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i. family is made, not born !

INITIALLY ANTHONY SWAN WAS UPSET, distraught even, at the idea that his own mother cared less about him than she did his sister.

At first it hurt, and then hurt some more. The feeling of betrayal gripped on his heart, clutching and ripping ruthlessly like icy claws, desperately trying to latch onto him and make its home there.

But then there was Esme. The good kind of fire. She hugged him close and let him cry. Despite being on the frozen side of temperatures, she had a warmth that washed over him and melted the sad feelings away.

"I'm sorry," he'd sobbed into her shoulder, listening as that mocking child's laughter echoed around his brain, trying to tell him that boys shouldn't cry. Just as it always had. "I'm sorry."

"Honey, don't be sorry." Esme held him closer, ignoring the fact that she could hear Emmett down the hall, tearing Renée a new one.

Anthony could hear it too, and it drowned out his own thoughts, leaving his brain numb on sadness and paralyzed in the moment.

"You absolute fucking bitch!" Emmett yelled angrily. "You're the one person he came to in this moment and you decide to push him away? What the hell kind of parent are you?" There was a silence for a moment, Tony sniffed but didn't move away from Esme.

"You can't be fucking serious? Tell me you're kidding?" Another short silence. "Well if he's dying, you should be there for him!"

"I can believe you'd say that, I swear to hell I'd fight you right now if I didn't want PETA on my ass!-" "Emmett!" "-Oh please, Rose like you wouldn't do the same."

Esme looked down at Tony, and nudged him up a little bit so she could see his face.

"You're alright." She smiled sadly, wiping the tear stains on Anthony's face and trying to ignore the puffy redness around his eyes and snotty nose.

Tony shook his head, another sob wracking painfully through his body.

"No I'm- not."

Esme moves his hair away from his forehead gently.

"No, but you will be. One day. I promise." She said softly.

Anthony knew that was an empty statement. He probably wouldn't live long enough for 'okay'. Sure he could love the Cullens, and his father, and Bella and Liv and Danny and Reyes and that would be nice.

But in the back of his mind, his illness is still there, ever present and threatening to shut down his everything at any moment.

He was constantly at odds of wanting to live so badly, but not wanting to impact his loved ones lives too much for them to miss him so intensely.

"C'mon, let's get some air." Esme wrapped an arm around his shoulder, and only left him for a second to grab him a blanket before she was back at his side and leading him outdoors.

Outside the hospital wasn't that exciting. There was the parking lot, a few trees and a couple smoking areas and park benches.

It was still cold, and Tony had to wrap tightly under his blanket to fight the chills off.

He kept his head down, but felt the wind as it cooled his face and his eyes burned from the crying.

Esme lead him over to a park bench, sitting him down and hugging him close as they looked out on the dismal world, and boring cars.

"I think our lives would be a lot more dull if you weren't in them." Esme stated as a passing thought. "We're better for knowing you... Remember that."

They stayed there, in a comfortable silence until Tony had stopped the waterworks and the tips of his fingers froze from exposure as he held the edges of his blanket. He would gladly freeze if it meant he could sit in this sliver of false reality for just a few moments more. Where they were calm, and untouched by grief.

Where he didn't have to lug around an annoyingly heavy and humming oxygen tank.

Of course, that was the first thing Reyes noticed when he pulled up in the parking lot, slamming the door as he got out of the car.

"Anthony Swan, where is your oxygen tank?" The man rushed, stumbling and trying not to trip over his untied shoelaces.

Typical, that Reyes would forget to tie his own shoelaces, but cared more about Tony's safety than his own.

"I left it in my room." Tony's voice was a bit croaky as he defended himself.

Reyes sighed, giving them a half hearted shrug as he sat on the bench next to the Swan, so Tony was sandwiched in by him and Esme.

Another voice joined them as they all calmed down, breathing in the cold air.

"Well, you didn't have to leave me." A woman spoke, as she approached from the parking lot.

"You can get out of the car your bloody self!" Reyes pointed, waving a hand towards the car for emphasis.

"Yeah, I can! But I moved here to spend time with my rat moustached brother!" The woman stated, adjusting her grey jacket.

"Oh, don't you dare make fun of my moustache!"

"Really? Because honestly if just looks like a caterpillar stuck to your face." She laughed.

"You're just jealous, this thing is glorious, right guys?" Reyes turned to him and Esme with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Oh- yeah." Anthony agreed. "A damn masterpiece." It was slightly sarcastic, but good enough for Reyes.

Reyes just turned to his sister with a glare, as if to say 'see?'.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and stepped closer to hold out a hand for Tony, the other hand holding a coffee cup, which Tony just noticed. "I'm Delphine."

Anthony took it, noticing the soft coolness of her hand, and shook it.

"Anthony, but you can call me Tony."

THEY SAT OUTSIDE FOR A LITTLE WHILE LONGER, until they figured Emmett was done yelling at Renée and everyone had calmed down.

When they got inside, Delphine had gone to get a coffee refill but they brought Anthony to his room where the rest of the Cullens were (minus Jasper and Edward) along with Danny and Liv.

It was quite the crowd, but Tony wouldn't have it any other way.

"Your dad's down in the cafeteria still." Emmett spoke up from the floor, where he was sitting cross legged and playing a game of 'Sorry!' with Rosalie, Liv and Carlisle.

"Yeah, he hates hospitals." Tony nodded. "I'm impressed that he's even here still."

"He wouldn't miss this, kid." Danny smiled, sitting forward in his chair and checking his phone as it buzzed.

Anthony shuffled across the floor and sat down on his bed, still warm under the blanket that Esme had given him. Alice had decidedly got up from her spot on the floor and sat next to him, offering her support after what Renée had said.

They group talked and got comfortable, just soaking in each other's company, enjoying the moment.

Delphine came back and invited herself into the room, kicking back in a chair, in an awkward sitting position where one leg was tucked under her and the other swung loose.

"Yeah, guys, this is my younger blister- Delphine." Reyes rolled his eyes, waving his hand at her in a mocking fashion.

Delphine smirked slightly, "Why thank you big bother."

"Bother?" Reyes repeated in a whisper. "Mine was so much better than bother."

"Anyway..." Liv changed the subject by turning to Danny. "What time are you leaving?"

No one had said anything about Danny leaving, but Anthony knew instantly what Liv was talking about.

Danny squinted slightly, "How did you know?"

Liv was about to open her mouth with a reply, when Tony spoke up.

"Dan, you have an airline ticket in your back pocket." He pointed out.

Liv raised her eyebrows.

"I've taught you well." She grinned before turning back to Daniel in expectance.

He sighed, "I don't want to just leave you two... I told Eugene I should stay for a while longer but he wouldn't have it. Said something about how John is driving him mental, going on about not having a place to stay-"

"Hey man, slow down." Liv stepped in. "It was a simple question." She laughed.

"The flight leaves around nine. I'll have to leave in a few hours." Daniel sighed, disheartened at the idea. "I have a few things at the Swan residence that I'll have to pick up before I go."

"We'll miss you, man." Emmett nodded from the floor, looking up momentarily from their board game.

"Yeah, have fun in England." Reyes agreed.

Delphine leaned forward, "I've got no clue who you are but enjoy your trip." She smiled.

"Actually," Danny checked the clock that hung on one of the walls. "Maybe I should head out and get my stuff now." He looked guilty, like he didn't want to leave but also didn't want to be late for his flight.

"I'll join you." Liv stood up and joined his side. "I need a cigarette anyway, plus I just beat those losers." She joked.

"You're not allowed to play games with us anymore." Emmett sulked, re setting the board.

Tony allowed a small smile to grace his face, knowing that Liv just didn't want to leave Danny alone. She wanted to spend time with him before he left.

"Alright, I'll see you later, kid." Danny muttered, nodding to Tony and putting a hand on Liv's shoulder as they stepped out the door.

"Keep up, old man." Liv's voice carried through the halls.

"Ten years, Liv. I'm only thirty-four." Danny laughed.

"And I'm twenty-four, you're still an old man..-" Their voices carried off as they left the building.

"Now that they've gone," Alice hopped up and Tony felt the bed shift next to him as she moved. "I have a few questions for Delphine."

"Oh?" The witch raised her eyebrows. "Do you now?"

Alice smiled shyly, a slight dance in her step as she stood at the door way.

"Care to take a walk?" She asked.

Delphine smiled, "I'd love to." She states as she stood and joined the vampire.

Once they left, Reyes groaned.

"Of course, love the water manipulator, ask her all the questions, it's not like I'm busting my ass and actually learning how to do shit rather than just naturally knowing how to work my powers..." Reyes whispered under his breath, upset that he always lived in the shadow of his younger sister.

Tony leaned over and put a hand on the witch's shoulder. But Reyes only sighed and stood, muttering some excuse about grabbing food from the cafeteria before also leaving the room.

Esme smiled gently at Tony before joining Emmett, Rosalie and Carlisle for another game of Sorry.

Tony just sat back and watched them play, joining in every so often to the conversation.

It was a moment like this that he wished they were all normal people.

Where Anthony didn't have to worry about hospitals and breathing, and the Cullens would not have to worry about bloodlust.

Because it was a moment such as this that he wished Jasper was there. He wished the blond vampire would lay next to him and just observe the world the way Tony did.

Sure, he didn't mind doing it himself, but he'd found that everything was so much better with Jasper around.

And sitting back against his pillows, he took a moment to wonder if Bella had woken up yet. Was Renée telling her what happened? Was Bella asking where he was? Where the Cullens were? Where their father was?

Did Renée even care? Or would she just dismiss all these thoughts and questions and instead swaddle Bella in that same soft blanket cocoon of blissful stupidity.

It's what she always did.

Deny claims, lay the blame on another and try to ignore the poor feelings that wrapped around her mind. Blissful stupidity.

author's note

eee this is probably really bad and way later than normal both in days and time because for me it's almost 11pm and I haven't updated in a week

Though I've decided I'm just gonna start publishing whatever I've got so if I have any readers into once upon a time, riverdale and in the future, harry potter and marvel, there's a few things on my profile you might like idk

Also I posted this on my board but who do you ship Reyes with? From any fandom? Someone said Dean Winchester and I almost lost it I thought it was really good

There are only a few chapters left, are you guys ready !!

Anyway, it's spooky season so I'm gonna end off with some wise words before Halloween;
Get ready to be booed bitch! 👻

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