Chapter 1: Academy

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Gerardo sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a plain white button-up shirt, blue pants, and a blue tie. As he looked at himself he put on a smile before sighing and scratching the back of his head a bit unsure of his looks. He was never a big fan of school uniforms so of course, he wasn't too happy with the idea of wearing one for his new school. But at the same time, it didn't bother him too much since he knew he wouldn't be the only one wearing the uniform.

All he needed to do was make sure he had a clean one every day. Which wasn't too hard considering they gave him more than one to wear. "Whatever," Gerardo said with a sigh before turning away from his mirror and grabbing his bag. "It's no big deal," Gerardo said to himself as he picked up his bag. He did want to make a good first impression on some of the others that would be there especially the teachers.

After all, they'd be not only teaching him but training him as well. So the last thing he wanted was to come off as someone that wasn't worth the effort of being trained. He wanted to improve his skills not handicap them, and if making a good impression would help then he was all for the idea. As Gerardo walked down the house he saw a small plate of food with a note by it. Gerardo picked up the note and looked at it.

"Good luck on your first day. -love Mom" Gerardo smiled seeing the note and began to eat the rather light meal that she had prepared for him. She had probably made it and then went back to sleep, so he wouldn't be able to thank her until he got home. But even so, he still appreciated the thought. After he ate the meal he walked out of his house and began to make his way down the street.

The academy wasn't that far away so he didn't mind walking. Plus he liked the exercise it helped make sure that he was able to stay in shape, so he took just about any excuse that he could to make sure that happened. Gerardo then turned a corner and saw an all too familiar figure walking in front of him. Gerardo smiled seeing this and began to walk a bit faster to try and catch up to her.

As he did the female turned and as soon as she saw the male smiled. "Hey Gerardo," Asuka said as she looked at the male in front of her before noticing the uniform he was wearing.

"What's with the uniform? You going in for an interview or something?" Asuka asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Something like that yeah," Gerardo said as he looked at the female in front of him. It seemed as if Hanzo hadn't told her that he was joining the academy. So he thought he might as well keep a surprise until he was introduced to the class. "It's been a while since I last saw you," Gerardo said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Yeah, it has been a while," Asuka said as she looked at the male in front of her. The two had become a bit more distant than Gerardo would have liked to have admitted after Asuka had joined her grandfather's academy. He could only assume this was because she was training with other ninjas and friends at the academy. And while he was glad she was able to adjust so quickly, he was also a bit sad at the fact that they no longer had the chance to hang out as much as they used to.

"So how have you been?" Gerardo asked as he looked at the female in front of him.

"I've been good, I got placed on a team with some of my friends. Although keeping up with them is kind of hard," Asuka said as she looked at the male a bit sheepishly. Gerardo nodded hearing this and smiled a bit trying to hide his excitement. If Asuka had trouble keeping up, then that meant that there were some really strong individuals at the school. And each one of them could be used to hone his abilities to a new degree.

Now he really was regretful that he hadn't joined sooner. Being able to train with people that could actually keep up with him instead of just whoever his old master found would have been much better practice for him. "I'm sorry to hear that. But knowing you, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you're the best fighter in the entire school," Gerardo said as he looked at the female in front of him.

Asuka smiled a bit hearing this and nodded a bit. "Thanks," Asuka said as the academy slowly came into sight. "Well, here we are. I got to go," Asuka said as she began to run forward. "It was nice seeing you again!" Asuka said with a wave as she rushed ahead of the male. Gerardo smiled hearing this and nodded as he waved back her. Gerardo then turned and began to make his way to the side of the building. He had been told to make his way to the teacher's lounge and had even been given a short list of directions on where to go and how to get there.

As he followed the directions he turned around a corner and saw a young girl around his age with long white hair, that had been tied into twin-tails, or rather pulled into twin-tails since she was using shuriken to hold them in place rather than a hair-band. And while she was wearing an eye patch Gerardo could see from the eye that wasn't covered that she had red eyes and a rather large bust.

"Excuse me," Gerardo said as he looked at her about to move to the side of her only to step on a small can filled with something and lost his balance falling forward as he did. As he was sent face-first into the female's breasts. As he did Gerardo reached out to try and grab something to help stop his fall. However, this effort was in vain and continued to crash into the female's rather large bust.

As soon as he did he felt two hands on his shoulders as he was pushed back. "Sorry," Gerardo said as he looked at the girl apologetically, while mentally preparing himself to be hit by the female in front of him.

"Watch where you're going," The female said in a rather stoic tone as she pointed to the can he had tripped over him. "And try to be a bit more careful in the future," The female said as she walked past the male. When she did Gerardo looked at her a bit confused as she walked away. Out of all the reactions he was expecting that wasn't one of them. Gerardo watched as she walked away for a moment before eventually shaking his head snapping himself out of his daze and continuing to make his way towards the teacher's lounge.

As he continued to walk down the halls he eventually began to make his way up a set of stairs before once again turning down one of the halls. As he did he saw another female walking towards him. She had short pink hair, with three black ribbons in it, two of which were used to tie her hair into pigtails, while the third served as decoration in the center of her hair. However, her eyes were what caught Gerardo's attention the most. They were a cool blue but were dotted with pink, cross-shaped pupils.

When she saw him she began to walk up to him rather eagerly. "Hey," The female said with a smile.

"Hey," Gerardo said as he looked at her. He could tell just from her cheery tone, and rather open nature that she was a pretty upbeat person.

"I'm Hibari, nice to meet you!" The female said as she eagerly stuck out her hand.

"Gerardo, nice to meet you too," The male said as he took her hand shaking it.

"I don't remember seeing you around. Are you new here? Or maybe in maybe in a higher class?" Hibari said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Uh, yeah I'm new here, nice to meet you," Gerardo said with a slight smile. He was usually a bit more put off by people as open as her. But for some reason, he found her a bit easier to talk to. He could only guess it was because of her upbeat nature.

"Nice! Well, I hope we get along then! I hope we can go on to be great friends," The female said with a smile as she looked at the male. As she did Gerardo stared at her for a moment before smiling and smiling with only one thought passing through his mind as he did. 'This girl really is adorable,' Gerardo thought to himself. He honestly didn't think people like her existed outside of tv shows and anime and yet here she was.

"Yeah, I hope we get along as well," Gerardo said with a smile as he reached forward to pat the female's head. Not really thinking about why, but more so just doing it out of instinct before he ruffled the female's hair a little bit. "Anyway, I got to go. So . . . I'll see you around," Gerardo said as he looked at the female causing her to nod as well.

"Bye," Hibari said as she waved at the male as he walked away. As she did Gerardo waved back and smiled a bit now being in a bit of a more positive mood than before. He had to admit he wasn't sure how his day was going to be, considering what happened with the first female he had met. But now that he had met Hibari he was certain this day was going to be a good one, even if it was only because he met her.

Gerardo was eventually able to find his way to the teacher's lounge and knocked on the door. When he did an elder male in a solid black outfit walked out. His age was rather apparent seeming to be in his early forties, with short, wavy gray hair and auburn colored eyes. "Are you Gerardo?" The male asked as he looked at Gerardo.

"Yeah," Gerardo said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Nice to meet you, I'll be your teacher while you're here, Kiriya," The male said as he looked at Gerardo.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Gerardo said as he looked at the male in front of him. Kiriya nodded hearing this and moved past the male.

"Follow me," Kiriya said as he began to walk down the halls. Gerardo nodded hearing this and began to walk down the halls with him. The two remained silent until they reached a room. When they did Kiriya looked into the class and saw that most of his students already appeared to be there waiting for him. "Alright, seems like most of them are already there and we're only missing a few," Kiriya said as he stopped looking into the room and looked at Gerardo.

"Alright, so stay here. We don't have long until the bell rings. I'll take roll call as quickly as I can, and then I'll introduce you and when I do you walk into the room," Kiriya said as he looked at the male in front of him. Gerardo nodded hearing this, and Kiriya walked into the room. When he did Gerardo began to lean against the wall as he waited for the bell to ring waiting for class to start. However, as he did Gerardo began to become a bit bored and looked around for a way to entertain himself.

He had to admit while he didn't plan on becoming a ninja he was a bit curious as to what the ninja section of the school was like. So he began to walk away looking for it. After all, as long as he was back before the bell rang and ready for introduction then he didn't see anything wrong with exploring the school a bit. After all, he was going to start attending so the sooner he learned the layout of the school the better.

And with that in mind, Gerardo began to walk away, looking around as he did. From what he could tell this academy didn't seem too different from the other schools he had been to growing up. The only real exception being that this one was a lot bigger than what he was used to. As he was walking he saw two females walking up to him. One of which didn't even bother buttoning up her shirt all the way showing a bit more skin than Gerardo had been expecting.

She had long soft blonde hair, worn with a blue headband that had a ribbon on each side of her head, with bright greenish-blue eyes. Her expression and overall appearance gave Gerardo the impression that she might have been a bit of a slacker. The other, however, seemed to be the complete opposite with a refined feeling around her, as well as long, straight, black hair flowing down to her lower thighs, and flat cut bands resting on her forehead, with dark blue eyes.

It really made Gerardo question how the two knew each other. They were walking alongside one another so it was clear the two knew each other at least to some extent and yet the two seemed to be the complete opposite of each other. Then again he had seen some rather odd friendships before so he wasn't in too much of a position to judge. As he was walking he once again took notice of the girls' bust sizes.

He wasn't a perv, but he couldn't help but take note of just how many girls in this school seemed to have large breasts. First Asuka, then the girl he had accidentally run into, the all too adorable Hibari, and now these two. As he was walking, however, the blonde stepped in front of him. "Well, hello there cutie," She said with a wink. As she did Gerardo's face turned a bit pink with embarrassment.

"Uh, h-hello," Gerardo said as he looked at her. He honestly wasn't too sure of what to do in a situation like this.

"So what are you doing here?" She asked as she looked at Gerardo.

"Just . . . looking around," Gerardo said as he looked at the two in front of him. When he said this the black-haired female looked at him a bit suspiciously. He had been caught off-guard by the blonde's sudden advances, and while his tone was flustered it not only made him sound a bit embarrassed but also like he was lying.

"Katsuragi, I think we might have an intruder," The female said as she moved behind Gerardo so that they were surrounding him on both sides.

"Wh-what? No, I-" Gerardo began only for the blonde to move back a bit disappointed.

"Ah, why are the cute ones always so much trouble?" Katsuragi asked as she looked at the male in front of her. Katsuragi then rushed forward and jumped up raising one of her legs high up and then bringing it down into an axe kick. As she did Gerardo raised his hands to block the incoming attack, and a moment later his face turned a bright red as he moved back. When he did he heard the female behind him move forward ready to attack.

As she did Gerardo jumped up in the and flipped over the girl. He could only guess these two were one of the ninjas affiliated with the school considering how they were fighting. Katsuragi once again rushed forward and attempted to kick the male's side. As she did Gerardo raised a hand to block the attack only for the female to jump and kick his face with her other foot. As she did Gerardo fell back as she once again rushed forward.

Katsuragi then once again went to kick the male's side and like before Gerardo stopped the attack. When he did Katsuragi went to kick the male's shin causing him to jump over the attack and the female aimed for his face. As she did The male leaned back avoiding the attack only to see that the male for some reason had closed his eyes. Katsuragi smiled seeing this and lifted her leg higher up before bringing it down onto the male's face knocking him onto the ground.

When he hit the ground Gerardo opened his eyes only to see Katsuragi once again about to kick him. Gerardo rolled out of the way and quickly kicked himself up off the ground his face once again a bright red as he looked at the two. He couldn't help but notice that the one with black hair wasn't being nearly as aggressive as she could have been in this fight. Leading Gerardo to believe that she probably had a weapon she used and just didn't have with her at the moment.

However, he had little time to dwell on this matter As Katsuragi ran towards him jumping up and preparing to kick the male as she did. When she did Gerardo jumped back to avoid the incoming kick. "Would you-" Gerardo began as he once again caught an incoming kick from Katsuragi. "Stop kicking!" Gerardo said as he pushed Katsuragi's leg down. When he said this Katsuragi jumped back and looked at him with a smirk.

"And why would I do that?" Katsuragi asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"You're wearing a skirt! Why do you think I want you to stop?" Gerardo asked as he looked at the female in front of him. Whether the female was aware of it or not during her first kick Gerardo had seen a bit more of her than he was expecting, which was why he had closed his eyes during one of her kicks, and his face had turned red when he had to roll away from her.

"Oh what, don't tell me you're not enjoying the view. I bet you've been dying to see a girl in her panties," Katsuragi said as she once again rushed forward. At this rate, it was becoming obvious to Gerardo that he would lose the fight. If his opponent was wearing a combat outfit instead of a skirt it would make things easier for him, but he didn't seem to be that lucky. So he did the only thing he could do in this scenario, he ran away.

It didn't take long for the two to begin chasing after them. Gerardo then turned a corner and quickly ran into the men's restroom. As he did he heard the two girls run past him. As he did he sighed a bit and relaxed. He had to admit running into the restroom might not have been the best idea, especially since one of them would have gladly taken the chance to run in there after him. But he also essentially trapped himself by doing so, since he'd have to run past the two females to try and escape.

But in the heat of the moment, the men's bathroom seemed like the only men's safe haven she had. Gerardo stayed in the bathroom a bit longer than he was comfortable with admitting just wanting to ensure that the two that were chasing him had truly left. However, this came to an end when he heard a loud ringing sound echoing throughout the school. When he heard this Gerardo's eyes widened and he began to sprint down the halls hoping to make it back to class on time.

When he arrived he looked into the classroom and saw Kiriya reading from a clipboard. When he did Gerardo sighed seeing that he made it in time. "Everyone we have a new student joining us today," Kiriya said as he looked at the students in front of him. When he said this he turned to look at the door and waved his hand gesturing for Gerardo to enter the room. Gerardo tensed up seeing this seems like he had made it just in time. A few seconds later and he most likely wouldn't be here for his own introduction.

When he did Gerardo took a deep breath and walked into the room. And almost immediately tensed up. He saw Asuka and Hibari there which made him feel at ease. The girl he accidentally ran into, and the two girls he had just 'escaped' from. 

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