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i. bad luck !

IF THERE WAS EVER A CHANCE OF BAD LUCK IN THE WORLD, it all seemed to rain down on the Swans like some bullshit hurricane.

Anthony Swan guesses that was what it must be; bad luck or something.

All day after the monopoly fiasco (aka Liv flipping the table and everyone off), Tony had been preoccupying his time by texting his sister, who was keeping him informed on the Cullen's baseball game.

Tony had no idea how to play baseball, but he could assume they were having a fun time.

Your boyfriend looks real hot btw

Tell me more, tell me more

Did you just ?? Grease ??

Let's be real I wish I was as cool as Sandy was in the final scene

That's true, but she was cool in the beginning too

He's up to bat rn

He's doing some fancy bat tricks

Sounds hot lmao

Mines hotter :)

Dude shut up and watch the game, you have a job to do

Yeah I called Rosalie on a false run and I'm almost certain that she growled at me

Good kitty :)

Tony... ??

How do you even get away with that? I just showed her the text and she just smirked and growled again?

Bcuz I'm better than you

Shut up, hang on

Really? No retort? No half assed comeback?

Lol someone need straightening out orrr??

Tony shut up for a minute or I'm blocking you

Tony sighed and set his phone down in his lap, taking a moment to rub at his tired eyes.

Looking up, he took note of the crummy hospital room.

Reyes was reading from his big binder, sitting in a chair with his sneaker clad feet propped up on Anthony's hospital bed.

Liv was out for a smoke break so she could call her FBI friends, and help profile a murderer.

Daniel was just leaned back in his chair again, texting his war friend whom lived in England.

"How's John doing?" Anthony asked, sitting up a bit more and suppressing a groan as his muscles tightened around his ribs.

Danny looked up from his phone.

"He's doing okay, I suppose. He's just trying to find a place in London that doesn't charge much rent." He tucked his phone into his pocket just as it buzzed again, but he ignored it this time.

"Should be easier, with you around. You two can split the cost." Tony shrugged.

"That is the plan." Danny smiled. "John seems to be getting real antsy these days. He's not used to being home yet." He muttered, taking his phone back out for a split second to check the message.

It was quiet for a moment as he replied to his text. In that minute, Tony glanced back over at Reyes.

The binder that had been held up by the Brit's hands, was now fallen open against his chest and a few soft snores came out of his mouth while his head fell at an awkward angle to the side.

He looked uncomfortable and tired.

"I wish this man would just go home. I wish all of you would sleep elsewhere, I mean really, this has to be the most uncomfortable place to sleep." Anthony shook his head and picked at his blanket some more.

Daniel looked up at Reyes' situation and sighed, putting his phone in his pocket and standing up.

"We're fine, kid." He stated, grabbing a big blanket off the table behind him and putting it over his shoulder. "We'd rather be here with you than anywhere else." Danny then grabbed the binder off of Reyes and placed it where the blanket had been. Once he did that, the blanket was draped over Reyes and Danny resumed his spot in his chair.

Anthony, before, couldn't really understand why they had been so insistent on staying with him.

He knew better now. After the one time when he woke up, drowning in his own body because his lungs decided to short stop in the middle of the night. Story of his life, but he saw his friend's eyes, and the pure terror that made its home in their irises.

For Liv and Daniel, it was like they were back in their old hospital room- knowing that Anthony was terminal and this whole cancer thing would almost definitely be the death of him.

They were just scared they wouldn't be around, when that guaranteed ending would come.

And Anthony guessed it was the same with Reyes.

They were just scared.

He could tell his father was thankful for it too, them staying with him. Anthony knew that if they weren't here to keep an eye out for him, Charlie would be the one passed out in Reyes' chair.

Tony is pulled away from his thoughts as Danny stands up and puts a hand on the boy's arm.

"I'll be right back, kid. I just gotta call John and calm him down. He's freakin' our thinking he'll have to live with Harry." Daniel said. "I keep telling him,  that's only worst case scenario, if anything, Eugene would probably offer him a place before Harry does." The man muttered as he left the room, running a hand through his hair.

It seemed like everyone was attached to their phones, rushing around trying to do their jobs, make plans, chat with friends.

Anthony wouldn't consider himself attached to his phone, but he missed the Cullens too much. Especially with the fact that his own boyfriend couldn't visit him in the hospital.

He wasn't bitter, he was far from it. He liked Jasper, and respected his decisions and boundaries.

But it was really hard not to miss him.

Alice and Rosalie had visited for a few hours before they had to go to school one morning, and Alice promised to take good care of Tony's camera- and take pictures of everything that happened in his absence.

He couldn't appreciate his friends more. It wasn't that big of a deal, missing out on a few days, but Alice knew he'd rather be out with them than holed up in a cramped hospital room.

Anthony looked out the window in the corner across the room. just as a crack of lightening lit up the sky.

His phone rang out, so annoyingly loud yet it's tone wasn't enough to wake up the sleeping witch.

"Hello?" Tony answered, adjusting his pillow with one hand while his other held up his phone. He hadn't bothered to look at the caller ID.

"Hey darlin'." Jasper's smooth talking southern accent hit Anthony like a tidal wave. Though he couldn't quite pick up on the worry in the Hale's voice.

"Hey Texas." Anthony hummed. "Bella told me you were looking damn hot today." He flirted.

On the other end, Jasper's eyebrows arched in surprise that Tony was being so open and obvious with his feelings.

"Yeah, maybe you'll get a picture." Jasper chuckled, his voice dropping lower and deeper.

"I'd better." Tony laughed. "Danny and Liv just stepped out to take a call, Reyes is sleeping. It's probably one of the most boring lazy days of my life." He complained slightly, letting his head fall back into his pillows and his hair splay and hang awkwardly around his face.

"Enjoy it while it lasts." Jasper muttered, back to his worried tone. "Tony.., it's Bella."

Anthony's heart stopped short, and he took a moment to gasp for a quick breath.

"What about Bella?" He asked.

"Well... we've known about a few nomads in the area, but we hadn't seen them until today..." Jasper trailed off.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tony leaned forward, the blanket shifting around him.

He wasn't too worried about waking Reyes. Currently, he was sleeping through a thunderstorm that was insanely loud.

"One of the nomads figured out she was human... Darlin', he's sick. He loves to chase his prey and he knows the Cullens will protect her. He likes challenges."

"So you're a saying that... Bella, my Bella, my sister Isabella Swan, is being hunted down by an actual human blood sucking vampire?" Tony asked, his voice on edge.

There was a long silence on the other line, as if Jasper didn't know what to say, or he was holding his breath waiting for the explosion of anger or fear.

But it was just nothing.

Then, it was Tony's voice appearing out of the void.

"Jasper? Is she gonna be okay?" The Swan asked.

Jasper was quiet for a second, only a second, but that was enough to let Anthony know that he wasn't sure if Bella would be okay.

"We'll try to keep her safe. She's with a family of vampires, how safe can she get?" Jasper tried to reassure. Even without this abilities (them not being able to reach Anthony through a phone) he was able to tell how anxious Tony had become.

Maybe it was his natural empath ability, the part of him that he had when he was still human.

Or maybe he just knew Anthony enough to know when he's hurting.

JASPER HAD HUNG UP A FEW MINUTES INTO THE CONVERSATION, saying that they had to get Bella out of Forks as soon as they possibly could.

Tony wanted to help, but Alice had picked up the phone at that point and told him not to leave the hospital, since the nomad (who he now knew as 'James') didn't know he existed yet and they intended to keep it that way.

He was getting antsy, and he couldn't even tell Danny or Liv why he was like that.

Charlie called a few hours later, taking about how Bella decided to go home to Phoenix and him and Tony would be alone for a while.

He could tell that Charlie was trying to be strong, but Anthony could hear the cracks in his voice as he tried not to breakdown while on the phone with his son.

Maybe it wasn't ideal, and Anthony hated doing this to his father.

But Bella made the decision to leave with the Cullens, and despite Tony not liking the idea, he knew he could trust their new family.

For the first time in the whole week, Tony was left alone while his 'guardians' went to get some take out to avoid hospital food.

Anthony decided, against better judgement, to take a shower.

He knew he should have someone with him when he was planning to stand on a wet surface, but the hospital gave him an emergency button so he felt about as safe as he could at the moment.

Once he stepped in and took off his shirt, the mirror was a harsh reminder of his physical state.

A dark bruise ran along his rib cage, a purple blemish against his skin. There were matching circles under his eyes despite his constant rest.

The stitches on his forehead had yet to come out, and a bright white bandage held onto his face like a second skin.

Tony's took about an hour in the shower, as if trying to wash away all his sinking feelings and bad luck.

Reyes, Liv and Daniel got back about 20 minutes into his shower, but he still stayed under the warm water until it became cool again.

Maybe it was the warm water, and the feeling of safety that came with it, that made him want to stay in it for so long.

Then he stepped out, clothed in his grey sweatpants and white t shirt with a towel around his neck.

Then he sat down in his hospital bed, and Danny opened a box of take out for him. (Despite being fully capable, Daniel had even tried to feed him a few times).

It was quiet, comfortable. The door of the room was open so the bustle outside was constant, and the four just listened to the world.

It slowly became louder and louder outside, and Liv shared a confused glance with Danny, who got up and leaned his head around the corner.

And, just like bad luck, Danny's voice rang out in question.


author's note

The next chapter relies on the cliffhanger, plus I hit 2000 words faster than I thought I would.

It might not be totally accurate because I'm sure Tony and Bella would have been in two different hospitals but for the sake of drama..,

Idk how good this chapter was, so feedback is appreciated. I'm really trying here guys, and I'm super excited for the end of WDWG (we're so close!) there are only a few chapters left, but I'm still busy with school.

When the holidays come up I'm sure my updates will be more frequent again but for now I'm just trying to get them out every week or so, sorry for those who were so used to my old schedule- I really tried, I swear !!

Also, don't freak out too much about Eugene's mention in this chapter, he's just a character that'll be appearing in Danny's story ☺️♥️

(For those that were wondering, it has been decided that Danny will be in the Sherlock fandom !!)

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