Chapter 13 ~ Choices

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This book has been doing so incredibly well, I've no idea why it's blown up so much but thank you!
My goal is to have it ranking in werewolf so please please share this book with friends and other wattpad users. Let's see how well we can get it to do for Freydis!!

Chapter 13: Choices

The safety of being hidden away in the den and I could finally breathe easily again. I could hear the commotion outside and the strong voice of Alpha Jakkon rang through the air.

Bjarke set my still trembling form on the bench and grasped both of my hands. "I'm going to get a few things to clean up the cuts. Do not leave this den, do you hear me?"

I nodded quickly. There was no way in Hel I was leaving this place when outside Dirk was surely stirring up the pack against me. I eyed the door. That wouldn't hold anyone back.

"Nobody will come in. They wouldn't dare. I am Beta here and they will all listen to me. You're safe, I promise you. I'll keep you safe," he vowed, squeezing my hands tight.

I clutched at him as he began to stand, fearing being left alone no matter what he said. He gave me a sympathetic look as he peeled my finger from him then left. But I'd seen the look in Dirk's eyes as he held is terrified mate. He blamed me. Maybe I blamed myself a little as well. I should never have left her alone. The second I caught the scent, I should have turned and dragged her back to the pack. It was no wonder he was suspicious, though it broke my heart to think Katrin had doubted me too.

Was I beginning to care for the wolves here? Why else would I be so terrified they were going to make me leave? I didn't want to leave. Valdis had shown me twice now he had no care for my life. He'd quite literally thrown me to the wolves.

When the door swung open again and Bjarke reappeared, I stood up. Desperation filled me and he frowned in concern.

"I don't want to leave!" I cried out, trying to stop my hands from shaking. "Don't let them make me leave."

He dropped what he was carrying and pulled me into his chest, wrapping strong arms around me. One hand gently stroked my hair and his voice was soft and soothing. "Nobody is going to make you leave. Katrin is out there right now telling everyone how you saved her life."

I melted into him, inhaling his scent. The scent of the male that had carried me for miles, made sure I ate, helped clean my wounds, offered to share his home, and fought his own packmates to teach them a lesson about me. I looked up at him, eyes scanning over his features and getting lost in those warm browns before falling to his lips.

Without really knowing what I was doing, my hand flew up to grip his hair and tug his head down. My lips crashed a little uncertainly against his and the Beta's whole body stiffened as he inhaled sharply. Then his arms loosened, hands falling to my hips and his lips started to move against mine. I did my best to copy what he did, pressing myself closer to the heat of him.

His hand squeezed my hips, keeping my body pressed flush against his. With no idea what I was doing, and feeling him start pull away, I stumbled out of his arms. My back hit the wall and I turned my head away. I should have known he'd pull away. What the fuck was I thinking?

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, closing my eyes as shame washed over me.

He shook his head, taking a few steps back too until he was on the other side of the hut. I was humiliated. Of course this male didn't want me. How could he? I wasn't beautiful or strong like the females in the pack. I was weak, scrawny, feral.

"You've had a tumultuous day and you're reacting to it. I don't want to do something now you might wake up and regret doing later," he answered gruffly.

My eyes flew back to him, lips parting in shock. I repeated his words a few times in my head, making sure I'd heard him right.

"You'd have me?" I asked hesitantly.

His lips quirked into a smirk as his eyebrow flew up like my question was stupid. Pushing away from the wall, he stalked towards me and his hands pressed against either side of my head. He caged me in and a small flicker of fear made itself known but I kept my eyes on his. I trusted this male with my life.

His head dipped until his nose brushed against my neck. "Do you think I let just any female sleep in my bed and share my food?"

I scoffed, shifting on my feet. "You were charged with my care. You weren't given much of a choice."

"I could have made you a separate bed. I could have left you to eat last," he rebuffed. "The day I took you for a run outside the camp, when we went to the pools, I did it knowing that that my Alpha wouldn't be happy. But I knew you needed it."

He lifted his head and I kissed him again, unable to help myself. He groaned, kissing me back as his hands fell back to my hips. There wasn't much for him to hold, skin and bone, surely he'd want someone. . .softer. But I didn't care right now, even if a little voice told me this could only be temporary.

A nip to my lip and I gasped, my back arching. An ache had formed between my thighs and I pressed them together in an attempt to relieve it. Hands wandered around to my rear squeezing before lifting me up. My legs wound around his waist and a sound of delight left me when his length pressed against my core and sent bursts of pleasure through me. I'd never felt anything quite like that before.

Testing this newfound feeling, I rocked my hips to rub against him. He growled and nipped my lip, pressing me more firmly against the wall. We were both breathing hard and I whimpered when he suddenly ceased all movement.

"I don't want to hurt you," he said, his voice rough. His skin smelt of desire and instincts urged me to lean in and taste. His whole body shuddered as my tongue flicked out over the pulse point on his throat, followed by the nip of teeth.

"Freydis," he breathed, tangling his fingers in my hair to pull my head back. I grinned, unsure exactly why. Perhaps because I recognised this part of males taking females, that need for them to be in control. There was a warning in his eyes as he continued, "If you don't stop, I won't be able to control myself,"

"Then don't control yourself. I can take a little pain, Beta," I replied, squirming as my neck strained. He was hurting me, his tight grip of my hair stung, but I didn't care. For once, the pain didn't frighten me, it only added to my craving to have him.

He frowned, which hadn't been the reaction I'd expected. Releasing my hair, he stepped away from the wall, leaving me fumbling to find my feet. I couldn't and ended up slumping to the ground, chest tightening at the force of my ass hitting the ground.

I sat dumbfounded and staring as the Beta paced before me, chest heaving. The shimmer of magic in the air told me his wolf was fighting him for control. He moved to the window, shoving it open to breathe in fresh air. Air that didn't smell like me. I bit my bottom lip to stop it from trembling, refusing to cry again.

Minutes stretched on until I was certain we wouldn't start up what we'd stopped. My cheeks burned with embarrassment again. Shuffling over to the fire, I lit it like he taught me then hugged my knees to my chest. Rejection should have been a feeling I was used to. I felt his eyes on me after he'd calmed down and his skin was no longer scented with hormones.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, his steps coming towards me but whatever he was going to say next was cut off by a knock on the door.

He didn't go to answer straight away, instead he hovered behind me and my neck prickled as if his fingers were reaching out to touch. I closed my eyes and held my breath, but the sensation stopped. The door creaked as it opened, the Beta having decided to answer, and a gust of air had the fire flickering violently.

"She needs to come out."

I knew that voice. The Alpha had come for me. Hugging my knees tighter, my stomach twisted until I was sure I was going to be sick. A growl from the Beta and I turned to look. I couldn't see the Alpha, Bjarke was blocking him from me. He gripped the door so hard his knuckles were white and now he smelled like fury.

"I won't let you kick her out. She had nothing to do with those wolves attacking," he stated firmly.

A hand clasped his shoulder and I briefly glimpsed the Alpha's face. "Whether she leaves or not is now up to her. It's time she chose. Those dogs have managed to lose our trackers for now. They'll come back and we'll be ready but the pack and I need her to choose a side too."

"Did she not do that when she fought for Katrin?" Bjarke snapped back, skin shimmering as his wolf rose to defend the female in his care. His actions made heart flutter.

"Exactly," the Alpha said, staying completely calm. "That is why I'm offering her a choice. If she decides to leave, we will let her, but if she decides to stay, she must stay as pack."

I watched something flicker in my keeper's expression, realisation maybe. All anger left the tense lines of his body and there was almost a smile to his lips. I grew frustrated with not understanding what I was witnessing.

Bjarke turned to me and held out his hand, opening the door wider so I could see the Alpha standing there. He didn't seem as happy as his Beta did about whatever he'd decided.

"Come, Freydis," Bjarke commanded when I remained sitting.

My eyes caught the way the Alpha flinched at my name. It niggled at my thoughts. There was something that screamed at me, telling me I should have known why. Something Katrin had told me before all chaos had erupted. It was on the tip of my tongue. . .

"Freydis." The Beta's voice was harsher now and I found myself jumping to my feet immediately.

I trusted him, I reminded myself again as I took his hand. The Alpha was looking between us, nostrils flaring as he took in the scent of the hut. I thought I saw a flicker of anger as he looked at his Beta but a shake of his head and it disappeared. He turned around and headed in the direction of the heart of the camp.

"What's happening," I whispered, forcing myself to keep up.

"Nothing bad."

Huffing at his vague answer, I trudged along nervously. I wished I'd had the chance to pull on clothes because night was coming and bringing the cold with it.

I stopped short when we reached the circular area free of huts and dens where the pack gathered. They were all standing there now too. Dread filled me and I glanced desperately up at Bjarke but he kept going, even when I started to drag my feet.

The alpha stopped in front of the river with his mate by his side. She smiled brightly at me but I was too nervous to return it. Bjarke stopped in front of the Alpha pair and kept his hands on my shoulder so I couldn't think of running. The crowd quietened and I could barely keep myself still as I awaited my fate.

"You've been with us for a while now, my mate has given you a name, you're learning our ways, and now you've fought to protect one of us," the Alpha began, his voice loud enough to reach the wolves that stood further away.

I twisted around to scan the crowd and only saw a few disgruntled faces. Dirk looked less angry but there was still a flicker of distrust. I was relieved to see Katrin safe and well, especially when she offered me a small smile and a wink. She must have come to the conclusion Valdis had been lying. Good.

The Alpha coughed for my attention and I spun back around, shifting self-consciously on my feet. Bjarke stepped so his front brushed against my back, blocking the feeling of being stared at.

"You've proven we can trust you and that you mean no harm so if you wish it, I will allow you to leave."

The Alpha Female glared at the side of his face, her lips parting as if to argue but a look from her mate kept her silent. My own heart rate had spiked and Bjarke gently squeezed my shoulder, fingers brushing down my back as if softening hackles.

The Alpha motioned to his pack, his eyes boring into mine. "Or you can accept a place here with us where you'll be cared for and protected. If you choose to stay, you'll accept me as your Alpha, and Signy as your Alpha Female. You'll need to contribute to the pack. Every one here has accepted the decision to offer you this, there'll be no more hostility from any of them. If there is, I will deal with them. This pack could be your home, your family. So, will you choose to leave, or will you accept my offer and stay?"

I blinked, shock rocking me on my feet with only Bjarke keeping me steady. That's why he'd been smiling. Did that mean he wanted me to stay? I was being offered a place to call home, a place to belong.

Straightening up, I reminded this Alpha I was still my own wolf for now. I didn't need to submit to him.

"Will you tell me what's being kept from me?" The question tumbled from my lips without thought but I was glad I'd asked because their reactions alone gave me some answers.

Bjarke stiffened behind me and I knew now I was definitely right. There were secrets that somehow pertained to me even though I wasn't sure why. I was sure that Jakkon was about to deny there was anything being hidden from but his mate stepped forward and gripped my arm.

"When you're ready, you'll know. Please stay, Freydis," she whispered, making her mate's jaw clench. An Alpha Female shouldn't beg but she at least kept quiet enough that I was sure the rest of the pack couldn't hear her.

I couldn't say no to that look in her eyes, the way she clung onto me as if my leaving would make her crumble. My gaze moved from her to the Alpha. They still weren't in agreement about something, there was a lingering tension between them.

What would deciding to stay really mean? Would I be free of my keeper? Would I need to find my own place to sleep? If all that happened, would the Beta's infatuation with me disappear without our proximity?

But these weren't reasons to decide to leave. Food, shelter, family. . .

"I'll stay," I stated, almost laughing at the look of relief that passed over the Alpha Female's face. Had I grown on her as they were slowly growing on me.

My answer was echoed throughout the pack and something changed in the air. Magic had the hair on my arms standing on end. I backed up when Sol appeared out of the shadows. Only Bjarke's grip of my shoulders kept me in place but fear had me stiff and struggling to hold back a whine. The ancient male moved slowly, leaning on his staff that I knew he could use like a weapon. In his other hand was a sharp looking knife with a handle made of bone.

Every inhale brought that scent of magic to me and I began to doubt myself. Jakkon grabbed the wrist of my left hand before I could change my mind, firmly but gently, flashing fang when I began to resist.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," he assured me with a rare smile.

I didn't quite believe him.

When Sol finally reached us, his gaze raked over every inch me. He passed the dagger to his Alpha. I began to struggle again until one of Bjarke's hands drifted from my shoulder to my neck. The sound of his wolf vibrated up my back and it comforted me just enough that I could breathe again. I relaxed and stopped fighting.

"I, Alpha Jakkon, offer you a place in my pack. I swear to protect you, hunt with you, guide you, and when there is a need, to discipline you." He smirked when I bristled but I forgot all about what he'd said when he sliced the blade across the palm of his hand and blood beaded on his skin.

There was a pounding rhythm filling the air now. Wolves stomped their feet, a flurry of Wulven noises accompanying it. It was hypnotising. The magic of the pack wound around me until everything felt slightly hazy, like a dream. I swayed on my feet, a strong hand steading my hip.

The blade glinted in the light of the fire as Alpha Jakkon lifted it above his head. He gave me a look, and I tentatively unfurled my hand to offer him my palm. Heart beating fast, I watched the blade lower to my skin. It hurt less than I thought it would as he dragged it across my palm, a slight sting that turned to an almost burning sensation. My blood dropped to mingle with Jakkon's in the grass by our feet.

Before I knew what was happening next, the Alpha grabbed my hand in his. Our blood mingled and I gasped as some force tugged at my soul, linking me to the energy of the pack. My knees buckled, the world dimming with the overwhelming sensation of being tied to others. It was the Alpha Female who caught me in her arms and brought me into her arms after Alpha Jakkon released me.

The world faded back into focus and I clutched my still bleeding hand to my chest.

"You're one of us now," she whispered in my hair, stroking comfortingly up and down my back as I came to terms with what had happened.

Silence fell but it wasn't over yet. The Beta held his hand out too, puffing himself up to stand strong and tall. I frowned in confusion. He was already pack. The Alpha bowed his head as if he knew what my keeper intended and I could feel the Alpha Female smile as he turned towards me.

It was his right hand he cut though and I was called forward, his voice soft and melodic as my name fell from his lips. As if he held a power all of his own over me, I left the safety of the Alpha Female's arms and held out my right hand. He made the same cut but this one was barely felt. Grasping my hand, he squeezed a little too tight.

"I promise before all of the pack to protect you, Freydis. I will continue to be your guardian, to feed you and cloth you, to offer you shelter. If you'll accept me as such," he vowed. "Even if you take a mate one day, I will be here."

There was a deeper meaning to this that I didn't quite understand I was sure. I twisted when I heard sniffling only to see Alpha Female Signy looking up at the sky. But I still saw the glimmer of tears. Lost to the magic of the pack, my gaze went to the Alpha and Sol next. Signy's mate was watching his Beta closely, Sol had never once looked away from me.

Eyes catching the warm brown of Bjarke's again, my voice came out shaky and a little uncertain. "I accept you, Bjarke."

The crowd erupted into a symphony of sound that gave me a fright. They howled to the sky, banging drums, shrill whistles piercing through it all. Bjarke was the first to greet me as pack, pressing his cheek to mine, teeth nipping my jaw. I felt like I was passed around like a doll after that and I was barely given time to come to terms with the decision I'd just made. Bjarke didn't leave my side, brushing his fingers against my back or arm whenever I got restless with all these wolves around me.

Katrin and Dirk were the last to see me. The female held me tight, squishing her bump against me as she whispered her thanks and welcomed me to the pack. Before she pulled a way, her voice dropped even lower. "Forget what I told you in the woods. Please."

I froze, the conversation flooding back, and I barely heard the apology Dirk gave me. His cheek brushed briefly against mine but he stepped back quickly, eyes on the Beta that stood sentry behind me. The pair left but I didn't move, staring blankly into the dark.

"What did she say to you?" The Beta asked, turning me to face him.

Forcing a smile, I made sure to hold his gaze as I answered, "She just welcomed me to the pack and thanked me for defending her."

I wasn't sure if he believed me. The lie tasted sour on my tongue. Looking around to avoid his gaze, the pack were guiding sleepy pups to bed while the others sat around the fire, some still playing instruments as that female I'd seen before danced again. Bjarke began to guide me towards them but whatever magic had been used to link me to the pack had drained me of energy.

"Do I have to stay?" I whispered, tugging on his hand.

The Beta turned to me, eyes taking me in before he shook his head. "No. The pack have familiarised themselves with your scent. Are you tired?"

At my nod, he chuckled and swept me up into his arms as he seemed to love to do. I had questions I wanted to ask this male who'd pledged himself to me before all the pack, but as soon as I rested my head against him, I was already falling asleep. I woke up briefly when he lay me on the furs, and this time he joined me as he buried me deep under the furs.


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