Chapter 2:The Day After

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3rd POV

Izuku's eyes flutter open as he slowly sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes.

He looks over to check the time and sees that it's almost 9:00. Confused and slightly pissed that his Mom didn't wake him he quickly dresses and starts to head out but freezes when his mom asks him:

"Why are you in your school clothes it's Saturday."

Izuku stares at his mother blankly before pulling out his phone and checking the date. Sure enough, it was indeed a Saturday. Izuku walks back up and switches into some casual clothes. As he finished his mourning routine his phone vibrates notifying him of an incoming message.

Toga: Meet me at 35 Might street in Hosu City.

Izuku types out a quick ok and he tells his Mom that he's going out and makes his way to the address he received.

When he gets there he looks around before he is grabbed and pulled into a nearby alley. Izuku starts freaking out but is unable to make any noise because of the hand blocking his mouth. After the mysterious person drags him a good 10ish feet he's turned around to reveal a black-haired man with what looks like burn marks across his body including on his chin and neck and also under his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" The man says with a smooth and chilling voice. Izuku is frozen in fear and left unable to speak.

"Izu-kun! I was wondering when you'd show up. It's rude to keep a girl waiting ya know." Toga exclaims pouncing on the Green haired boy and snapping him out of his fear-induced trance.


"Ehhh? This scrawny kid is what had you talkin' our ears off last night?" The man says.

"What he lacks in muscle he more than makes up in brains," She says looking back at him.

"Anyway," She continues while getting up and helping Izuku up as well."This here's Dabi. He has a fire quirk similar to yours so I asked him to help train you."

"N-Nice to meet you, Mr. Dabi, My name's Izu-."

"Izuku Midoriya I'm well aware." He says cutting him off and glaring over at Toga.

"We're gonna be training you Izu-kun!" Toga exclaims glomping onto Izuku from behind. Izuku just barely stops himself from falling over.

"Let's just get this over with. Izuku,"

"Yes, sir."

"First off quit with the honorifics. Call me Dabi that's it. Secondly, Use your quirk on that pile of trash bags over there." He points.

"Um Okay." Izuku turns to the bags and starts to stare at them. After a few seconds, a green flame begins to engulf the bags until it grows to contain the three in the pile.

"That definitely needs to improve. Alright, you can stop now." Dabi says.

"I uh don't know how to do that yet. They sort of just go away when they run out of things to burn." Izuku replies sheepishly.

"You're kidding you can't even control your own flames!?" Dabi yells.

"Hey don't be so hard on him, Dabi he only got his quirk yesterday." Toga cuts in.

"You coulda mentioned I was training a complete newbie." Dabi turns to Toga. "Here kid ya wanna see a real fire quirk?" He sticks out his hand and sends a blast of blue fire at Izukus' still burning embers. Dabis' flame easily overpowers Izukus' and incinerates what was left of the pile. A few seconds go by and the dying embers of the two quirks burn out. Dabi turns around and looks at Izuku with some of his flames still crackling away in his hands. "So kid you think you're up for this training hell or will you burn up?"

Izuku understandably shudders by the show of sheer power by Dabi but after a few seconds of recollecting his thoughts, Izuku nods with eyes filled with determination.

"Good. I may be able to make something out of you yet." Dabi smiles. " First we need to get you some muscle. You could almost make Ramen with those moodle arms of yours. 2nd is training your mind being able to quickly use your quirk instead of the slowest startup I've ever seen just now. After that, it's all skill and growing your quirk."

"I'll take care of training him physically Dabi." Toga cuts in again. "You can handle the other stuff."

The trio continued to train day after day week after week for 10 months. Over that time Izukus' strength, agility, and stamina have grown immensely. His control over his quirk has also gotten better and better. Now he's able to produce one strong blaze or numerous weaker ones. The relationship between the three has strengthened quite a bit as well. Izuku looks up to Dabi as a mentor but also as a friend even confiding about his past troubles with Bakugo. However, Izuku and Toga is a completely different story. Toga has started to grow a bit of a crush on Izuku, unfortunately, Izuku has been a bit too dense to notice. 

The only ones who know of Izukus' quirk appearing are his mother, Toga, and Dabi. But now it's time for the U.A Entrance Exam.

However, that will be for the next chapter. I feel this chapter should probably end here so we'll pick up next time with Izukus' performance and if he'll get into U.A or not.

For now though. Sayonara and wash your hands lol.

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