stay in silence.

Eule returns with a Popplio. A Popplio with a.....That's that ugly Popplio? Oh come on! Parker wasn't exactly happy with his choice. Is this seriously the only Pokémon left who might make a team with us?

" Yay!" Spout cheered. Well, I'm not happy! " He's the one you haven't asked? I don't think I want to be a part of this...Popplio Squad." Parker commented, nerves rising.

" Oh, come on! I haven't even introduced you yet. This here is Pip." Paarthurnax said, pushing the Popplio over to them. Parker backed away from the squirt.

Author's note: So sorry for the later update. I didn't mean for it to be...after spring break when I updated this. What do you think of this so far? Did you spot any jokes in there that were being hidden? What about Spout bitch slapping Avalon, huh? Hope you enjoyed. More coming soon. 😛😛😋😚😝😜😎😎😎😎😎😁😆

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