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i. richard grayson, the hottest robin !

— FINDING THE MEDICAL BUILDING WASN'T REALLY THAT DIFFICULT, and when Tony climbed the steps he half expected Jasper to leave and find something else to do. Instead he hopped up the stairs ahead of Tony and held open the door, following the brunette inside.

Their visit was quick and mostly consisted of them sitting against some chairs and entertaining each other while the nurse switched out is oxygen tank.

"I can't believe you've never heard of Richard Grayson." Tony stated with wide eyes.

Jasper laughed, "I told you, I don't really watch hero movies."

"And why not? They're incredible."

"What is it with you and Richard Grayson anyway?" Jasper asked, glancing around the clean room, glad that no one else was in there.

"'Cause," Anthony started, unzipping his bag and rooting around for his pain meds. "He's by far the hottest Robin." Saying that, the boy stopped his movements, internally cringing at himself.

Dude, your gay is showing- c'mon man we like Jasper, don't scare him off.

But Jasper just laughed again, "We'll have to see about that."

It became silent as the nurse came back accept for Anthony's quiet thanks. Tony then folded the tubing behind his ears again, appreciating that he didn't have to rely on his own lungs anymore and twisted the lid back onto his medication. Jasper hadn't even noticed Tony had taken them.

"So would you like to sit with my family and I at lunch? They can be somewhat intimidating at first, mostly Emmett because of his weird humour, but they're an okay bunch." Jasper asked as he jumped back up onto his feet to hold the door open again.

Anthony was stunned. Alice and Jasper had been so nice with him- he could hardly believe it.

Then he remembered Isabella.

"Actually, I might try sitting with my sister. She's pissy with me right now but I should make sure she's not alone." Tony sighed.

"Why's she so angry?"

"Hell, if I know. Thank you for the offer though."

Jasper just bowed his head in thought.

"How many people are in your family?" Tony inquired, wishing for the conversation to continue.

"There's seven in total."

"Your parents, you and Alice and then three others?"

"Yeah. Edward, Emmett and Rosalie- my uh... My twin."

"All adopted?"

"Most of us."

Anthony hummed and then fell silent just as a loud bell rang throughout the area, students flooding out of their classes.

"That's lunch," Jasper stated, taking a step back. "I'm gonna find them then, I wish you the best with your sister." He smirked.

Tony just smiled, turning away and heading toward the cafeteria.

STUMBLING THROUGH THE DOORS OF THE CAFETERIA, Tony struggled to avoid the rushing students. He was tripping over people, having to manoeuvre his oxygen tank around them. But eventually, he found himself standing at a clear patch of floor.

Anthony scanned the area for his sister, and spotted Bella sitting at a table with two other girls. Tony was impressed, by now he'd sort of expected Bella to be sitting in the bathroom eating lunch by herself.

He grabbed himself a tray of food, with a single banana that he probably wasn't going to touch and a bottle of water.

For a moment he wasn't going to approach the table, thinking against causing a scene with his sister. But, seemingly against his will, he found himself staring at his beat up converse as he began dragging himself across the cafeteria.

"You could always go for eating disorders, speedo padding on the swim team." Anthony caught wind of the conversation that was going on, finding Isabella to be suggesting something to which a brunette woman with a camera smiled.

"Actually that's a good one."

Then Anthony was standing behind Bella, and the others at the table seemed to notice. Tony recognized one girl as the girl Alice snapped at in Art.

"Oh uh- hi?"

Bella turned her head to see Tony, then perked up a bit.

"Oh guys, this is my brother Anthony."

The other girls at the table just nodded for a moment, to surprised to say anything else.

"I'm Angela." The brunette spoke up.

"And uh- hi I'm Jessica, I'm in your art period."

Anthony just acknowledged both with a nod and sat down on a free chair next to Isabella, sliding his tray into the table.

Bella took a look at the tray and squinted in confusion.

"My meds have a side effect of appetite loss. I'm not really that hungry. Don't blame me." Tony explained quietly.

Then, as any conversation died down in the group of four, something caught Isabella's eye.

"Who are they?"

Anthony looked to see Jasper, Alice and supposedly their other foster siblings.

"The Cullens." Angela trailed, glancing back at them.

"They're doctor and Mrs Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska like, a few years ago." Jessica added in a low tone.

Anthony didn't quite like the way Jessica's voice sounded. Like she was about to drop the hottest gossip in Forks.

"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela stated, seeming a bit more polite about the situation.

"Yeah but two of them are together. Like, together together."

Leading the group of Cullens through the door was a beefy looking brunette with his hand intertwined with a beautiful blonde's.

"The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark haired guy Emmett, there're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

Angela was quick to remind that technically- they aren't actually related, and Jessica responded stating it was still gross because they live together.

Tony then saw Alice and Jasper, who had walked in together. Alice seemed to be dancing across the floor, scanning the room. Then she saw Anthony and waved excitedly.

Jasper saw too, and simply smiled, but it looked like he was going to be sick.

Tuning back into the conversation, Tony wanted to hear what Jessica had to say about the two.

"And um okay, the little dark haired girl is Alice, she's really weird, and that's Jasper the blond one who looks like he's in pain."

Anthony decided to ditch the conversation as soon as she said 'weird'. Grabbing his water bottle, he dropped his banana onto Bella's tray and tucked his own tray under her's. Just as he was turning away, Isabella called after him.

"Where are you going?"

Anthony rolled his eyes.

"To sit somewhere else. I like Alice, she's actually really kind. But I see you've found your friends with a shallow bunch and to be entirely honest, I don't want to sit here and listen to that garbage." Tony muttered quietly, so as only Bella could hear.

"Anthony, they're really nice. Just give them a chan-"

Tony didn't hear the last of her sentence as he had turned and yanked his oxygen tank after him, heading straight towards the Cullen table. Though he did catch the quite loud 'what is he doing?' from Jessica as he walked away.

Alice saw him approaching the table and stood from her chair to welcome him, giving him a bone crushing hug.

Pulling away from the hug, he sent a grin and nod to Jasper, who forcefully gave him a matching smile. Jessica was a bit right, Jasper did look like he was in pain.

"Anthony, this is Emmett and Rosalie." Alice introduced.

Seeing Rosalie up close, Anthony realized just how gorgeous she really was. Where Alice was delicately beautiful, Rosalie had some sort of charm about her. Tony couldn't help himself,

"Holy shit you're hot."

Rosalie chuckled, "Thanks, I know."

Emmett sat forward and smiled, "Hey man, that's my girlfriend you're hitting on." He joked.

"Dude if it makes you feel any better, you're lookin' mighty fine as well." Tony winked as he sat in the chair Alice had pulled over for him.

Emmett smirked, and blew a mocking kiss.

Then they were joined by a boy with dark bronze hair.

Tony leaned back in his seat and stared at the newcomer.

"Okay so if we've got Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Emmett then you are...." Anthony trailed off, wracking his brain for the name. It started with an E, of that he was sure.


The family laughed. The bronze haired boy also chortled slightly, shaking his head no.


"Not quite there, Tone." Emmett was sniggering into his clenched fist. For a moment, Tony paused. No one had ever called him 'Tone'. It was some sort of foreign name and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. He didn't have a lot of time to dwell on it though.

Snapping his finger, "I got it." He claimed, pointing at the boy. "It's Edward."

The Cullens cheered, somewhat mockingly, but it was all in good fun.

"My name's Anthony, in case you hadn't heard." Tony greeted.

Edward nodded, "That's actually my middle name." He smiled.

Conversation remained lighthearted, they asked questions back and forth and teased each other endlessly. It was a nice little group, Anthony had decided. He also realized, oddly, how well he fit into their tight knit family. He wouldn't go as far as to say he was as beautiful and flawless as them, but they were all incredibly pale, and so far not one of the Cullen's had eaten anything. He didn't ask why, because they didn't ask why. He just enjoyed spending time with them.

"That's another 7 points for Alice." Edward announced, scribbling the score down on a piece of paper. "Next up is Emmett." He stated, clicking his pen a few times.

Emmett grabbed one of the pre-balled up strips of paper and aimed his throwing arm toward the trash can about 12 feet away.

As he threw it, Tony was almost sure Emmett would get at least another 5 points. But surprisingly, the ball danced around the rim and then slid off. The table booed and Emmett began pouting.

"Looks like Emmett takes a zero, stepping up to the plate is Anthony."

Alice cheered on Tony, as they were on the same team. Jasper and Edward opted to stay out of it, but Rosalie and Emmett were proving to be some crazy difficult opponents.

Anthony snatched the ball out of the air when Rosalie tossed it to him. And then he focused on the trash can.

He was positive he wasn't going to get it in, but like with Emmett's toss, he surprised himself and the paper was thrown directly into the trash can.

"I call hacks." Emmett groaned, laying his face on the table for a moment before pulling back up with an easy going grin.

"You're just jealous of my skill." Anthony smirked.

Edward, still keeping score and commentating spoke up, "No hit against the wall but it did go in, that's a full five points."

Suddenly the bell rang, and the group would be forced to disperse.

Grabbing his partly empty water bottle off the table, Anthony stood from his seat and downed the rest before pressurizing it between his hands and dunking that into the trash can too.

"Extra five for me, Eddie." He called out.

Emmett's eyebrows shot up in surprise, before it twisted into a grimace.

"It wasn't even your turn!" The brunette stated childishly.

"Enjoy your next class children!" Anthony yelled out to all the Cullens, who hummed or groaned in response.

"Well Tony, Rosalie and I are off to trig!" Alice claimed, linking arms with Anthony yet again as Rosalie followed behind with a smirk.

"I didn't realize you had trig with us Rose?" Anthony spoke over his shoulder while Rosalie caught up next to them.

"Well I guess you're lucky." Rosalie spoke in a mock flirt tone.

"Are you kidding? Two of my favourite Cullen girls in one class, of course I'm lucky." Anthony chuckled. Alice giggled lightly.

"You haven't met Esme yet." She reminded.

"Well, I'm sure I'd love her too." Tony decided not to hover on the fact that it was basically an offer to meet their foster mother. Maybe some time in the near future, but he was certainly not ready to meet anyone's parents.

Instead, he just took his arm from Alice's grasp and wrapped it around her shoulders.

As the trio walked to their next class' building, they got a lot of stares. But none of them paid any mind. Well, Alice didn't. Rosalie and Anthony took turns glaring at a select few students.

Tony liked her fire. Rosalie seemed like someone he could get along with, from what he'd seen.

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