Chapter 5 ~ Thunder

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Chapter 5: Thunder

The sky lit up in a flash of electric blue, quickly followed by the rumble of thunder that shook the windows. Crackling from the fire place, and a gust of wind moaned as it blew over the chimney. A break in the lightening brought rain pouring violently down.

Clutching the warm mug, I took a sip of hot chocolate. I couldn't sleep. Even with three females all curled up next to me on the bed, the storm raging outside stopped me from finding any rest. Part of me maybe believed if I forced myself to watch the storm, I'd stop jumping at every flash and rumble.

A gentle rap on the living room door and I knew who it was before my dad came in. "I thought I'd find you here."
I was only a little embarrassed as I looked over at him. He had his own steaming mug of hot chocolate in his hands and he sat down on the couch across from the fire so he could see me.

"There's no room for me in my bed," I tried to excuse.

Pale green eyes held mine, lips twitching until I couldn't fight my own laugh. Tucking my feet under the blanket I'd brought with me to the window seat, I sighed. "It's really loud tonight."

Concern softened Dad's features and he patted the couch. "Come here, my pup."

"Grown females don't cuddle into their dad because they're afraid of a storm." Even if I was more than tempted to do just that, and have him sing until I fell asleep like he used to.

"I don't remember hearing this rule," he rebuffed, patting the same spot again.

I stood with an eye roll but it was hard not to give myself away with a smile. Falling onto the soft cushions, I nestled into his side and closed my eyes. I felt like a pup again, but I didn't care. This was more than I'd gotten from my Alpha in so long without us fighting. Maybe that's why he stayed quiet, watching the fire as he finished his drink. Maybe he was as afraid as I was that we'd ruin this with stupid words.

"Thank you for letting mum take me with her when she goes to council," I murmured.

"You're welcome, my pup. Try and get some sleep, the storm will pass soon.”


I woke to cold feet being pressed against my leg, followed by a high pitched giggle when I grabbed at the pup trying to snuggle in beside me on the couch. Cuddling Maebh, I smiled as she finally settled.

"You fell asleep on the couch," she whispered as if it was something I could get in trouble for.

"Three monsters stole my bed," I replied, tickling her stomach.

She screeched and wriggled, the top of her head jarring my chin and making my teeth click together. I redoubled my efforts, sitting up with a grin. Maebh kicked out but I managed to avoid her foot, a gentle rumble of my wolf reminding her to be careful. The grin fell from her face, her gaze locked onto something behind me before she quickly wriggled free and bolted out the room.

I chuckled in amusement and turned to see Ebbe with Orin standing close behind. He was staring at me so intensely that when Orin placed a hand on his shoulder, his whole body jolted as if he’d forgotten where he was.

"We're here for breakfast, but nobody is in the kitchen," Orin said.

Kicking myself free of the blanket, I stood up and righted my jammies. "They're probably in the dining room now there's so many of us."

He nodded and began to head down the hall, only to frown when Ebbe made no move to follow. I lifted my chin a little, holding this gaze, but there was no challenge in his eyes.

"Ebbe," Orin snapped, jerking his head towards the door.

He took a step back then turned to follow. I heard them being greeted in the dining room before I could make myself move, unable to help but breathe in deeply as I passed where Ebbe had stood. I caught myself at the door, my jaw clenching in annoyance when my skin flushed at the scent. It seemed mother nature hadn't quite released me yet.

Running up the stairs, I ignored the mess my friends had left my room in and quickly tugged on a pair of joggers and a tank top for training with Weylin. By the time I'd tamed my hair into a ponytail, I worried there would be nothing left of breakfast now we had so many guests. I pelted my way down the stairs, only just managing to slow down before running head first into the dining room door. Giving myself a shake to regain my composure, I pushed my way inside.

Conversation carried on as I glanced around for a spare seat. Orin was sat in my chair, Bjarke and Freydis taking the seats across. Begrudgingly, I took the chair beside Gisli despite my wolf urging me to make her move down one.

Thankfully, there was food left and I filled my plate with cold bacon and egg, toast, and poured what was left of the orange juice. My mother smiled down the table at me and I returned it, feeling a little better than I had last night.

"Why did you sleep downstairs?" Ebbe asked, drawing my attention to him.

I shifted on my chair, eyes darting to the others around the table but everyone was listening intently to whatever Beta Bjarke was saying.

"There wasn't enough room for me. I thought my friends and your sister would be comfier and have more room if I crashed on the couch," I answered before taking a much-needed bite of food.

Ebbe's eyes narrowed, his expression annoyed and his words snapped, "Why are you lying?"

I nearly choked on my food in surprise and that drew the attention of my family. Mum looked concerned as I fumbled for my drink to dislodge what was stuck in my throat. Fenna raised an eyebrow and I couldn't help but glare slightly in Ebbe's direction.

"I'm not lying," I mumbled.

Gisli spoke in a sudden flurry of words I didn't understand, her chin tilted almost defiantly. Ebbe's lips quirked up and he shook his head, replying in the same gruff and harsh language. My teeth began to grind together as I looked between them in frustration. It almost sounded like this shy little female was daring to scold her brother. At least he only found it amusing.

Left out of whatever conversation the twins were having now, despite the sharp glance from Orin that I think warned them to speak English, I forced down the rest of my food then jumped up.

"Heading to train with Weylin?" Mum called out before I could leave.

I nodded, already bobbing on the spot. Training with Weylin kept me sane and helped keep my fur under control, I needed that release of energy today. "I'll be back by lunch."

“Make sure you are.”

Tilting my head to bare my neck, I promised that I would. Before I could head to the door, another voice asked, "Can I come?"

I could have closed my eyes and growled as Ebbe stood from the table. Especially when I realised he was directing this question at my parents and his Beta pair rather than me.
A nod from Dad, and Bjarke stood, motioning for us both to step out. I frowned in confusion but headed for the kitchen to fill a water bottle. I could hear the low murmur of voices and strained to hear what was being said.

"You just watch. Understand?"

A grunt I guessed was in the affirmative.

"I mean it Ebbe. They don't fight like we do at home. Only watch."

My nails clicked on the bottle I held as I drummed my fingers, trying to dissect the meaning of that. Straightening up as the huge Beta stepped into the kitchen, I offered him a tight lipped smile. Ebbe followed behind him, his lips pinched together as he frowned at the ground.

I filled another bottle up for him even though he wouldn't be taking part. It would be a hot day today.

"If you need me-"

"I'm not a pup," Ebbe grumbled, cutting off his Beta who let out a low growl.

"We should get going, Weylin doesn't accept tardiness," I said quickly, still smiling as if that would ease the tension. Handing Ebbe a bottle, I grabbed his arm and turned him around to follow me. "I'll keep an eye on him."

Beta Bjarke chuckled, watching me tow Ebbe down the hall. He mumbled something but I couldn't make out what.

As soon as we got outside, Ebbe tugged himself harshly from my grip and lifted himself up. Blue eyes lightened and I could taste something wild in his scent as his shoulders straightened. I had no time to fight with him because he was in a bad mood.

"Keep up." Throwing myself into a jog, I let him decide whether or not to follow. After a few seconds, footfalls sounded in tandem with mine. At least he wasn’t running away from me this time. I hoped.

He stayed slightly behind me and my skin tingled with awareness of him. I spent our silence still pulling apart what I'd seen between him and his guardian. They could have a break from each other but that left me in charge and I didn't believe for a second that Ebbe would do a thing I said. He kept me chasing his trail for hours yesterday.

Letting out a harsh breath, I focussed on my breathing as I followed the path to the hall. Used mostly for training, it sometimes doubled as a place for the pack to gather. Even the humans that lived in the nearby village rented it from us for Ceilidh's, birthday parties and fundraisers. Of course, they just assumed we were human too. How narrow the world must look through their eyes.

Ebbe caught up to run beside me as the hall came into view, avoiding puddles left from last night's storm. Weylin and his son Ruiraidh were standing outside with a few other wolves, probably sorting out a rota for today's patrols. They all looked our way when they heard our approach, and a few wolves tensed as they breathed in the scent of the stranger beside me. Even Theo folded his arms across his chest, chin tilting up with a small glimpse of teeth.

"This is Ebbe. He came with Fenna, he wants to watch," I introduced, stepping aside to let them greet each other.

To my surprise yet again, Ebbe kept his head down and eyes on the ground with absolutely no attempt to see if any of these new wolves were less dominant than him. I'd expected growling and posturing. Not this. I frowned at him, because from what I could sense about him as a Wulver, there were few here stronger than him. I began to wonder if when Bjarke had told him only to watch, he meant more than just the training.

"It's nice to meet you, Ebbe. I'm Weylin, I train our warriors. And this is my son Ruiraidh, he overlooks our patrols."

Finally lifting his head again, blue eyes swept quickly over Weylin's face before settling ever so carefully just over his shoulder. I didn't miss a single thing, not the way he stiffened slightly, not the way he seemed to struggle to keep his gaze respectful. And not the slight lift of his lip to reveal a fang that I knew was a warning to me.

"It's alright if I watch?" he asked.

Weylin nodded and started ushering the group of wolves into the hall. "Of course."

I gave him a smile but he didn't look my way, following Weylin in as the others all introduced themselves too. They deemed him no threat. Squeezing Ruiraidh's arm, I mumbled a hello before heading inside too.
An arm came around my shoulder and tugged me against a hard chest. Theo's heather scent filled my senses and I laughed as I shoved him away but he only pulled me in again. "I missed you, Raerae. You've been missing for the last week."

"I was preoccupied," I replied, finally managing to wiggle free of his grip.

He hummed, glancing over at Ebbe who was being showed to a seat by Weylin. I growled and smacked Theo's chest. "Not with him, you arse."

"Of course not." Grinning, he jerked his head in the direction of the blue mats. "Need some help stretching?"

I shook my head at him but followed anyway. He didn't ask why I didn't call him like last time so I could spend my heat with him instead of alone, and I was glad of that.

Heading to the furthest mat like that would help lessen the knowledge that Ebbe was watching, I began my stretches. Weylin was walking around the room directing wolves but I'd already guessed that Theo would be my partner today as he often was. He had goals to climb the hierarchy, and Weylin was grooming him to take his place now that Ruiraidh had left the warriors to lead the scouts.

"Is he really just going to sit and watch?" Theo asked from next to me, and I lifted my head to see he was watching Ebbe.

I shrugged and made sure my ponytail was still in place. "He was told by his Beta that's as much as he's allowed to do. Watch."

Theo looked as confused by that as I was. Normally when we had guests staying with us, they were eager to show the pack warriors what they could do. From around the country, even the continent, they came here to learn from Weylin and even my father.

"Are you ready?" I asked, needing the distraction of a good fight.

Theo grinned and nodded, his stance widening. I copied his position, trying not to lose focus when I felt eyes watching me again. Before I could focus too much on that, Theo lunged forward and I had to spin out of his way. I was grinning too as adrenaline filled my veins and my eyesight sharpened with the help of my wolf.
We parried for a while, trading blows that barely hurt as we warmed up. It wasn’t until I got a good kick to Theo’s ribs that we really threw ourselves into it. He was slower than I was, but he was stronger.

I struggled under Theo's weight that no amount of bucking and writhing could dislodge. He chuckled above me, tightening his grip of my wrists that he pinned by my head. I brought my knee up, trying to give myself leverage as I growled in irritation. Theo sighed playfully and waited for me to decide to give in. Then another loud growl came from across the room and had both of us forgetting our fight.

My head whipped round just in time to see Ebbe shift to his fur. The metallic taste of anger was in the air and I frowned in confusion. What had I missed? What happened that had Ebbe so quickly losing control?
Weylin came away from the two wolves he'd been watching over, muttering for them to stay still and quiet.

Ebbe stalked towards me and Theo, his tail high, hackles raised, finally revealing that he was definitely more than a submissive wolf. It wasn't me Wulven eyes were locked on, I noted, but the male still pinning me down.

"Don't!" I cried out when it looked like Ebbe was going to pounce. Wriggling, I whispered to Theo, "Get off me. Slowly."

My friend blinked as if only just realising he was even still on top of me. Brown eyes flicked over to the still growling wolf then back to me. Something flickered in their depths and I swore Theo smirked before releasing my wrists. He swung his leg over to set me free, slowly just like I'd said. Hands in clear view of Ebbe, he got back to his feet. While he didn't submit to Ebbe, he kept his gaze low and non-threatening.

"Stay back, Theo," Weylin ordered as he walked towards me.

Rolling over, I got to my knees only to freeze when Weylin held a hand up to me. I stilled again, my breath catching in my throat at the look in my teacher's eyes. Maybe this was a more serious situation than I'd thought. Though I'd come to the conclusion that Ebbe simply struggled with the sight of wolves training. That had to be why he'd been told not to partake. It made sense, he’d been brought up in the wild. Most fights there probably weren't done for fun. . .more like survival.

Ebbe hadn't moved since Theo had gotten up but his ears were still pinned back, sharp fangs glinting under the light. He spun around as the doors to the hall burst open and Orin and Bjarke came running in with my father hot on their heels. I blinked in surprise as they immediately took control, circling around Ebbe so he couldn’t get past any of them.

"Go home, Raeghan," Dad ordered, nodding at Theo. "Make sure she gets there."

I scoffed, opening my mouth to argue that maybe I could help but he cast me a dark look and my mouth snapped shut. He was my Alpha, and I wouldn't disobey him. Theo went to help me stand but Ebbe snapped his jaws the moment his fingers touched my arm.

"Don't touch her," Weylin said, moving around the room with me as I headed for the door, eyes holding the glowing blues that followed my every move.

Pushing open the door, Theo stepped aside to let me out first. I gasped in a lungful of fresh air once I was outside, slumping against the wall. My hands were trembling as adrenaline wore off now there was no heavy scent of anger to spark of wilder instincts.
Theo watched me with his arms across his chest but he didn't rush me to head home. My eyes flew open as sudden bouts of snarling echoed from inside. I startled forward and it was then Theo pushed against my back to get me walking.

"What was all that about?" he asked, and I could hear that even he had to have been a slightly afraid of what we'd witnessed.

"I think he's like Quillan," I answered carefully.

Understanding dawned on him and he nodded, shoving his hands in the pockets of his trackie bottoms. "Poor pup."

My nose scrunched a little. Ebbe didn't look any younger than me but I didn't bother trying to defend him. My heart was still hammering in my chest, stomach twisting with butterflies. He had a lot of explaining to do.

I wasn't too surprised when I spotted Mum hurrying down the path, her pinched features relaxing when she saw me. Fenna was with her but I didn't get a chance to say anything before Mum was cupping my face in her hands and looking me over for some sort of injury that wasn't there. I didn't push her away because I could feel how unsettled she was.

Somehow, they all knew something had gone wrong. Why else would they have all shown up like they were expecting a fight?

"Did you start something Theo?" Fenna asked, only a slight hint of teasing in her tone.

He puffed himself up and shook his head. "Of course not. Raeghan and I were sparring, we didn't see what set him off."

"Thank you for walking with her," Mum said with a tight smile. "We'll get her home. You should go and see if they need any help."

Help, I wondered, looking over my shoulder towards the hall that was now hidden by trees. What exactly was happening?

Theo squeezed my shoulder then winked at Fenna and a small flicker of jealousy bloomed. I knew they'd slept together, Hel, he'd probably slept with a bigger percentage of the pack than he'd admit to even himself, but I'd never cared.

"It was nice to see you again, Fenna. You should both come down to the pub for a drink soon, bring your mate Orin." He smiled sweetly at my mother and bowed his head a little. "You should come too, Alpha Female."

Mum's laugh was almost a giggle and I rolled my eyes. Was there anyone he didn't flirt with?

"You're trouble, Theo” she replied. " But I'm sure I'll see you at the pub the next time Flidais convinces her sister, Oria and I to join her for drinks."

He bowed his head before leaving, and I was guided back to the house between the two females like I couldn’t walk myself.

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