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A blue figure dashed through the streets of Poketown. A bag of goodies in her mouth. " Stop in the name of the Squad!" A loud, yet squeaky voice exclaimed.

A star shaped tail could be made out. The Shinx turned her head to face another blue face following her. " Never!" She hissed as she jumped over a log, the Starter followed her, but couldn't go over the log as fast as the Shinx could.

" You can't catch me!" She taunted, moonwalking as she tried to escape. The small seal chasing her rolled his eyes. " Just because I'm slow doesn't mean I can't catch you." He commented, running faster now that he had climbed over the log.

The Shinx cackled. " Oh please." She snorted. " If your pathetic super fast Pikachu starter couldn't ever catch me than I doubt you can slowpopplio." She badly name called.

She skidded around a corner, her paws going wildly all over the place. The Popplio followed her, gaining speed somehow.

Who is this guy? She thought as she looked behind her as she continued to run. This Shinx was well known as an Outlaw. Not like a petty dumb thief like Witness, but like one of the more badass kinds of criminals. Tudi wasn't fabulous so the Shinx would use Bucky, the Skyarmory as an example.

She was more like him. Except she was way hotter than that bucket of steel. She and her partner, who seemed to have left her behind for some treasure back in a cave, were the only successfully cute pair of thieves and criminals who got whatever they wanted.

And what she wanted? What she had in her maw? Their next meal of course. She almost had to murder a Pokémon for it. She threatened to do so as well. The poor Roggenrola obliged.

But someone noticed, and called the pathetic starter squad. Though Lynx, which happened to be the Shinx name, was wondering if this stupidly fast Popplio was the best they could do.

Though he seemed to be catching up to her somehow. Lynx picked up speed. She knew she had the upper here with her typing. This is too easy. She thought with a smirk on her smug features.

She turned around. That didn't seem to phase the weird Popplio. He squirt water at her. Seriously? She thought, almost laughing at his dumb Water Gun. I'm so going to win this, pipsqueak. She thought as electrical jaws opened outside her mouth. Thunder Fang.

The fangs almost got him. But he used Aqua Jet to get out of the way. Shoot! She thought. He's smarter than I thought. Sparks formed around her body. Why should I hold back? She asked herself. Just because I'm super effective doesn't mean I can't have any fun while doing it. She thought while aiming her Spark at him.

The Popplio surrounded himself in whitish water. Not again. She thought and groaned. She barely dodged the cheap attack.

The Popplio was full of determination. He seemed so full of himself. That he could beat her and will. " Give up. The squad always gets the bad guys. Good always wins against evil." The Popplio annoyingly states.

Lynx rolled her eyes. " Evil? Me?" She scoffed. " It's you who is evil. You're the ones who didn't let any non-starters join your pathetic squad. And when we get away you lick your wounds and wonder why we got away. It's because we're way stronger and faster than you bastards!" She growled, kicking him on the nose.

That didn't phase the water-type either. What phases this weirdo? She asked. She gracefully landed on the ground after the attack. The Popplio stares blankly at her before choosing his words carefully for some odd reason. As if that would help.

" There are other Squads. You could have just joined one of them if you wanted to join a squad. You don't have to live this way. Over something so stupid even what Witness's reason was isn't as strange as yours." He worded, paws reaching into a bag.

" You don't understand." She growled, teeth now hurting from the amount of gritting she was doing. She wanted to bite this ugly piece of shit for talking back to her. Of all villains. No one talks back to me. My reason is legit. She convinced herself as her back paws rubbed the ground harshly.

It was as if she was a Tauros. Readying to butt this clown to outer space. " I was mocked for wanting to be in the squad, and they didn't even let me compete! All because I'm not a starter in their eyes?! I'm twenty times better than that shitty shiny Swampert! I'm way stronger than your stronger starter! I'm way faster than your fastest Pikachu! I'm the best there is! And I was rejected because they didn't think I was Starter material?" She questioned, actually managing a hit with her fangs over the not-tasty, and blubbery Starter.

The Popplio took that opportunity to use Icy Wind. Lynx shivered in pain as she jumped back from surprise. Usually a Pokémon would show pain when being bitten by Bite, or even her favorite thing about it: the opponent flinching.

Pain was fun when it wasn't her own. Her victims always were fun when they were in pain. This Popplio barely showed any sign of it.

Lynx suddenly realized that she couldn't move. " You are under arrest, Lynx for threatening a fellow Pokémon and for theft." The Popplio told her, putting cuffs on her. " Who are you?" She growled, struggling against the cuffs.

Electricity proof. And bite proof. Well it was a Pokecuff. It helped make sure Pokémon could not attack with any attack. Except fighting and normal.

The Popplio gazed into her eyes without a care of her getting away. It was as if he didn't care except helping the squad. " Pip." He simply told her as he grabbed her and hauled her away.

Of course this didn't last for long. Finally her partner arrived. " You're late, Bahu." She groaned at the Eevee. " Sorry." She exaggerates, as she hits Pip with a Swift. Pip turns around, not surprised. Fuck this Pip dude. He doesn't even flinch at the slightest surprise.

This is always the best part. When we murderer the member of the squad together. Lynx thought with happiness. Bahu had an 'aweeeeee What the Muk' expression on her face when the Popplio didn't get frightened or surprised.

" Hello, criminal." He greeted, and then full out slapped her, not caring if she was a girl. " Hey! It's illegal to slap a female!" Bahu complained. " You're not a female. You're a criminal. Plus it's not illegal." Pip smart-mouthed.

He used Icy Wind again. " Forget about this freak. Let's get out of here! Quick!" Bahu exclaimed, not like herself as she ran off. Though that last part was totally her. Lynx followed her.

The two panted as they lost the starter. " What gives?!" Lynx growled at her. " Why didn't we kill him? Or fight him? There were two of us! We could have taken him on!" Lynx growled, pumped up.

" Did you not recognize who that is?" Bahu asked her, pain filling her gazed. " Pip is the one who murdered my father. You know, Pulse." Bahu suggested. " What? That Pipsqueak?" Lynx asked, almost laughing. That Popplio couldn't hurt a Cutiefly.

" Yes. It was a good thing we got out of there. He's one of the most strongest there. Despite his size. I've heard things about him. Even though he can't capture Tudi, he's gotten the closest. And I've heard he's got a powerfully alliance of one of my own kind!" Bahu exaggerates.

" What should we do then? We need to kill him if he's that powerful." Lynx commented, getting a little frightened now. If he's powerful, then he could bring some complications to her plan. Her huge plan.

" Lynx. You're a genius! We shall kill him. We must kill him. We must get revenge for my poor father. For my poor mother." The Eevee whimpered while growling as well.

Lynx's plan? Well, it was not to destroy the starter squad. That's dumb. And a waste of time. Her plan? It was so simple. To get revenge at those who messed with her. In short, the squad. But her main point was the to kill Paarthurnax. And now there was a new mission.

Kill. That. Popplio. He. Must. Die. Not only for hurting her girl- her friend, but for almost capturing her. Bahu broke down. Not again. Lynx thought with a pain in her heart. Her friend was in pain. Her only friend. And the only way to make her feel better was to destroy those in their way.

Lynx patted her friend on the back. " We will get revenge for your parents. Just you wait. I will make sure all those who killed your parents will perish." She promised. The broken down villain looked up at Lynx, making her heart beat faster. " That's for sure." Bahu commented, a new flare in her eyes. " We will kill them. Kill them all. Starting with those close to that Pip character. And I know exactly who to kill first." Bahu growled, grinning wickedly.

Authors note: I just want to let you know that the current cover, a Popplio with an Oshawott on his nose, isn't going to be cover. I have other plans for a cover. And I want it to be as awesome as possible.

I also want to address what you think of my new oc villains. I just came up with them, not while writing this.

Also, what do you think of the story so far? This prologue was only to introduce the evil characters. The first chapter will introduce the main character, an Oshawott named Parker. And Pip will also continue to be in this story as you probably already know and also these villains that the prologue stars.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed this. Finally I've stopped being so lazy and written something. Xd. Well, I want to thank you for reading this, voting on this, and commenting on this if you have done those two.

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