15. Returning Home

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15. Returning Home

As soon as the sun was rising, the riders were back on their dragons and sailing across the sea to their friend's home. Of course along the way, there were a few complaints from the crew that were starting to get on Moana's nerves.

"Are we there yet?" The twins asked in unison with a bored tone.

"I'm so hungry!" Snotlout yelled. "And my butt is sore from sitting in this saddle for so long!

"Then you shouldn't have came along!" Astrid scolded.

"I came because I do not want to see Moana tossed into some volcano to please some crazy god!"

"Yeah right!" Maui retorted. "You just want to keep her from getting with-"

"If either of you three do not shut up, I will have my dragon shock you till you are numb and can barely talk!" Moana snapped. "Next person who complains will really get it!"

"Moana please just calm down." Hiccup said flying down towards the boat, I get you're cranky, just ignore them."

"You know we can tie your ship to your dragons or one of ours and make the trip a bit faster." Fishlegs suggested and sent a glare at the twins and Snotlout. "You've been on long trips before, so quit your complaining!"

"It'd take us an hour or so to reach it Fishface, not a week!" Snotlout sneered. Hookfang snorted and bucked himself, causing Snotlout to give out a girlish shriek and hold onto the saddle handles for dear life. "Not funny! Cut it out before I give you up for adoption!"

"Oh by the way, keep your dragons away from the animals, especially Pua." Moana warned. "I don't need my village coming up to me with complaints that a quarter of their livestock is missing. And make sure none of them set the huts on fire either."

"We'll make sure of that, right guys?" Astrid said, sending the twins and Snotlout a glare.

"Hey are we gonna get to meet that rooster of yours? I brought Chicklet so she could make friends since her mom is too busy with her new brood!" Tuffnut asked and held up the basket he had with him that was making loud clucking noises.

"Uh...sure?" Moana replied and Maui laughed.

"Oh look! Montonui is straight ahead!" The demigod cried out happily.

Moana scampered to the front of the boat and squinted to see the familiar sight of her home.She grinned and turned to the other riders.

"Alright everyone! My island is just up ahead, so everyone on their best behavior now. Especially the dragons." The young chief instructed them. "Make sure they don't scare everyone, nobody has ever seen dragons before around here so we don't want them to think all dragons are bad."

"And when we reach the island, you might be feeling a bit overheated so you'll want to remove your furs and roll up your pants." Maui added. "If anyone offers you some clothes that's more suitable for warmer climates, accept them and put them on."

"So do you think her parents going to be thrilled about meeting us?" Eret asked Hiccup as they were getting close.

"Let's hope so." The young chief replied.


"Moana's back! She's back! And Maui too!" The group heard several villagers yell as they ran to the beach. They heard a loud squeal and watched as Moana braced herself as a large white and brown boar charged out of the bushes and made its way to her.

"Hey she wasn't kissing about the size of it!" Astrid exclaimed as the creature knocked Moana down and licked her face happily.

"Hey Drumstick! Miss us?" Maui said to the skinniest chicken they had ever seen that had walked onto the beach and started pecking at the sand near Maui's feet.

"Pua get off!" Moana laughed as the boar backed away to let her get up. Kai and Tide hissed at the boar but didn't dare to edge away from the sea. Several of the villagers had already seen them and the riders with their dragons and whispering nervously to each other.

"Moana!" Moana sat up to see her parents rushing over to her. She scrambled to her feet and flung herself right into her parent's arms.

"Mom! Dad! Oh my gosh I've missed you!" She cried as she hugged them tightly.

"Thank the gods you are alright!" Her mother cried as they released her.

Kai and Tide screeched to get their rider's attention as if to say 'Hey you forgot us!' Moana chuckled and walked back to her dragon and waved to the other riders to come close.

"Mom, dad, village of Montonui, I'd like you to meet the people who gave me and Maui shelter. My friends of the isle of Berk, meet my whole village." Moana said gesturing to each group.

"Which one is the leader?" Tui whispered to his daughter and Moana waved to Hiccup to come forward with Toothless.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, chief of the isle of Berk and the dragon master." Moana said as Hiccup came close. "And that is Toothless, the alpha of the dragons." Toothless gave Moana's parents a gummy smile as Hiccup gave them an awkward wave.

"Thank you for keeping my daughter and her companion safe." Sina said with a nod. "We are grateful for the help you and your tribe had given my daughter."

"And we are grateful for you returning her safely home." Tui added and turned to the village. "Now, let us celebrate the return of our chief and welcome her friends properly!"

A/N: Sorry guys I had to unpublish this and add in the rest of the chapter since it was mentioned that it was missing the rest of the story

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