Chapter 15 - Shock and Awe

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Serena P.O.V

I have been waiting in St Yvetal hospital for what seems like hours and there is still no word on Ash my stomach, is ripping itself apart from the nerves I can't stop thinking about the last time I saw Ash and it shouldn't take this long. Oh god I hope that Ash is ok oh please Arceus keep my Ash safe why do I keep calling him that? The Hospital doors and I see Saj and his bro run in and they instantly begin to comfort me "Its ok Serena Ash will be ok and who ever done this will pay you have our word" the hospital doors opened again and my friends and Nami. I felt a bit better knowing that I was supported by my friends

"Excuse me miss are you a friend of Ash Ketchum?" asked a nurse joy "Yes, Yes we are all friends of Ash is he ok?" the nurse then replied "Miss please come with me and I will tell you in private" I followed and went with the nurse to a more private area so that she could speak to me and I could feel my heart pounding with each step I take and I could feel tears starting to form in the corner of my eyes and I was trying my best to hold it together

Then we stopped and my heart was beating really fast and I was on the brink of crying, "Ash is stable at the minute but he has a lot scaring on his face and chest areas which are worrying but not life threating" I was relieved "but there is some bad news as well" the water works then started and I couldn't stop them "He as fractured his jaw, ribs, skull, and may have a few broken bones" I thanked the nurse and asked if I could see him and she agreed and lead me to him we went to Ash's room and within minutes we were outside Ash's room, I gathered the courage to open the door and walk in to see him lying on the hospital bed covered in bandages and his chest and arms my heart sank "Hey Ash it's me Serena"

I then found it hard to breathe as my lungs were burning with every breath my chest ached. I tried to steady my breathing but it didn't work and it made my chest and lungs burn more I tried screaming for help but the only thing that answered was the steady beep of the heart rate machine.

The next thing I know I was on my knees gagging for air and my chest and lungs were screaming for air then my world went deaf and blind and the darkness consumed me and I lay motionless and silent the last thing I heard before the darkness swallowed me was someone trying to say my name.

Ash P.O.V

I woke up and I was groggy and disoriented I didn't know where I was and panic started to gnaw at me then I heard an angelic voice calling my name, the voice was so sweet and caring that it instantly calmed me down I recognised the voice belonged to Serena why did she instantly calm me? Then everything went silent it was like a dead silence I heard what sounded like someone struggling to breath. This made the panic return to me as I know something was wrong then I heard something hit the ground. My panic instantly multiplied I jumped up to go over to Serna "Serna Serena wake up come on" I started walking to the door then pain hit me and I collapsed to the ground in agony "SOMEONE HELP I NEED HELP PLEASE ANYONE?" within seconds the door to my room burst open and two nurses rushed in and one tended to Serena will the other help him back to my bed I went to say something but I was in too much pain to speak "Easy Ash calm down your friend will be ok" the nurse soothed me and I started to came down please be okay Serena please I thought. The two nurses then lifted Serena out of the room to tend to her. I knew this would happen he warned me this would happen why did I tell her, because of me she collapsed I'm so stupid he is right I'm pathetic and I deserve what he done to me as he is right. I then felt something hot flowing down my face and I realised I was crying and I couldn't stop as I am so lone so scared so depressed.

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