Long, long ago, I bought some fireworks on April Fools Day...

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I had only arrived in StarClan a few moons ago(so definitely at least 10 to 15 years from now). I had a smaller, less modern den and Firestar had a  bigger den which was even uglier than the one he has now, if you can believe that.

It was a normal day on March 28 but Mousefur was selling fireworks for some reason, and no, she had NOT opened her stupid pizzeria yet. "Fireworks!" she shouted. "Buy them or else!"

No doubt this made everyone all the more eager to go buy them. Well, that and the $5000 price...

But that fireworks stand gave me an idea...and this was the first time I started trying to do stuff to Fire-Fire-Stupid-Failure.

So I paid $10,000 that I stole from Firestar's bank account(what, I knew his password even back then! It's obvious! It's SandstormIsTheLoveOfMyLifeEvenThoughSheActuallyHatesMe[and yes, I noticed it's super long])

And for April Fools Day, I'd put on a fireworks show...at guess whose house?

Anyhow, it was just after 8 PM on April 1 as I arrived at Firestar's den. I knocked on the door. "Hi, Cloudtail!" he asked.

"Come outside please, to the end of your driveway!" I said cheerfully.

I did mention he's super gullible, right? He dashed out and that's when I launched the fireworks....at his den.

It exploded in a colorful display of light and I munched on a chocolate chip cookie as I watched happily.

"NO!" he screamed. "My beautiful, beatiful den with the rainbow wood floors and the hot pink furniture and the walls with butterflies painted on them! Plus, my NSYNC poster!"

"They're lame," I commented. "Justin Timberlake's voice is almost as girly as yours!"

"Why did you do that?" he demanded.

"I didn't mean to!" I lied. "It was an accident! I didn't realize..."

He sighed. "It's okay," he responded. "I'll buy a new den and get a bigger NSYNC poster! It will take up a whole wall!"

(The poster is in his basement if you're wondering. And yes, we do have basements in StarClan!)

"Plus I was going to add carpet to my bedroom but I think I'll add it to the whole house!" he announced, showing me a picture of that hideous, annoying purple carpet I hate so much nowadays.

It was all I could do not to laugh. "Looks...great."

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