Chapter 22 ~ The Rules

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Chapter 22: The Rules

“You look tired. Did you not sleep well last night?” Jakkon called out, turning to face me with his arms folded across his bare chest. Muscles bulged, his tattoos rippled, and I had to let out a slow breath. Bones ached in memory of the first time Jakkon had shown me what he was made or. If Orin could have me pinned in a mere few minutes, this male was going to eat me alive. Again.

Heading over with Fenna and Orin in tow, I did my best to smile. “I had a late night.”

“I warned Ebbe. . .” .Alpha Jakkon hummed, his eyes trailing over me.
Even just hearing his name had me bristling and the alpha didn’t miss it. A smirk made its way onto his face as he glanced at Fenna and Orin before looking at me once more. “I see.”

Dear gods, I hoped he didn’t. What happened last night didn’t need to make its way like wildfire gossip around the pack. Especially not to Aljana.

Clearing the ring of other wolves, Alpha Jakkon prepared to teach me his first lesson. I stretched as quickly as I could, my eyes following him as he moved around, searching for any sign of weakness as I had the first time we’d fought. But just like last time, there was nothing to find.

“Signy has taken great pride in how much you’ve learned.” Turning to face me, the Alpha shook himself out.

“I’ve taken great pride in learning from her,” I replied.

He grinned. “I wonder if you will say the same of being my student by the time we’re done.”

I chuckled, shifting my footing to dig into the ground beneath me. I could say the same to him, would he come to be proud when our time was up?
The moment Jakkon moved, I was ready. As Signy had taught me, I avoided as many blows as I could, moving only when needed to keep my bearings. The only problem was, Jakkon hit so hard and fast that I was left with little time to do anything more than defend, and there was no warning to what his next move would be. I had to give ground to keep myself from being hurt, my arms taking the brunt of most attacks.
He was taking it easy on me, watching carefully. When I blocked his kick, he pulled up and nodded, giving me time to breathe.

“She’s right, you are fast. And I can feel your wolf now too. What exactly did Ebbe show you last night that had you up so late?” he mused, circling around me.

I wondered if he was trying to hit a sore spot, a sensitive topic that would have me lower my guard or let anger cause me to be rash. To an extent, it worked. My muscles tensed, flashes of just what had occurred last night filling my thoughts, but I shoved them away to focus on here and now. Letting the Alpha wander, I listened to every sound he made, allowing my senses to open up so I could keep track of him even when he was behind me.

A shift of air, and I dropped, grinning as Jakkon lost his balance, his foot missing where my back just was. I kicked out myself, aiming for his knee but he was ready. With that, our fight began again, and this time I couldn’t avoid a few rough blows to my ribs and stomach.

It went on like that for a while. We’d spar for a bit, he’d stop to point out mistakes and then we’d begin again. The crowd watching us took in everything too. Fenna and Orin murmured with their heads close together, probably able to spot my mistakes as well as Jakkon could.
My limbs began to burn with exertion but I enjoyed every second of having the distraction of pain. There was no room to think about last night. Especially when Jakkon started what would be our last fight for the day. This time I threw my all into it, making sure that tomorrow morning, I’d feel the ache of today.

With my wolf close to the surface, I could move quicker and see clearer but Jakkon was still much stronger. It had a small seed of doubt settling into my bones. How could I compete with the raw strength of an Alpha?
Taking a hit to my cheek sent my vision in and out of focus and another swift blow to the gut finished our session. Sprawled out on my back, I wheezed and choked, trying not to panic when my lungs refused to fill with air. Forcing myself to go limp, I ignored the thundering of my heart and slowly, my body began to relax and allow me to gasp in a proper breath.

Alpha Jakkon stood tall, brushing dirt from his arm as he chuckled. “That was much better.”

It didn’t feel like it, but I accepted his hand and he hauled me back to my feet, giving my back a rough slap. I coughed, swaying dangerously. But pride did flicker at how well I’d done. I’d watched Jakkon train other wolves who fell much quicker and definitely didn’t get back up for more. And they probably didn’t enjoy it half as much as I did, even when I failed.

“Let’s see if you’ve learned,” he murmured, looking around the crowd that watched. “Who cares to step into the ring with Raeghan now?”

I could have groaned. Whether I enjoyed it or not, I knew when my body had been brutalised enough for one day. Still, my wolf puffed up at the idea and I found I maybe did have one last round in me. Looking around the pack, I was surprised when a few jostled each other but refused to step forward. Last week, many of them would have gladly taken a chance to have me on my ass. My ego grew a little but a sharp look from Alpha Jakkon wiped the smirk from my lips.

It was clear nobody was going to step forward, so Fenna began to lift her hand with a grin, but before she could step forward, someone else pushed through the crowd.

My chest tightened all over again, like I’d been struck another blow as wolves moved aside with curious looks. Ebbe stepped into the ring and puffed himself up, blue eyes boring into mine. “I will.”

He couldn’t be serious. After all his talk the night before about how he didn’t want to fight, and now he was making a show of walking towards where Alpha Jakkon and I stood. He was letting us all feel what he kept carefully hidden, an electric touch of dominance that had my wolf shifting beneath my skin.

“Are you sure, Ebbe?” Jakkon asked, looking between us both.

“I’m sure. Unless Raeghan feels I’m an unworthy opponent. Maybe she’d rather run.” The bite of his words hit their mark and I had to chew my cheek, pretending it was that sting that had my eyes watering. But I said nothing, because I deserved his spite.
Ebbe was changing the rules of our game yet again.

With so many watching, I couldn’t give anything away. Although, the mere fact Ebbe had volunteered gave away too much if the whispers and shocked expressions were anything to go by. Glancing over at Fenna for help, all she offered me was an amused grin. Even Orin was fighting to keep his expression in that usual mask of nothing. His eyes gave him away though, green and blue both shimmered with amusement.

What was there to find funny anyway? That Ebbe and I were about to have our argument out in the open?

“I thought you didn’t like to fight if you didn’t have to,” I stated, lifting my chin to finally find his gaze.

“Exactly,” he replied, his shoulders straightening as he let out a little more of that power. Blue eyes flashed brightly, a lightening blue that I couldn’t help but find beautiful. Unique. It nearly made me overlook that he was saying he felt this was a fight he had to have. Searching his expression, it wasn’t burning revenge in his gaze, but a need for something else. So I jerked my head in a nod, accepting the challenge.

Alpha Jakkon motioned for our attention. “You both know the rules, I expect you to follow them. If I stay stop, you stop.”

Bowing my head, I took a step back to give Ebbe space.

Determined and focussed, he rolled his neck and smirked at me. I remembered how well he’d defended himself against my rage last night, how I’d ended up on my back with no escape. That brought up memories of what happened after, and of exactly how much I’d enjoyed being beneath this male.

Ebbe's nostrils flared and I knew what he could smell. Hopefully nobody else could.

We watched each other until Jakkon was standing at the crowd, waiting for his signal for us to begin. Nervous energy built up, and I wondered just what Ebbe was hoping to prove right now. Was it worth this? Airing our argument out for all to witness even if we wouldn’t be fighting with words. And what would it mean for the winner. . .

Jakkon whistled and Ebbe darted forward. Moving to the balls of my feet, I met him head on, striking out with a punch that only caught air. He moved like flowing water, choosing speed and grace over brute strength. Making no move to attack, he simply danced and weaved out of the way of everything I threw at him. I growled in frustration. If he wasn’t going to fight back, what was the point? Lips twitching, Ebbe knew very well what he was doing. I tried to keep my emotions in check, fearing he’d use my irritation against me.

Attacking again, he finally began to strike back. Blocking his arm, I swung out with my leg and he grunted as I made contact with his side. Some of his control slipped and I struck again. Maybe I could get him to show the pack he wasn’t the omega he pretended to be. Just as Jakkon did, I struck fast and moved quickly out of the way. Catching my wrist when I punched again, I hissed as he twisted and the joint strained, sensing burning pain shooting up my arm. I fell to my knees, unable to avoid a kick to my hip that sent me sprawling in the mud. I clasped my wrist to my chest, pulse throbbing.

He wasn’t holding back now. That had hurt

Glancing at Jakkon for permission to shift, I immediately stripped when he nodded. I couldn’t tear these clothes or Fenna would demand I make her more. But stripping took time and when I was done, Ebbe was already in fur and barrelling towards me. I changed forms quickly, but not quick enough. A crushing weight bore down on me that no amount of scrambling could free me from. Teeth pinched the flesh around my throat and I growled, instinct taking over. I pushed up, managing to get enough leverage to knock him sideways.

Blood dripped down my shoulder and another growl rumbled out, the pain only urging me on.

Pouncing quickly before Ebbe could right himself, I got him beneath me but I knew he was stronger and could easily shove me off to get back up. But he didn’t. All of a sudden, the fight left him and he shifted back to skin beneath me. For a moment, I thought it was some sort of trick but he didn’t move, staring intently up at me with smug blue eyes.

Fur gave way to skin, injuries burning as muscles stretched and bones shifted. Paws morphed to unsure hands that kept Ebbe’s shoulders pinned down. Both us were slick with sweat and breathing hard, but I knew he had more in him. Yet he still didn’t move. What game was this?

His gaze continued to hold mine, the glow dimming as he drew his power back into him but I didn’t trust him. He’d almost had me. I was exhausted, and certain if he got on top again, which wouldn’t have been hard for him, I’d have to admit defeat.

“What are you doing?” I hissed, loosening my grip of his shoulders. The crowd around is was silent and I almost forgot we had an audience at all. From the tension in the air, they were all as confused as I was.

“I’m proving a point,” Ebbe murmured in reply, and then he tilted his chin up and turned his head away from me to bare his neck. Vulnerable on his back with his belly exposed, the pulse of his neck mine to feel, Ebbe submitted freely to me.

Freezing, I stared at him in disbelief. No wolf who could be my equal, or even my better, had ever submitted without a fight. It was a shock to my system, a bucket of icy water doused over me and draining all anger away.
It was so wrong to me. To give up. To give respect and promised obedience without trying to take it from the other first. How could he stomach it?

The murmur from the watching crowd snapped me back from the torrent of thoughts bombarding me. I quickly pushed away, getting back to my feet just to put space between us. I understood what this whole show had been about now. While the wild part of myself was puffed up and overly pleased with how he’d submitted to me, another part still worried it was all a game, or simply something that he couldn’t promise long term, even though I’d watched his control slip, and then claw it back for me.

I shook my head, hands clenching by my side as I looked over at Alpha Jakkon for guidance. The older male was stroking his chin, his eyes on the Ebbe still on the ground behind me before he made eye contact with me. A curt nod was all the approval I needed. I’d done well, even if Ebbe hadn’t fought to the end as Jakkon taught all his wolves to; which was why I was surprised he never said anything about it.

“Good. You can rest, I have other wolves that need my attention,” he said, motioning for others to step into the ring.

Now I knew my day of training was over, every cut, scratch and bruise began to make itself known to me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, stuck to the spot by the war raging inside me. Then my eyes flew open when Alpha Jakkon patted my arm as he walked past. No smile, but his pride beat against me and I couldn’t help but let it fill me up.

Shifting behind me let me know Ebbe was getting back to his feet and I didn’t know whether to run again, attempt to hide with Fenna and Orin, or face him. Taking another deep breath, I chose the latter but I didn’t get the chance to speak. Ebbe brushed by me without so much as a glance and headed over to mingle with wolves who congratulated him on how well he’d done.

They didn’t care that he’d given up and submitted. All they saw was he’d taken a huge step in interacting this way at all. Maybe he’d see he was wrong, that they did love him like they did every other member of the pack. It was him that kept his distance from them. A lesson I knew Orin himself had struggled with before Fenna.

Despite being pleased to see Ebbe smile, if a little awkwardly, as he spoke with the pack, his cold shoulder had hurt. All that effort to spar with me and he didn’t even want to hear what I had to say. I frowned and turned away, heading for Orin and Fenna while I wondered why Ebbe was ignoring me. Although, maybe I did know. I did have sex with him and then leave him in the cold and wet. If it had been the other way round, I would definitely make him work for forgiveness. One spar wouldn’t fix what was wrong between us.

“That was something to watch,” Fenna drawled, folding her arms as I approached.

“He wouldn’t even look at me.”

“I saw.” She gave me a sympathetic look, brushing wild hair away from my face. “Are you going to try and speak to him?”

I shrugged, daring to look over at him again. Smiling more easily, he laughed at something a female said to him. And it was so not jealousy that curled in my gut at the sight.

“Just remember what I said, you don’t have to pick between being Alpha and having a mate. I think that was what he was trying to show you.”

I’d thought the same thing but if he was still trying to convince me we could work, why pretend I didn’t exist?

Slumping onto the ground to give my body a rest, Orin and Fenna took a place on either side and discussed the wolves Alpha Jakkon was training; who was doing better, who had fixed mistakes and those who needed more time, all things that usually fascinated me. But my eyes were on the bright blue sky, lost in thought as I watched puffy white clouds that drifted lazily across the sky.

I couldn’t help but replay how beautifully Ebbe had moved when we’d sparred. The determination in his expression, the ease and confidence with which he moved in skin, for once. . .

No longer able to help myself, my attention flicked back to him, finding where he stood without thought, drawn to him as always. It suprised me that he'd stayed to watch the others train, sat beside that same damn female who I’d never seen him speak to him before. A sour taste lingered on my tongue. She wasn’t really interested in him, not if it was only his show of strength that had enticed her.

I couldn’t take this anymore. Jumping to my feet startled Fenna who stated up at me with wide eyes. She grabbed my hand before I could march off, using me to pull herself up. Linking her arm through mine, Fenna nudged me gently. “Let’s go get sorted for tea, you’ve had a long day. I’m impressed Orin doesn’t need to give you a piggie back after the beatings you’ve taken today.”

My glare was halfhearted and she grinned before tugging me down the path with Orin. Space was maybe exactly what Ebbe and I both needed now, even if there was a twisting feeling that told me to go after him. I could sense him walking behind us with his new group of friends, and it took all my strength not to look. Orin squeezed my shoulder, keeping me sandwiched between him and Fenna, hidden from Ebbe's sight. They’d both stuck by me all day, and I couldn’t tell them how much I appreciated that. Reaching out, I brushed my fingers against his side in thanks.

This was still that new side of Orin. The comforting big brother figure who’d been ready to tear things apart when he thought I’d been hurt. I’d been confused about what Fenna saw in him that others didn’t, but now I understood. But as much as he cared about me, as Fenna did, I doubted they’d let me hide in their den again tonight. At least I now ate with the high ranked, which meant I didn’t have to stray far from their side for a while. I didn’t even care that I was acting very much the stray puppy but neither seemed to mind.

I could use them to hide behind and wallow in my own self pity. A bitter taste crept into my mouth, and I clenched my jaw against it. No, I wouldn’t pity myself anymore. Jakkon had been proud of me today, even if he hadn’t said so. It was another step on the path I’d made for myself. I’d enjoyed learning from him today despite the injuries it left me with. So why did I feel no excitement?

“Chin up, pup,” Orin quipped, tapping his finger under my chin until my head lifted from its bow. I hadn’t even realised I was walking like I’d been given a scolding, and all because a male had finally caught my attention. Just as my parents always told me one would.

An almighty shove to my side and I almost went flying into Fenna. Orin’s shoulders shook with laughter and I immediately pounced to retaliate but Fenna caught my arm and gave both is us her best severe look.

“I always wanted you two to stop posturing long enough to become friends, don’t make me regret that. Behave.”

Laughter bubbled up despite my mood and my chest felt a little lighter. When we each reached the table to take our food, I became happier still as wolves greeted me with smiles, accepting me into their conversations with ease.

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