Soon to be Princess

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~+Two months later: Studio 7+~

Darmelle looks at the empty slot of the King's role. He needed to find someone perfect to fit the role, someone like Torm.

The character of the King of Hell is suppose to be similar to Torm's idea of the character Storm Lawfell after all. However, strong, smart, cunning, and calculating like an army leader. Able to hold himself together and strive for being the best, yet so soft at heart for his wife, the Queen. Unlike his son, Storm, who is to rule with love like his mother, his father ruled with fear.


Said man fumbles with the character list in his hands until he regains hold of it firmly. He looks behind him to see an old friend of his.

"Pat! It's good to see you!" The director gets out of his seat and greets the man with a firm handshake. "What brings you here?"

"Red Company is sending scouts through Studio Seven to recruit any potential people into any of our companies for modeling and acting." Pat tells his friend rubbing the back of his neck.

Pat, or rather Patryck, is a high agent working directly in the main building of the Red Company. He's a left hand aid to the Boss himself.

George nudges him gently with his elbow. "I'd be careful if I were you," He warms the tall brunet eyeing the set. "We've got some of the Blue Company's models and actors here and I'd hate to caught in the battlefield between Red and Blue."

"Can you point them out, or give me a list of names? It'll be easier for the other agents to take out the ones from the Blue Company's list." Pat says folding his hands together with a kind smile.

"Alright, but I'll have to print it from my office. Just stay clear of the actors until I bring the list back." George pats the man on back before leaving to retrieve the list he wanted.

While he does that, Pat went to scoop the scene a little bit. He won't talk them into joining the Red company but the least he could do is see if there were potentials.

"Tomi! Be careful!" The shout caught his attention.

Pat looked in the direction of two teens by the makeup area. The shorter of the two giggling before hugging the taller by the torse.

"Sorry Tormy, I'm just having fun." The look of the young teen caught his sight. Perhaps he could work for a Red Modeling Agency. His looks were very appealing and his eyes had this mischievous capture to them.

'Wait a minute,' He thought looking at the teen again. He recognized the light haired brunet to be the actor playing the second demon prince, Theodore. 'Then the other one must be the actor of the first prince.'

Said actor turns around to give Pat more of a real profile view. He had been a fan of the show itself and noticed the similarity of the first prince to his boss but thought nothing of it. However, standing here just a distance away from him made him rethink.

The older teen really did resemble his boss so much that he could be mistaken him for his son.

"Torm, Tomi, it's time for makeup!"

"Alright," Torm says over his shoulder. He looks back at his brother with a raised brow. "Tomi."

"Tormy?" Tomi says back with playful innocence.

Torm rolls his eyes before picking his brother up bridle style and twirls him around. Tomi squeals in glee for a minute before his brother stops.

"Ready now?"

"Yeess," Tomi slurs a bit dizzy.

Torm carries his brother over to the designated makeup area and sits him down carefully onto the high stool.

Pat cups his chin as he watches the two leave. He'll have to see if they're able to work for the Red Company later.

~+Mary's Home for Hope Children: With Emilia and Tord+~

Emila and Tord talked during the past month to choose what they would do. Happily Tord went with his fiancée's idea about adopting.

So here they are at Mary's Home for Hope Children to pick a child of their choosing. They had called in a week earlier to say what their preferences were in what they would be looking for.

A girl, around her teens or younger cut off at 10 years old. Fairly simple, had a good personality, understood parents don't have a lot of time because of work but try to make the most of their time together. They wanted to find something special in the child of their choosing.

So far the girls they've met were none of them. They were either too whiney or not even interested in them. One of the teens even had the gall to be over confident with them choosing her to be their daughter to be. She made a list of all the things she wanted and very badly played sweet that almost set Tord off if it hadn't been for Emilia to keep him calm.

"I'm sorry you two, we were hoping you'd find the child just for you among the applicants." One of the women working here says apologetically.

Tord wasn't about to give up since he longed for a daughter to call his own. A princess he could love wholly just as Emilia would treat her.

"Miss is there any other girl you have here we're able to see that fits us?" He asks not wanting to give up just yet.

The middle age woman looks through her computer files. The keys of the board clicking as they should. She hums as she finds a file she had forgotten to add.

"Well there is one child we have that might also fit you. However, she is rather odd and has a disability of the sorts."

Emilia places her hand on the wooden desk. "What's her disability?"

"She blind to one side of her. Before she came into our care she was involved in an accident that her parents died in. The poor girl, lost her left eye. Her medical insurance was able to care for the damage, but she wears a glass eye in place now." The woman does a quick sign of the cross. "Bless the girl and her troubles."

"Can we meet her?" Tord asks feeling as if this was their girl they were trying to find.

"Unfortunate she's at her part-time job. She was blessed to work as a model and actor." The woman smiles, "She even gives us half of her paycheck because we take of her. We usually tell her to keep it for the future but she insists. The company that pays her really is nice, I believe it's part of the Red Company."

"Her name?" Emila finally asks after hearing the small info at the end.

"Tika Lanette. If you would like you can wait until she gets back or we can set up a time for another meeting."

Emila looks at her fiancé to let him decide. "What do you want to do?"

"Let's wait," He says while pulling out his phone. "I'm sure she'll be done soon enough for us to meet her." He gets up from his seat and gives them a small smile as he heads out.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment, I have to make a call."

~+Back at Studio 7+~

Tika found today enjoyable as she came into work to continue her acting as Tanya. Having been working on set with the directors and other actors have just been amazing.

She became close with her co-leading partner in the show, Torm. Tika had been hesitant at first with working with him, fearing he may be mean, but he was a really nice person. Acting together had been an experience since she was entirely new to this. Torm was really nice to give her advice on what methods she should use with her characters and suggestions to her acting.

In a way, it reminded her of an older brother. Not that it was any surprise since she's seen the way the older teen takes care of his younger brother, Tomi.

The light haired brunet, only a year older than her, really gave her a surprise with his energetic self. Tika wonders where all that happiness and bundles of joy come from anyways. Also, Tomi was no stranger when talking to her. It feels normal when they converse with one another like they've known each other for years.

The two of them feel like family to her since their Dad, Tom, was such a welcoming person. He treated her like one of his own that one of the new staff workers thought she was part of their family. She got flustered at the time while Tom laughed while patting her head.

At the moment she sat beside Tomi while Torm and his Dad practiced their scene about how Tanya's presence was affecting the Prince. Tomi laying his head on her shoulder while humming tiredly to himself.

'I wish I could be part of a family like this too," She thought to herself.

Tika had been an orphan since both of her parents died in a car crash. Some drunk driver went full speed and knocked their car into a ravine on the way to a family friend's place they were going to stay at for the summer.

Not of her relatives wanted to take her in due to their own selfish reasons. Saying things like they have it hard as it is, or being plain rude by saying she's leech off them.

Tika just wanted a family and love them unconditionally in return.


"Hm?" She looks to the sound of her manager's panicked voice. The young man rushes over to her hurried and a bit red from running if she assumed. "What's wrong Vince?"

Vince, the poor man, looked terrified and panicked at the same time. "Miss Tika, the agency wishes that you return home for the rest of the day. T-T-They've noticed on your schedule that you haven taken a day off since your last one."

Tika makes a confused expression. She recently had her last break just last weekend. "But-"

"Miss Tika, please listen to me. I've already told the director you'd be taking leave early today." Vince's brown eyes look at her in plead. "I'll drive you back to the orphanage quickly so please get changed." He says trying to stay calm although failing.

She looks at Torm and Tom who noticed her manager's frantic talking but stayed quiet.

"Alright Vince, I'll meet you at the car."

Vince nods sharply and turns back to get to the car. It was then Torm and Tom approach her while Tomi unrests his head from her shoulder.

"What was that about, Tika?" Torm asks concerned.

"I don't know, but I'm leaving early today." Tika tells them as she slips off her seat on the chair to stand up.

Tomi pouts, "Aww~ But I wanted to hangout with you more."

Tika looks back at him with a smile, "We'll hangout more next time Tomi. I promise."

Tomi grins and jumps off his seat to give her a hug. "Okay! But remember that you promised."

She hugs him back before waving to the rest of the group goodbye. "I'll see you guys in a few days for the next shoot."

"Take care of yourself until then."

"Yes sir!" Tika leaves them to go to the women's changing room.

She quickly gets out of her costume and dresses into her regular clothes. A simple red redshirt with an abstract blue flower print on the back. Her jeans the normal blue while her sneakers are black. Hanging across from her body is her messenger bag with a cute little bunny character on it.

The staff accept the costume from her when she comes out. She then rushes to the car where Vince lets out a breath he seemed to be holding.

"So what's this about Vince? It's sudden and you're seem scared?" Tika wanted her manager to calm down and explain the situation to her.

"We'll Miss Tika, it seems there are people at the orphanage wishing to talk to you. Maybe even adopt you if all goes well." Vince cringed internally. He had softened the explanations since he didn't want to freak her out about who wants to see her specifically. He'll leave that to the big guy to break the news to her. "The agency said it was okay to let you off early for the day for this." Not exactly how he would phrase it, more like ordered she be driven back immediately with threats.

Tika folds her hands on her lap while her back presses into the cushion of her seat. Someone was looking, interested, in adopting her.

"Vince... Do you think they'll like me? Me being an odd ball and having my disability..." Unconsciously she rests the tips of his fingers under the skins of her left eye.

Vince looked calmer as she said this, his voice soft as he spoke to her. "Miss Tika, you are one of the most amazing models I've worked with. You are true and honestly kind that I wonder how people can't love you." He peers into the rear view mirror for a moment to look at her. Her shy form sitting in the backseat of his car, it brought he back to old memories.

A young, shy little girl heading into the unknown world of modeling and soon to be acting. Innocent as she was, he wanted to protect her and support her emotionally anyway he can.

"You're a wonderful young lady, anyone who doesn't want you is a fool."

Tika smiles with a faint blush on her cheeks from his embarrassing words. Even if he's her manager, he can also act like a caring older brother as well.

"Thank you, Vince... for everything."

"No need for thanks, just be yourself and let fate decide what's next for you."

Vince then pulls up in front of the orphanage a couple moments later. A little in the evening as the sun is close to setting.

Tika closes the door behind her and waves her manager off as he drives away down the street. She turns around and faces the door.

The actor takes a breath and heads inside. The receptionist at the desk notices her, quickly dialing the mistress upstairs.

"Madame, she's home."

"Send her up."

Tika is instructed to go upstairs to the main office of Madame Vena. The head lady in charge of handling all adoptions.

She takes the elevator to the fifth floor, then getting off as the doors open. As she had been walking out, Tika manages to accidentally bump into someone.

"Oof-" She was about to fall back on the floor but two strong hands catch her.

"Woah, sorry young lady."

Tika steady herself with the help of the man in front of her. Once settled, she looks up to thank him only to realize she saw a familiar face.


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