Chapter 22

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Just a warning this will contain blood, torture and violence

The darkness never seemed to end, just floating around in nothing anywhere he looked. It would be pitch black no sound could be heard till he'd look to the right thinking he heard something. his eyes scan the darkness searching  for  any movement "". Where was that coming from the empty black like space wasn't helping him locate the sound. "A...s...h", the voice was getting closer the boys eyes dart around frantically searching  the shadows.

Till he thinks he spots a figure moving towards him seeing it's mouth move but all he heard was "wake him up now!", before the figure could show itself a brute white like light flashes in front of him he heard screaming and voices begging someone to stop?. That's when the pain erupted forcing the young male to wake with a jolt realising the screaming was coming from him his eyes adjust to the room as he try's to move but hears rattles, trying to feel for the ground never finding it as pain erupted again causing his throat to dry his muscles tense as it was shocked.

"That will do", calls out a low rough like voice, ash's eyes widen as he felt his body shake and a cold sweat take over he'd look up seeing an electric type jolteon with a collar around its neck and some sort of blinking light on it. "So he decided to awaken from his nap?, my dear Ashton you get me so annoyed...I'm sorry for hurting you I just...I just love you so much it hurts  me", Ash's eyes met those of his father those same chocolate brown eyes as his always reminding him of the monster he was made from. His eyes looks round the room to try get a bearing on where he was all he saw was exposed bricks along with chains and mounts on the wall, the stench of blood soaked the room and a sense of misery within it dried brown stains under each pair of chains from previous hosts they accommodated. Circling back to those disgusting eyes of the man he wishes wasn't his father, who was looking to him with compassion but his eyes only show hate for him he was wearing his white grey suit only the jacket was off leaving the shirt underneath and trousers.

"Now Ashton I'll apologise for my previous outburst if you simply say sorry for killing the love of my life it's a very reasonable ask no?, saying sorry and being free?". He'd try to reason with him only for ash to look to him with venom in his eyes "I didn't kill her some other guy-" a slap echos across the barren walls "I don't want excuses! Say sorry for killing her!". Only for ash to try say the same thing again resulting in a much harder slap. "Wake them up!", as a high pitched s whistle  was heard as a false wall opens revealing two figures tied to chairs and tape over their mouths, ash instantly recognised them and began to try get free "no leave them alone!, you bastard leave them alone!",  his father laughs as he walks over to them as muffled screams were heard "wakey wakey red and the lovely serena someone wants to say hello" the chains clinging to ash rattle  around the room his begging heard.

As his father walks to a table in the corner wheeling it into view as an assortment of tools seen as he'd admire them "Ashton this can be done the easy way or the hard way it's your choice", as the man picks up a knife as it glints in the light "now apologise!" As he'd slam the knife into reds thigh who's body tensed up and a muffled scream of pain was heard. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I killed her!It's my fault! Please leave them alone!, I didn't mean for her to die I didn't think that guy would kill her!". A low growl emits from his father "still blaming others!, for your own actions?". He'd smirk "I'll help you see the truth". As he'd grab a second knife and walks towards serena as he's grab her chin "such a beautiful girl Ashton you've good taste like me, just a shake she'll be disfigured" as he'd slam the knife into her Shoulder as  she'd cry in pain trying to get away "you see son! Tell the truth and they live! Now this is your last chance!, apologise!".

Ash's eyes were filled with tears as he breaks down trying to get free to comfort and save them seeing the pain they were in, "I'm sorry!, I killed her....I killed my own mother for trying to do the right thing...I should have listened then maybe she'll still be alive". As he'd sob reliving her last moments alive. As clapping was heard "yes! Thank you Ashton was that so hard!, oh i feel so much better now knowing it's your fault, was that so difficult?". 

A sigh escapes him "shame you'd not said it earlier as they'd still be alive", as he'd grab a gun and knife smirking to ash who couldn't take his eyes of the male begging him not to as he's approach red who was quivering in pain crying as well as he'd look to ash trying to comfort him. As their father forced reds head back as the knife glints in the  light "you'd have saved your brother", as he drags the blade along reds throat who's eyes would widen trying to cry out but all that's heard is a choked gargle as blood seeps from his throat spilling down  his top he'd look to ash as his vision faded and smiles softly under the tape, as his eyes dull and soon he'd be slumped forward. As he walks to Serena "all this death is because of you, first your mother then brother and now". As he raised the gun to the side of her head making her look to ash "no please!...leave them alone!" As the trigger was pulled and her eyes went lifeless as her head slumped  to the side his father smirks "now your lover are dead all because of you".

His screams filled the room as three digits were pressed to his temple either side of his head as the purple Pokémon was doing as his master asked his Laughs heard as he saw how ash was screaming more tears flooding his cheeks as he's forced to see all he loved die in front of him as the real red and serena were bound  to chairs as they were forced to listen to his tormented cry's no matter how much they try comfort him saying it's all fake and to wake up it never worked as he'd only scream more in pain his mind and soul breaking. Until it went quiet as he slumped forward in the chains the purple Pokémon backed off looking to its master "it appears he's passed out from the pain". As his father only laughs "good this in what he gets"

The darkness never seemed to end, just floating around in nothing anywhere he looked. It would be pitch black no sound could be heard till he'd look to the right thinking he heard something. his eyes scan the darkness searching  for  any movement "". Where was that coming from the empty black like space wasn't helping him locate the sound. "A...s...h", the voice was getting closer as the boy's eyes darted around frantically searching  the shadows. His mind foggy as he wonders why he was here again, what was going on?. Hearing the voice again he's look up seeing a figure emerge out of the shadows and a soft hand cups his cheek followed by tears "what's he doing to you my poor boy, I'm sorry he's hurting you pumpkin I wish I could stop him but I know that wasn't my destiny".

Ash could only look on in sadness as he looks to those soft eyes of his mother who was more worried for her son her voice so soft and sweet  as she spoke "pumpkin don't blame yourself ok?, I knew  the risks as your mother  I vowed to protect you till the end even in my death that was my destiny, I may be gone in the real world but I'm always in your heart". As he felt warmth by his chest "and watching over you as I see the man I know you can be, the others need you son they need a hero to guide them through the darkness and into the light". As he saw another figure only it was a yellow golden glow "Delilah it's time". Coos a soft voice to which her softly eyes look to her son "this is goodbye baby boy bit I'll always watch over  you be the man I know you are and wake up, ash wake up!".

He'd jolt awake again seeing red and serena alive and his father taunting them his back towards ash, he felt a weird surge through his body like the time before as he began to struggle against the chains his mothers word ring in his mind as a surge of power comes forth and the chains snap off as he stumbled to the ground his brown eyes now gray and his hands warm "leave them alone!", as he ran towards his father the purple Pokémon goes to attack only for it to miss him, as ash was by the purple Pokémon one minute the next his fist connected with his father jaw and sends the man to the floor, without thinking he rushes to red and serena to help them his hand warm more as he grabs the bindings that held them in the chair for them to snap before he touched them?.

Hearing something behind him he grabs them both and rushes towards a door as he'd bash it open as the same type of guys as before rush towards them in a hallway. Ash felt that same warmth in his hands and raised his hand as a blue like energy fired out of them forcing the men to the ground or walls with the impact. And soon ash would crash through a window pane as he saw freedom and within moments he and the other two were in the darkness of night and running through the dense thick forest.

AN - I'm so sorry it toke so long to update the book I've decided to keep working on it and I'll try my best to continue making it an enjoyable read

Much thanks to all those who have read the book and supported its growth


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