4. Making Friends

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4. Making Friends

"...and it turns out that the lava monster was Te Fiti, the goddess who's heart we were suppose to return! The ocean parted for Moana and let her walk right up to it and press the heart to her chest and she turned from fire and rock to the goddess who brought life to this earth!" Maui said clapping Moana on the shoulder. "Without this kid, the human race would have been doomed!"

"So you saved the world all by yourself?" Fishlegs asked her. "That must have been so cool meeting all those legends, especially the goddess of life herself!"

"I couldn't have done it without the help of Maui, the ocean and my grandmother." Moana said, feeling slightly embarrassed by all the attention.

"Change into something!" The twins yelled at Maui.

"Uh like what?" Maui asked.

"Turn into....a yak!" Tuffnut decided.

"No a boar!" Ruffnut yelled.

"You mean one of those hairy animals right?"


"Alright, I'll do my best." Maui moved away from the table with his hook and took a deep breath. "Boar form!"

There was a flash of light and sitting on the floor was what looked like a much larger version of Pua, Moana's pet pig, with big tusks and Maui's hair.

"That's not a boar! That's a pig!" Snotlout laughed.

"Aren't boars male pigs?" Maui asked cocking his head in confusion. "Because this is what a boar looks like to me."

"Our boars are much bigger and black." Astrid explained and Maui changed back into his human form.

"Alright let me try to do the yak for the guy with the dreadlocks." Maui said rubbing his hands together.

"HE KNOWS I'M A GUY! HE KNOWS I AM THE GUY!" Tuffnut shrieked excitedly.

"No one can tell them apart?" Moana asked Hiccup.

"Apparently not everyone who knew them for twenty years can tell them apart, Ruffnut is often mistaken as Tuffnut and Tuffnut is often mistaken as Ruffnut." Hiccup explained. "You'd really have to try very hard to remember who is who, took me a few years to tell them apart."

"We once had a pair of twins in my village but they didn't even look identical and they were both boys." Moana said and bit into sausage. "Mmmm this is good pork!"

"I'll tell Pua you said that!" Maui yelled in his attempted yak form. "Man this form is itchy!"

"Pua?" Hiccup asked, giving her a puzzled look.

"My pet pig, I had to leave him and my chicken Hei Hei at home."

"You have a chicken?! Oh my gods I claim you as my best friend!" Tuffnut shrieked, flinging his arms around her and giving her a tight hug. "Next time you plan on visiting Berk bring your bird and we can get him and Chicken acquainted!"

"Uh he's not really the brightest of pets." Moana said looking at Maui who was back in human form and laughing silently in a corner.

"Dumb bird eats rock and dirt until you place him in front of the food!" The demigod chuckled, wiping a tear of mirth from his eye. "He doesn't even make a proper meal!"

"Hei Hei happened to save the heart once when I was trying to avoid Te Ka!" Moana protested.

"So have you had any suitors coming to you yet?" Snotlout asked her. Maui stopped laughing and glared at the Viking who held his hands up in defense. "Just asking, she is after all at that age where she should be getting married to a chief or warrior."

"None of us are really warriors, we don't even battle with other islands." Moana admitted. "And my parents rarely even mentioned marriage to me."

"If they think that I have any intention of marrying you curly, they are totally wrong." Maui said in a disgusted tone. "I'm like centuries older than you and you're barely twenty so it ain't happening, plus you're more like a sister to me."

"Thank you." Moana chuckled.

"You're welcome!" Maui replied in a sing-song tone.

"You know I think there is someone you'll totally be great friends with." Astrid said nuding Moana gently with her elbow. "He used to be a sailor and loves having adventures."

"Sounds like you're type of guy, Moana." Maui joked. "Could be your husband too! You can both sail off into the sunset and raise your babies on wayfinding!"

"Maui!" Moana scolded as the rest of the Vikings burst into laughter.

"I said raise babies! Come on curly you know at some point you gotta settle down!"

"Ugh now you sound just like dad when he brings up marriage!"

"I'm thinking that our mentioned friend is gonna like her." Fishlegs whispered to Tuffnut. "Or at least give him a chance to make friends with someone who has some of the same interests."

"I agree with you my chubby friend." Tuffnut said with a nod. "These two are in for a surprise."

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