One shot

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Its funny how relationships work,
You meet,
You fall in love,
You make promises

But everything has an end
Promises are eventually broken
Lovers turn into stragers
Everything turns into nothing

Everybody says you can move on,
You can forget that person
But others also say
That first love never dies

I believed I moved on
I was able to go through life without her
But then why am I here?
Looking at her laugh with her friends from afar

When she saw me
Our eyes met
She paused for a while
But in the end, she turned around and ignored me

She continued laughing with her friends
Ignoring me like I was a stranger
Like she didn't know me
Like we never existed

It hurts very much
But what can I do?
We're nothing now
To her, I'm no one

We're strangers now
As if our years together never existed
We were each other's everything
But now, we're nothing


NOTE: Wait for part 2 "Regrets"

Thank you for reading!

Just keep on dreaming, Dreamers


If you want, you can also follow and read my friend's stories.




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