A Day with Tord

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~+Time Skip: Saturday+~

Tomi hums while he gets dressed for the day. He's excited to spend a day with his Dad and get to know him personally with his brother.

Speaking of his brother, after Torm gave into Tomi's request, he spend the rest of the week up to today on bed rest. Their Papa wasn't really happy with his current health state so he given permission for Torm to miss school for a couple of days to recover.

Tomi gathered up his missing assignments during his absence and gave them to his brother to work on so he doesn't lag behind on his studies. Then again, Torm's always been the studious one out of the two. He was just thankful he didn't need to carry that much since most of the material could be found online.

"Tomi," Torm calls from his bed tiredly.

"Yes Tormy?" Tomi replies happily turning around to face his older brother.

"Do we have to go spend the day with Father?"

Tomi answers back with his own question full of warning covered by sweetness and honey, "Do you want me to ignore you for an even better punishment if you don't come with me?"

Torm groans while Tomi walks over to his bed to pull him up from the warm comfort of the covers. His brother stubborn but Tomi eventually dragged his brother out of bed to get ready.

"Once you're ready come down for breakfast!"

"I got it." Torm yawns as he walks into the bathroom with a set of fresh clothes in his arms.

Tomi went downstairs to the first floor to head to the open kitchen. His Papa already sitting at the table nursing a cup of coffee in his hands and serving plates filled with their breakfast set in the middle of the table.

"Good morning!" Tomi kisses his Papa on the cheek before taking a seat next to him.

"Morning to you as well my little demon. Looks like you're dressed for the day," Tom said watching Tomi gather his breakfast onto his plate.

"Yup! Tormy's getting ready right now too."

Tom hums tiredly, eyes falling close as he taps his finger to the rhythm playing in his head. A simple tune to keep him calm and lift his light headache.

"Papa? If we want to keep seeing Dad after this, would you let us?"

Tom peeks one of his eyes open to look at his son before closing it again. "I told your father from the beginning that he would have no right to you and your brother. However, since you and Torm are older now I guess I can let you make your own decisions." He brings his cup up and takes a sip of his coffee.

The younger sibling smiles at his Papa and gives him another kiss on the cheek. "You'll always be my favorite Papa."

"And you and your brother will always be mine," Tom playful pokes his son's cheek who makes a silly face back at him. "Don't be afraid to flee from your father if he does something stupid. Also call
me immediately if something important comes up."

"Yes Dad," Torm answers instead of Tomi as he steps into the kitchen area. He comes over to his Dad to hold his hand for a moment before letting go. A simple way of greeting his dad that the eldest came up with instead of kissing him on the cheek. It was more of an assurance that he is still here.

Around nine, they heard the doorbell ring. Tomi excitedly gets out of his seat to go see if it's Tord and Tika. His Papa and brother will follow after him after they finish washing the plates.

Tomi peeks through the eyehole to see Tika and Tord at the doorstep waiting for the door to open. He unlocks the door and swings it open for them to come in.

"Good Morning!"

"Morning Tomi," Tord greets back while Tika waves to her friend beside him. "Are you and Torm ready for today?"

"Yup! But Tormy's helping Papa clean the plates before we leave." Tomi steps aside to let them have room to come in. "Come inside, we can wait until he's done."

Tord takes a solid moment to get himself together to go inside Tom's home. Tika follows along smiling as she can't wait to hang out with her brothers slash friends.

Tomi closes the door behind them and they all walk into the living room. Torm is standing there in the living room with his arms crossed waiting for them as they come in.

"So where are we are unfortunately going today?" Torm asks in a unamused tone. His brother walking over to him to elbowing his side just a little too hard.

Tord nervously, for some reason, replies, "Well there's a traveling carnival that just settled nearby at Willow's Park. Tika and I were thinking we could spend some time there later in the evening since they'll be having fireworks later. For the first part, I was hoping I'd take you two to places you would want to go before then."

"So who wants to pick first?" Tika asks since she already knew of her dad's plans beforehand for today's activities with the boys.

Tomi glances at his brother with a suggestive look. "I say we let Tormy pick since he is the oldest after all. We could just do it from oldest to youngest for kicks." He also wanted his brother to be participating first rather than last.

Torm huffs as he rubs his side where Tomi elbowed him. "If I'm picking, I rather stay at home for a while longer."

"Torm, your father is trying to get to know you."

The brothers and their guests look to Tom who comes into the living room wiping his hands with a towel rag. His smile kind to the children.


Tom looks at his oldest son with a soft expression. "After all your brother did, you might as well try to enjoy the day with your father and Tika. Tomi's been looking forward to this day too, so please try to understand they want to spend a meaningful time together." Torm couldn't retort since he always complies to his Dad's wishes.

Tomi also did try hard to get him to agree he didn't want to his brother to be a sour lemon later just because of what he did. He sighs in defeat, "Alright... Then I suppose we should head to the library."

Tom smiles again and nods in agreement. Torm's favorite place other than the house is the library. His oldest son had always been a bookworm from the moment he picked up his first book.

Tomi lights up and hugs his brother, "Yes!"

Tika giggles quietly behind her hands. Her friends can be really cute unintentionally most times. "Come on! Last one to the car is a rotten egg!" She says getting a head start to the front door.

"Hey! No fair!" Tomi exclaims running after her. Torm ran after the both of them with a roll of his eyes.

When they finally left out the front door, they left two occupants in the household.

Tord glances over at Tom who glances back at him as he crosses his arms. He scratched the back of his head with one hand resting on his hip. "Thomas-"

"Have them back before midnight," Tom interrupts the businessman simply. "Just remember I'm not doing any of this for you. This is their decision, I'm just trying to help Tomi after what he did last week since he really wanted to spend time with you."

"He's giving me a chance," Tord said bringing his arms back to rest against his sides. His expression solemn as he keeps his silver gaze on his ex lover. "Can't you give me another chance? Let's be friends again and maybe-" Tord stopped when he saw Tom's eyes widen when he hears him say being friends again.

"Maybe what?" Tom questions as a dares the other to speak on.

Tord was left speechless as he doesn't know what he was about to finish that sentence with. What was he going to say to Tom.

The younger of the two turns his back to him once again. "That's what I thought. Nothing."

Tord quietly watched Tom retreats into the kitchen.

He shakes his head with one question in mind.

Just what is he doing?

~+Hillington Library+~

Once the four arrived at the library, Tomi and Tika were off to find their favorite types of books to read. Tord and Torm also headed for their own types of book which happen to be similar to one another since they went the same way.

"Stop following me."

Tord smiles at him awkwardly, "My types of books are down this way as well."

Torm looks at him for a moment to see if he's lying just to buddy up with him, but he doesn't seem to be since the books the other way are for children and documentaries for historians. He doesn't reply back as he goes back to heading for a book down a couple of rows down.

Tord follows behind his son now unsure if he should still pursue on. His oldest doesn't seem to take delight in his company at all.

The two of them make it just a little down the middle section of shelves where the fiction books were located. Torm loves any type of fiction story with some certain mixes from the nonfiction section. He raises his hand up to grab an old favorite that his Dad would take out to read for him and Tomi when they were younger.

"Ah, that book..." Tord said noticing the title and cover.

Lighter pair of silver eyes look over his way steadily, "What? Do know this book?"

"It's an old one, but no I didn't read it. However, the story does seem interesting," Tord said to Torm as he remembers an old memory about the book tracing back to his high school days.

Tom could always be found reading a book when he wasn't playing music or hanging out with friends. He spent his own time reading stories such as the one in Torm's hands. The story contained a tale of two lovers divided by a prophecy or so from what Tom summarized to him. Both characters were so in love but the gods did not fate them to be together for the sake of bringing a new wonderful age for the land to prosper.

A god sends down his own daughter to win the heart of the man the mortal human loved. She does so successfully while the author turns the once loved moral male human into the villian of the story. The woman who he had loved sadly watching and regretting everything done after years of him being married to a daughter of the gods. His eyes open one day, clear to see he had a made a terrible mistake. He runs away from his wife to see his broken love who had drowned in her own aching despair.

Tord doesn't remember the ending since Tom always told him he should read it for himself back then. He only scoffed and went back to playing his own games.

Torm on the other hand had opened the book with a fond smile on his face. He loves the story dearly for the memories of his Dad reading it to him and his brother when they were younger. Flipping through the pages, he goes to the page holding his favorite part.

"Dearest... My Dearest love..."

Unknowing, his father continued to stare longingly at the book while listening to his son.

"Why have you forsaken me? Was my love not enough for you that you threw it away for her?"

[Tord... Say it ain't so...]

"My Soul, My Half... I regret what I have done as a witch had seduced me with her magic to be by her side."

[I love her]

"My heart has withered, I cannot love you no more. I have fallen far into despair... I can never recover."

"Then let me remain by your side forever. Eternally I am yours, mind, body soul... May I remedy your despair with all that I have in my hopes to cure you."

"You believe you can cure me?"

"I do not believe my dearest, I know."

Torm smiles and lets the rest of the pages between his fingers flip through to the end of the book. "I should borrow the book again and show Dad. He'll be thrilled to see this old book again." The book closing between his hands.

The older of the two felt uneasy as he could not calm his heart and mind on his situation. Old emotions and current ones weren't agreeing with each other. "W-Why don't you go show it to your brother? I'll sure he'll be happy to see that book again as well."

"I guess," Torm said not noticing something off with his father. The way his eyes seem to look forward with no intention, lost almost if he had to say. The blank expression in his eyes made him somewhat concerned for the man before him. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Hm?" Tord hums even though the gaze in his eyes look lost. "I'm alright... I think I just need to sit down to clear my mind."

Torm was reluctant now to leave his father alone when he looks like he could fall over at any given moment. Although he may not like the man, he still has a brain and reason to help someone clearly troubled. He tucks the book into the crook of his left arm before using his right hand to place it on Tord's shoulder.

"Follow me," He said simply and very carefully as he lightly leads his father to table not too far from their section row. Thankfully it was empty of the presence of people. Plus their table is in clear view to the front where Tika and Tomi might appear later and see them.

The oldest sibling helps the man sit down on the stool seat carefully. He sets his book down in front of Tord with a sigh. "Just sit here and wait for Tomi and Tika. I'm going to see if I can get you a cup of water from the cafe up on the second floor."

Tord could hear his son's footsteps click away at the heels of his shoes agains the marble floor as he walks away. His silver eyes slowly look down to the book set in front of him with growing curiosity.

He moves his hands to bring the book up, open it, and flip to the page of the first chapter.

Tord sat there at the empty table in silence and simply read.

~Later: Fiona's Garden Shop~

Some time later after they left their library stop, they traveled to Tomi's favorite place. When they arrived at the location, Tomi was basically bouncing in his seat out of pure excitement.

The building's parking lot was large and filled with a good amount of cars to tell of this place's popularity.

"I didn't know you liked flowers Tomi," Tika said getting out the car.

"Haha, because you've never seen my room since we always sleepover in Tormy's room."

Torm nods in agreement as he is trying to get out of the car once parked. "If you look into Tomi's room he turned it into his own personal gardening room,"He says as he closes the door behind him.

Tord trails behind them with a listening ear on their conversation. He had been oddly silent since the library trip. Torm, of course had noticed but he remained calm and just keep a careful eye on the man.

They head into the building and awed at the beauty of the place. The glass building let the sunlight for the residing greenery inside waiting to be bought and cared for.

Tord followed his sons and daughter among the many rows of plants for sale.

Tomi stops at an assortment of small cacti in little clay pots. He coos at them with admiration in his eyes.

"They're all so cute!" He gushed over one in particular. A small, round cactus with its needles positioned like fireworks. "Oh, that reminds me! I still need to get Papa that succulent plant I saw a few weeks ago."

He gets up from his squatting position to run off who knows where in the glass store.

Tord laughs lightly and looks to his other son and daughter. He rest his hands in his pockets and goes over to them.

Tika had picked up a small basket earlier and filled it up with a few things she's like to buy for herself. She's been meaning to acquire some plant life to place in her new room, not to mention it would be the perfect place since she gets a good amount of sunlight in her room.

So far her basket is filled with different types of air plants and a couple of mini cacti and succulents.

As for Torm, he picked up a few mini cacti and two succulents. The small rest of them in his basket small bunches of forget me nots and angel tears in medium sized pots.

Not too long after them getting everything they wanted, Tomi came back with his own basket filled with different kinds of air plants, two pots of angel tears, mini cacti, and lastly one small succulent actually kinda cute that he could imagine Tom caring for.

The succulent has light green appearance with with brown spots on the rims of their leaves.

Torm points out the adorable plant to ask, "What's that one Tomi?"

The boy grins, "It's called a panda plant or a chocolate soldier. The scientific name being Kalanchoe tomentosa. I saw it last time we came here and I've been wanting to get it for Papa." He reaches into his basket and shows it to his brother. "Isn't it cute?"

Torm chuckles, he simply nods in agreement. "Good choice Tomi, I'm sure Dad will like it."

Tord unknowingly smiles a bit with the telling sign shown by the curve of his lips. Not his usually cocky smile or smug one, it's normal and fresh. His daughter had noticed his smile and smiles to herself at the thought of her dad happy.

It's a good day after all.

What made it all the better is when Tomi presented another chocolate soldier just for him too.

~Later in the evening: Carnival~

By the time they made it to the carnival, the sun was already set low with the carnival light aglow.

Tord has bought the kids enough tickets to use for all the rides. Another set of tickets to use for the carnival games when they feel like gaming for the rest of the time here.

He watched them run about the area enjoying the rides while he watched them like a dad from behind the kiddy fencing. He shot a look most of the time to the attendants to see the younger ones having fun while the older ones look absolutely bored out of their mind. They might be questioning what their doing with their life too, not that it really mattered to him.

With his phone in hand, he took a couple of picture for the kids to copy later. He's sure they'd like to keep memories of this night.

At this point they left one ride for last. They decided to go for the games to save the best ride for last. Tord was standing behind the teens as they tried the shooting booth.

The first one to try was Tomi since he was the one to notice the cute baby blue and white panda doll for a prize. It was small enough to sit on the palm of his hands and he wanted it badly.

He took the BB gun into his hands after the attendant accepted the right amount of game tickets. Surprisingly he did well. Yet, not well enough to get the prize he really wanted. He got the candy constellation prize in the end.

Tika was the one to go next to try her luck at winning the little plush for her friend. Handing the tickets as procedure and the refilled fake gun in her hand. She tried to machine gun style her shots to push the required dummies down for the prize. She got at least three more in than Tomi and got the small prize of a cream colored alpaca wearing a multicolored scarf.

"Sorry Tomi, I thought I would get it for sure. All my shots wasted bullets though." She says apologetically, one arm holding her small prize while her other hand rubs behind her head.

Tomi shakes his head, "It's okay Tikky. The number looks hard to get up to anyways." He glances at the game attendant of the booth with some suspicion before he leans a little close to her to whisper. "Plus almost all the carnival games are rigged."

Surprisingly, both Torm and Tord go up to the both with different but same intent. The game attendant looked back and forth between the two before grinning as if he sees something amusing.

Their handed their own BB guns and stand at their designated shooting area. At the sound of a whistle, they're both shooting like pros on the field.

It got those passing by the booth to stop and stare. Their attention wrapped up between the father and son going at it like it's war.

"Slowing down old man?" Torm said when he heard the soft recede of the thinking sound bullets from his left side.

Tord doesn't look his way but scoffs none the less. A similar smug expression on his face like his son. "You wish, I just finished."

Hearing that on his last bullet, he missed one shot compared to Tord who got all his shots in without a miss. They ignore the cheers and whistles behind them as the attendant offers them a selection of prizes to chose from.

As silently promised, Torm got his little brother the panda doll. A prize well worth shooting for to see his brother's face light up with a smile while getting some candy in return for his efforts.

"Hey," The older Lawson said with a light nudge when he came back from picking his prize.

Torm looks back to see his father holding a large cat plush. A dark coat with a silver and red button used for its eyes. The mouth, nose, and whiskers sewn in silver thread. But that wasn't the surprising part. It was that Tord was giving it to him by the way he was holding it towards him.

"This is your prize for helping your brother win something."

Torm looked astonished as Tomi giggles by his side while hugging his little panda. "Ugh... Thanks, I guess."

"Dad's not so bad," Tomi said after Tord left them be once he gave the large plush to his brother.

"He's been acting weird since the library trip Tomi. I'm not sure if I can see what your seeing in him." Torm was still reluctant to trust Tord. "What did Dad see in him in the first place anyways..." He mumbles lowly.

"I'm sure there was something," Tomi said looking over to their dad helping Tika at the dart booth to pop balloons. A soft smile settles on his lips when the two share a high five at winning another prize. "Something that only they could see in each other that made them fall in love."

Torm sighs as he pats his brother's head. "You have such a big heart Tomi."

"I'm sure you do too, Tormy." He giggles.

They end their carnival adventure with one ride they saved for last, the Ferris Wheel. It was on the medium scale but definitely big enough for the four to fit into one carriage.

The carriage took them all the way to the top. Fireworks going off once they reach the peak which made Tika and Tomi press their faces against the glass with excited expressions. Tika making sure the both of them try not to lean too far off their seats for safety purposes.

Tord leans back in his death with his arms crossed. His lips pulled in a satisfied and yet amused smile as he continues to observed the teens.

It honestly reminds him of the time when he went to a carnival with his friends and Tom. They had a grand time that was similar to what he did with the kids.

Faint old memories of the good old times.

And it was done during their late high school days.

When Tom was still his and their hands were still holding onto each other despite the blue wearing teen's shyness.

The sound of a louder firework set off pulls him out of his thoughts. The ghostly feeling of a familiar hand slipping from his own.

"Dad, it's time to get off," Tika says as their approaching the drop off point.

Tord looks to her for a moment before nodding.

They all get off the ride and pick up their stuff from the storage space for this son the ride. Tord leads them back to the car quietly as they talk behind him happily about how their day's been together.

All positive with some hush hush on some parts he could not hear. Then Tika gasps loudly gaining the attention of the males of the group.

"Oh no I forgot my alpaca prize!" The little doll she got from the shooting booth. "I think it's still back at the Ferris Wheel." Tika looks back to the carnival with a little fidget in her steps. They were already a long way from the ride area and near the parking lot.

"I'll go get it really quick, you guys can go ahead!" She said as she turns to run back to the ride.

Tord calls for to come back, but her speed makes her disappear into the crowd of passing people going around. He shakes his head at the outcome.

She could have at least taken one of the boys with her, better yet let him go back to look for it. He looks at the boys who seem worried as well for their friend's safety.

"Come on you two. Let's wait by the entrance. She'll be able to find us easily there." Tord sighs and continues towards the entrance as the two boys follow after him quietly.

Upon exiting the carnival grounds, they wait on the side for Tika. He glances at the boys from time to time who make small talk.

Deciding to man up somewhat, he makes a decision to actually talk to them about everything or what he can get out at the moment.

"Boys," Tord finally said facing them.

The two teens give their attention to him with a curious or leveled expression. Tomi hugging his little doll while Torm carries his plush by his side with one arm.

"I know it's weird at the moment. Everything, with me and your dad..." His hands wringing together behind his back out of nervousness.

"Yeah," Torm mumbles stuffing his free hand in the pocket of his jeans.

"But personally I just want to apologize to the both of you right now." He doesn't even see their surprised expressions when his eyes are trained on the ground. More focused on apologizing to them deep down from his heart. "For what I did to Tom and how I just left you in his care without any help on my part afterwards."

He didn't know Tom was actually just really mad at him that he blurted out about wanting to end their relationship by having kids. Torm and Tomi were the creation to the by product of rage and misunderstanding.

He sighs and scratches at the back of his head.

"You guys have every right to hate me and if you two really don't want to see me anymore after this then I'll respect your wishes." But he will still make it up to them by helping them financially.

Tomi and Torm look at each other and to their creator with unsure expressions. Of course, Tomi is the one to speak first.

"Uh, I don't mind if you want to start being active person in my life. I cannot forgive you on the spot for what you did to us but I can learn to slowly get pass and forgive when I am ready to." He takes a step forward and holds his Dad's hand. "Let's just start slow."

As for Torm, he huffs as he gently sets his large plush next to him. "I don't care if you want to keep popping up to try and be here for us now. I just can't forgive you, ever, for hurting Dad." His light silver eyes burning with resolve. "But I'm willing to give you a chance for this family."

Torm loves his family, Tord a stray string being pulled back and trying to be fixed back in. Torm is not willing to forgive but to give him a chance for their family.

Tord pulls his sons in for a hug. One long needed to show he does care for them. Torn reluctantly let him while Tomi ate up the affection.

Tika, who had been watching from a far smiles happily for them.

Today was a successful day.

~Later: Thompson HouseHold+~

Tord was able to get them back to the Thompson household in record time before midnight. They found Tom waiting for them on the porch in his garden chair reading a book.

At the shine of the light from his headlight, Tom looks up from his book to see Tord's familiar red car parking in the drive way. He closes his book and gets up from his seat to greet them.

"Welcome back," He said once the doors to the cars open. Tom rested his arms on the railings of his porch looking to them get of the car. "How was today boys?"

"We has a lotta fun!" Tomi excitedly said as he skips over to his Papa. In his hands were the bags containing his plants. "I got you some plants too from Fiona's."

Tom chuckles as he watches Tomi pulling them out one by one. He pats him on the head while he looks back to Torm. Surprisingly he's carrying a large, black cat plush with a similar bag to what Tomi was carrying. Best to assume their are also plants in there.

"Don't ask where this came from," Torm said as he comes up onto the porch. "It'll make it easier for the both of us."

"Noted," Tom chuckles once again when he notices the fainted of blush on his son's cheeks. "Where's Tika?"

"She fell asleep in the car on the way back here." Tord said stopping in front of the porch. "We did a lot today's and the excitement finally tired her out. She's out like a light in the back seat." His thumb jabbing back towards his car where Tom could see her slightly.

"Well thanks for taking the boys out today. I was able to go to work and finish a few projects."

Tord nods as he holds his hands behind his back. "No problem, it's thanks to Tomi that this could happen." The atmosphere quickly turning awkward as he found himself unable to make conversation with his ex. "I should get going. Gotta get Tika to home and to bed."

"Alright, stay safe I guess."

Again the Norwegian male nods and leaves back to his car. The Thompson family watched the car pull out of the driveway of the home. A moment stopped to give them a wave as they wave to him back on Tomi's part.

Down the road and Tika and Tord's presence is gone from their street.

"So how was today really?"

Tom is surprised when his sons pull him away from the raining of the porch and hug him tightly. Despite the confusion he comforts them the best he could and kisses at their forehead.

Before he could get any ideas that Tord possibly did something bad, his eldest son spoke.

"We just heard what we really needed from him."

"He apologized Papa."

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