Chapter 3 - looking after Ash

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(Red P.O.V)

I set Ash down carefully  on the sofa to make him more comfortable "Red I'm fine you don't have to baby sit me" said Ash whilst gritting his teeth he must still be in pain but is not trying to show it.

 " Ash I'm watching you until mom comes home then I will tell mom what happened in school" said "so you rest up" 

" Ok Red but you don't have to look after me I'm meant to look after you as I'm older" replied Ash.Red then left the room to let Charmander out his Poké ball.

 Back in the living room Ash was getting up to get Pikachu's Pokéball Ash started to walk over to the counter to get his pokéball as

 he reached for it the pain returned in his ribs causing him to fall  to the ground in agony 

seconds later Red rushed in to help Ash up " your still weak Ash you need to rest" said a worried Red. then the front door opened and in came their father home way to early. their father walks over to the boys and asks" Ash are you okay Red tell me what happened"

  their father picks up Ash causing him to grit his teeth "sorry son don't worry i got you". Red then tells their father what happened. after Red tells their dad Red then leaves the room to check on Charmander.

now it is Ash and their father......

Present Day - a 6 months later

Red's P.O.V

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! i wake up slightly groggy and shut off the alarm that woke me up i stretch and get out of bed and i look across to see Ash still dead to the world i better wake him up before mom shouts. i walk over to his bed and shake him for several minutes which no results 

i see pickachu at the foot of his bed and a idea comes to me i go over to the yellow and black ball of fur and say "Hi pickachu can you help me get Ash up"

 "Chaa" is the response so i presume thats a yes  "ALRIGHT PICKACHU USE A WEAK THUNDER SHOCK TO WAKE UP ASH" before pickachu can Ash replies

 " I'm up I'm up call of the attack pickachu Red go on downstairs while i get ready" said ash 

"Okay bro see you down here and pickachu come on" the both leave the room.

Ash P.O.V

after they left i got up and stretched and walked over to the wardrobe and got out my blue jacket with white stripes going downwards with a hood

 that i added and then a grab my red and white hat along with my black t shirt and black and red finger less gloves and navy baggy trousers with my red and black  and white striped shoes i make my way to the bathroom to have a shower and get ready.

 once im out of the shower i look into the mirror at the side and im disgusted by what i see and those words ring in my head

 "YOU ARE  DISGRACE YOUR NOTHING TO ME YOUR WORTHLESS BOY" I quickly get dressed and put up my hood and put my cap on over it 

as i walk down the stairs i see happiness,my mom making pancakes which smell like heaven Red sitting at the table with his Charmander and my Pickachu

everyone seems happy but me  why did that have to happen if it didn't happen i would still be happy and normal we wouldn't  have  moved to Kalos

Mom sees me and snaps me out of my trance "good morning honey how are you, i made your favourite pancakes"  mum always knows how to cheer me up "Thanks mum your the best" i reply I gorge the pancakes within seconds as does Red.

mum then says "come on get to school you two are going to be late on your first day move it boys" me and Red grab our bags and head out the door and walk to Kalos high 

As we arrive at the school it is bigger than our old school and has more kids in it me and Red,head to the office to get our timetable as we walk their

I notice a group of people but a honey blonde girl stands out to me she has eyes as blue as the ocean that you could get lost in and was wearing a pink hat with black tie around it and a black t-shirt tucked into a red skirt with black tights and black boots 

we walk past them and into the school looking for the office we receive our time tables and head to find our first class

To be continued...

Hi guys i just want to say thank you to those of you who  have read this i hope you are enjoying it and i would like to thank Fernadez2013 and Cutecrepper61 for the support and a thanks to all of you who voted i hope you guys will like the rest of the book :)

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