Chapter 39 ~ To Break It

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Chapter 39: To Break It

Tomàs didn't waste any time stripping. The air crackled with electricity and before I could blink, the pop of bones met my ears and he shifted to fur. Clothes lay in tatters around him, a piece of white shirt billowing across the grass in the breeze. Sides heaving, thick grey fur stood on end as the Alpha growled at me, prowling back and forth until the crowd moved enough to give us space.

With a shudder, I closed my eyes and let my power flow out through my limbs, triggering my own shift. There was a slight sting as skin stretched and shrank around healing wounds, and my bones snapped jarringly into place, but thoughts of any pain I was in was blurred by determination.

The world was sharper in this form, colours more vibrant and clear so I could make out the flutter of individual leaves on the trees down the hill. But it was Tomàs I was focussed on, the Alpha's scent tinged petrol tanged anger that burned my nose as his eyes glowed an eerie Wulven amber.

Older he may have been, but muscle still bulged as he set his sights on me. I could feel my own strength with each stride I took, muscles rolling beneath sleek fur as I zigzagged towards him with my head lifted up, ear perked, tail held high.

Thoughts became singular, primal, focussed only on the male snapping sharp fangs in my direction, growing tired of waiting. But I was a patient hunter and I had to do this right. I may have been faster, but our strength was on somewhat even ground, if not tipping the scales in his favour, so one wrong step, one lapse of concentration, and I knew any dreams I had of being Alpha would be snatched away. Because losing to Tomàs now would be a near impossible defeat to bounce back from.

The wheels of fate had always been turning to this moment.

Ignoring everyone that watched, the tickling sensation of eyes boring into me spreading heat along my fur, I sounded out my intent. Part roar, part growling challenge, never had I exuded such strength with a breath that rattled the windows and shook The Morrigan's crows from their nests.

It caused Tomás to truly take notice of me, and as soon as he did, I gave him no chance to study how I moved. Brown mud and white daises kicked up behind me as I tore through the grass towards him, lowering my head with my tail straight out behind me. Tomàs decided to hold his ground, front legs widening to plant himself firmly in place.

Lips peeled back, he gave me a wolfish grin, daring me to test brute strength.

Before going to Jakkon and Signy, maybe I would have been cocky enough to try. Since coming back, I'd left my immature ego behind.

Lunging right at the last second, my momentum spun me around as my front claws raked across the ground. Tomàs had no choice but to move to fend off attack, but not before I got a good grip of his hind leg between strong jaws, bone grinding under my teeth before I quickly released and leapt away.

My tongue flicked out to lap at the few drops of copper red that stained my maw, spurring on feral instincts.

Roaring in fury, Tomàs leapt forward, spittle flying from his mouth as he snapped millimetres from my ear, the sound rattling through my skull. I danced out of his way easily, darting around him like we were playing a dangerous game of tag.

Frustration burned in his yellowing eyes but he didn't let up, determined to taste my blood as I had his, taunted by the smell of it in the air.

A wolfish chuckle rumbled forth. My ears twitched towards the mumble of voices in skin that I couldn't understand when my fur was in complete control. What they were saying didn't matter anyway.

Again and again we struck for quick attacks. Tomàs stood his ground, proving my swift nips and jabs would do little to effect him, but he was beginning to tire of constantly having to avoid the brunt of my attacks. Aiming for his soft underbelly, he twisted so I got a mouthful of fur, offering thick hindquarters instead of another chance at his legs or other vulnerable spots.

I didn't move away quickly enough. Rearing up, his weight came crushing down on me and my legs shook with the effort it took not to buckle beneath him. If I crumbled with him on top, I wouldn't be getting back up. In a last attempt to free myself, I dropped my front and pushed with my hind legs so Tomàs' mass toppled over my shoulder, his claws catching the back of my neck as he scrambled for purchase.

We fell apart both out of breath. A snarl of irritation tore from his lips, muzzle crinkled and eyes narrowed as he stomped massive paws. The Alpha had had enough.

He moved suddenly, leaving the safety of quick attacks to put an end to this.

My tail swished to keep balance when he threw himself at me, and this time I met him head on. Rearing up, claws raked across wherever they could, even if fur was too thick to do damage. The sickening sound of fangs and talons slicing through flesh, wet and tearing, filled the air along side heavy pants. No energy for growls now, every ounce of energy was focussed on the fight.

Sharp teeth gripped just below my shoulder and I decided to brace myself against the pain and take a shot for his throat. As soon as he felt my weight shift, Tàmas released me, hind legs pushing him forward and throwing me away while he quickly backtracked.

Panting hard, I rolled my injured shoulder, feeling the muscle twinge in protest. Tomàs grunted, pulling back his lips so I could see my blood coating his teeth.

A small victory.

His side's heaved, betraying that he was beginning to run out of stamina, and while my limbs trembled, protesting at being put through so much abuse too soon, I remained steady on my paws.

For a moment while we analysed each other, instincts pulled back enough to allow me to glance over at where my parents stood. A healthy dose of concern etched their features, but Dad lifted his chin when our eyes met, and he gave me a stiff nod. Approval? Perhaps not. But I'd thrown myself into this fight and I knew he wouldn't see me stumble now.

Ebbe's sweet wildflower scent invaded my senses too and though I couldn't allow myself to turn to see him, I knew he was silently urging me on. I could feel his gaze on me, knowing he would be noting every new injury I came away with.

A seed of doubt sprouted in my thoughts. If I won this, and another Alpha, Joshua perhaps, decided to try and put me in my place, I wasn't sure I could hold up. My gaze flicked to Gordon, who's expression was pinched and eyes a swirling sea of aqua. What if he couldn't forgive me for challenging his grandfather? What if my own pack decided I'd taken things too far?

I shook my head, reminding myself that this was my right. But that moment of distraction cost me.

Tomàs wasn't as tired as he made out. The raging Alpha picked his perfect moment to barrel with the force of a bull into my side, knocking me clean of my paws. I tumbled through the air, the house and faces blurring around me, spinning until I rolled to an abrupt stop by one of the benches. The crack as my back hit wood was enough to knock the air from my lungs, a band pulling so tight around my ribs that I choked and gasped, fur threatening to give to skin as pure panic took over.

Every breath was forced to a stop in my throat and I threw my head back, wriggling where I lay to try and ease the pressure.

Through blurred vision, a mass of grey prowled closer.

Someone called my name, instincts recognising the cry of my mother-wolf who was quickly hushed by my father, his arm wrapped tight around her waist.

There was no getting out of this.

Fiery pain burned up and down my spine, my limbs refusing to move no matter how I screamed in my head. A little air squeezed past the band to fill my lungs; enough that it cleared my vision.

Victory shone in Tomàs' eyes. Each slow, measured step he took bringing him closer to sealing my fate.

I closed my eyes, taking another deep breath. I felt oddly at peace, slipping deeper into the thoughts of my fur where pain was easier to deal with. Nobody could deny I'd fought well and with honour.

The flick of Tomàs tail gave away the moment he was about to pounce...then the huge male came flying towards.

Trapped between him and the wooden bench, there was no chance of escape. Using the last of my strength, my body finally decided to cooperate enough to shift me a few inches away but it proved futile. Teeth clamped around my leg instead of my throat, but Tomàs didn't care. With a brutal yank of his head, he dragged me yelping and scrambling back to the middle of the crowd. With a toss of his head, my body rolled across the soft glass, coming to stop not far from my parents' feet.

Nobody spoke.

Nobody dared to even breathe.

Pain spiked as once more, Tomàs tearing into the wound on my shoulder. A whine sliced out between my clenched teeth as the alpha made a show of a victory he hadn't one yet.

I let him continue toying with me, fighting halfheartedly with a useless kick of my back leg. And Tomàs took the bait. He bit down on my already wounded limb, grinding his jaw so flesh shredded and my whimpers went up in pitch. I was certain the bone had to be broken but it was still nothing compared to the way my back protested when I whipped myself around without warning, pushing up with all my might, thinking of every time this male had looked down at me like so many others to bring back every ounce of strength I possessed.

My fangs sunk into fur first. My opponent let out a startled whine, unable to do anything but release my leg and watch as I launched all my weight at him. The male fell like a ton of bricks, eyes wide and disbelieving when I struck for his throat. He bucked furiously, nearly throwing me clean off until he realised that doing so would tear out his own jugular. Warm blood spilled into my mouth, metallic tang sweetening as another whine, one filled with resignation and surprise, came from the wolf beneath me.

Tomàs, the oldest sitting council Alpha, lifted his chin to offer his throat, twisting as best he could to give me his vulnerable belly as well.


It sent a shock through my system. One that rocked my entire body as if the very earth beneath my paws was shifting and cracking open.

I'd won...

Maybe I'd passed out when I hit the bench and this was all a dream, conjured up because facing the loss would break me. Yet I could taste another's blood and smell the sweat soaking the fur of the beaten wolf who chuffed and shuddered in supplication. This was reality, and the swell of pride that burst forth from deep inside and warmed my limbs had my heart set to explode.

Thunderous growls echoed out between voices shouting around us. There was some sort of commotion to my right; my father's warriors pushing back against the council and their wolves who probably refused to accept such a defeat.

My prey lay still. Only the rapid rise and fall of his chest gave inclination that he was still alive. But his life was mine. I could take it if I wanted to. His life, his titles, his pack, it could all be mine. Wolves of my own, territory of rugged mountains more isolated and freer from the touch of humankind than my father's...

But as the red tint left my vision and my instincts settled to allow rational thought to break through, I found I didn't want any of it. Not from Tomàs. It wasn't why I fought. I'd proved my point and those that weren't here to see would hear tale of what I'd accomplished.

What I'd said earlier was true, I'd fight every Alpha if I had to, and hopefully my actions today would prove I meant it and nobody would wish to test that. Maybe any wolf unsure I could stand as the first Female Alpha in living memory would rethink when they heard of Tomàs' defeat and my father's fears for my future would be eased.

With another growl from deep in my chest that was sure to leave his eardrums ringing, I slowly released him and turned to voice my victory with a triumphant howl. The sound cut through the arguing, echoing through the valley to be picked up by every wolf for miles. My fur stood on end as others joined in, but Ebbe's howl was loudest next to mine, harmonising until it buzzed in the air.

Taking slow steps back to make sure Tomàs had learned his lesson, I realised the old male wasn't getting back up by himself. His eyelids drooped, tongue hanging out as he panted heavily while his blood seeped into the grass, staining my father's territory. The taste of it lingered on my tongue and overwhelmed me but I savoured every drop.

I paced back and forth as I fought to regain control from my fur, snapping my jaws at the wolves whose scents were sour with unhappiness, and disapproval. When none made a move, I closed my eyes and shifted back to skin. Thankfully, I was still high enough on victory that I barely noticed the pain of new wounds as my body slowly morphed with snapping bones and fresh spilled blood.

Planting my feet in the cool grass, I lifted myself up slowly, my vision still sharpened by instincts as I looked around the now silent crowd.

"Does any other wish to challenge me this day?" I roared, blood pounding through my veins as the last of my fur settled into skin.

Nobody stepped forth. Heads quickly bowed with eyes darting away when my gaze found those whom I thought would accept my offer, the wolves who may be desperate to put a female back where they thought her place was; definitely not stood above the body of a broken male fallen from his pedestal.

"The pack is yours," Gordon declared, bearing his neck to me.

A shock went right through my system.

He submitted to me as one would to their Alpha. Only the second wolf after Ebbe to ever do so. No fight, no challenge, and while he didn't look happy, he appeared resigned. I looked around the rest of them, spotting the proud faces of my family, though Mum and Dad watched the wolves on the other side with watchful eyes and tense muscles in preparation for an attack should any find this outcome unsatisfactory.

Taking a deep breath hurt, an aching pain circling my ribs as I forced out, "I don't want your pack, Gordon."

Gods, I could scream from the pain my back was in as I turned my attention to Joshua and Zale, reiterating my claim. "I'm not here to upset the balance of the council. These lands I stand on, this territory, is all I wish to claim when my Alpha passes the mantle onto me, or I win it in challenge. My fight with Tomàs was only between us and I've proven all I need to in winning." Meeting Aqua eyes again, I bowed my head. "You are Tomàs' chosen heir, Gordon, so the pack is yours. If you want it. Another true ally and friend in the Northern islands would be a great tie to have when I take my place."

His eyes widened, mouth falling open before he quickly recovered. Chest puffed out, he stretched to his full height and nodded once, barely glancing at his grandfather. It must have been hard to stand and watch another beat his kin, but of course this wasn't an offer he could pass up.

"I accept, my pack will gladly call yours our ally...if there are no challenges to my claim?" He looked almost disappointed when nobody stepped forward, but of course the new Alpha wanted a chance to prove his worth. Maybe some wolf back at his pack would indulge.

Uncle Everett grinned, swinging his arm over Gordon's shoulder as if they were the best if friends and not near strangers. "Fresh blood, that's what the council needs."

"You watch your mouth, Everett," Mum grumbled. "You are not Alpha of the Eastern Pack yet. Now, if we are all done here, I suggest someone take Tomàs to a healer."

All it took was a flick of Gordon's wrist for the wolves who had come with Tomàs to step forward and pick up their former Alpha. I could only stand and watch, counting each breath to focus on staying upright. Instincts still raged inside and my gut told me this wasn't over, which set me on the defensive.

Joshua still stood separate from everyone, brown eyes narrowed as he watched proceedings. Three wolves stood at his back, warriors with equally wary expressions. He didn't speak out, he was outnumbered after all, but his aura was one of sudden distrust as his gaze raked over the length of me.

When grey blue eyes met mine, a tight smile stretched his lips, deepening the lines around his mouth. "You are recognised as your father's heir. Congratulations."

All I could do was nod and pray my legs wouldn't suddenly give out from beneath me.

"Come, Raeghan," Dad summoned me gruffly, holding out a hand while his gaze was locked on the other alpha.

Stumbling the few steps it took to reach my parents, I resisted the urge to let the darkness close in. Sharp agony encompassed my entire back, radiating out to my hips and leaving my legs wobbling like Bambie on ice.

"You need to go to Sam," Dad stated in a hushed tone, ushering me into the fold of our wolves who circled quickly around me, a shield to outside eyes.

I shook my head, making my vision swarm with dancing black dots. "No. I need to stay. If I fall now-"

Dad growled close to my face, pale green eyes sharp and glowing as he gripped my shoulders firmly in his hands. "You're going to Sam. Your mother and I can finish talks with the council, it looks like we'll need to draft a new treaty with Gordon."

I cringed a little, mumbling an apology for throwing yet more work on my father's plate. He was right though. I had nothing left in me for more talks and growling males.

My shoulders slumped in defeat. Only the gods knew what damage I was causing myself by pushing on now. And the tickling sensation of blood dripping slowly but steadily down my leg was enough to tell me I was in bad shape.

Maybe I could afford to stop now. Tomàs lost. For all to see. This was my victory and no wolf of honour would challenge me after I'd already given them the chance to.

Thank fuck for some traditions.

"Okay. I'll go." But trying to take a step caused an agony unlike anything I'd ever felt before to burn up my spine like acid melting bone. I swayed on my feet, only held steady by Dad, but then the world was tipping as strong arms lifted me up to cradle me against a warm chest. Ebbe. Blurry and watery from a nearly swollen shut eye, his expression was grim as he looked down at me.

"I'll take her," he said, blue eyes darting around those I was sure he deemed too close to me when I was barely conscious. His chest vibrated against my cheek, the only reason I knew he was growling because sound was drowned out by a high pitched drone in my ears that slowly faded to be replaced with crackling static.

Dad nodded, brow creased in concern. His voice was muffled but whatever he said must have been serious because suddenly Oria pushed past him with car keys in hand. I chuckled, more like giggled as adrenaline wore off and aching bones made me giddy. "Wild wolves can't drive, Auntie."

Ebbe glanced down at me with an eyebrow raised but I barely noticed as another voice spoke up, setting my teeth on edge.

"I can drive. As long as she's aware enough to tell me where to go."

Braden. As if the pain wasn't enough to deal with.

"Oh goody."

Ebbe chuckled, his nose brushing over my jaw. "If I gave you those herbs for again, do you think you would try to ravish him as well?"

Oh. He would pay for such cheek when I found the ability to move.

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