Chapter 2 ~Tactics

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Chapter 2: Tactics

The air was brisk outside and Quillan's nose scrunched as the wind blew my scent towards him. "Maybe you should stay home today."

I shook my head, clenching my jaw. I knew I smelt like a fertile female whose body was telling her she was ready to carry a pup; it would be tempting to unmated males but Quillan was happily mated to my Aunt Oria so it wasn’t a pleasant scent to him.

Anyway, staying home wasn't an option. My body was flooded with hormones and adrenaline that would leave me writhing on the bed once it started properly. A run would wear off that energy and I trusted my father's Beta and brother, my uncle, to keep me safe from any male that dared come too close.

"I need to run," I replied firmly, smiling as he nodded slowly.

His coal eyes looked me over, pausing at my ribs. They still ached and my skin had turned a lovely black and blue under the sports top I wore. I thought I'd carried myself well, hiding that I was in any pain, but Quillan's eyes were trained to see things like this.

"I won't go easy on you," he warned, as if a challenge would put me off.
Bouncing lightly on the balls of my feet and swinging my arms to get blood flowing, I grinned. "Good."

We took off at a fast jog at first, winding our way into the forest and towards the steeper area. That was where Quillan decided to pick up the pace and I grunted in my attempt to keep up. I could feel him smirking even though I couldn't see his face. He loved to test me, push me, because I was stubborn enough to do anything he asked of me simply to prove I could.

My eyes picked up every snapped branch or track left in the mud, knowing I’d be questioned about it. Another part of this lesson, to make sure I paid attention to my surroundings.

It was hard work as the hill got steeper, mud turning to loose rocks beneath my trainers but it was worth it when we reached the top. The sky was growing darker as heavy grey rainclouds began to form but it didn't detract from the beauty of the view. Scattered houses amongst the trees with fields of brown and green heading out towards the city, passing the village that housed the nearest humans to the pack. I couldn't help but smile, casting my gaze over every inch of a territory that would one day be mine.

Allowing me to stop and catch my breath, Quillan stepped up beside me, eyeing the sky. Rain wouldn't stop us though, and I didn't mind getting a little wet and muddy. It helped me keep cool at least.

“What did you see?”

Shoving my hands in the pockets of my joggy bottoms, I closed my eyes and pictured the trail we’d taken. “Tracks left by last night’s patrol, running the opposite way around. Something small crossed the path not long before us, a rabbit maybe.” I looked up at Quillan to see him nod  before continuing. “And deer are nearby.”

I only got a grunt of approval but that was more than most got. My back straightened in pride, and I went back to studying the Scottish countryside. The sun was still climbing higher in the sky, brightening the world even hidden by clouds as it was. Most of the pups would be getting ready to catch the bus to school by now, I didn’t envy them.

"Fenna will be returning soon," Quillan said out of the blue, breaking my train of thought.

I spun around to face him immediately, wondering why nobody had told me earlier. "What? When?"

"She'll arrive in a day or two," he replied. "We don't get much notice, not until they've reached a town so they can call. Blasted pack need to get a lot least one phone. . .” He shook his head. “She's bringing Orin's sister with her too, Freydis is to learn midwifery from Sam and Oria. A few others will be joining them, I imagine. Freydis has a mate and pup."

I nodded, remembering the name. Fenna spoke a lot of the pack when she visited, and her adoration of her nephew. I couldn't remember his name. A visit from Fenna was just what I needed though and my energy came back quicker than it would have without the news.

"I can't wait." Grinning, I took the lead this time.

I knew the trail like the back of my hand and happily splashed through puddles once the downpour began. Only after a few mistaken steps that left me skidding down the slopes did my ribs really begin to ache. I pressed my hand against the worst spot and my eyes began to water at the pain.
Instead of heading further out, Quillan touched my back and urged towards home. “You need to ice those ribs. I don’t want to see you training until they’ve healed.”

“I’ll be shut in my room for the next few days anyway,” I replied, not bothering to argue.

He chuckled and slowed our pace to a jog, and then a brisk walk when we left the treeline.

“You did well, but you missed one of the pack hunting on our way back.”
Annoyance at myself rose but Quillan patted my shoulder. “You’re injured, Raeghan. I wasn’t pointing it out to make you feel bad.”

“Just to show off? You’re one of the only wolves whose sense of smell is great even in the rain.”

He smirked then gently shoved my shoulder. “Ice pack, ribs, now.”

Clattering into the house, I kicked off my trainers in a splatter of mud and discarded them in the front porch. Soaked through and freezing, I scrambled to scrunch my hair into a bun as I made my way eagerly to the kitchen for a bag of frozen pees.
I was surprised to find the kitchen empty, at least I thought it was until I heard a cupboard clatter shut and spotted little Jamie feet from the ground.

"What are you doing?" I asked, folding my arms and raising an eyebrow.

Bright blue eyes flew to me and I smirked at the expression of a toddler caught with his hand literally in the cookie jar, using the counter to balance on. His nose scrunched and I could see the excuses running through his thoughts, then he smiled sweetly.

"Do you want a cookie, Raerae?"

I snorted at his quick change of tactic. He knew his audience at least. Making my way over, I carefully plucked him from the shelf and lowered him to the ground. Grabbing the biscuit tin, I crouched down and handed him one. "Our secret yes?"

"Yes!" He grinned, snatching it from me before quickly scampering off; probably to go annoy his younger sister.

Taking a cookie for myself, I held it in my mouth to put the tin back in the cupboard. When I shut the door, it revealed my mother standing in the exact same pose Jamie would have seen me in. My cheeks blushed despite the fact I was old enough to no longer need to ask before taking a cookie.

Jamie had already taught me what to do though and with a sweet smile, mouth still crammed full of cookie, I offered the tin to my mother. I grinned as she took one then motioned for me to take the tin away.

"It looks like Quillan wore you out," she noted, looking disapprovingly at the state I was in.

Covered in splatters of mud, I couldn't blame her really. "Not worn out, just got caught in the rain. He told me Fenna's coming back."

"Yes, it'll be a busy house for a while again."

I tipped my head, wondering just how many wolves Fenna was planning on bringing with her. The house was almost full already with eight of us living together. There was only one room spare which meant I had an inkling as to what was going to be asked of me.

"Fenna and Orin will stay with Maya surely. . ." I took another bite of cookie, watching Mum as she went about making herself a cup of coffee.

She looked over, my favourite mug in hand and I nodded. Coffee would liven me up a bit.

"Maya only has two rooms and it wouldn't be fair to ask her to house more. Freydis, her mate, and son will take the spare room here. I need to you put your claws away just for a little while to share with one of the twins coming too, a female about your age. . ." Golden eyes held mine, just daring me to become a territorial pup.

I could share my room for a while, I wasn't that bad. Was I?

"And the other twin?"

She chuckled, adding sugar to her coffee before handing me mine. "We'll squeeze him in somewhere. He might end up crashing on the couch but I doubt he'll mind. They're all used to sleeping outside after all."

I hummed at that. Fenna's new pack was. . . different. You only needed to look at her wild mate to know that. What would these new wolves be like? Just as blunt and unsettling as Orin?

A wave of heat flushed my skin and I leaned against the counter, letting out a slow breath. My heat was catching up with me, but perhaps it was good if it started now. I didn't want to be locked up in my room when Fenna and the others arrived.

A cool glass of water was pressed into my hand and I took deep gulps until it no longer felt like I was burning from the inside out. Mum rubbed my back, golden eyes studying me.

"Will you stay here this time or-?"

"Mum," I grumbled, feeling my cheeks heat in embarrassment.

Last time, I'd somehow ended up spending my time being tended to by Theo who was always happy to help a female in heat. Fenna would scold me if she found out. "Yes. I'll stay in my room."

She hummed, amusement tilting her lips into a smirk. I rolled my eyes and went to refill my glass, ignoring the sound of her chuckle. It was solely my business how I decided to deal with this, and I was happier to hide in my room till it passed than give some male the wrong idea. Especially when this year, I was determined to stake my claim on the pack and have my father name me heir. I didn't need distracted. And I didn't need someone trying to use me to gain their own title as Alpha.

Another wave of warm, and sweat beaded my skin no matter how hard I fanned myself.

"You stink." Ben grimaced from the door, nose scrunching. His blond hair was tousled as it often was after a day spent in the office with my father.

I had to bite my tongue before speaking. "Yes. I'm aware. Thank you. Don't worry, I'm going to my room."

Liam, Ben's mate, gave him a look but I didn’t mind. I was aware Ben just loved to tease me as much as he did any other member of the pack. I’d always thought him an odd choice of third in command, especially when his mate Liam was a huge warrior of a male.

"I'll bring some food up to you," Mum said, pressing her cheek to mine before urging me on my way.

Sticking my tongue out, Ben slid away to let me pass. He grinned, catching a curl to tug in retaliation. I shook my head before begrudgingly taking myself upstairs. At least my room was stocked with DVD boxsets and I could take my laptop out if I got bored.

I shoved open my bedroom window then went into the ensuite to open the one in there and turned the fan on too. Anyone who looked up would be able to see me hastily stripping down but I couldn't care less. The only thing I worried about was my scent being carried on the breeze. But then again, it wouldn't be the first time my father had to beat some sense into males that thought to try and get inside.

With everything ready for a couple days spent in lockdown, I flopped onto my bed and grabbed the remote for the TV, happy to watch whatever was left in the DVD player. In a few hours, I'd be too frustrated to even care if it was something I'd seen a hundred time before. Already I found that my legs had pressed together without me noticing, trying to relieve a burning ache that nothing would sate.

What would I do when I needed to hide away once I'd become Alpha? A mate wasn't on my agenda. It would be too difficult to rule with a male at my side. I sighed heavily, cursing such thoughts. At this rate, I'd be lucky if my father didn't boot me from the pack entirely. Things were getting tense. Every time he questioned my ambitions, it was harder not to challenge him. I wouldn't win.
Groaning, I rolled over to my front, sprawling out in an attempt to cool down. Another reason I hated going into season; I was left alone with my thoughts and my thoughts just loved to torture me. Fenna would have advice. By the time this was over, she'd be here.

The bedroom door creaking open and the smell of food wafting in had me lifting my head. I sat up and wrapped a light blanket around me, smiling as Mum entered. She shut the door behind her and took a seat beside me on the bed. Two plates sat on the tray she held and like a pup, I grinned. She grinned back, sitting cross legged beside me.

Taking one of the plates, my mouth watered at the sight of fluffy chips and a burger overflowing with salad and cheese. It would be the last meal I'd be able to eat without feeling sick and my Mum knew what my favourite was, even if it wasn't the healthiest meal ever.

"Thank you," I said, before taking a huge bite out of the burger.

"You're welcome, my pup." Sitting back against the headboard, she started to eat too.

Despite her favourite show playing on the TV, I could sense her gaze on the side of my face and felt a lecture coming on. Dad had told her what happened last night, I knew that without asking.

Still, she didn't say anything until we were both halfway through our food. Then she cleared her throat and I readied myself for a scolding, but it never came.

"There's a meeting with the council coming up next week, I think you should come with me."

I blinked in surprise, staring at her with my mouth hanging open. She made a disgusted noise and tapped my jaw. My mouth snapped shut so hard my teeth clicked audibly. She'd never once offered to take me with her to watch her work with the council. Like her father before her, she'd taken the country title of Peacekeeper; sorting out disputes between packs, alliances with other creatures that hid from the human world, offering advice and more I probably didn't know about.


"I think it'll be good for you. It'll be a chance for you to meet and network. Relationships with the council need to remain steady."

I hummed, twisting a chip between my fingers. Of course I wanted to go, but I wanted to know what motive my mother and Alpha Female had to make such an offer. She never did anything without reason. Never. Especially not something like this. Council meetings were for high ranked wolves only and until I had a true position in the pack, that meant I wasn’t really supposed to have an invitation.

"Does our Alpha know you're asking me?" I muttered, forcing myself to eat a bit more.

She gave me a sharp look, one that had my head ducking down. She hated when I called him that, but in moments like these it was right. Yes, he was my father, but sometimes he was my Alpha first.

"I don't need permission from your father to ask you. We both have seats on the council. But yes, he knows. And no, he's not happy about it." She chuckled, tipping my chin up. "He won't try and stop you, Raeghan. I know what you think of him, but it's you that's putting the barriers up."

I bit my tongue to stop myself from arguing. He wasn't putting barriers up, but he wasn't exactly backing me up either.


"I want to come," I agreed with a tight smile. It would be a chance to show the Alphas of the country who I was. Which might have been her plan.

She smiled and brushed hair away from my cheek before moving the plates to the bedside table so she could tuck me against her side. I wriggled, trying to sit up. A sharp pinch to my ear made me gasp and I rubbed the stinging spot, shooting Mum a glare.

"Just let me hold my baby for a moment," she said, tightening her arms around me. "Let me have this."

I grumbled a bit even as I nestled closer. Breathing in her scent, I managed to relax and felt myself begin to drift off as her fingers stroked through my hair. A kiss was pressed to the top of my hair and I fell asleep to the sound of her wolf rumbling gently.

The peace didn’t last though. When I woke around lunchtime the next day, my heat had taken a hold and my body burned, every inhale filled with the scent of my hormones.

Thankfully, Mum or someone else had thought to shut my windows.
I fumbled for my remote and flicked the TV back on, praying that I could find distraction in that. It worked for a while, even as the heat pooling between my thighs demanded my attention.

Clenching my fists, I tried to breathe through the way my body cramped and burned. My skin was slick with sweat that plastered my hair to my face and had the bedcovers sticking to me. My teeth ground together and I rolled over again, resisting the urge to slide a hand between my thighs.
It was so tempting to reach across the bed to grab my phone and text Theo, and at that moment I think the only thing stopping me was I knew I'd face shit for it once my heat was over. The teasing from Ben and Liam would be unbearable, and I wouldn't be able to look Fenna in the eye.

"Fuck mother nature," I grit out through my teeth.

I jumped when there was laughter from my door and looked over just in time to see Siannon placing a tub of ice cream and a spoon on the floor. She winked before leaving, yelling as she shut the door, "See you in a few days!"

At least my friend showed she cared even if she had no intention of staying. I was definitely in no mood for company anyway, so I was grateful. Sliding off the bed onto shaky legs, I grabbed the ice cream and clutched it to my chest like a lifeline.

Just two more days.


Soft footsteps padded down the hall stopping outside my door and I wondered if it was Mum or Oria come to check on me. Groggily, I peered out from the blanket with a frown when nobody came in. It was pitch black and my alarm clock announced it was nearing three in the morning, why would anyone be up so late?

I sat up to get a look at the gap between my door and the floor. The hallway light was on and I could see the shadow of someone standing there. My senses were too skewed by exhaustion for me to tell who it was. I held my breath when I heard the distinct sound of someone sniffing the air, blood rushing past my ears. Just as I was about to call out to find out who it was, the shadow moved and the footsteps disappeared downstairs.

Part of me wanted to tiptoe to the door to get a whiff of a scent but I shook my head. I was being paranoid. Someone was just getting up for a glass of water or something, the end of my heat always brought with it a little confusion. With that affirmed in my head, I rolled over and dragged the blanket back over my head.

I couldn’t get back to sleep though, I felt too fidgety and restless. After having managed to sleep through most of my heat, there would be no more escape for now. With a sigh I glanced back at the time. In three hours, the pups would probably be awake.

Kicking the blanket off, I peeled myself from the bed and shuffled my way to my ensuite for a bath. I might as well get up, being stuck in the same four walls was beginning to drive me mad. Hopefully after a wash, hormones wouldn’t lace my scent so strongly.

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