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~+Three weeks forward: Red Company: First-floor Lobby+~

Edd scrolled through his news feed on his desk computer at the front desk. Today had been a pretty slow day with employees coming and going at their own pace. Nothing exciting as of yet.

"Ughhh... Maybe I should call Matt. It's been a while since we talked." He thinks aloud as he clicks on a link to a new site suggestion.

"Edd," the brunet hears his firmed say from behind him.

The receptionist jumps in his seat a bit before looking back at Tord who is crossed armed standing behind him with a curious look on his face.

"Oh, Tord. What brings you down here? I thought you were busy with all your recent paperwork delivered to you today." Edd says swirling around his chair to face the other better.

"I came to get some papers faxed down here personally. Apparently, one of the chain companies we're sponsoring accidentally sent it to the wrong printer. They emailed me about it." Tord moves over to the large fax machine on the other side of the reception desk. "Some sensitive material, but this one mistake isn't a problem unless they do it again."

Edd hums as he looks back to his computer. Apparently, the link sent him to a trailer of a new show coming up. "This looks interesting."

"What? A new drawing tablet review?" Tord questions as he gathers his papers together.

"No, but it's a new trailer for an upcoming show that's said to be a new hit. For the looks of it, Blue Industry is sponsoring them." Edd waits for his friend to come over and watch the trailer out of curiosity.

Tord did always like to see what his fellow competitors were doing to try and up his business.

Edd hits the play button and the two were greeted with a normal setting. The city view of its streets and large crowds of people crossing streets. All until they focus on the main lead, a young teen with long sandy caramel hair dressed in a private school uniform.

I thought today was coming to be a normal day.

Her voice-over said while she looks over her phone before looking up to see a black cat walking about the street before taking a seat to lick its paw. The screen darkens, coming back to see her run to pick it up before cutting out quickly and bring back the view of the headlights of a truck and the sound of a crash.

But it wasn't.

The black scene faded to a view of the blood-red sky with terrifying creatures roaming about.

I woke up in another place that isn't my home, not even heaven.

"Where am I?" Her character mumbles with her eyes slowly trying to open but can hardly stay open.

Now I have to deal with demons and devils, creatures of the underworld!

Two demons hold her up and throw her into a cage-like carriage.

The only way back,

She's thrown at the foot of the stairs in a rather large lavish room. She looms up from the carpet under her up to a throne with three occupants.

Is accomplishing my deal with him!

"Seriously?" A teen, seventeen looking perhaps, shakes his head in a different scene. Another scene change and he's sitting across from another teen with the main female lead.

Meet the first Prince of Hell, Storm Lawfell. He's in line to inherit the throne his father left behind. The one who I have to get along with in order to survive.

"Surely you must be kidding me." The Prince, Storm, says in a different scene looking off-screen.

Besides his company, is his brother, second prince, Tommy Lawfell. He's not bad per se but there's a certain mischief about with him around.

Childish laughter greets their ears, "You must be very fun back up there!" Another scene chance to show the two of them hugging. "Oh! More please!" The second Prince, Tommy, says holding out a bowl to a vendor.

Finally the Queen, a mysterious person who I can say might be on my side. He doesn't seem to want to hurt me unless I hurt his sons.

"Hmm?" The person playing the Queen was humming. Their appearance rather mysterious as the description was given since they're hidden by a slightly transparent veil. Another scene shows where he's dressed formally, standing at the top of the staircase holding a fan that covered the lower half of his face.

Will I end up getting out of here?

A scene of the female actor is shown with a 360 view until it stops to her unsure face in what seemed to be the throne room.

Well, I guess that's for you guys to find out.

The scene fades to black, golden dust flies onto the screen from some wind and gives the title of the show and its start of showing on the channel.

In complete shock and surprise, Tord dropped the small stack of papers in his hands to the floor while his eyes stayed glued to the screen. He knew those eyes belonging to the person playing the Queen. The ones playing the first and second prince no doubt the copies of him and his ex-lover but older now instead of children when he gave them to Tom.


Edd leans back in his seat also surprised but not too much since he knew Matt still kept in touch with their distant friend. He heard Tom had two kids but he didn't think they would look so similar to himself and Tord. He slowly looks back to his boss and friend with a look that demands an explanation.

"Tord, what in the world..."

Unable to answer the CEO of the company shut his mouth before he could make himself sound stupid. Although Edd would like to thing he already is for not telling him something doing with the teens on screen.


"I know damn it!" Tord remarks hardly for a moment before calming down. "Sorry..." He got down on one knee to pick his fallen papers up. "You're right, I haven't told you how I parted with Tom."

"Explain please," Edd says leaning back in his seat.

"Alright, it was sometime during our freshman year of college I told Tom about how the rumors were true when he came to confirm it with me." He sighs and stand back up. "I... I wanted to break our relationship mutually so I asked him what he wanted from me in order to do so. Unexpectedly he said, children."

He watches Edd's eyes widen once more.

"He wanted two little ones which I thought was outraged at the time, but I wanted out of our relationship either way. So using my skills as a scientist and inventor I was able to build up a machine to produce two kids, thus those two teens you saw. However, they were babies when I gave them to Tom."

Tord remembered taking them out of their capsules for their first time with no common sense to find love for them. They were only part of a deal at the time.

"I finished making them before the first week of our following sophomore year. I gave them to Tom and left him."

"You mean them," Edd corrects hearing as Tord left a family, his family, behind. His eyes narrow at the man before him with anger. "Tord, how could you be so, so-!" He couldn't even find the right words to describe Tord's actions back then.

"I was young and stupid Edd!"

"Ugh!" Edd turns his chair back around to face his computer screen. "Tord, just leave. I don't want to talk to you right now."


"Now Tord!" The receptionist exclaims slamming his hand on top of his desk.

The CEO closed his mouth shut and carefully made his way out of the receptionist area to go back up to his office.

When he's gone, Edd picks up his phone and texts his friend.

Hey Matt, you free tomorrow?

Thankfully he got a quick reply.

Sorry, Edd! I got work tomorrow on set for that new show starting up. It's called: Into the Underworld

Edd quickly types back.

You're working there?! As for what?! Is it possible for you can take me with you?! Please!!!!

Haha! Sure as long as you don't have work tomorrow. The staff is pretty okay with guests as long as they know they're friends with someone working here. Although you do have to go through a security check.

Also, I'm working as a makeup artist for the actors!

No probs! Should I meet up with you at your house?

Just come to this location
Location: ▶️

Okay! See you 2morrow!



And some lovely Fanart, Thank you ^^


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