Chapter 36 ~ The New Hierarchy

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Chapter 36: The New Hierarchy

“Brenna’s son, really?” Siannon gasped, stirring the huge pot of soup so vigorously, red splattered over the wall.

Hushing her quickly my eyes darted around the kitchen to make sure nobody had heard. “It’s not common knowledge right now. But yes, he confirmed it when he spoke to my father. That’s about all Dad told me about what they spoke about.”

I huffed and shoved another tray of shortbread in the oven, mumbling to myself all the while. “Why would he bother to put me in charge of Braden if he’s not going to share what was said. It’s unfair.”

“I think all this new responsibility is getting to your head and you forget your place, young Padawan,” my friend quipped.

The oven door shut a little harder than I meant it to but Siannon only laughed and started paying attention to her work again.

The council alphas would arrive tomorrow, and because Mum and Dad wanted nearby pack members to attend to make a show of unity, it meant cooking up as much food as possible to keep everyone happy. If the council brought wolves of their own, there would already be tension from posturing to deal with. Food was always a good way to diffuse brawls amongst Wulvers

“So where is Braden? Back downstairs? What will happen to him now?”

“Dad’s let him have the spare room down the hall from Ebbe and I. The door’s locked and someone is always nearby to make sure it stays that way. Though I think he understands that his best bet of getting his life back, and answers to all the questions he’s got, is to remain on our good side. Apart from that, I’m as in the dark about what comes next as you are.”

I quietened when Ruiraidh walked past the door, his gaze meeting mine and scanning the room before he kept going. Siannon tensed too for a moment.

“The entire territory being on complete lockdown is better how?” she muttered, casting a dark look at the roof like she could see Braden through it.

“It’s just until we’re sure he won’t run, and that there won’t be any other nasty surprises popping up.”

That didn’t soften the pinch to her features though. Everyone was walking around like they’d rather be watching Braden being booted out the pack, or executed, than having us taking precaution to keep him here. And safe from other Alpha’s.

Part of me wondered if that was why Dad had so many trusted wolves at the house. Maybe he was more worried about a disgruntled pack member coming in to deal with Braden themselves, than the male escaping. We were taking a risk. It would be easier to just hand the damn male over and allow the council to have satisfaction. If Tàmas wasn’t the very reason Braden was here in the first place. . .

“He won’t stay here, will he? After the council has been dealt with I mean.” Tasting the soup again, she kept her gaze low. She knew she was pushing it with her questions. Unranked in the pack, it was only her friendship with me that made her privy to most of the things she knew about inner pack affairs.

I shrugged, scrunching my nose as I put away the last of the sandwiches for tomorrow. “I don’t know.”

And that was the truth. I’d been told nothing.

“Now Dad’s back on his feet, I’ve been shoved out of place again.”

Siannon stopped stirring to glance at me, her brow furrowed as blue eyes searched my face. I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t even mean it either. Everyone had been on edge and snappy the last few days, perhaps because the growing tension thickening the air was close to reaching a snapping point.

Being stuck in the unknown was fraying my nerves and now I’d been given responsibility suited to being heir of a pack, there was no way in this world, or Tír Na Nóg, that I was giving it up without a fight.

“I don’t like that Braden is here anymore than you do,” I assured my friend, folding my arms. “There’s nothing I’d like more than to line he and Alpha Tàmas up and-“

“And what, Raeghan Ava Lyall?” my mother’s voice rang out from the doorway.

I stilled, eyes closing.

“Nothing, Alpha Female,” I murmured, turning to face her.

One auburn eyebrow raised, she considered me a moment before humming. She fetched a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water, giving Siannon a tight-lipped smiled as she scanned over all the food in approval.

“When the soup is finished, you can head home, Siannon. You’ve done far too much for us today.”

“It’s no trouble, Alpha Female.” Siannon beamed. “I’ll be back tomorrow to heat it up for lunch.”

I watched quietly while Mum thanked her cheek to cheek, and Siannon puffed up under the attention of her Alpha Female. I didn’t want to leave my friend to guard the kitchen by herself, but there were answers I needed, answers I was surely entitled to. So I followed Mum out the kitchen, catching her arm before she disappeared up the stairs.

“I don’t want to hear you speaking like that where anyone can hear ever again, do you understand me, pup?” A growl deepened her tone, power beating out against me. “Especially out in the open where anyone might overhear you.”

Releasing her arm, I scampered back and bowed my head. “Yes, Alpha Female.”

“Braden is our guest now, under our protection. And Tàmas is an Alpha who deserves your respect at the very least.”

“I understand,” I reiterated tersely, huffing out a breath when golden eyes narrowed in warning. “You can’t blame me for being annoyed though. Dad put me in charge of Braden, and I believe I did a good job, but then you both cut me out of sitting in on your conversation with him. Then you change his situation without consulting, or at least informing me about it.”

Sharp eyes took me in, and I could at least be pleased that I’d kept my tone gentle.

With a sigh, Mum leaned against the banister and nodded. “Roarke and I needed to speak to Braden as privately as possible so as not to make him feel overwhelmed. I was there as Alpha Female, and Quillan as Beta.”

And protection. She didn’t need to say that though.

“As for leaving you out of the decision making that came after, you’re right; we should have consulted you. I won’t tell you everything he told us, as it’s his story to tell, but we’ve deemed he would be better suited in the spare room.”

“Under lock and key?”

“For now.”

“So you still believe he could be a threat?”

“We can’t be completely certain until we see how he does with the council. If Tàmas knows him, I’ll spot it. If he doesn’t, it means the story Braden told us could in fact be true, in which case I don’t believe he’s a threat.”

“What do you think he is then?” I asked, feeling ever more out of the loop. What could he have possibly told him that had them changing their minds so quickly after he nearly killed Dad?

She gave me a sad smile and cupped me cheek, her thumb rubbing a soothing circle. “I believe he’s a frightened male, unsure of exactly what he is and his place in the world. I believe it’s our duty to give him the answers he’s been searching for, answers his own mother wouldn’t give him. She fed him half-truths and fairytales that shone our pack, your father in particular, in a bad light.”

I frowned as I considered that 

“It wasn’t a hunger for power that led him to challenge Dad, was it?” I guessed, searching her gaze.

“Like I said, it is not my story to tell.” Turning on her heel, she dismissed me without a word but I chased her up the stairs.

“Mum! What did he say? Just tell me!”

She chuckled as I continued to hound her. “Get back to work, Raeghan.”

“What did you ask him to do with the council? How is he going to help?”

“Gods, you’re more stubborn than your father.”

“Please,” I begged.

“If you don’t leave me alone this minute, I shall find a newspaper to swat your nose with, pup!” The glint in her eyes let me know she was only partially joking. “All will be made clear when you need to know. Now go. Surely Ebbe would be happy to have you follow him around instead.”

Hurt pierced my heart and my mother frowned as my expression fell.

“Follow Ebbe?” I repeated softly, taking another step back. “Is that why you and Dad won’t tell me anything, because I’ve chosen a male? I thought you were on my side. I thought you were going to fight with me.”

As if my words summoned him, the creak of floorboards at the top of the stairs drew our gazes up. Dad stood watching us with wary pale greens that darted between us both. The sight of him only had my ire burning brighter and I straightened up to my full height, chin jutting out defiantly.

I would not be pushed aside.

Recognition flickered in my Alpha’s gaze. Tell-tale prickles of electricity sparked in the air between as I glared up at him.

“I’m not backing down,” I warned with bite to my tone. “Braden is mine to deal with. What happens to him, what ever agreement has been made, and however he’s agreed to help us, should be my responsibility and I will not let you take it from me!”

Mum gripped my wrist before I could stomp up the stairs, a shaking jerk of her head giving me cause to pause before I yanked myself away.

“You don’t have to tell me everything he said, I respect that his story is his to share with those he chooses, but you won’t leave me out of the discussion with the council tomorrow.”

A brown eyebrow arched, and normally I would have stopped at that. The subtle flex of my Alpha’s arm showed off mass of muscle I didn’t possess. When he began to advance, there was a small moment of regret. Injured he may have been, but he didn’t show it with each careful, heavy step he took until he stood before me.

Was that a smirk on my mother’s face as she stepped away to watch. If only I could read her thoughts so I could figure out if she’d orchestrated this entire confrontation.

Standing my ground felt both wrong and more right than any other act I’d done before. The power of an Alpha beat against me, instincts at war with each other. I was used to submitting before our clashes became physical, but today there was adrenaline pumping through my veins, a thrill that kept my feet rooted to the ground and my shoulder pulled back.

“Perhaps I gave you too much responsibility too soon. Suddenly you believe you can make demands of your Alpha pair.” Gruff and gritty, his voice raked over my skin.

It became harder to hold his gaze under the pressure that demanded I bow. Submit.

Clenching my hands by my side, I replied, “I’m done asking. I’m done standing in line. I’m done listening to old wolves laugh at me just because I’m a female who would be Alpha.” Daring to take another step forward, my wolf filled me with strength. “I’m not a female who would be Alpha, m’athair, I’m the female who will be Alpha.”

My voice echoed around the house, but I didn’t care that it meant I was heard by more than just my Alpha pair. I didn’t care that I could sense listening wolves holding their breath.

“Outside. Now.” Stepping off the final stair, my Alpha towered above me. The order held such dominance, my limbs began to obey before I could comprehend it.

Spinning on my heel, I marched for the back garden. Footsteps followed me as I shoved the door open and cast a wary glance at the wooden post hammered into the ground close to the treeline. If punishment was what I was going to get, I’d bare it. Because at least I would no longer have any regrets.

“Look at me,” Dad demanded once he stepped onto the grass.

I did as I was told, lifting my gaze once more. Mum stood closer to the door, her expression neutral and unforgiving. Others watched too from hidden parts of the house, spying out windows, probably eager to see me put in my place.

Instead of demanding I shift so he could drag me to the post, or ban me from the house and the council meeting tomorrow, my Alpha kicked off his boots. I blinked in surprise, frozen as I watched him strip.

“If you want to be Alpha after me, Raeghan, you need to be ready. I won’t hand you the position.” His shirt came off next, baring yellow bruises and fading red scratches over a muscled chest. “Nobody will hand you anything. The laughter won’t stop until you make it stop. The doubts won’t go away until you destroy every one of them.”

My fingers twitched by my side.

The challenge in my father’s eyes only spurred me on. Yanking at my own clothes, I tossed them to the grass and revealed my own old scars, ones I’d gained from training with Signy and Jakkon. He took note of each one of them, breathing deeply so his chest puffed up.

“You’re still hurt,” I said, but I didn’t stop stripping. Didn’t back down.

My Alpha only smirked. “Do you think that matters? Do you believe all wolves fight with honour and would think twice about using an opponent’s injuries to their advantage? You’re not going to win anyway, Raeghan. My pup. This is your final chance to back down and accept your place. You could settle down with Ebbe, live a safe life, maybe you could strive to be the Beta pair eventually-“

“Why do you say things like that? To hurt me?” I snapped, body shuddering as my wolf pushed forth, bloodthirsty and ready.

It seemed he would never see my true worth, would never give me the same chances he would have had I been male instead of female.

Electricity crackled dangerously in the air between us, and I had just enough time to notice Ebbe standing beside my mother, her hand clamped tight around his, before my father shifted into fur. My gaze raked over him, noting every visible scratch, areas where fur was yet to grow back from his wounds.

Allowing the growing energy filling my veins to overflow, skin gave way to fur faster than it ever had. I shook myself out, hackles raised, head held high despite the fact it still meant I was much smaller than my father. But there was a slight flicker of surprise as my father and Alpha took me in. Sleek muscle rolled beneath thick ruddish fur as I circled slowly, taking pride in the changes in myself.

A low growl rumbled from my Alpha’s chest and he too joined in, beginning the dance of tooth and claw. My own sound vibrated out, determination filling it with strength that had nearby wolves taking a step back with bowed heads. My Alpha didn’t give me time to appreciate that victory.

The heavy thud of paws drummed towards me, signalling the start of my challenge. Ears pinned back, I threw myself forward too, tearing through the grass, mud flying up behind me as my claws dug in deep. We met head on and the force of his body hitting mine was a shock to my system, as was the way his teeth immediately clamped down on my ear and tore away flesh and fur. An injury that would heal quickly. A warning shot.

He wasn’t going to hold back. He would beat me down in front of the pack if he had too.

Kicking out with my front paw, I managed to scamper back to catch my bearings. Stinging pain made my ear twitch and blood trickled down my face so I had to tilt my head to stop it dripping into my eye.

Snapping in the prowling wolf’s direction, I caught a flash of sadness in his eyes before it was replaced by steel, and a need to have me submit.

Lowering my head, my back legs propelled me forward and I feigned left at the last second. But he was a seasoned fighter, a warrior who knew all the tricks, and he went after me easily. Swinging my body round in an attempt to roll out of the way, teeth nipped at my side instead of my leg. He had to stumble to avoid a swing of my paw, and as he did, I pounced.

The weight of my body bowled him over but he managed to keep rolling, snapping and clawing at my soft underbelly while I attempted shove his maw away. As soon as we were back on our paws, my tail swishing erratically to try and keep me up, my Alpha attacked again. I had no time to catch my bearings.

 It was a flurry of brutal bites and scratches that blurred the world around me. I couldn’t keep up, and the smell of copper quickly filled my nose, my mouth, matting my fur. But no matter how many times he forced me to the ground, I forced myself back up.

He gave me a small reprieve. Long enough to notice Quillan had Oria tucked into his side beside my mother, and I took a split second to appreciate my aunt watching when I knew she hated bloodshed as much as Ebbe did.

 Shaking my head with a heaving chest and shaking legs, I waited for the world to stop spinning before launching myself in again. Maybe he thought I’d be about to bow out because pale greens widened at my sudden approach. It was enough that for a moment, I had the upper hand.

A heady dose of excitement from the growing number of spectators spurred me on, helping dull thoughts of my growing injuries. I attacked as he had, swift and unforgiving, aiming for the vulnerable soft spots of his body.

For a second, just a second, I thought I was going to win, as my Alpha lowered his front. This was my chance.

Rearing up and twisting to miss a bite, I came down on his shoulders. A smug flash and my Alpha gave me a wolfish grin then struck like a viper. I had to dive down to avoid fangs as his head whipped around and I realised my mistake as soon as my shoulder hit the ground.

Soft green grass tickled my nose, white petalled daises covered in flecks of shining red filling my vision.

The weight of a car was in top of me before I could so much as lift my head. Part of me whispered that I’d done enough and proven my point but Mum was right, I was a stubborn she-wolf. Even as my neck was squeezed by a strong jaw, fangs sinking past fur to prick at skin, I growled and bucked, claws raking up mud in an attempt to get free.

Gods, if I could just get free ...

Gripping me firmly and using his bigger size to keep me pinned, I could feel the tremors that wracked through his body. Signs of exhaustion and pain. Not that the onlookers could see.

My growls became breathier and movements sluggish as I remained pinned. My Alpha’s growls hadn’t weakened at all. They thundered into me and rattled my bones, giving life to the many bruises, bleeding wounds, and aching muscles.

Only when my sounds of indignation quietened because the air felt too thick to breathe, did I admit defeat. A buzzing pain zipped up the back of my neck as I forced myself to lift my chin and angle my belly towards my Alpha.

For a second, his grip tightened around my neck and butterflies filled my belly as I waited with baited breath. He shook his head, not rough enough to break skin but enough that he was certain I would never forget this moment.

Releasing the scruff of my neck, he circled around me once, pale green eyes flicking to the watching members of the pack. Heads bowed low, tipping to one side to bear their necks to the male who’d proved again he was worthy if leading them.

Later, a small seed of satisfaction would fill me despite losing. News of my challenge would spread, they’d talk about how long I stood up against him, how many times I’d gotten back up, how long it took me to submit. I’d probably done Dad a favour as well. Two wins in as many weeks. His place was definitely secure as Alpha.

At this moment though, my thoughts were only on keeping myself conscious.

Heaving breaths rasped past my lips, the metallic taste of blood thick on my tongue. I was aware of every injury as I lay there, watching my father shift to skin and stand at his full height.

“Shift,” he demanded, and I groaned as I was forced to comply.

Every ache doubled as my bones popped and realigned, skin stretching and irritating every wound. I couldn’t move, and I didn’t care to. Twitching in in blood damp grass, the burn of many eyes seared into me.

Let them see what I’d be willing to bear for them.

Crouching beside me, a sad smile tugged at dad’s lips as he stroked my hair, the only part of me that didn’t hurt. “Nothing I have done has ever been to hurt you, only ever to make you stronger. The title of heir would have gained attention that you weren’t ready to face. I’m your father, and your Alpha, my first duty is to keep you safe. I know I’ve not been soft on you. I've pushed you more than I would have pushed a son of my blood because whether I like it or not, the world will be harder on you too.”

I managed to turn my head enough to meet his gaze with a slight frown. His words settled some of the noise in my head, soothing so many of the doubts I’d carried with me since I was a pup. I searched his gaze, wondering if the pain was making me hear things. But no. I’d heard him right. And there wasn’t anger in his expression for continuing to fight for what I wanted. No irritation like I was so used to seeing, and he made no move to drag me to the post to punish me for thinking to challenge him.

 It was pride that gleamed in green eyes, his fingers brushing over my cheek to show me all was forgiven. Did I forgive him though?

When another groan slipped past my lips, he set about checking me over. He seemed unconcerned about most of my injuries but he paused at my torn right ear, chuckling when I growled half-heartedly as the stinging seared over the side of my face.

“It will heal fine, there may be a pale scar at worse. You fought well, pup. Determined and fast, Jakkon and Signy taught you some good tricks.” He rubbed the back of his leg that was bleeding slowly with a smirk. “I’m sure Ebbe will help you inside and when you’re back on your feet, you’ll be filled in on the deal Braden made with us.”

Standing slowly, he glanced towards the house, nodding to himself before he looked back at me. His voice rose, loud enough that all who were around us could hear as well. “You’ll stand by my side tomorrow as my heir.”

The world came slamming to a halt, my body rocking in an attempt to stand but my limbs wouldn’t obey. My tongue wouldn’t move to choke out questions of why now, what did it mean, to give my thanks, maybe even to cry in relief, but all I could do was let the feeling of accomplishment fill me up and take away some of the pain.

Dad left me where I was, and I watched him walk without so much as limping. He whispered something to a stiff Ebbe and my potential mate nodded at whatever was said. Then he took my mother’s hand to lead her into the house and she cast me a grin before closing the door behind her. She’d probably come to congratulate me when I was feeling more alive.

My gaze caught Ebbe’s. Brow furrowed, blue eyes blazed as he stood stiffly, nostrils flaring, probably picking up the scent of blood.

I couldn’t believe he was still there. Normally he left as soon as signs of fighting broke out, especially if I was involved. Seeing he’d made himself stay to the end warmed my heart.

Making his way over, his gaze raked over me with pinched lips. He crouched beside me, leaning down low to brush his cheek to mine and I greedily inhaled his homey sweet scent.

“I’ll help you inside and run you a bath with some herbs that’ll make sure you can walk tomorrow.” There was a teasing edge to his tone but it didn’t his concern.

Swallowing harshly, my words came out slurred. “You don’t have to, Ebbe. I know you hated watching that, and I know you hate cleaning up blood.”

“Don’t argue with me right now,” he said firmly. “I want to do it, I’m doing it.”

Gods, I didn’t even have the energy to argue with him. Biting my lip so I wouldn’t hiss in pain as he slid his arms beneath me, I let my head fall against his shoulder.

“You were magnificent you know. Even if I don’t understand much about the art of a challenge, I know you would have made Jakkon and Signy as proud as you made your family today. I think a few of your pack were worried you might have stood a chance.”

I chuckled huskily. “Your compliments are, as usual, backhanded, my wolf of the wilds.”

But it still filled me with such warmth to hear him say it. I could have done better, I knew that. I’d fallen for more than one of the traps set by my father during our fight, but I would go over every move made so I would never fall for them with any other wolf.

Just as Ebbe started to carry me back to the house, I felt eyes on me. The pack hadn’t been the only ones that had watched. Twitching curtains drew my gaze up to the window of the spare room in time to catch sight of silver eyes and a harsh expression drawn into a frown.


I hoped he watched every second of my challenge, and understood now how to fight, and lose, with honour and respect.

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